Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Yuzuha Takamiya

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Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Yuzuha Takamiya

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Match Type: No DQ
Victory Conditions: Pin, Submision or KO

Kate Prepared for her coming match. To be perfectly honest she found the whole situation to be rather silly, though she supposed that she should have expected that to happen eventually. In a continued chain of twitter being a source of drama and headaches it caught up to her and now she was here. Preparing for a match she challenged another woman not even because of the disrespect she was shown but because she talked poorly about her prior opponents. The fact of how cliche it was for her to get angry about that almost made her smile.

That was no place however for making light of the situation, despite her obvious advantages in size, she was certain it would not go easily and she put herself under an even bigger obligation to win this when she took to defending the people she fought before. She had to win this and then she could bet Yuzuha would sing a different song all together but now it was time to get it going.
Lights would flash gold and purple obscuring the stage, smoke spilling over it and down the ramp as the music started to play. A few seconds passed like this before the spotlights cut through the smoke and illuminated the figure now standing in the middle of the stage, one arm extended to her side before being retracted and flexed. "Following contest is a no-disqualification match. Introducing first, standing at 5'7 and weighing 169 pounds... Katarzyna Zawiślak" The smoke obscured how she cringed at the pronunciation of her name. Then she made her way at a brisk pace to the ring. After climbing the steps she would grab the top rope and jump over it, waving to the crowd for a moment before settling into her corner and waiting for her opponent to arrive.

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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Yuzuha Takamiya

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Yuzuha was always looking for tough brawlers to fight. Her trashy attitude and her small stature had given her quite the polarizing reactions. But she doesn't care about that, she cares more to have tough opponents and to fight her way. She had heard about this upcoming Young Lioness, some folks have called her to be one of the next breakout star of LAW. And of course, out of curiosity she tried to see what's up. Thinking that she'd find a tough one to fight.

She wouldn't lie, she was slightly impressed with Kate's showing. But she felt that her opponents so far have yet to give her a run for her worth. And thus, she baited Kate to challenge her in a short twitter exchange. And that plan worked too well, she even got to take up a stipulation that is in her favor. Of course, with that, she does have to win to prove her point now. But now, it is time to see if Kate is the real deal or not.
Her music plays throughout the arena. But there were no signs of Yuzuha emerging out of the entrance stage. The spotlight began to search around the crowd. "OI! KOCHI YO KONOYARO!" A loud shout could be heard inbetween the crowd which was followed with a loud metallic clank! The spotlight then zoomed over to where the sound was located. Yuzuha was spotted standing at the stairway where the fans near her looked over to her, cheering, heckling, taking pictures. And Yuzuha stood in her attire, a metal pipe held in her hand. She then walked down the stairway, grinning as she is going to be entertained with this match no matter what. Arriving at ringside, she tossed her pipe aside, taking off her jacket right after and tossing it towards the commentary table before she slid herself under the ropes.

Yuzuha then hops up to her feet as she entered the ring. "And her opponent... standing at 4'9 and weighing in 113 pounds... The Brawling Daredevil, Yuzuha! Takamiya!" Yuzuha raised her fist up as she gazed over to Kate. "Good to see you don't chicken out. Guess that's sorta tough." Yuzuha let out, giving a rather condescending praise as she retreated to her corner. "But this is going to be your funeral tonight."
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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Yuzuha Takamiya

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Kate was completely unfazed by Yuzuha's remark, reasons for stepping in the ring with her were one thing but there was no point in letting her get to her head. Kate simply pushed off of her corner and said. "Don't waste your breath, you'll need it soon enough." with no inflexion to her voice as if she was simply stating the fact though there was no such intention behind it. She would then stretch her back and neck one last time just in time for the bell to signal the start of the fight.


As soon as it began, Kate advanced quickly towards her opponent, firing an opening combo of strikes, jab, cross, jab. The last one she intended to miss and fly behind Yuzuha's neck to grab it, if she got that far she would then pull her head down while raising her own knee to impact her face. Regardless if that worked she would then finish her initial assault with a push kick and skip back to build distance, watching carefully for how her foe would react.

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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Yuzuha Takamiya

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Yuzuha scoffed, it was quite something to see this young lioness not being too riled up with her mockery. Clasping her hands together and rolling her hands. "Heh, sound as tough as I expected, see if that holds up." Yuzuha let out as she let go of her hands and pulled her arms up to her stance. Awaiting for the bell to ring.

As the bell rings, the two dashed out of their respective corners and meet each other at the center of the ring! Yuzuha deftly weave her head left and right. Avoiding Kate's initial strike combinations. She tried to find an opening as with her size, she had a disadvantage in reach. Which would make it preferable for her to keep it close.

It took her a little too long as the last jab was intentionally missing. She knew that a little too late as Kate grasped on the back of her neck and get pulled down! She could see that knee rising up to her face! "Gwah!" Yuzuha rocked back after her face met Kate's knee! Though her instinct tells her that her opponent would try to get some distance.

And as she guessed it, a glance down could see that Kate's foot was approaching to push her away. Promptly, Yuzuha grabbed the ankle and pulled it up. Shaking her head as she doesn't intent to let go without giving something back. Yuzuha then twisted Kate's ankle inward! Falling back first to the canvas, Yuzuha also swings her arm forward and strikes the back of Kate's seized leg in a push to twist her leg further and trip her down to the canvas with a Dragon Screw!
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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Yuzuha Takamiya

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Finding her leg grabbed, Kate furrowed her brow. It wasn't too unexpected and the time Yuzuha took to shake her head was enough for her to figure out what was she planning. So when her opponent turned she pushed off the mat with her other lego. It made the bump she took slightly harder, making her grunt upon impact but it was still worth it.

The added momentum allowed her to roll, raising her leg and pushing off the mat with her arm to twist and land on one knee. Intent on using her quick recovery to mount another attack, she would dash forward hoping to catch her foe as she was rising with another knee strike to her head.

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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Yuzuha Takamiya

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Yuzuha followed the motion with her Dragon Screw on Kate. She then sat up before taking her attention towards Kate as she rises up. Yet she was surprised as she saw Kate already dashing towards her. And in a rare sight, Yuzuha dropped down to avoid the incoming strike and rolled herself to the side. She kept on rolling until she get past the ropes.

Continuing her retreat as she set her foot down outside the ring and stepped away. She couldn't believe this reaction from someone who was a Young Lioness. Yuzuha turned around to face the ring as she circled outside the ring. "The fuck was that move..." She lamented, she knew that Kate would be a strong one, but this agile and the sharp movements? It seemed that Yuzuha have underestimated Kate's capability that she was caught off guard. She then kneels down in front of the ring apron and rummages under the apron. Quickly retrieving a steel chair as she stood back up with the steel chair in hand. She raise the chair slightly as to threaten Kate not to approach her with the gesture. Ready to swing her chair onto Kate should she not heed her warning.
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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Yuzuha Takamiya

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Kate found her knee sailing straight through the air as Yuzuha daftly avoided the strike, leading to an awkward stumble on Kate's part before she came to a stop on the ropes. After taking a look at her surroundings she was somewhat surprised to find the woman on the outside of the ring, quickly ducking under the ropes and making her way out as well.

Just as she was rounding the corner she noticed her foe looking for something under the ring. Just as she was about to make a dash to stop her, a steel chair emerged from below, its shining surface brandished against Kate who stopped. Putting her weight on the back leg again she would stand straight, one foot behind the steel steps, giving them a nudge enough to know they were not attached, not enough to be noticed. It was time to test her luck.

"Scared already? Need a chair to stand up to a young lioness?" She said in her best attempt at a taunt, which was made more believable by that small ember of anger she carried. If Yuzuha dropped the chair it was back to fisticuffs, if not, as she approached, Kate would kick the steps in her way, hoping it would make her stumble.

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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Yuzuha Takamiya

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While Yuzuha had quite the knowledge in brawling and was generally reckless. She was uncharacteristically cautious towards Kate. Her underestimation to this Young Lioness had her surprised. And she was quick to take out a chair and wield it in a way to threaten Kate to not approach her any further. In her thoughts... How is this girl a Young Lioness? Usually Young Lionesses tends to be rather inexperienced and sloppy with their techniques. But Kate was beyond that. She even would be on par to most of the wrestlers in LAW in terms of skills and techniques.

"Cut that bullshit!" Yuzuha replied to the taunt. "How the fuck are you a Young Lioness!?" She let out, gripping the legs of the chair. Clearly not pleased with the taunting as she felt Kate is a fraud Young Lioness. "Also, this is a no disqualification match you dimwit!" She continued as she then abruptly tossed the chair towards Kate. Intending to obscure her vision to her next movement before she then moved to the railings that separated the crowd from ringside. Leaping on top of it before she immediately turning around and leapt onto Kate! Leaning her body backwards as she pointed her boot onto Kate. Kicking her legs as she gets in range, hopefully her knowledge in having matches with weapons trumps Kate's fighting instincts!
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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Yuzuha Takamiya

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"What kind of question is that?" She replied irritated enough to be caught be surprised by the chair being thrown at her. She would knock it to the side with enough force for it to bend as it struck the apron but it left her wide open for Yuzuha's attack. Her leg would be violently pushed from under her, causing a steering pain to pass through the limb as she fell forward, nearly catching herself to stay on one knee. Yuzuha certainly had experience in this kind of fight on her side so Kate had to push all reservations aside to win.

Such an attack would most likely leave Yuzuha on the ground as well and sensing the opportunity, Kate would pounce on top of her to get into a mount, throwing a strike at her head only to grab her face and lift her head to slam it against the floor.

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Re: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Yuzuha Takamiya

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Yuzuha knew that her experience would come to her favor in terms of unorthodox ways to use a weapon to her advantage. As she did distract Kate enough with the chair thrown at her for her to hop onto the railings and then proceeds to aim at her leg for a flying drop kick. Landing on her back on the floor. Yuzuha was slightly satisfied with managing to make Kate stumble onto one knee.

But of course, Kate with the natural instinct of a fighter tries to pounce on her with the opportunity presented. Yuzuha was surprised as she found her waist mounted by Kate. Further confirming her doubts that Kate was a fraud Young Lioness. A women with that caliber of skill shouldn't even be considered a Young Lioness. Yuzuha then instinctively grabbed Kate's wrist when her face was grabbed. Fighting off the grip, yet she couldn't fully make Kate let go as her head was then droven to the floor. At least, with her attempt to fight off, the impact was lessened slightly.

Groaning out in pain, Yuzuha didn't let go of Kate's wrist. Instead, she then reaches up with her free hand onto the back of Kate's head. "Don't think..." She let out as she wrestled Kate's arm to her control. "You can beat me like this!" She shouted out as she then abruptly pushed her body upward. Yanking Kate in as she gave her a headbutt! Hopefully strong enough to get her off her.
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

Open for match ideas and stuffs, hit me up in Discord (cause that's mainly where I am when I'm not posting) LowDefinition#5144

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