Michelle Diamond vs Nimhe Kumo (debut). Standard Singles Match

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Michelle Diamond vs Nimhe Kumo (debut). Standard Singles Match

Unread post by Shatirk »

The night had just begun. Nimhe was going to open the show, debutting against a girl named Michelle Diamond. Nimhe didn't know much about this girl, she didn't bother to even do the research. Soon she would be a mangled body under Nimhe's boot. Or so she thought.

She smirked to herself at the mirror by her locker room, getting changed into her gear quickly, eager for a fight under one of the greatest companies on Earth. She sprinted towards the curtain, getting goosebumps all over her body as the roar of the crowd reached her ears. She stood behind the curtain until a staff member gave her the cue while her entrance music started playing.
Entrance Music
The spotlight blinded her briefly as she came through the entrance. Thousands of people in the crowd just stood there, not knowing wether to boo Nimhe or cheer her. Not that it mattered to her of course. She gave the crowd her best shit eating grin as she walked down the ramp, taking her sweet time, reveling in all the attention she was getting. Her long black hair flowed freely, almost but not quite hiding her determined gaze.
Nimhe Kumo
In ring gear

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first: From Dublin, Ireland, weighting in at 137 pounds, Nimhe Kumo!". The announcer shouting her name over the microphone gave her a confidence boost, as she jumped onto the ring apron to enter through the ropes, with the biggest grin all over her face.

As her music stopped, she rudely ripped the announcer's microphone from their hands, and said for everyone in attendance: "My name, is Nihme Kumo, and any woman that comes out through that curtain, no matter who, I'm gonna get that lass tap out and cry like a little bitch. Just like the indies, I'm gonna dominate this company, and that's a fact! Now come down here, whoever the fuck you are Michelle, face your fears.", Nimhe smirks, tossing the microphone back to the announcer, and starts stretching in the corner while waiting for her opponent to show up.
Last edited by Shatirk on Mon Feb 06, 2023 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Michelle Diamond vs Nimhe Kumo (debut). Standard Singles Match

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     Ice. Michelle's blood ran as cold as ice when she heard her opponent's words. Her hands started to tremble, as if she were shivering.
     "If you're scared, I could walk out there instead," offered Asuka.
     "N-no need," replied Michelle, her torso beginning to shake as well. "Please don't trouble yourself—I can handle myself. After all, you and Kasumi trained me well."
     The caramel-haired model shrugged. "Just be careful."
     With a nod and a push off the ground, Michelle began skating towards the backstage exit on her PIC skates—skates that were specifically meant to mimic ice skates on land. She effortlessly glided across the floor, years of built-up muscle memory guiding her despite her fear.


     A blue haired woman came gliding down the entrance ramp, her feet adorned with a pair of skates. As she flew down the ramp, her blue hair followed her like an icy gale. She looked peaceful yet solid, her body showing no sign of shaking or discomfort. The crowd bustled and cheered, which masked the sound of Michelle's skates rolling on the entrance ramp. Michelle, meanwhile, was unaffected by the crowd. Her face was serene and adorned with a slight smile.
     Michelle's speed reached its apex at the nadir of the ramp. Her right knee shot up as she pushed off the ground, converting a portion of her horizontal velocity into vertical velocity. She rocketed into the air, her arms and legs curling in to minimize her moment of inertia and maximize her rotational velocity. Her body began to spin, causing her hair to whip around like a wintery whirlwind. She spun once, twice, three, and a half times before her right skate slammed into the ground with the force of multiple bodyweights. Her arms and left leg immediately splayed out, halting her rotational velocity and leaving her in an elegant, balanced pose.
     Michelle had just landed a triple axel, a move that only elite figure skaters could pull off—and she did so on land. She continued to glide backwards for a bit amidst rapturous cheers before continuing on with her routine. A cavalcade of flashy spins and various feats of balance and coordination followed, leading to even more cheers. In the midst of everything, she found time to clap hands with various reaching fans as she sped around the ring on her skates.
     Eventually, Michelle came to a stop near one of the ring corners. She took off her skates and replaced them with more suitable footwear, which had been placed near the edge of the ring by a staff member earlier. Once she was out of her skates, Michelle's legs began to shake. With quivering steps, she made her way up the steps and into the ring. When skating, she could conquer her fear and focus—the fear, which in the past mostly came as a result of her mother yelling at her, could be managed once she hit the ice. But this was different: she was in a wrestling ring and about to face an opponent who seemed dead-set on hurting her. In this new context, Michelle was much less effective at managing her fear.
     "H-hello, Kumo-s-san," Michelle stammered as she walked towards Nimhe with an outstretched hand. "Let's h-have a good match!" Michelle paused for a moment, looking her opponent up and down. She looked intimidating. "And please don't be too rough," mumbled Michelle, her eyes turning downcast. Michelle could almost feel her heart pounding in her throat as she waited for Nimhe's response.
Last edited by Ichi on Sun Feb 05, 2023 5:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Michelle Diamond vs Nimhe Kumo (debut). Standard Singles Match

Unread post by Shatirk »

Nimhe eyed her oponent, impatiently pacing around the ring like a caged tiger, her firey eyes never left the skater, as she slid down the ramp and around the ring. Nimhe smirked at Michelle's pirouette, tilting her head slightly, implying she was kind of impressed by a performance she wasn't expecting at a wrestling show. Although as Michelle gor out of her skates and into the ring, she couldn't help but let a small chuckle escape her mouth, as she watched the blue haired girl's legs tremble like a leaf.

Nimhe tied her long hair in a high ponytail, so it didn't get in her way during the match. Her eyes didn't leave her opponent for even a second as she approached her with an extended palm.

Taking in Michelle's words, she grinned, nodding to herself as if to shake her hand back... "Sorry princess, but I love to play rough." As she finished the sentence, she would smack Michelle's hand away, and get in a ready position, raising up her fists, and meassuring her opponent. "We'll see how those circus flips of yours serve you inside my ring".

The refree looked at both girls, and signaled to ring the bell and get the match started.

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Re: Michelle Diamond vs Nimhe Kumo (debut). Standard Singles Match

Unread post by Ichi »

     Michelle's eyes went wide as her hand was unceremoniously slapped away. She could not help but take a half step back, both in response to her opponent's words and her general demeanor. The blue-haired girl tried to think of something to say but no words came. Part of Michelle wanted to run, but she knew that was not an option here.
     The bell rang, signaling the start of the match. Michelle immediately turned around as if to flee. Her back turned towards her opponent as her legs moved in a blur. She looked back over her shoulder, remnants of her prior fear still evident—albeit quickly fading—on her face.
     Then, Michelle's heel shot out like a sledgehammer! The blue-haired woman's body torqued in-sync, sending her heel barreling towards Nimhe's ribs like the tip of a battering ram!
     Michelle had used her supposed fleeing to throw a surprise spinning back kick. She hoped to catch Nimhe off-guard and land a devastating blow early in the match!

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Re: Michelle Diamond vs Nimhe Kumo (debut). Standard Singles Match

Unread post by Ichi »


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  • My username "Ichi" and the "killer" motif come from "Ichi the Killer", a manga/movie. I do not have an obsession with killing.

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