Putting the Maid to Work: Carmelita De Leon vs Ai Hayasaka (D)

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Putting the Maid to Work: Carmelita De Leon vs Ai Hayasaka (D)

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The 'Orchard of Gold', Carmelita De Leon vs the 'Do-It-All Maid', Ai Hayasaka
Match Type: Smother Match
The win condition is to KO your opponent or force them to submit via a Smother move of some kind.
Standard rules apply. DQs are on, Count-Outs are on, the Smother KO must occur in the ring, and the opponent must be rendered fully unconscious via a Smother or tap out during a Smother. Any pinfalls, submission tap-outs, or physical knockouts will not be counted.

Carmelita De Leon was preparing herself, receiving the pampering of a lifetime as she got her nails done, her hair styled, she commissioned to have yet another one of her custom-tailored ring gear sets delivered to her, she had her body finely massaged and stretched, and she proceeded to spend her immense wealth on other such lavish things, anything else that money could afford that would be in service to her really. She paid for the best of the best when it came to self-care, as she would NEVER allow herself to show up looking less than one-hundred-and-TEN percent, nor would she allow herself to wear a dirty or slightly used set of gear, always getting more made for the next day and shipped to her with no expense spared, even if she only spent a few minutes in one set, she preferred that 'new gear' feel every single time. Of course, the incredibly wasteful and vain Spaniard was nothing more than a pompous, entitled brat who solved all of her problems with money, and if that didn't work, she would whine like a spoiled child.

After finishing up with a delightful bubble bath, Carmelita would slip into her gear and walk with her entourage of crooked friends, fans, and paparazzi all riding her coattails just for the money, fame, and connections. They walked down the hallways, causing numerous disruptions and disturbances as the loud and obnoxious group of twenty-something-year-olds would make it down to the arena as Carmelita's theme song started overhead from the loudspeakers.


"...Entering the ring first, hailing from Barcelona, Spain...standing at 5'9 and weighing in at 136 lbs...THE ORCHARD OF GOLD...CARMELITA DE LEON!!!!"


And there she stood, poised and ready for a match as she walked down the ramp, her entourage of goons-for-hire rolling out a long-stretching, velvety red carpet to cement her entrance as some sort of high-class event. She looked around and smirked with an aggravating sense of arrogance, looking down on everyone in her vicinity with this 'holier-than-thou' attitude as she struts down to the ring, entering inside and moving to the center, posing gracefully as she commanded all in attendance to rest their gaze upon her glorious figure, for SHE had arrived to grace their pitiful, meaningless lives with a moment of bliss thanks to her divine presence. "That's right you worthless sacks of filth, your beloved Orchard of Gold is HERE~...Feast your miserable eyes on my gilded, glorious body and feel the warmth of a moment's joy for the first time in your sad lives." She said, sneering and grinning with the attitude of some haughty, privileged, delusional princess. After riling up the crowd and having them fawn over her beauty, Carmelita stood in her corner, waiting for her opponent to FINALLY arrive.
Last edited by Misfit_Alien on Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Putting the Maid to Work: Carmelita De Leon vs Ai Hayasaka (D)

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"There was a long time that I thought I'd never have the freedom to do something like this," said Ai Hayasaka, eyes turned to the night sky as if there was no ceiling between them to block her view. "My life is finally mine to live." And live she would. Hayasaka already had plans to travel the world, but first came indulging her passion: fighting.

It was fun, it was thrilling, and it was what Ai loved. It had also been something she had been able to do in a painstakingly small amount before. Just enough to learn and be reminded now and again that she loved it, but never enough to scratch the itch. But things were different now. Ai could do what she wanted, and Ai wanted to fight. And as a stagehand gave the blonde her cue, that was exactly what she was about to do.

And now... facing her, from right here in Tokyo, and making her debut... At 5 feet, 4 inches, and 120 pounds... They call her the Do it All Maid: AI HAYASAKAAAAAA!!!!
Ai Hayasaka
Ai was someone who had frequently kept up the image on a genki girl. But as she tore down the ramp towards the ring, for the first time, she truly felt the giant smile on her face. Hayasaka was in the ring in a flash, and excitedly greeted her opponent. "Hi! I'm so excited to be making my debut," said the blonde. "There's no way this won't be fun. I can't wait!" Matching her words, Hayasaka was already in her wrestling stance, ready to go.
Last edited by deezcastforms on Fri Jan 13, 2023 11:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Putting the Maid to Work: Carmelita De Leon vs Ai Hayasaka (D)

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Carmelita barely paid any attention to her opponent or her entrance, not giving the woman the time of day as she instead admired herself by gazing at her own glorious body, taking several long seconds to examine the lovely work of her nails after her flawless manicure. When Ai finally arrived in the ring, Carmelita didn't even register her until she greeted her, already earning the Spaniard's ire. "I'm sorry...did you actually just TALK to me?" She asked, furrowing a single brow in anger and disgust as she looked at Ai with this level of disdain like she was staring at rotting, smelling, filthy garbage. "Clearly...you don't know your place. I'm not here to be your friend, I'm here to kick your ass, you're here to be my punching bag and footstool. I don't care WHO you are, WHERE you're from, or WHAT you wanna do with yourself. What you're GOING to do is suffer at the hands of someone who lies at the pinnacle of wrestling, someone who is CLEARLY better than you...and just to help your stupid, underdeveloped brain figure that out, it's ME...I'M BETTER THAN YOU. So next time you wanna just randomly TALK to someone, remember the pecking order and know your place, got it?" She said, rolling her eyes after dishing out such a painfully hateful speech.
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Re: Putting the Maid to Work: Carmelita De Leon vs Ai Hayasaka (D)

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"I stand corrected," said Hayasaka as her smile was replaced with an icy glare the former maid was very used to wearing. Much of the emotion previously held in her voice dissipated as well. "It would seem there is a way that this won't be fun. Though I suppose that it's possible that I can get some enjoyment out of defeating you even more handily than you think you'll beat me."

There were two kinds of assholes. There was the regular kind; selfish, dickish, but they still come off as a normal human being. Then there's what Carmelita was; a person who's behavior is so reprehensible that one has to wonder if they do it intentionally because they genuinely think being an asshole is a good thing, resulting in them going out of their way to be as awful a person as they can physically manage.

It had taken all of one turn of speaking for Ai to accurately peg Carmelita as the second, worse type of asshole. And she had no intention of putting up with that kind of person over the course of a drawn out fight. Hayasaka would instead do everything in her power to end this fight as quick and efficiently as possible. Hayasaka took her stance, as the bell that would start her wrestling career was about to ring.
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Re: Putting the Maid to Work: Carmelita De Leon vs Ai Hayasaka (D)

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Carmelita scoffs, rolling her eyes at the commoner that stood before her. Honestly, the fact that she was being paired up with someone like HER for a match, what a shame...for Ai that is. Carmelita would take great pleasure in tearing the woman apart for disrespecting her with that attitude. Does she not know who she's speaking to?! Most people would be lucky to ever be ACKNOWLEDGED by Carmelita, let alone spoken to. Yet here this woman was acting like this moment wasn't the single greatest moment of her pitiful existence. No worries, Carmelita would just do what she does naturally...and WIN. Then, after the dust settles and after Carmelita pins Ai like the pathetic excuse of a wrestler she likely is, she'll force the woman to acknowledge her after putting her in place. After all, how much of a challenge could Ai possibly be? She hardly seems skilled and worthy enough to lace Carmelita's boots, let alone face her in the ring.


The bell rings and the match starts, but Carmelita doesn't step out of the gate immediately. Instead, she takes some time to showboat and brag, showing off her body to the crowd and mocking Ai before walking up and inviting her for a Test of Strength hold, looking to get her show of dominance started. Ai was just another pathetic wrestler, at this point, it might just be BORING to watch Carmelita win AGAIN against an inferior opponent. Perhaps she should just get this over with as soon as possible...Hm, nah, after that opening interaction, Carmelita figured it'd be FAR better to prolong Ai's punishment. To start, she'd overpower the woman and drag her lousy ass around the ring for all to see.
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Re: Putting the Maid to Work: Carmelita De Leon vs Ai Hayasaka (D)

Unread post by deezcastforms »

Ai was ready to fight when the bell rang, but Carmelita was taking her sweet time. Showboating as if she was already dominating, despite the fact that she had accomplished literally nothing. The former maid had already decided that she wasn't going to waste the time to deal with her arrogant foe's shenanigans. The moment the bell rang, Hayasaka would go on the move, regardless of whether or not Carmelita was ready for her.

Approaching a standing opponent from the front, Ai knew exactly what her angle of attack would be. Once she was in range, the blonde wrestler would leap forward at her opponent, latching her legs tight around Carmelita's body and wrapping her arm around the back of her opponent's neck and forcing her head down, pulling Carmelita into the hanging side headlock chokehold, which Ai affectionately called "Hanging Out"
Hanging Out
Assuming all went to went to plan, Ai would not let go of her hold for any reason short of Carmelita actually managing to muster enough of a defensive to actually force the blonde into losing her hold. The Hispanic wrestler should eventually fall to her knees as she stayed trapped in the hold and lost more and more oxygen. Hayasaka would only release her hold once Carmelita was on the edge of blacking out, and only because the KO wouldn't count if the maid didn't achieve it via smother. But rest assured, that would come soon.
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Re: Putting the Maid to Work: Carmelita De Leon vs Ai Hayasaka (D)

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Carmelita continued to soak up the adoration of the crowd as they fawned over her, I mean what else were they good for other than cheering her on? She was so wrapped up in the spotlight that she didn't notice the blonde, RUDE woman coming over to steal the show from her. Go figure that a lowly woman like Ai would utilize this golden opportunity of standing in the ring with a GODDESS such as Carmelita to try and snatch the glory away from the Spaniard for her own personal gain. Ai should be THANKING Carmelita for even gracing her with her presence tonight, she should be complimenting the woman for her gorgeous looks and radiant personality, but instead, she chose to defile this amazing moment by putting her hands on her.

The Orchard of Gold abhorred the fact that Ai dared to put her hands on her, it filled her with a slightly intense amount of disgust as she gasped. Just as she was about to fire off a slew of insults toward the former maid, she was immediately locked into the Hanging Side Headlock Chokehold, a simple yet effective combination of moves modified to wear the victim's body out while constricting their movements and depriving them of oxygen, a pretty impressive hold for something that had such a bare-bones presentation. While not the flashiest, it was certainly effective. Still, any experienced wrestler would EASILY know a few ways of breaking out of this...

Carmelita, however, was no such wrestler...

The Spaniard immediately started to frantically flail around in an enraged and bratty display, yelling all sorts of expletives in her native tongue, wasting her own stamina as she began to slow down and tire herself out after a foolish, pathetic reaction. Any wrestler worth their salt would've thought to try and move toward the ropes or slam Ai's backside against something to loosen her hold. Hell, in this position, they had a whole free arm they could use to their advantage to try and stage a counterattack, but Carmelita was too blind, foolish, and inexperienced to even think about that as her world slowly started to go dark, and the Spaniard began to sink down to her knees as her legs buckled and gave out.
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Re: Putting the Maid to Work: Carmelita De Leon vs Ai Hayasaka (D)

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It was not a question of whether or not Ai's attack would succeed, but a simple matter of inevitability. Carmelita wasn't paying attention. Even if she was, she likely would've been unable to stop Ai, so what hope could she have possibly had when she wasn't even looking at the trained bodyguard charging towards her to pounce? Hayasaka's latched herself onto the Spaniard with practiced precision and ease.

Carmelita provided Ai no further difficulties with her attempts to escape the chokehold. She just flailed in panic for as long as she had the stamina to. Ai's position was admittedly more vulnerable here in an organized bout, where the worst she could do to her foe's neck and throat was what the blonde was already doing. Ai did have countermeasures in place for defensive tactics that Carmelita could've tried, but there was no need.

Ai forced Carmelita to her knees once the Spanish woman had tuckered herself out with all her flailing and screaming. If one was generous enough to not consider the match over while Carmelita was still standing, it had to be now. "I really should just end this, but..." Hayasaka decided that her opponent was plenty weak enough to inflict some humiliation upon before she ended this.

"A shame to part so soon, but it's time to smother you know!" said Hayasaka as she flipped her more chipper voice back on. With Carmelita laying on her stomach, Ai would sit down on the back of her head, "missing" the fact she had "forgotten" to flip Carmelita over, thus not actually smothering her. Instead, the blonde was rolling Carmelita's face back and forth into the mat as she swayed her hips back and forth, as if she were trying to rub her butt on the Spaniard's face were she performing a proper facesit smother.
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Re: Putting the Maid to Work: Carmelita De Leon vs Ai Hayasaka (D)

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Carmelita's incessant flailing led to her quickly exhausting herself, allowing the former maid to handily take her out with just one move. "No...GET...OFF...of...me...you....sluuuu-" Her voice trailed off until she was left wheezing and then finally, silent...Had this not been a Smother-based match type, Ai would've won the instant Carmelita's lights went out, however, this kind of match called for a very specific ending in particular. Thus, the former maid would have to go to some unsavory and slightly lewd lengths to capture the victory over her Spanish opponent. Although, given the Orchard of Gold's abhorrent attitude and bratty, disrespectful disposition, along with her pathetic and insultingly bad excuse for in-ring "skill", if you could even call it that, Ai was given more and more pieces of evidence to suggest that not only would it be easy to execute a smother-type move on Carmelita, it'd be pretty damn cathartic and satisfying to teach this brat a lesson and knock her down a few pegs.


However, it would seem that Ai's capabilities fall flat when it comes to the realm of sensual submission techniques as her attempts at smothering the Spaniard fell flat. Her facesit attempt was executed incorrectly, but even the referee didn't have the heart to tell her that...in fact, some people believed that this incorrect display was INTENTIONAL, denying Carmelita a proper ending and instead grinding her face into the canvas as she rubbed her curvaceous and slightly voluptuous hips all across the backside of the woman's head.

While embarrassing, it wasn't rendering her unconscious, and Carmelita managed to suck in a little air and regain her consciousness, trying to scramble and break free from this position upon realizing her current predicament, screaming and frantically kicking about as she whined in a flustered frenzy, blushing madly as she shook about like a tantrum-throwing toddler as she raised her head up enough to speak coherently, immediately breaking out into a loud fit of anger as she spoke. "GAHHH!!! GET...OFFA ME...YOU FAT COW!!!" She yelled. "GET YOUR STUPID, PLUMP BUTT OFF OF MY FACE...GOD, YOU'RE STUPID!!! WHAT KIND OF IDIOT DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO SIT ON MY FACE IN THE WRONG WAY?!" She roared, highlighting Ai's little mistake, pointing out what the former maid wasn't aware of...The Spaniard clued her opponent in and inadvertently screwed herself over in the long run.
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Re: Putting the Maid to Work: Carmelita De Leon vs Ai Hayasaka (D)

Unread post by deezcastforms »

For as close to unconscious as Ai had rendered Carmelita with her chokehold, the Spaniard sure woke up quickly once the blonde starting grinding Carmelita's face into the floor with her butt. Carmelita was sent flying into a rage as she spat insults at the former maid. Really a questionable decision considering the position that the self entitled Spaniard found herself in.

"Oh? Am I? Heh heh. Whoops!" said Ai, tilting her head and smiling bashfully as she tapped herself on the head with her knuckles. A classic cutesy pose for when someone made a comical error. "So, um, is this like how you do it then?" Hayasaka would flip Carmelita over onto her back, but this time, instead of sitting on the Spaniard's face, Ai would sit on her breasts.

Ai would use her legs to pin down Carmelita's arms so that she couldn't fight back, and then she started bouncing her butt up and down on her opponent's breasts. "Am I doing it right now?" she asked. At this point, it should be clear to anyone watching that Ai knows exactly what she's doing, and is just purely screwing with Carmelita with her faulty smothers.
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