Match Type: Smother Match
The win condition is to KO your opponent or force them to submit via a Smother move of some kind.
Standard rules apply. DQs are on, Count-Outs are on, the Smother KO must occur in the ring, and the opponent must be rendered fully unconscious via a Smother or tap out during a Smother. Any pinfalls, submission tap-outs, or physical knockouts will not be counted.
Carmelita De Leon was preparing herself, receiving the pampering of a lifetime as she got her nails done, her hair styled, she commissioned to have yet another one of her custom-tailored ring gear sets delivered to her, she had her body finely massaged and stretched, and she proceeded to spend her immense wealth on other such lavish things, anything else that money could afford that would be in service to her really. She paid for the best of the best when it came to self-care, as she would NEVER allow herself to show up looking less than one-hundred-and-TEN percent, nor would she allow herself to wear a dirty or slightly used set of gear, always getting more made for the next day and shipped to her with no expense spared, even if she only spent a few minutes in one set, she preferred that 'new gear' feel every single time. Of course, the incredibly wasteful and vain Spaniard was nothing more than a pompous, entitled brat who solved all of her problems with money, and if that didn't work, she would whine like a spoiled child.
After finishing up with a delightful bubble bath, Carmelita would slip into her gear and walk with her entourage of crooked friends, fans, and paparazzi all riding her coattails just for the money, fame, and connections. They walked down the hallways, causing numerous disruptions and disturbances as the loud and obnoxious group of twenty-something-year-olds would make it down to the arena as Carmelita's theme song started overhead from the loudspeakers.
"...Entering the ring first, hailing from Barcelona, Spain...standing at 5'9 and weighing in at 136 lbs...THE ORCHARD OF GOLD...CARMELITA DE LEON!!!!"

And there she stood, poised and ready for a match as she walked down the ramp, her entourage of goons-for-hire rolling out a long-stretching, velvety red carpet to cement her entrance as some sort of high-class event. She looked around and smirked with an aggravating sense of arrogance, looking down on everyone in her vicinity with this 'holier-than-thou' attitude as she struts down to the ring, entering inside and moving to the center, posing gracefully as she commanded all in attendance to rest their gaze upon her glorious figure, for SHE had arrived to grace their pitiful, meaningless lives with a moment of bliss thanks to her divine presence. "That's right you worthless sacks of filth, your beloved Orchard of Gold is HERE~...Feast your miserable eyes on my gilded, glorious body and feel the warmth of a moment's joy for the first time in your sad lives." She said, sneering and grinning with the attitude of some haughty, privileged, delusional princess. After riling up the crowd and having them fawn over her beauty, Carmelita stood in her corner, waiting for her opponent to FINALLY arrive.