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Blood Ties: Serilda Akira vs Sophia Wolfe

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:23 pm
by The Riders
Fight PIt Match
Win by Knock out or Submission

So look around you
And tell me what you really see
You live a lie
And that's the difference in you and me
I have the power,
Let me show you what it's all about
It's only me and you - who is gonna save you now?
(Who is gonna save you now?)

Music is playing over the speakers as Serilda makes her way out on stage holding her Legacy title on her shoulder. Spreading her arms wide for everyone to see her as she takes a moment soaking in the jeers of the crowd and the lyrics of her song this is a match she has never been in but it is the only way to settle this battle between herself and her opponent who she hates with a passion.

As she makes her way down the ramp looking at the structure where she be doing battle... Handing the belt over to the ref and walking inside, she knows what is going to happen tonight a lot of blood, pain screaming and violence in this match, and seeing that Sophia is her opponent is just the icing on the cake.

As she stands in the middle of the ring that smug look on her face holding out her hand to the ramp... The same one that she cut to deal this match against her opponent in blood, as she closes her eyes before opening them showing off those glowing gold contacts in her eyes and showing off her fanged teeth...
Ich werde dich Angst lehren

Re: Blood Ties: Serilda Akira vs Sophia Wolfe

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 10:50 am
by thesteedman
Not long after the commotion of Serilda Akira's entrance died down that the lights would begin to dim. The atmosphere of the crowd began to shift suddenly, erupting into cheers as 'The Instinct' began to hit the PA system at high volume. Sophia Wolfe's titantron video began to play on the giant of a screen, as the crowd got to their feet knowing one of the fan favourites of LAW was about to appear. A mist began to enter from the entrance ramp, and as the music got into full swing and beat, it cleared to reveal Sophia Wolfe kneeling down in a near meditating like pose.

After a brief moment and a visible deep breath, Sophia jumped up to her feet, before striking at the air in unison to fireworks that began to flare out to the timing of her strikes. It made the crowd go wild, as Sophia soon took a fighting stance, her eyes glaring towards Serilda who was waiting in the modified ring... the Fight Pit.
Clad in her LAW attire, Sophia began to make her way towards the ring, a serious look upon her scarred but alluring features. It was not long before she found herself entering the confines of the Fight Pit, her eyes upon Serilda, taking note of those fangs she bore and the contacts to give her a more mystic and intimidating appearance. Sophia was not intimidated however... there was more pressing matters on the line, and Serilda was now in her way. Still... showing a sign of respect, Sophia would bow towards the heel, but was not naive enough to take her eyes off her as she did so.

"I hope that... should I defeat you tonight, you will come to accept me as one of your own. Know that I will not be holding back against you..."
Sophia would warn, slowly closing the distance as the Fight Pit was sealed by officials, closing the two wrestlers in together. All that was left was for the bell to ring to kick things off and begin what promised to be a very intense battle. Sophia circled around Serilda, her experience fighting in such things as a fight pit none existent. The fellow German knew she would have to be careful and watch her footing at all times...

Re: Blood Ties: Serilda Akira vs Sophia Wolfe

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 5:03 pm
by The Riders
The lone female that is locked inside the ring with the two women looks around... before walking over to the corner area where there is a spot where the bars cross each other almost like a ladder to climb up and get the walkway on the top of the cage, as she climbs up and stays up there not wanting to be close to the action between the two women since both women look like wild beasts wanting to tear into each other.

As she wants to be as far away from them as possible as Serilda is well known with the other refs on attacking them without a care in the world, and she rather not take the risk of being bloody for a match if she could help it as she peeks over the edge and makes the motion for both women to go at it.

No words were said from Serilda as she felt like the time for talking was over with at this point as she would circle her opponent as well... she knows Sophia strengths and weakness as she seen every match the woman been in and something about the woman core muscles being the weak spot of the so-called Wolf of LAW. As she makes a swipe like motion with her hands, trying to grab at her opponent's legs for a quick take down of Sophia.

Re: Blood Ties: Serilda Akira vs Sophia Wolfe

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:58 pm
by thesteedman
Sophia took note of Serilda glancing at her exposed core, which caused her to frown. There was certainly nothing perverse about the manner in which she gazed upon it, rather as if something calculating was coming to mind. It was a known fact that Sophia had regrettably took a lot of punishment to her body during her time in LAW, with much of her opposition targeting her back and torso. It was adding up to be certain, but Sophia had taken plenty of time to recover fully for this match. Still, there was something about the way Serlida glanced upon her... as if some scheme was in mind to target her.

Sophia remained focused, as both women circled each other, but only briefly. It was not long before Serilda made the first move! She rushed forwards with a sweeping motion of her arms, looking to deceive Sophia before she went for her legs in an attempt to take her down. Sophia was at the ready, and quickly leaned forwards against her foe, before pressing her legs back to try and hard counter the take down attempt. Wrapping her arms around Serilda from above, Sophia looked to attempt a counter, using her strength as her form tensed up, before looking to lift and suplex Serilda hard. Given her position however, she was dangerously close to the cage wall, and there was a chance she could throw Serilda in brutal fashion against it!

Sophia knew very quickly she needed to be aware of her surroundings... and she wondered if Thereisa was watching, wondering what she would think about seeing her daughter fighting Sophia... another that she wanted to include into her family if she could just win tonight.

Re: Blood Ties: Serilda Akira vs Sophia Wolfe

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 5:35 pm
by The Riders
Serilda went in expecting to use her strength to bull rush her opponent and overpower Sophia right away. She felt she was the stronger wrestler and would have been able to easily toss her opponent aside, but after seeing some of the wolf matches and how her opponents were able to overpower and crush her with ease, she really did believe she could do the same because she had been doing all of that work at the gym lifting weights and making herself stronger to hit as hard as a heavyweight can.

But her opponent was ready for her, as Sophia would bunker down and tank the takedown move, using her footwork to keep herself balanced, before popping her hips, lifting up, and tossing the redhead aside with ease. "FUCKKKK!" Serilda would grunt out as she would feel herself being lifted up and tossed aside, her legs and back crashing into the steel before she slammed onto the mat in a heap.

The cage has already come into play at the beginning of the match, and it may lead to more as Serilda gets to her feet, with small cuts on her back from the impact with the steel.

Re: Blood Ties: Serilda Akira vs Sophia Wolfe

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:46 pm
by thesteedman
Sophia cursed herself mentally. She was not used to this style of match up, had she have realised she might have altered her positioning, but the result of her counter sent Serilda sailing straight into the steel cage in brutal fashion. The crowd gasped out, seeing how Serilda impacted hard before crashing down. She did not remain down for long, still fresh, quickly dusting herself off. There were visible marks upon her skin however where she had clashed against steel, with small lines of blood even being drawn.

Sophia wanted to apologise, but she knew it would do her no good here. Serilda was very focused and serious, and an attempt at an apology might be taken as a slight. There was too much at stake in this match. Sophia maintained her position... from here she would normally lecture her opponent about where they went wrong, using mind games and subtle taunts, but she could not do that to Serilda... This was someone she was determined to have on her side should she manage to prevail on the night. As such, she kept her calm and a stoic expression.

Rather then wait for her dangerous foe to rally, Sophia looked to press her advantage, moving in the moment Serlida was on her feet. She looked to try and initiate a combo of strikes, going for punches and some swift kicks to try and break down her defences. Sophia looked to try and open her up, before going for a more deadly strike, looking to throw a foot straight into her midriff in an attempt to drive her into the cage wall once again. Sophia knew she had to respect her opponent and not hold back... and she would have to respect this manner of arena, knowing a misplaced attack could soon have Serlida using the very steel containment as a weapon!

Re: Blood Ties: Serilda Akira vs Sophia Wolfe

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 3:59 pm
by The Riders
This is a fight that maybe...just maybe, Serilda may have stuck her foot in her mouth, as she has been in a bar brawl with one opponent already...but nothing could have made her be prepared for a match like this one that she picked out to deal with Sophia. But the welts on her back show something different, as she can even feel drips of her own blood fall down her body.

The best she can do is cover herself up using her elbows to block the strikes that her opponent is sending her way... since the one thing the wolf is known for is her strikes that may be up to par with her mother, as one kick slams into her stomach, smashing her back against the cage again and forcing a loud grunt from her.

Re: Blood Ties: Serilda Akira vs Sophia Wolfe

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 8:44 am
by thesteedman
Sophia fought with a passion, one that Serilda was not prepared for. The very notion of having a family was something Sophia did not know that she wanted... that she needed. The Lone Wolf had been a solitary creature for so long that she did not know what it was to have a family, to have someone care for her. The platinum blonde, scarred beauty had always pushed others away ever since her first relationship broke down... she thought she did not need anyone but herself... but after Thereisa found her... her very own idol and one of the main reasons she even became a wrestler, Sophia felt for the first time like she belonged. Not only had Thereisa looked after her, but she treated Sophia like her own flesh and blood, going as far as to offer her a place in her family as a daughter.

Serilda threatened to take that away from Sophia... and it was for that reason she was not going to hold back, even if it meant hurting a woman who would soon become her sister. When she planted a hard kick against Serilda's core, she bounced against the cage hard, prompting Sophia to rush her once more. She looked to grapple her whilst she was dazed, securing her neck for a suplex before grasping her leg! With a swift motion, Sophia looked to land a fisherman's suplex to absolute perfection, managing an impeccable arch with the result slamming Serilda into the centre of the arena. With fluid and deft motion, Sophia began to reveal her skills as a fighter and wrestler, transitioning with a quick roll to be on top of Serilda, battling for her arm as she tried to shift and wrap her legs around it and her shoulder... looking to sink in an armbar against her!

"You asked for this Serilda..." Sophia was keen to remind her foe during the struggle...