A hentai Debut Brianna vs Drya

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A hentai Debut Brianna vs Drya

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Brianna Avis vs Drya
Hentai match
First to cum loses

The blond Milf would just look at her reflection in the mirror as she was certain the fans were going to lose their mind when they saw her wearing only white boots with white stockings that reached her knees and a pink band at the end , a pink thong , a blue top with red R's on them barely covering her breasts and a pair of white wristbands on her arms. With one more look in the mirror Brianna would walk out the door , and towards the backstage area with a confident smirk on her face.

Still their was this feeling of doubt creeping up on her as she remembered the people in the performance center telling her she needed more wrestling skills if she were to make it in LAW. However the blond doubted that she needed them as she had dominated in her old organisation for 3 years before her semi retirement , and doubted that any of these wrestlers had as much skill as she did at forcing someone to an orgasm as she did. So with a look of confident in her eyes the MILF would walk onto the entrance ramp when she heard the first few notes of Stacy's mom by Fontains of Wayne.

The reaction she got from the fans was amazing as the blond would walk to the ring while every few seconds turning around to wave at the fans as they went nuts at seeing her breasts jiggle , but not being exposed yet at this time. When she was halfway down the ramp she would hear the announcer say 'now entering the ring from Orlando , Florida.Weighing in at 146ibs,It's Brianna Avis'' as she stepped into the ring to wit for the arrival of this so called animal girl.

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Re: A hentai Debut Brianna vs Drya

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Today was Dryas debut match and she was quite nervous about that. As she heared that it would be a hentai match she just looked questionable because she didn't knew what it was or what she had to do. She eventually found out what it was and blushed a bit that she had to make her opponent come first. With the fact that it wasn't a normal match she asked herself what she should wear. Her normal attire didn't looked like as if it was suitable. In the end the blond teen decided to just wear her bikini for this match
Her bikini was nothing special. It was just a green bra with green panties. Drya looked into the mirror and looked at herself. "I think I am ready to go. Time to see what my opponen is made of." She went to the entrance to the ring and when she heared her entrance music playing she headed right towards the ring. The crowed cheered. She didn't kne waht she or even if she was supposed to do something but in the end she just smiled and waved politely back at them. That made the crowed just cheer more. Wtih every step she made and every time she waved at the crowed with her hands her boobs bounced around.

She waited at the ring for the announce to announce her. "The next girl who enters this ring comes from... Well we don't know where she comes from but anyway. With a height of just 5'3foot and a weight of 129ibs, let's welcome the animal girl Drya." She entered the ring, started to stretch and gave the opponent a good view of her. Then she looked at her opponent who seemed older than her but also pretty hot maybe she was younger than she thought. Drya just wanted to know how old she was and maybe even her name. "Hello my name is Drya. I have a question for you how old are you?" She shouted to her opponent with joy in her voice.

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Re: A hentai Debut Brianna vs Drya

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Brianna would watch on as she awaited the arrival of her opponent , and to be fair she was insulted that the other wrestler was just an girl.Now the blond knew she should not underestimate anyone , but what could some girl possible know about sexual fighting that she had not already endure and mastered in her time on the underground sexual fighting organisation.

Still this Drya was attractive in a certain way as Brianna would soon be face to face with her opponent. as she got asked the one question no woman liked to answer.''Well Drya their some things you should not ask , and asking another woman about her age is one of those things.Still just this once I will answer this question as I am 28y/o , and you are out of your league as I a going to enjoy playing with you tonight'' in an confident tone.

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Re: A hentai Debut Brianna vs Drya

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Drya looked her opponent right in the eyes and thought that her opponent was pretty confident in winning this match. Maybe the reason she was so confident was because of the age gap they two had. The smaller girl couldn't tell from a look how experienced she was or what she would have for skills. She decided to be a bit carefull and maybe start the match lightly and not go in full power like she would normally do.

"Really you don't ask woman about their age? I thought you just don't ask people how old they are when they are embarrased of their current age." Drya wanted to make fun of her opponent. She thought that if she would make her angry maybe she would do sooner mistakes which Drya could use to her advantage.
"I am really sorry to disappoint you but I don't plan to be someones toy today so I think you have to prepare youself. I won't go easy on you."Drya smirked to her opponent. She changed her face expression from a nice little girl that wouldn't do any harm to one that signalised that you should get ready for a fight.
"Ok thats it I am done talking. When can we start?"

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Re: A hentai Debut Brianna vs Drya

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''You thought wrong , but then again it because your just an little girl that you did not knew this''growled Brianna as she was not embarrassed about her age as she wished the bell would just rang.Sadly for her it would not as she had to listen to this brat saying that she would not go easy on her while having that damn smirk on her face as she screamed back ''did you really think I would be easy to beat.How dare you even think that you little punk as I was going to just knock you down , and force you to cum.However now I am going to hurt you before doing that''as the bell would rang a few seconds later as she slapped the brat across the face while the fans cheered loudly.

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Re: A hentai Debut Brianna vs Drya

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Drya heared the bell rang and just a few seconds after that she got slapped right into her face from the blond woman. She stumbled one step back and hold her cheek with one hand.
Then she turned to her opponent and said. " Fine if you wanna do it like this then so be it."
She knew from her behaviour that Brianna thought Drya would be nothing more then a little girl who wouldn't know how to fight back. She thought for a second if she should just slap her opponent right back in the face too but she got another idea. Drya licked her lips out of excitment for the fight and smirked again at her opponent then she would try to do a straight punch right into the stomach of the bigger woman. If she then would bend forward Drya would put her hand around Birannas head and squeeze the tips of her fingers into her skull. This way she could demonstrate Brianna that there was no reason to underestimate her.

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Re: A hentai Debut Brianna vs Drya

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Brianna would have an smug smirk on her face after she had slapped the other wrestler across the face.Especially when she saw that Drya would stumble back one step , and was holding her cheek as she heard the other wrestler say that if she wanted to do it like this then so be it. ''This respond caused the blond to smirk as she replied back ''what's the matter did I hurt your pretty little face with that tiny slap you little giuurggg'' only to be cut off when she feels the Animal girl's fist in her stomach causing her to bend forward. This would allow Drya to squeeze her fingers into her skull as she tried to push the other wrestler away as an result to make the pain stop

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Re: A hentai Debut Brianna vs Drya

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Drya looked down on her opponent and smiled. She was happy about that the woman who was seconds ago tough and arrogant has gotten what she deserved now. As she saw that Brianna would try to push her away she started to taunt her.
"Whats the matter? Can't handle a bit pressure from a little girl grandma?"
Drya made fun of her opponent and got in return pushed away from her. As she was walking backwards because of the blond woman she thaught what she should do next. Drya didn't want her to give a rest so she runned straight towards her and then she would try to tackle her opponent down with a spear atttack.

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Re: A hentai Debut Brianna vs Drya

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Brianna had not bin expecting this when she heard her first match be a hentai one as she just figured they would be attacking each other sexually for most of the match.However this was what the trainers at the performance center had warned her about as she was just used to sexual fighting which was different from sexual wrestler as she only hear the word grandma as she replied back ''shut your mouth'' when she got tackled down with an spear as Drya landed on top of her.

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Re: A hentai Debut Brianna vs Drya

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Drya successfully tackled down Brianna and was now on top of her. She didn't know how she would make her opponent cum but beating her up at first seemed like a good start.
"Why don't we remove your excuse of a t-shirt at first."
Drya smiled down to her opponent and pulled the older womans shirt up over her face so that her breasts where free and Brianna couldn't see anything. As the smaller woman removed the shirt the crowed began to cheer. Then Drya tried to pin the arms of her opponent with her hands onto the mat. Then she would start to lick her opponents nipples.

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