Sunny K. vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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Sunny K. vs. Katsumi Oshiro

Unread post by Suika »

Sunny stared ahead at the door in front of her with anticipation. Sure, her career at LAW did not start off quite as she had initially hoped, but she was still upbeat and looking forward to her next match. After all, she was still new to this and maybe she can finally carry some momentum to victory tonight. The blonde wrestler was sporting some new digs tonight - a white top, light pink shorts, and a pair of white boots - and the change after wrestling her first couple matches in a rather plain unmarked outfit made Sunny feel somewhat...official?
[image=] [/image]
Taking a deep breath, Sunny tried to calm herself down a bit. It was more excitement than nervousness, but regardless she could feel her heart pounding through her chest. Suddenly, she heard All Around the World begin to blare on the speakers and the door ahead of her opened up. It was time.
There were no real thoughts, just adrenaline as Sunny shot through the doorway and began running towards the ring. The cheering and waving of the crowd, flashing of the lights, and music were all a blur in the background as she zeroed in on her destination. The familiar surface of the mat grazed her as she slid under the ropes to enter the ring, and she bounced up and began pinballing from the ropes before eventually climbing onto the ropes with outstretched arms to wave to the crowd.

A wide smile broke across her face. This is still so awesome!

"Ahh yeah! Let's go!", Sunny shouted out before climbing back down to wait to see who her opponent for today was.

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Re: Sunny K. vs. Katsumi Oshiro

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

Katsumi hadn't thought much about her opponent. Only that upon her comeback, she needed to rack up wins. And decisive wins, at that. This transition for her was an important one - one that marked her swap from being a thug in the ring to being someone with skill and finesse. She knew what she was doing before, sure, but after the additional training, she had the confidence to really use it. And a couple new tricks. Whether the audience booed or cheered her still didn't matter. It was all electricity to her. And she'd have fun doing it. She just really... really... really wanted a win.

Her opponent got the first introduction, and Katsumi watches on the monitors in back. She's already dressed to go, black trunks looped with a gold-studded belt, toned thighs wrapped in pointless but fashionable straps before a pair of kneepads and boots finish the lower half - excessively laced and strapped in gold accents. The girl's sleek midsection is left completely bare before a bralet covers her modest bust, seemingly skimpy but secure, similarly studded in gold. Elbowpads on smooth arms, ending with fingerless black gloves covering her hands. And lastly - the ever-present choker centered in a simple golden heart. It was definitely a superstar-level glow-up from her previous simple attire. And now, she's eschewed the previous pink t-shirt she used to wear and toss out to the crowd for a leather jacket emblazoned with "Moon Child" upon its back.

And a pair of shades. Of course there'd be a pair of shades.
Entrance Attire
The shades presently rest perched over her crown, vibrant emerald eyes glued to the monitor without hindrance. A small smirk tugs the corner of her lips as she watches Sunny run the ropes.

Suddenly, the thick strums of an electric guitar hit the arena as the house lights go dark. The titan-tron lights up with a pair of menacing, feline-esque eyes. Green and purple lasers begin to dance...
Yes, she has an actual intro video.
"And her opponent!," begins the announcer. "From Osaka, Japan! At a height of 5'7", and weighing in at 124 lbs.! The Punk Princess, herself! KATSUMI! OOOSHIIIIROOO!"

She emerges in a rush, turning a quick spin on heel with fists in the air, soaking in the very mixed reaction from the stands. Her arms drop, and her gaze focuses sharply on the blonde waiting for her in the ring - and thanks to those shades still resting perched atop her silky mane of blueblack hair, it's easy to tell where she's looking. Which is good, because what follows is an accusatory point towards her in the ring. Then bringing her hands together to pantomime breaking a stick in half. And then affecting a moue pout, the tip of her index finger touching beneath her eye and rolling down her cheek ala tear.

The 'sympathetic' pout is quickly replaced with a cold stare that lasts two seconds, before the girl suddenly giggles. But it's somehow unkind; predatory. She makes her way down the ramp, flicking a carelessly casual fingerpoint to the audience here and there, before climbing up onto the apron. She wheels around to face the crowd she'd just passed, and raises a fist - only to slow-crank a middle finger up at them. "Muah."

The punkette arches back over the top rope to cleanly whirl back onto the mat proper, where she races up the far turnbuckle, perching on the middle ropes arms held out. "MAKE SOME NOOOOIIIISE!," she shouts before thumping a fist to her chest.

At last, she hops down to the mat and plucks the shades from her head, tucking them into the jacket. And finally, the jacket is shrugged from her slender figure, dropped just outside the ropes at her corner.
Katsumi, Ready to Go
With hip cocked and hand perched against it, Katsumi eyes the slightly smaller blonde across from her. For whatever reason, she notes the two of them have about the same hair length. In some self-aware musing, it's kind of like Sunny is a light version of her. At least appearance-wise! She's not sure why that amuses her. But her head cants, bright green eyes seeking those big doe browns. In perhaps surprisingly fluent English, Katsumi says, "Hope there's a Ken doll waiting for ya at home, Barbie. 'Cuz you're gonna need someone to cry to when I'm done with ya."

The referee finishes inspecting her and signals the combatants to the center ring, ready to start the match.
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Re: Sunny K. vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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Sunny saw her opponent walk out to the ring, a raven-haired girl dressed in a dark, punky attire. She sure seems to have a planned routine when she comes out, I wonder if she’s been doing this long? The blonde looked on with the possibility of finding some sort of pattern that she could pick up on for her match. Something about this character seemed a bit untrustworthy to Sunny, but maybe it was just the nerves kicking in.

The two wrestlers soon found themselves gathered across from each other with the ref between them, and Sunny's fairly blank expression was interrupted when Katsumi introduced herself. Barbie? Wow, never heard that one before

"Hmph! Keep underestimating me and you'll be sorry, you- you Hot Topic wannabe!" Sunny's eyes narrowed as she turned to climb to the center of the ring, where she would be eager to invite a lock-up.

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Re: Sunny K. vs. Katsumi Oshiro

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

A response! A haughty response! How fun! Katsumi unironically enjoys those almost as much as when someone is clearly knocked off balance by some smacktalk! She'll take it, though!

As Sunny presents her arms for a lockup and the referee swings an arm to signal the bell-


-the two find Katsumi laughing, hands braced to her knees. It's a straight up gigglefit! Amidst the merriment, she manages to get out, "Who the Hell wants to be a store!"

As she straightens up, she pantomimes brushing a laughtear from her eye. "Hoo, okay, alright! Let's get you your ass-whoopin', Tinkerbelle."

Fixing her with a suddenly wicked smile, she lashes forward to meet her with abrupt ferocity. Hands slap to her frame, one at her shoulder just beneath the neck, the other snatching a tight grip on her elbow, and all at once to attempt to rush her back against the corner of the ring.
Last edited by CyanDimitrik on Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunny K. vs. Katsumi Oshiro

Unread post by Suika »

Sunny motioned to lock up, but she should have known better than to expect the Punk Princess to play clean. A crisp slap to her chest echoed across the ring, signaling both the start to the match and a reminder to the blonde to stay alert!

"Ufff" Sunny gave out a bit of a groan as she felt the sting of the slap on her skin. But she had little time to dwell, as the noirette was relentless in pushing her backwards, keeping the blonde off balance while she frantically tried to gather herself and mount some sort of defense.

Too late. Sunny's head hit the turnbuckle pad with a thud and she knew immediately that she had already managed to find herself backed into a corner. Her mind was still racing and unable to really formulate any sort of plan; instead she instinctively swung out with her free arm, wildly launching a slap towards Katsumi’s face.

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Re: Sunny K. vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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It fills Katsumi's heart with a malicious sort of glee to so quickly overpower an opponent in the ring. It's a rush, a thrill, feeding into the very thing that helped inspire her to become a wrestler - physically conquering opponents in front of a roaring crowd.

The blonde smacks into the turnbuckle, and Katsumi starts to lean into her, chest pushing to chest - only to suddenly recoil when a palm SLAPS across her cheek! Her head whips aside, eyes wide and momentarily stunned. There's an audible gasp as the oxygen level in the arena lowers at once. Katsumi's head turns to Sunny slowly, those eyes still wide, but tearing from the sting.

God, she hates being slapped. Eyes always water.

With a snarl, she thrusts her palm towards the girl's pretty face to forcefully jostle her back into the turnbuckle, then begins throwing hammering hook punches into the girl's exposed stomach, alternating lefts and rights, working her core.

"Don't! You! Slap! Me! Like! A! Bitch!," she fumes, punctuating each shot to the belly.
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Re: Sunny K. vs. Katsumi Oshiro

Unread post by Suika »

Sunny wouldn’t admit it, but she was slightly discouraged by how her stint in LAW has gone so far, and she badly wanted a win tonight. Obviously, this wasn’t the start she had hoped for, overwhelmed and pushed into a corner. Maybe one day she will be able to know what exactly to do in such a situation and calmly react and execute to the awe of the audience. Today was not that day, however, and instead she wildly planted a slap right across Katsumi’s face.

To Sunny’s credit, it did momentarily halt the pressure, allowing the blonde to collect herself and regain her footing to stand up straight. Unfortunately for her she only managed to piss Katsumi off, and the quiet seconds were quickly punctured when the Japanese punk palmed Sunny to the face and began to throw hooks at her stomach.

"Ummph!" Sunny let out an audible gasp as she lurched slightly forward from the impact, only to be greeted by even more hooks to her belly.

Each punch seemed to knock a little bit more air from Sunny, slowly chipping away at her core. Blow after blow, with the blonde unable to fight back, slumped her further down until eventually she fell weakly to the ground with a thud like a bag of potatoes.

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Re: Sunny K. vs. Katsumi Oshiro

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

Each hammering blow to the other girl's midsection seems to drive out some of that frustration, as if each punch presented a letter to eventually spell the word 'vindication'. And although Katsumi certainly intended to rain that many blows into Sunny's unprotected abdominals, she didn't quite make it past 'vindic-' there before she's slumping down in the corner.

"Tch," scoffs the Punk Princess. But her scorn has been satisfied, at least in the moment. Leaning over, she grabs a fistful of the girl's thick blonde mane near her scalp, pulling to draw her up to her boots again. "Sunny, huh?" Even as the referee-girl begins to fuss at her for pulling on hair, Katsumi gives it an extra yank just to ensure a bit of eye contact between them; vibrant emerald eyes meeting big, soulful doe-browns. "Someone should'a told you it's gonna be a stormy night."

Yanking firmly on her head again, this time to lock her neck beneath her left arm, Katsumi finally satisfies the fussy referee. She pulls the blonde a couple steps away from the corner before tossing Sunny's left arm behind her neck and grabbing onto the waistband of her trunks. With a pump, she hefts the lightweight girl into the air in a smooth arc before dropping back with her, bringing her back down squarely upon the mat in thunderous impact!
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Re: Sunny K. vs. Katsumi Oshiro

Unread post by Suika »

Sunny was motionlessly slouched in the corner of the ring, mounting no resistance whatsoever so far.

"Hyeeeh!" Sunny let out a yelp as she was yanked back up by her hair. The currently not-so-bubbly blonde squeezed her eyes tightly shut in a grimace from the pain as it felt like the roots of her hair was carrying her entire weight as she was now forced to stand back up. Opening her eyes momentarily they were met with the piercing green eyes of her opponent. Seemingly hypnotized by the stare, Sunny stood still.

That was, at least until she soon found herself hoisted into the air before hitting the mat with a crash. "Gahhh!" Sunny screamed out in pain as she landed squarely on her back, arching up in reflex while trying to catch a breath, anything to regain the wind knocked out of her. A cloud of frustration and doubt was already beginning to form over Sunny's head as her face contorted in agony while she laid on the ground.

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Re: Sunny K. vs. Katsumi Oshiro

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

Katsumi follows Sunny all the way down to the mat, though her landing is much more controlled. The ring shakes behind her as the blonde is planted against the canvas, and the Punk Princess curls back onto her shoulders to smoothly nip up to her feet. Arms spread to either side, smirk on her face and chin uptilted at the audience in an open display of smug confidence after the hit.

The crowd, they shower her behavior with a fresh wave of scorn. She has firmly established herself as a bully fresh out the gate. And she absorbs that angst like an emo lightning rod, rejecting any genuine critique on her person and instead taking it for the electrifying attention that it is. Cheers for her are rare enough as it is; if an audience turns around, it's usually when they've given themselves over to bloodlust and revel in her brutalizing an opponent.

Katsumi turns, strolling around her fallen foe grimacing in pain. She drops to her knees beside her, tosses her arms into the air, and drops forward. Her trim waist lands across Sunny's, pressing her bare abdominal region across the blonde's equally bare belly. It's less a splash, and more a simple fall into a pinning position, lying crossways over her. Her head tilts towards the audience, back to wearing that smirk.

"She's done already!," she shouts to them.

The referee drops beside Sunny and begins striking the mat to count the pinfall!
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