Rules: No Disqualifications
Behind the ring apron there will be sex toys and there will be sex toys at the base of the corners.
Victory: When a competitor has an orgasm and misses the 10 count that follows.
If she manages to save it, then a 1 minute break will be given to recover.
A woman of violence and sexuality, Ksenia was greatly intrigued by the match offer she had received. A match dedicated to violence and tests the sexual endurance of the women in it, everything that the Russian wanted in her life. Fog started to flow up from the stage as her music began to play, the silverheaded beauty soon appearing from within the fog as the tails of her coat fluttered behind her, each step filled with confidence and sexual energy as she stood amongst the fog. The crowd was already ravenous with just hearing the rules and they were ready to see what the women were going to do to each other in order to reign supreme!
Ascending the stairs to the apron, Ksenia took a long slow stride across the apron, letting her tightly covered body of her dress be seen before finally stepping through the ropes. The tight material giving everyone a fine view of her rear as she bent over the second rope before entering the ring. She would begin her strut around the ring, ending in the center where she allowed everyone to view her visage, her arms extended outward before her amber eyes slowly turned back towards the entrance eager to see just what woman was thrown against her!