Lorelei Skyes vs Su Yumi- Standard Match

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Lorelei Skyes vs Su Yumi- Standard Match

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Lorelei Skyes vs Su Yumi

The Match Is Decided when either of the two wrestlers are knocked out, made to submit or pinned for a count of three.

Another day, another match. Lorelei swung her legs on the bench she was sitting on while she waited for her entry to be made. She wasn’t really sure what to expect, her opponent for today was a petite young girl named Su Yumi.

From her appearance, Su Yumi was definitely not who you would expect to see wrestling anywhere but in LAW. So was Lorelei, but at least she could back up her claims from the farm and be surprisingly sturdy. She was hesitant to fight, but she figured she would measure up Su’s strength and see what went from there. She sighed.

“Oh well.. at least it isn’t a hentai match again.”

People were surprisingly adamant on seeing her in those, so any non hentai ones were a welcome break.

And then she was called into the arena. Summoned by the people and referee, she made her way through the crowd and waved, in a surprisingly chipper mood today. She gave out a few high fives and then slid into the ring, waving once more. She’d smile a little, looking around and waiting for her opponents entry!
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Re: Lorelei Skyes vs Su Yumi- Standard Match

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After Lorelei made her appearance, the lights dimmed around the arena, signalling that her opponent was about to make her entrance as well. Purple lights flashed like bolts of lightning as music familiar to the crowd began to play over the speakers. They cheered as Yumi stepped out from backstage with one arm raised over her head. They had been a bit confused at first as to who she was, considering that Yumi used to wrestle in LAW under a different assumed name. She had a new appearance as well, dressed in her very short white and purple dress, black pantyhose and white boots. But she still carried herself the same way as before, and one look at her face and long purple hair told the crowd that this was in fact the same fighter they knew.
All fired up from the cheers of the crowd, Yumi waved at them for a moment, before taking off at a run down the ramp. Her new name and appearance did not change the fact that she was incredibly fast and athletic, her long hair whipping about behind her as she sped down the ramp in an instant. Like before, she jumped up onto the ring apron in a single bound, then vaulted over the ropes, landing lightly on her feet. The crowd roared in approval, always impressed at the athleticism she displayed.

Yumi did a quick circle around the ring, hyping up the crowd and showing off her new look. Everyone watching cheered in approval. After all, they were about to see two beauties dressed in sexy Chinese themed outfits fight each other to the finish, what could be better than that?

After doing her round, Yumi turned to face Lorelei. The girl looked to be about the same size as Keqing, with a pretty face framed by light blue hair. She looked quite cute in her Chinese dress, which showed off her figure quite nicely. Their two outfits matched and contrasted with each other quite well, with Keqing clad in white and Lorelei in black. With a smile on her face, Yumi stepped forward and extended a hand to Lorelei.

"I like your dress Lorelei," she said, keeping her tone friendly, "Let's have a good match!"

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Re: Lorelei Skyes vs Su Yumi- Standard Match

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Lorelei was observing Yumi quite closely. She noticed her rival for the day was in her weight class, and had on quite an outfit. Similar to her own, it was a Chinese themed one which was.. a coincidence if she was being honest, but she was okay with it. It only made it more interesting, although..

.. as Yumi walked around the ring, Lorelei did gain a small flustered expression when she observed something.

[Is she wearing nothing underneath the tights..?]

Shaking her head to dispel her thoughts, although perhaps not quick enough as Yumi approached her. Lorelei took her hand with a smile, shaking it.

“I like yours too, it seems great!”

She’d agree to the second statement, nodding at Yumi. She smiled shyly, but leaned forwards with a competitive glint in her eyes, all but ready to throw down.

“I shan’t go easy on you, Su-!”
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Re: Lorelei Skyes vs Su Yumi- Standard Match

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Though Yumi was focused on the crowd when doing her entrance, she did keep an eye on Lorelei to see the girl's reaction and size her up a little. Lorelei seemed a bit relieved to see Yumi, as she was someone in her weight class and probably similar in skill. Yumi did notice though that Lorelei had a sudden change in expression halfway through her round in the ring. Had Lorelei noticed Yumi's secret? That thought made Yumi feel a little embarrassed, so when she went up to greet Lorelei, she had a little pink blush on her cheeks as well.

Lorelei made no mention of it though. She took Yumi's hand with a smile and gave her a fair shake. "Thanks!" Yumi said in response to Lorelei's compliment, "Don't worry,.I won't go easy on you either!" Lorelei seemed nice enough, Yumi thought. This was going to be a fun match!

With greetings out of her way, Yumi went back into her corner, where she quickly stretched out and warmed up her body. She stretched her arms above her head, rotating her shoulders to make sure the joints felt nice and limber, working out any kinks in her back before the match started. When she bent over to stretch out her legs, her very short skirt rode up a bit to reveal her delicious underbun. There were no panty lines underneath her tights, and the material was thin enough that one could see the barest hints of her skin underneath. That drove the crowd wild, as the slight bit of lewdness on display was just too enticing.

Yumi paid them no mind though, focused as she was on her match. She straightened up, bouncing on the balls of her feet to get the blood flowing, then made her way to the center of the ring with her hands raised. "Let's get started Lorelei!" Yumi said. She would kick things off by offering her opponent a grapple, eager to see how strong her opponent actually was before moving the fight into something where she was more comfortable.

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Re: Lorelei Skyes vs Su Yumi- Standard Match

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“Of course..!”

She said, eager to begin. And why wouldn’t she be? She was in a match with someone that was cute, her size and age, and she wasn’t rude or mean like.. oh, I don’t know.. all of her opponents before her? Lorelei had really bad luck in enemies before this, so seeing Yumi across the ring who was in good spirits made her smile.

She’d accept the grapple. And despite her small stature, her body was rather deciptively muscular. She’d clasp Yumi’s hands warmly, offering her a sweet smile.

And then Lorelei shoved. She’d push rather mercilessly, pushing with all of her strength to get Yumi off balance and potentially on her ass or knees, a perfect statement and way to start off this matchup!

In the meantime..

“You free after this?”
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Re: Lorelei Skyes vs Su Yumi- Standard Match

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Being of similar size, Yumi expected to be able to match Lorelei's strength quite easily, and for their initial contest to be quite even. Imagine her surprise when the slightly smaller slimmer girl shoved her back mercilessly, steadily overcoming Yumi's strength and driving her both back and down. The Chinese girl tried to dig in her heels to resist, but that just cause Lorelei to force her arms downwards, making her knees bend. Yumi realized she could be in trouble if this continued!

" That's an... Interesting question!" Yumi said in response to Lorelei between grunts of exertion, "I don't... Have any plans!"

She couldn't let herself get distracted. Yumi decided to bail and reverse the situation in the best way she knew how. The purple-haired athlete suddenly buckled, falling backwards in a controlled roll. She planted her feet on Lorelei's hips as she rolled onto her back, arms gripping her opponent's tightly as she dragged Lorelei along, then kicked upwards, attempting to execute a Monkey Flip and send Lorelei crashing down hard in the middle of the ring!

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