A Face I Would Sit On - Ducky Williams vs. Wendy Winston

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A Face I Would Sit On - Ducky Williams vs. Wendy Winston

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Match Type
Victory Conditions
Pinfall, Submission or KO.
Wendy Winston was not a happy woman. Granted, she rarely was, and hadn't been since she came to Japan. So many things about this island were still ticking her off, despite having a few months to settle in. The language was a pain in the ass to learn, filled with these weird characters and rules that didn't make a lick of sense and the stupid-ass chopsticks and it was always flipping raining and uuuuuuuugh. She was craving a cheeseburger, but she couldn't even find a good one of those in Tokyo to save her life. Even the franchise places had all their food tasting wrong. And she could’ve let all of that go if she’d just had a match to vent her frustrations out in, but no, management was dragging their heels on that, taking their sweet time in lining up a good opponent for her. She’d said she wanted to fight someone in the top tier, start off with some notoriety, but she guessed that search turned out to be harder than they’d anticipatedS sH, with them taking the better part of a month to get her in the ring. Always some excuse, always a delay. To make matters worse, they would sometimes call her in, promise a match, have her standing around, then change their minds at the last minute, leaving her with an entire night wasted. Paycheck or not, it was grating.

It all came together and put Wendy in a perpetually bad mood. As she stood in the gorilla position, arms folded as she waited for her intro music to start, she knew that someone was going to suffer for it.
Wendy by the Beach Boys
Wendy Winston
After a few minutes, she’d managed to cool off enough to at least put on her trademark smile, coming to the ring with a bright, shining vibe. The audience was receptive enough, loving the upbeat song, the smiling, and of course, her tits and ass on full display. They were an easy crowd to please, she was learning - so long as you gave them the sexiness, they were content enough to cheer you on, even if you got rough and rowdy in the ring.

Which she planned to do. Excessively.

Also, God, she needed a new theme song. It was cute when she first started off in America, but now it was bonafide earworm. There had to be another song with her name in the title that didn’t involve a washed out band from the fifties. The worst part was that it got stuck in her head, every single time, so she’d have to wrestle with it just rattling away in her skull.

It was just one more grating thing, biting at her patience, making her smile that much harder to hold onto. She was struggling to maintain it as she rolled into the ring, popped to her feet and made her way to the corner, shaking her hips along the way for her usual tease. She leaned against the pads with her butt sticking out, giving it a quick wiggle as her music mercifully died down. It was so hard to put on a smile for these losers sometimes, but that was part of her whole strategy - the whole nice girl gimmick was the perfect way to kick off a match, worked every time, and it was fun to pull off, too.

…who the heck was she fighting, anyway? She hadn't bothered to check the card before she started. If it was some no-name loser, she swore, the little bitch would be taking a trip to the infirmary before she was through.

She yawned and stretched her arms high overhead, muttering to herself. ”Okay, get your dumbass out here, moron.”
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Thu Sep 15, 2022 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Face I Would Sit On - Ducky Williams vs. Wendy Winston

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In stark contrast to the woman that had made her entrance, Ducky Williams was in high spirits as she stood backstage, pausing just once more to check her appearance in the mirror, making sure that her outfit was looking good, and that she was more than ready to take on the woman who was already on her way to the ring! And a nearby monitor would give Ducky a good glimpse at her opponent, a tall woman, much taller than Ducky, very attractive and with no problem showing off her assets, a cutout in the seat of her pants showing off her thick ass, in addition to her top which left her breasts available for anyone to see! Quite the inviting sight, though Ducky herself was no stranger to showing off!

The blonde had put on her classic leotard, a smile on her face as she turned from the monitor and made her way to the curtain that separated the backstage area of the arena from where the fans sat, pausing for just a moment as her opponent's entrance finished! And once it was her turn, the busty blonde would burst through the curtain with a smile on her face, the fan favorite of LAW making her entrance with a pep in her step, and a pose at the top of the ramp that had the crowd cheering, as Ducky Williams made her entrance!
With her entrance having been made, Ducky would quickly make her way down the ramp, pausing ever so briefly to interact with the fans sitting ringside, before she would make her way to the ring itself, climbing up onto the apron! The buxom blonde would tease the crowd as well as she entered the ring, bending over in order to slip between the ropes, pausing in the middle of them to give quite the view of her legendary rear end, before fully slipping inside, turning and giving one last wave to the fans!

And with her entrance fully complete, Ducky would move to her corner, standing opposite from Wendy Winston, a smile on her face as she gazed across the ring at her opponent, bringing her hand up to wave to the woman she was set to wrestle!

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Re: A Face I Would Sit On - Ducky Williams vs. Wendy Winston

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”Huh. You gotta be kidding me.”

Those were the words that came to Wendy’s muttering lips the moment she heard the music and saw her opponent emerge. While she was only passing familiar with LAW before she joined up, even she knew the woman standing before her. It was a little hard to miss one of the company’s bigger stars, and she’d even caught a few snippets of the woman’s matches. Most important of all, she knew what beating her here would mean for her career - it was the chance to make a big splash, show the world what she was all about by taking down a top star. About the only thing better would’ve been wrestling someone with a title belt. Cute glasses, long blond hair, and a fine ass - not as good as Wendy’s, of course, but fine. She couldn't have asked for more.

She had to bite her lip to keep from smiling too much, as she waved back to Ducky and considered the best way to play this. It was tempting to come out of the gate like a bull and just run her over, and that’d be fun, might even work well…for a short while. Since her opponent didn’t know who she was dealing with, though, it’d probably be best to play that up all the way.

Time to put on a happy face, then.

With the brightest, widest smile she was able to make short of hurting her mouth, Wendy skipped forward to meet her opponent in the middle of the ring, extending her hand for a shake as she came. ”Oh, wow, Ms. Ducky!” She threw in a thick, tit-shaking chuckle. ”This is one of hell of a surprise, didn’t tell me I was taking on a superstar.”

She leaned in with a playful wink, with her gaze only diverting to Ducky’s chest for half a second. ”Don’t go too hard on me, all right? Still pretty new in the ring, trying to get the hang of things.”

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Re: A Face I Would Sit On - Ducky Williams vs. Wendy Winston

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Once she had made her way down the ramp and into the ring, Ducky would turn and face her opponent, a tall white haired woman with a busty figure and an outfit that made sure to show it off, something that the blonde did as well, though what Ducky wasn't aware of was the stark difference in attitude between the pair! Of course, that wouldn't be clear at all as Wendy would mask her intent, her first words to Ducky being in a bubbly tone, the larger woman moving forwards and offering a hand to Ducky as she gave a few happy quips, while also calling Ducky a superstar!

Ducky would smile back at her foe as Wendy came towards her, and even as her foe snuck in a glance at Ducky's hefty chest, the blonde would happily step forwards and reach out, taking Wendy's hand in her own as she responded!

"Well it's nice to meet you! Wendy, right?" Ducky said as she shook hands with the white haired woman, giving her an easygoing smile as she looked up at her foe! "Well I'll do my best, but who knows, you might need to take it easy on me!" Ducky said, clearly taking note of the size difference between the two women, though being unbothered by facing someone larger than her!

And once the introductions had finished between the two, Ducky would step back to her corner, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet as she prepared to take on the heavyweight, eagerly waiting for the bell!

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Re: A Face I Would Sit On - Ducky Williams vs. Wendy Winston

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Years of experience was the only thing that really kept Wendy from bursting out with laughter when Ducky came in and accepted the shake, and it took real discipline to not just wallop her then and there. That might’ve been the more satisfying play, but she knew it wasn’t good for the long game, and someone with this level of experience might even see it coming and give up the whole game. No, that was the kind of trick you pulled on the newbies. Wendy had to take this woman a little more seriously than that.

”Ha! We’ll see ‘bout that, won’t we?” Wendy brought out her best drawl as they shook hands and parted way, giving some space up before the bell rang. She turned around and sauntered back to her corner, making sure to give her hips an appropriate amount of wiggling along the way. Playing it up nicely, giving a little show.

When the match officially got underway, Wendy took care not to give in to her impulses and came out slow, moving forward with steady strides, almost pensive with her steps. She didn't want to overdo, but she took care to come off with a touch of hesitation, as if she didn’t know her own strength and had her doubts about the woman she was facing off against. Yeah, she was bigger, but Ducky was so much more experienced, right?

She came in looking for a collar-and-elbow tie up, but she wouldn’t put too much strength into it just yet. Enough to hold her position and not look weak, but not so much that Ducky would be pushed back if she made an honest effort. And she made sure to get close with it, enough for their chest to touch here and there. ”My, oh my,” She bit her lip with a nervous chuckle. ”You sure feel good, Ms. Ducky.”

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Re: A Face I Would Sit On - Ducky Williams vs. Wendy Winston

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The two women would meet in the center of the ring to shake hands with one another, and the tension was high, though Ducky didn't even realize that there was tension in the first place, as Wendy was still keeping the darker side of her persona under wraps, with Ducky simply happy to be wrestling someone like Wendy! But once the niceties were out of the way, the bell would ring, and both Wendy and Ducky would move towards one another, slowly approaching each other until they would come together, in a collar and elbow tie up!

Ducky would meet the larger woman in the ring, and as soon as they locked up, the blonde would immediately began pushing against Wendy, knowing that she'd need to put in extra work to overcome the size difference! But as busy as she was attempting to shove her opponent back into the corner of the ring, Wendy seemed far more eager to press up against Ducky, giggling as their breasts smushed together!

"Nnngh... heh, well thank you... but maybe if you really like the feeling, I can give you a closer look!" Ducky chirped with a grin, before attempting to slip a leg around Wendy's and suddenly trip her to the ground! And if she did so, Ducky would attempt to follow her foe down, doing exactly what she had just suggested to her foe and attempting to land her chest directly on Wendy's face, attempting to start things off in favorable fashion for herself by trying for an early smother on her larger opponent!

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Re: A Face I Would Sit On - Ducky Williams vs. Wendy Winston

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‘Give her a closer look’?

Oh, Wendy was going to get a close look at Ducky’s breasts, yeah. In fact, she planned on getting a nice, close look at everything on this woman’s body, once she had her down and subdued and was making a nice, new seat out of her face. Until that time, though, she just smiled and had a churlish giggle, not wanting to give too much of the game away right now. They were just a couple of sweet, innocent wrestlers enjoying a little skin contact. Nothing more, nothing less.

Wendy’s plan had been to get on top of Ducky early on, press her strength advantage and work the smaller woman over, but that all went out the window when the tricky blonde slipped her leg behind and beat her to the punch, getting on top in an instant. The Backstage Bully started to sit up, only to find a pair of lovely tits waiting for her, coming down right on her face and taking her breath away in an instant - nothing but flesh, everywhere she turned.

Okay, not how she planned things. But she could work with this.

With Ducky on top, Wendy still had two, perfectly fine arms to work with, and she put them to work straigthaway, reaching out and encircling them around her opponent’s waist. She clasped her fingers together and powered down, putting her into a tight bearhug from below, really pouring the pressure into her midsection.

…and, hey, while she was at it, she decided to nibble on Ducky’s chest, give it a few licks. Might as well get a good taste while she was down there.

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Re: A Face I Would Sit On - Ducky Williams vs. Wendy Winston

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With Wendy being the larger of the two, Ducky had to think a little creatively in order to make sure that she was still able to come out on top of the lockup, doing so by slipping a leg around Wendy's and tripping her foe backwards, sending her crashing down to the mat with a thud! Ducky followed shortly behind, though instead of landing on the mat like Wendy had, she would land on top of her opponent, coming down on the heavyweight with a dull thud, landing in such a way that Ducky's hefty chest would be settled onto her foe's face!

Her plan had worked for the time being, and Ducky now had her foe down on her back and a breast smother locked in, smiling to herself as she settled into a comfy position atop her foe, though Wendy wasn't going to just lie still under her! As Ducky still lay atop her, she suddenly felt Wendy's arms wrapping around her body, wrenching hard as she suddenly locks in a bearhug from beneath the middleweight blonde!

"Nnnngh... not bad... Ah!! H-hey! Someone's... enjoying themselves..." Ducky groaned, letting out a surprised yelp as she felt Wendy began to nibble and lick at the soft flesh of her boobs, a pleasurable sensation contrasting with the pain her back was beginning to feel during the squeeze!

"Nnnnhh... alright... let's see how much you can handle then!" Ducky groaned, before she would wrap her arms around Wendy's head, and bury the woman's face as deep as possible between her breasts! Ducky would shake her chest side to side, jiggling her tits in Wendy's face as she was squeezed, the two now engaged in a struggle to see who could rob the other of their breath faster!

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Re: A Face I Would Sit On - Ducky Williams vs. Wendy Winston

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Huh. Trapped on the ground, bearhugging her opponent, trying to endure a breast smother, all while she went crazy and motorboated their tits. Yeah, Wendy could safely say she’d never started a match off like this before.

To the naked eye, it might've all looked like it was just fun. There was this hot blond on top of her, pressing her breasts into her face, joking and whatnot. And it did feel good - Wendy wasn’t often on the business end of this kind of thing, but she knew a good pair when she felt them, and she could say that Ducky’s were top of the line.

But she didn’t want to get smothered out by them. She wanted to enjoy them on her own time, in her own way. But if she didn’t do something about the hold around her head, she’d be taking a quick - and embarrassingly fast - trip to dreamland. Not in her cards.

Wendy gave her opponent one, final lick, before she got down to business and moved on to something decidedly less intimate. She ditched the bearhug and instead used her arm to ram a hard fist into Ducky’s side, hitting her with a stiff shot right on the ribs. She also planted her feet, bridged up hard, and attempted to hurl the smaller woman off of her, hoping her little gambit would be enough to steal back her freedom.

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Re: A Face I Would Sit On - Ducky Williams vs. Wendy Winston

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In a quick and cheeky maneuver, Ducky had managed to take her foe down to the canvas and wind up on top of her, and to make things even better for the blonde bombshell, she had buried Wendy's face in her large tits, smothering her foe with her breasts! Of course, Wendy had managed to lock in a tight bearhug from below, straining Ducky's back and working the air out of her, but as Ducky gripped her foe's head, shaking her chest side to side and forcing her foe to be battered by her soft, round boobs, she was confident that she could outlast Wendy!

And Wendy seemed confident of this too, as after taking some time to motorboat Ducky, and delivering one last, long lick to her tits, she would suddenly switch things up, throwing a hard punch to the side of the middleweight star!

"Uugh! Woooah!" Ducky let out a grunt as she was struck in the wide, before Wendy would use the opportunity to plant her feet and bridge upwards, throwing the blonde wrestler off of her! Ducky would land on the canvas a short distance away, slowly beginning to pick herself up, though the strike to her ribs had slowed her down, and left her moving slower than Wendy in all likelihood!

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