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Annabelle vs. Barabara

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 3:21 am
by NeoSmug
Her first match and it’s Hentai, she didn’t have anything to revealing not that she needed it. Fitting on her wig, she’d flick out her hair and checking herself in the mirror. Right, left, everything looked right and the wig was fastened as well as secure. The last thing she needs is having her identity discovered before she gets a career off the ground.
At the ramp, her theme immediately begins to play calling for Annabelle to head down. The silent Frenchwoman makes her way down, discarding the comments of the audience as she kept her focus. Climbing into the ring she heads to the wayward side and leans against the ropes. The lights blasting off her pale skin.

Her pink and brown contact colored eyes meet the entrance. Whoever this Idol was, she was going to wish she had never stepped into this ring with her. The fake mute beams, awaiting her victim.

Re: Annabelle vs. Barabara

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 12:55 am
by pu-level-up
After Annabelle made her entrance, the lights around the arena dimmed and a hush came over the crowd. Two big floodlights shone down upon the entrance ramp, illuminating the slender and innocent-looking form of Sparkling Idol Barbara. The idol had a big smile on her face as her music began to play, dancing and singing as she gave a live performance of her entrance song. The upbeat tune energized the entire crowd, getting them all cheering by the time she was halfway through. Barbara thrived on this attention, enjoying every moment of it as she finished up her performance to wild cheering.
After her song ended, the idol gave the crowd a quick bow, before the lights cut out across the arena. When they came back on, she was dressed in her wrestling attire, having changed out of her idol dress in the few moments of darkness. She continued to play to the audience, waving and blowing them kisses as she made her way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. Her entrance was in stark contrast to her opponent's as she gave the audience plenty of attention, showboating and posing cutely for everyone watching the whole way down the ramp.
Barbara hopped into the ring, sliding between the top and middle ropes. Once inside, she paid her opponent no mind, taking her time to continue showboating to the crowd, waving and blowing kisses at all her adoring fans. After taking just enough time to irritate her opponent, Barbara then turned to Annabelle with her hands on her hips, regarding her opponent with curiosity.

"I heard you don't like to talk much," Barbara said, "That's fine, so long as you can scream!" She gave her opponent a cheeky grin. "Let's have a good match!" She extended her hand, wondering if her opponent would be dumb enough to actually take it.