Of Thee I Sting: Yellow Jacket vs. Hornet

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Of Thee I Sting: Yellow Jacket vs. Hornet

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Yellow Jacket vs. Hornet
Normal Match
Win by pinfall, submission, or KO

Tessie couldn't help but giggle.

Her last matches were all Hentai matches, and her record stood at 1-1, not terrible, not great. This would be her normal match debut, it seemed LAW couldn't help but love a thick booty woman, not that she could blame them, but, what made this match quite amusing was that Tessie, calling herself Yellow Jacket, was paired by the LAW higher ups with a wrestler named...Hornet, "A stinging good time will be had!" she said to no one in particular as she laced up her boots, she got the cue to enter, and she came out to a pretty positive response:
She strutted to the ring to the anthem of her beloved Red Sox, she blew a kiss to a man in the audience, who nearly fainted. She giggled as she made her way into the ring. She blew everyone a kiss and shook her butt before making her way to her corner to wait for her fellow Vespula genus themed wrestler.

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Re: Of Thee I Sting: Yellow Jacket vs. Hornet

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As to kill a strange started up out came the league of evil. Yumbo was a bit back letting Hornet take center stage as the fans gave a little cheer for her. Even heels have their fans. Hornet smirked as she walks down to the ring. She’s so far 1-0 in singles matches so she’s got confidence coming in to this match. Having Yumbo at right side is only icing on the cake. As she walked down. She heard some fans buzzing like hornets showing they support her. She gets in the ring and leans on her corner looking at her opponent.

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Re: Of Thee I Sting: Yellow Jacket vs. Hornet

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Tessie got a good look at Hornet, who wore a mask, so it was fairly hard to get a good read on her, the fans made a buzzing noise to show support, for who, she couldn't tell, after all, the two had very similar gimmicks, literally in the same family, or genus, to be more scientifically accurate, although, if Yellow Jacket was concerned about being scientifically accurate, she would spell her name as one word, yellowjacket. No matter, she and this Hornet could argue science later, "I guess given the circumstances, we were bound to meet, you know how the LAW higher ups love cheap marketing..." Tessie said with a roll of her eyes. She simply nodded to the ref to start the match already...

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Re: Of Thee I Sting: Yellow Jacket vs. Hornet

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Hornet: yeah they like to be funny. But I’ll let you know now, me and my friend here, we’re the longest reigning tag team champions in BWQ. You’d best take me seriously or you’ll feel my sting.

Yumbo: preach Hornet Preach!
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Re: Of Thee I Sting: Yellow Jacket vs. Hornet

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Yellow Jacket smirked at Hornet's boast, "That doesn't mean a damn thing here. Now, ref, start this match up!" The ref rang the bell and the match was on! Tessie, not sure of how strong this buzzing bitch was, decided to go for a test of strength to try and feel out her opponent. Even though they were both gimmicked as aggressive insects, Yellow Jacket saw no reason to rush things...

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Re: Of Thee I Sting: Yellow Jacket vs. Hornet

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Hornet saw Yellow Jacket offer a test of strength and decided to oblige her. She grabs one hand then the other and it was off to the races. The two bee themed wrestlers push against each other.
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Re: Of Thee I Sting: Yellow Jacket vs. Hornet

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Hornet accepted Yellow Jackets lockup, and the two were now jockeying for position. As the Yellow Jacket had a height and weight adavantage, she used this to get some leverage on the masked Hornet. She would force her into the corner and, if succsessful, she would attempt to soften her up with a few shots to the abdomen...

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Re: Of Thee I Sting: Yellow Jacket vs. Hornet

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Hornet grunts as Yellow Jacket has height and weight on her so getting her to the corner is no issue and she then felt some shots to her abdomen.
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Re: Of Thee I Sting: Yellow Jacket vs. Hornet

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Yellow Jacket's strikes hit on the mark, and now Hornet was bent over, Ladonna would bounce off the ropes and attempt a bulldog with the Hornet now bent over. If this was successful, she would flip Hornet over and cinch her fingers into her opponent's stomach in a claw hold, hoping to wear down the Hornet. The hive that was LAW was going to be hers...

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Re: Of Thee I Sting: Yellow Jacket vs. Hornet

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Hornet grunts with each hit. Then Yellow Jacket slams Hornet down to the mat with a bulldog. If that wasn’t enough Hornet was flipped over and she now was locked in a claw hold. The claw tightly gripped on her stomach.
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