Learning the Ropes: Mary Ivonskaya vs Celene Floris

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Learning the Ropes: Mary Ivonskaya vs Celene Floris

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Standard Match
Win by Pin fall or Submission

Mary is standing in the middle of the ring. She was given a last-minute call up to take on a new girl that was signed by the company, her agent telling her to give the crowd a good show and to show the young girl the ropes when dealing with a veteran wrestler like herself.

Already the thought of getting her hands on a bright fresh new rookie brings a smile to Mary face as she even licks her lips just thinking of the screams the girl will give her, a small moan even escape her lips at the thought of what she is going to do to her opponent and if she should go for a submission victory... or a pin fall victory either way, she is going to win tonight and give whoever her opponent is a very hard lesson on wrestling tonight. 'Come to Momma So I can show you what it means to be a wrestler... Don't keep me waiting too long my soon to be prey.' the big woman says as she can feel her body turning on just waiting for her opponent to show.


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Re: Learning the Ropes: Mary Ivonskaya vs Celene Floris

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"Get a hold of yourself, girl, you've got this...", standing just beyond the Arena entrance, Celene Floris did her best to psych herself up, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet and shaking her hands to get the blood flowing. "So they're starting you off with a Veteran, so what?", She had never heard of this "Mary Ivonskaya", granted Celene didn't know much about the roster of L.A.W. at all, though she kind of liked it that way; she did however know that Celene herself wasn't very good as a wrestler, she could admit that no problem, and being assigned to a match with a veteran when you're not very good at the whole wrestling thing, well that just sounds like a squash match to her. Even if it was, though, Celene knew this wasn't an opportunity she wanted to miss out on; she could learn a lot from this match, heck she might even impress her opponent with a few well placed moves here or there, "...now that would be something!", the young woman thought. Slapping her cheeks a few times to build up some adrenaline and keep her focused on reality she put on her best smile, "...All you've got to do is do your best, give those folks out there a good show, and maybe, just maybe smack that veteran around a time or two.". As soon as she said that, as if on queue, Celene's entrance music began to blare through the other side of the wall, signalling her to head out and meet her opponent.

Exiting to the Arena side just as the beginning guitar strums of her music kicked into its first energetic bit, Celene, decked out in her plant themed two piece, couldn't think of much to do for a moment as her eyes hit the crowd. This turn-out was definitely far larger than the crowds she had in the indies back home, and while that very large size difference threw her off just a bit, she knew that doing her usual thing and going with what came to mind would suit her well crowd-wise. What threw her off even more than the crowd though, was her opponent who was already in the ring. Even from the top of the ramp, Celene could tell that this Mary lady was tall, very tall, and she looked like she packed a lot of power in her... actually, she looked like she packed a lot of power in her everything. Though noting that her opponents height and build was a little unnerving especially given the five-foot nothing, almost skin and bones build that Celene was, she charged on with her full grin, even if it was a little forced. "Well... Here's hoping she's nice!", she said trying to calm her nerves with a nice idea as she made her way down the ramp, waving to the crowd and high-fiving the occasional outstretched hand.

Climbing up the metal stairs of the ring, through the ropes, and stopping to playfully blow a few kisses to the crowd, she made her way just a few paces in front of Mary Ivonskaya; looking the taller woman bottom to top, the smaller woman let out a whistle to emphasize her surprise to Mary's height. Though having to crane her neck at a relatively steep angle to meet Mary's blue eyes, the young woman thrust out a hand for the blond to shake as the she introduced herself. "Mary Ivonskaya? Celene Floris, I'll be you're personal punching bag for this evening!", she said in a joking manner, hoping that a good sense of humor might prove the taller woman as the friendlier sort.
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Re: Learning the Ropes: Mary Ivonskaya vs Celene Floris

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It takes a long to shock someone who has been around a long time like Mary. But seeing the younger tanned woman make her way down to the ring after interacting with the fans to a good size pop from them, there is no chance that the younger woman is going to be walking away from this without first giving some nice TLC from the big woman.

But even better is what she can do to Celene who is basically being given to her all nice and wrapped up in a bow like a Christmas Gift... the girl should just be wearing a sign that says 'Please squash me" written on her firm toned body, but Mary is more than just a big heavyweight...she enjoys taking her time and the thrill of defeating someone and Celene is going to get a taste of that firsthand when she is done with her.

Deciding to take the smaller girl hand in hers and yanks the woman close to her big body, making sure to put the other woman's face right between her big breasts and wraps her arms around her in a tight hug like hold smirking since she not really doing anything wrong.

'Oh my, you look like a little treat, all just for me... I can't wait getting a taste of you Celene... after I make sure you get a good taste of me.'
she says. Before leaning down and tilting the younger woman head back and claims her lips with hers... sliding her tongue inside the younger woman's mouth before pushing her away and going to her corner with a big smirk on her face. Now she is eager to get the match starting only for the fact of getting her hands on her opponent and bending her to her will and needs are met... the bell is rung to start the match off between the two women and the fans are eager to see if Celene will survive.

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Re: Learning the Ropes: Mary Ivonskaya vs Celene Floris

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Before the bell rang, Celene was left in a state of confusion, daze, and disgust, all of which could be seen on her now befuddled and almost nauseated face; looking a little more like some big mastiff came up to her and gave a big slobbery lick up the face rather than what had just transpired. It honestly took her a second to find any word to say as she processed what the hell just happened, but she made her feelings clear soon enough. "Eeeeeeeeeeeew!.....", an exaggerated set of shivers traveling down her body as she said how she truly felt made her reaction apparently comedic; as it gained a good chuckle from the referee who was standing by and a couple of laughs from the audience. Trying her damnedest to wipe the taste of big ass Russian out of her mouth, Celene set her sights on said big ass Russian, the woman who sat in her corner, wearing the smirk. Despite what had just transpired, Celene wasn't angry, not even a tad bit begrudged; no, more or less she was just disgusted by the fact that she had just been kissed by a total stranger, and by the fact that said strangers mouth really needed several breath-mints before anymore mouth to mouth activities.

Being sharply reminded that this was still a match as the bell rang, Celene, who still stood in the middle of the ring looking at her opponent, took a readied stance. A little scared, knowing that she was heavily outmatched, heavily outgunned, and heavily... out-heavied, she knew that she had to make the most of this first outing, no matter painful, or disgusting, it might end up being. Trying to hide the fact that she was a little more scared about facing this woman now that she had been face to face, and mouth to mouth, with her, The young former florist decided that taunting the woman, no matter how stupid it seemed, might help her in leading the russian into a trap. "So... do they just not have Altoids in Russia? Or is it not customary to brush your teeth more than once every twenty years; Cause, I'm not gonna lie, it tasted like a pig trough in there."
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Re: Learning the Ropes: Mary Ivonskaya vs Celene Floris

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Mary can only chuckle seeing the younger woman freak out after being kissed by her. Just seeing the woman wiping her mouth after letting out a loud scream at getting kissed with tongue, just Celene actions alone was able to make the ref and the fans to laugh at the poor woman doing whatever she can to get the taste of Mary tongue out of her mouth.

But all the fun and games comes to a stop once the bell was rung and the younger woman opened her mouth and started to speak, talking about how her breath stinks but saying an insult about how it taste like a pig trough which causes the crowd and the ref to shut their mouth knowing that Celene is going to suffer for even saying something like that to the big woman.

A low giggling is heard coming from the big woman...that turns into loud laughing as the big woman body shakes from laughing at the childish insults from her younger opponent, even wiping a tear from her eye 'Oh that made me laugh Celene...' she says before a frown appears on her face glaring at the smaller woman and walks forward towering over the woman. Looking down at the woman who insulted her, the big woman would start the match off with an elbow smash to the tanned woman's chest.

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Re: Learning the Ropes: Mary Ivonskaya vs Celene Floris

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Among a plethora of things Celene wasn't all too good at, like wrestling, she too wasn't at all fantastic at planning things through; in fact she had never planned things through, which was probably why she was still a Jobber, and probably why she was in this current situation, staring down a large russian lady who had been laughing at Celene's taunt. Having expected the Russian to come charging Celene down after the insult, and having been ready to dodge out of the way in what her brain had hypothesized would be an impressive start for the smaller woman's career; Celene was left already caught off guard by not only her plan working, but the large woman's laugh turning into a not so cheerful glare.

To Celen's eye's, the large blond making her way towards the former florist looked more akin to an angry Rhino, or belligerent Hippo stomping it's way to the next victim. Every one of Mary's steps seemed to shake the mat under Celene, and soon enough, the vertically gifted Russian had gotten close enough to seemingly cast shade upon the young woman. In that moment, the young woman knew Mary was about to make her first move, and instinctively tried to bring her arms up to block an incoming hit, but it was too late. "GUGH!", she let out as Mary's elbow crashed into Celene's chest with a loud SMACK, driving the air from her lungs and sending the woman back first into the mat. Clutching both arms to her chest instinctively as she writhed on the ground helpless to the actions of Mary, Celene could only ponder which was worse: the impact that sent her breathless body down, or the fact that Mary's smash hit her D-cups first and they provided no cushion and were in just as much pain as her actual chest.
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Re: Learning the Ropes: Mary Ivonskaya vs Celene Floris

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Hearing that loud thud of skin hitting skin and seeing Celene fall onto her back from just one hit. Mary would keep chuckling, seeing the poor girl in front of her holding her chest with her hands as if that was going to protect her from what she had planned for the small woman.

In the past, Mary would take her time in dealing with rookie wrestlers like her opponent.. but due to the woman insulting her like that, well, it just makes her that more eager to enjoy toying and playing with her prey some more.

As she would use her foot to nudge her opponent until she is flat on her back making it much easier for the big woman to put her plan into action... as she would place her foot right on top of Celene stomach and steps on top of the younger woman using her full body weight to crush her foe with just one move.

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Re: Learning the Ropes: Mary Ivonskaya vs Celene Floris

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Still writhing on the ground, Selene didn't notice the Russian's nudging with her foot until it was too late, she also didn't quite notice when or how she had rolled onto her front after the elbow's impact, but seeing how she was on her back again she supposed that wasn't her biggest issue. What was, however, was Mary's large boot firmly planting itself onto Selene's stomach. Instinctively moving her hands over the boot, Selene gave it a concerned look before quickly moving said look towards Mary, very aware of what was about to go down.

Trying her best to lift the heavy foot off of her stomach before it was too late, she was forced to stop as the blond hippopotamus of a woman applied all of her weight down onto Floris's stomach. Letting out a pained scream, Selene thrashed her legs around and repeatedly brought her fists down onto Mary's booted foot, desperate to find an escape from the immense pressure seemingly pushing down into her midsection and the immense amount of pain that followed.
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Re: Learning the Ropes: Mary Ivonskaya vs Celene Floris

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Mary would enjoy tormenting her smaller opponent with her foot. Just feeling Celene struggling to escape just one foot stepping on her stomach is something that she is enjoying right now... The small wet spot in the front of her outside shows how turned on she is getting from doing this.

But she knows that she could do much more than what she is doing now as she would smirk at the trapped woman underneath her foot, and deciding to do something to make her opponent scream some more for her. ‘ Lets see how well you handle when it is two feet on top of you my soon to be toy.’ Mary would say. Before spreading her arms out to balance herself as she places her other foot right on top of Celene breast, now using her full body weight to crush the life and air out of her smaller opponent wanting to hear the woman sweet voice when screaming out for her.

‘Scream for me and I might get off of you... If not, I am going to do a lot worse before I am down enjoying you, my pet.’

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Re: Learning the Ropes: Mary Ivonskaya vs Celene Floris

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"Soon to be toy" felt like an understatement from Ivonskaya, in fact Celene was pretty sure she had been Mary's new toy as soon as the bell was rung if not as soon as she had exited to the arena. She knew the larger woman's meaning, however, that things were only going to get much worse for her from here on out, and boy did they. Before Celene could open her mouth to try to make amends for her earlier, hoping to maybe ease the sheer amount of beat-down she knew she was going to get for it, her attempt at more friendlier talk dramatically shifted into a short lived agonizing scream; Mary having not only bore her other boot down onto Celene's breasts, but pushed said boot down as she balanced on top of Celene almost like a living skateboard, driving all the air from her lungs. Now caught in a silent scream, Celene is once again left desperately smacking wailing on The Russian woman's boots and legs, her breathless, silent voice begging the woman to get off as she squirms under her weight.
Discord: Captain Calamitous#2898

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