VIP vs. Leonie Bowen - NHB "I Quit" Match

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VIP vs. Leonie Bowen - NHB "I Quit" Match

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Vanessa I. Price vs. Leonie Bowen
Match Type:
No Holds Barred "I Quit" Match
Rules: The winner must make the loser say "I Quit", with no limitations on rules.

The lights went out in the arena aside from sporadic flashes of light as "I Like It Rough" (Bliix Mix) by Lady Gaga until a spotlights circle and eventually form on the top of the stage where none other than Vanessa I. Price stood, confidently posing in a black jacket, stockings, boots, and sunglasses on her face. Proudly, she began to walk down the stage as a red carpet unfurled before her, the crowd booing her loudly the whole while. She soaked in the negative reaction, fanning herself off with an arrogant grin. She got to the ring steps and started up them before demanding the referee open the ropes for her, allowing her to step through as she posed with her arms out to the crowd, proud at the reception she received. Then, Vanessa slipped out of her jacket, revealing her wrestling attire. It was a fashionable button up, vest, and tie combo, with a skirt around her hips that hugged to all of her curves exceptionally well.
She was up against Leonie Bowen, a girl who she knew barely anything more about than her name and whatever clips she had managed to get bored of in her free time in preparation for this match. The fact was, she just wouldn't stack up, and Vanessa I. Price knew that much. It was Leonie's match to win, as far as she was concerned, and there was no chance that she would ever allow another girl to say "I Quit". The thought hadn't crossed her mind for even a moment of that possibility as she waited in her corner, resting her chin on her hand as she stared down the entrance, a smirk on her face as she waited for her next victim to come down to the ring. No Holds Barred, even. They just really wanted to give Price free reign to crush these girls, didn't they?

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Re: VIP vs. Leonie Bowen - NHB "I Quit" Match

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It wasn't long until Leonie strode down the entrance ramp herself, heralded by her own entrance theme. Tonight, the ragged, underdog rap verse meant even more to her, especially after watching Vanessa's entrance. Everything about them just reeked of old, unearned money.
Leonie Bowen, the Lioness of LAW
Her march to the ring was purposeful and swift. The whole time, she regarded Vanessa with a glowering sneer, giving their attire a once-over. Dress shirt. Vest. Tie. Even a jacket, which they'd abandoned on the way to the ring. Leonie was hardly in a position to judge its quality, but the whole ensemble seemed like it cost more than she spent in a month.

And Vanessa decided to wear it. To a match. A no holds barred match.

She almost hated the fact that she was going to have to tear it apart. But to get at the no good, slimy patrician inside? It would be worth it. "What're you gonna do?" she asked, finally stepping into the ring and right up to her buttoned-up foe. "Smack me with your daddy's inheritance?"
Last edited by FreestylePoet on Fri Apr 01, 2022 7:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: VIP vs. Leonie Bowen - NHB "I Quit" Match

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Vanessa I. Price was a proud, proud woman. So proud that when she got a bitter redhead yelling about her wealth, she could just look at her with a big smile and then laugh. She took off her sunglasses and then waved them towards Leonie while looking directly at the referee. "Get her out of my face so we can start this match," said VIP, her voice dripping with amusement before she tossed her glasses over her shoulder. She wasn't about to let the words of such a common person rattle her, let alone something she's heard entirely too many times at this point.

The referee would get between both women, specifically trying to force Leonie back. And it would be during that time which Vanessa would strike. She would shove the referee away and then try to throw a kick directly to Leonie's stomach before trying to dunk her to the mat with a Snap DDT before the match would even begin, aiming to get a cheap and quick advantage! Actions have consequences, is a lesson she would try to teach Leonie about her and her mouth.

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Re: VIP vs. Leonie Bowen - NHB "I Quit" Match

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Who did this Vanessa girl think she was? Just because she had enough cash to waste on fighting in a fancy suit, she thought she was better than her? Typical. Leonie stepped up, jabbing a finger at the smaller woman. "You've got some nerve-"

"Miss Bowen?" But the referee interrupted her, turning to the incensed redhead to corral her for the official start of the bout. "Please, you're going to have to- AHH!" Suddenly, a well-dressed arm swiped the referee aside, before joining its twin around Leonie's head! The proud Lioness found herself slammed down with a Snap DDT!

"Gahh!" She growled into the canvas. Her skull had been rattled by the blow, no doubt, but her pride was far more wounded. This rich bitch saw fit to pull a fast one on her -- cheating for nothing but an early advantage!

"You bitch!" A wild, indignant hammerfist swung its way down, aimed part at the canvas in frustration but also aimed at the laying Vanessa besides her! It wasn't an effective attack by any means -- it was essentially a blind flail -- but if it connected, Vanessa's torso would be in for a world of pain! Though, if not, she'd leave herself wide open for another assault...

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Re: VIP vs. Leonie Bowen - NHB "I Quit" Match

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With a shove of a referee, nothing more than a useful object to VIP, a distracted Leonie was ripe for a Snap DDT to plant her directly into the mat. Vanessa sat beside her redheaded opponent with a smug smile on her face as the crowd began to boo the dirty move, and the referee had no choice but to ring the bell to signal the official start of the match.

It was so simple to rile these ones up--even easier because Leonie seemed riled up already. With a cool head, Price was able to keep one step ahead. So when Leonie would attempt to throw a hammer fist at her, she would roll right over to dodge it before deftly grabbing her opponent's arm.

"Temper temper..." chided the fashionista before expertly straddling Bowen's back with the arm intact. "You're just going to get yourself hurt," she added, before VIP would attempt to secure in painful arm wrench, aiming to take full advantage of her opponent's reckless anger.

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Re: VIP vs. Leonie Bowen - NHB "I Quit" Match

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Rich. Arrogant. Dishonest. One and the same to Leonie, and redundant when used to describe Vanessa I. Price. In hindsight, she shouldn't have been surprised when her opponent lived up to every last expectation. Still, she was caught by surprise, and in short order found herself planted face-first on the mat!

She swung blindly, balling her fist and propelling it towards the cheating fashionista. The reflexive attack, however, was incredibly telegraphed, and Vanessa dodged it easily. "Huh?" Confused as if she couldn't understand how her hammerfist didn't land, Leonie was helpless as Vanessa climbed atop her with ease and wrenched her arm tight! "AAUGH!" Tension smoldered as the muscles within her shoulder pulled taut!

"T-Temper?! I -- urgh!" For once in her life, Leonie took a deep breath and thought. Five seconds into the match, and she already hated this Vanessa chick with all her heart. But yelling at them wasn't gonna get her anywhere. Nah, this was a lesson that needed to be taught through action. With that in mind, the redhead rose her free arm and swung it back, hoping to dislodge the patrician with a strong elbow to her side!

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Re: VIP vs. Leonie Bowen - NHB "I Quit" Match

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Vanessa rather casually held onto the hold, looking amused at how Leonie was struggling in it. She could tell this would be a simple one, and she liked them simple; more ripe and malleable for her to maneuver however she so desired. VIP would then feel the shift of Leonie's movement from underneath her and knew precisely what she had to be trying. She wanted to try to hit her to get free. Amateurish, sad, and deeply unfortunate, from Vanessa's position. She was able to turn her body enough that the blow had mostly grazed her, but it gave her the opportunity to hook it with one of her arms.

"Yes, temper you mewling infant," said the rich girl. "And talent, for another." VIP would then attempt to transition both held arms into a double chickenwing. And, if possible, she would then attempt to lock both of them in tight before flipping herself up and over into a bridge to complete a Cattle Mutilation maneuver, aiming to painfully stretch out her redheaded foe!

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Re: VIP vs. Leonie Bowen - NHB "I Quit" Match

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Typical. Vanessa just wouldn't shut up, would she? Always lording every little thing over Leonie, even when she already had the upper hand. It was something that Leonie had come to expect from people like her but something she couldn't ever get used to. Instead of accepting the disrespect, she much preferred to dish it right back -- her own way!

"Rrrgh..." Leonie tucked her knees in, then pushed down, wheeling and skidding her soles across the canvas in an attempt to stand up. Paradoxically, she flexed her arms, choosing to strengthen Vanessa's chicken-wings rather than fight her way out. If she succeeded, Leonie would be hunched over, with her opponent half-bridged over her. From there, she would suddenly hop and let herself fall right back down to the ring!

The hope was that both of their heads would be planted into the mat -- Leonie's by her face and Vanessa's by the top and back. It'd surely hurt for both of them. But Leonie wasn't some stuck-up trust fund baby! She'd probably done more push-ups this week than Vanessa had worked days in her life. Life came with its unfair share of bumps and bruises for her. More than that, her face was probably a lot less risky to land on than the back of Vanessa's head. She could take the hit! The question was: Could VIP?

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Re: VIP vs. Leonie Bowen - NHB "I Quit" Match

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Vanessa I. Price had locked in that Cattle Mutilation flawlessly, a content smile across her wicked face as she bridged and held it in. She enjoyed showing off, and against a girl like Leonie, she had ample opportunity to, she felt. The girl seemed relatively talentless and bitter to her, and she would be thrilled to decimate and dismantle her in front of a crowd to prove her superiority yet again.

Price then looked confused for a moment, feeling Leonie herself start to lift herself up as well. This would only make her submission be held in harder and bring her more pain. Truly, Leonie was the simpleton she believed. But Bowen continued to lift until finally, the girl hopped and sent both girls to the mat, landing on their heads!

Vanessa let out a grunt of pain and released the hold, holding the back of her head as she grimaced in pain and frustration. After a moment of realization, her eyes grew more furious. This insignificant runt used a counter that would hurt not only VIP, but herself!? How idiotic could one brat be? Just the stupidity of it all, and the lack of technique. And so the fashionista would roll onto her knees and look over at Leonie, scowling at her and yelled, "You complete moron!" and she would then throw her hand towards Leonie's head in nothing more than a simple smack. Nothing special or fancy about it. Just a strike to show her utter annoyance and contempt for her opponent right now.

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Re: VIP vs. Leonie Bowen - NHB "I Quit" Match

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"Ow!" Leonie yelped as she faceplanted off the mat. The hold was released, and now her arms could shake themselves out. That Cattle Mutilation was never really a threat to her chances. Still, it was good to be free.

She scampered to her knees, watching with satisfaction as Vanessa processed what she'd done. Leonie blinked at her opponent with the widest, most shit-eating grin on Earth plastered all over her face. Man, watching rich folks like her get forced out of there tiny little boxes? Would never get old.

"Guh!" Her head was thrown back as Vanessa suddenly smacked her in the face! She looked back with a sneer, only briefly rubbing her cheek. "Seriously? That all you got?" Then, she flung her own palm at Vanessa for her own slap, this one hopefully far harder, thanks to Leonie's farmer strength! If that wasn't enough to floor her, Leonie would let her other hand fly, this time in the form of a balled up fist aimed right at VIP's throat!

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