Angel vs Devil/Arianna Graham vs Jezebel Lucifer

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Angel vs Devil/Arianna Graham vs Jezebel Lucifer

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply

Arianna can be seen hoping around in the backstage, ready herself as she had a smile on her face, ready for her second match, she is fighting someone called Jezebel Lucifer, who seems to be themed opposite of her, Arianna would then ready herself as her theme start to play as she would run toward ring as her theme start to play, wearing a black and red leotard, she would slide into the ring as she hop around, wave at her fans before yeeted her cosplay prop of halo and wing at her fans as a gift

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Re: Angel vs Devil/Arianna Graham vs Jezebel Lucifer

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Charlotte was nervous for tonight as she was going to be competing tonight for the first time , and from what she heard Arianna Graham was pretty good. So she did not really give herself the best odds at winning. Still that would not stop her from giving it her all as she was currently applying make-up to make her skin appear as pale as possible as she wore an simple black leotard. Her long blond hair reaching her behind as she would once she put in her red contact lenses in make her way to the backstage area.

As she reached it she would pace left to right as she tried to calm her nerves as she would soon be given the signal as it was go time. As the lights in the arena would all go out as ''Ain't No rest for the wicked'' by Cage the Elephant began to play. As suddenly out of nowhere fire would erupt from the stage as out came Jezebel as she would laugh in an devilish way as she made her way to the ring as the announcer would appear to be in an trend as an distorted voice would say ''now arriving from Hell to steal your souls. She stands at 140ibs , It's Jezebel Lucifer''as the blond would take slip through the bottom ropes as fire would erupt out of all four turnbuckles. As the fire went out she would stand up as she looked at her opponent as she said ''hmmmm time to see if I can't tempt an angel to fall into sin shall we''

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Re: Angel vs Devil/Arianna Graham vs Jezebel Lucifer

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Arianna would smile at Jezebel with a smile on her own as she reply with a wink "Oh? Sin? Maybe, but we'll see, shall we?" She asked and teased Jezebel as she bend forward a little, with her hands on her hips as she said in a care free voice, before the bell would ring, as it rings, she would hop forward to the center as she bring the arms up and challenge her into a test of strength

Of course, she is starting off easy as she heard that Charlotte is a newbie, doesn't want to bully the new girl that much after all, of course, she is also ready if Charlotte have something else in mind as she ready to defend herself by crouch over

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Re: Angel vs Devil/Arianna Graham vs Jezebel Lucifer

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''We will , but don't feel to bad when you end up being tempted to fall ''retorted Jezebel as she would entwine her hands with Arianna as she heard the bell ring. As the match was officially underway as she tried to push the other woman back as she accepted the test of strength.Since she planned on giving it her all as she hoped what few wrestling holds and moves she knew would be enough to win

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Re: Angel vs Devil/Arianna Graham vs Jezebel Lucifer

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Of course, Arianna would smile as she felt Jezebel start to attempt to pushing her into a corner, cause her to smile as she would attempt to over power Jezebel with a smile on her face, as she look at the other girl eyes to eyes as she attempt to push the so called Devil to their corner as she bring her legs up and slam her knees into Jezebel's guts

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Re: Angel vs Devil/Arianna Graham vs Jezebel Lucifer

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Jezebel was only focused on trying to force the angelic wrestler backwards. As she was blind to the danger she was about to face as Arianna would hold her ground , but that was not the end game. No what happened next was something the blond had not expected as her opponent out of nowhere slammed her knee into her guts as she muttered out ''not fair''as she leaned into her opponent
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Re: Angel vs Devil/Arianna Graham vs Jezebel Lucifer

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Arianna would simply smile and giggles slightly as she heard Jezebel mumbles, cause Arianna to giggles slightly "Sorry, but this angel isn't gonna to go easy on you" She said sweetly before she would slam her hear toward Jezebel and at the same time, sweep her legs as she try to go behind the devil fighter and try to sit on her back, wrap her arms around her neck, go for a early submission move as she start it off with a camel clutch, or trying to

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Re: Angel vs Devil/Arianna Graham vs Jezebel Lucifer

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''None of you angels ever go down easily , but before this match is up you will have fallen from grace''retorted Jezebel as she had to stay in character as she tried to push Arianna away. To sadly no success as the angelic wrestler would slam her head towards the blond while sweeping her leg causing the Devilish wrestler to fall as her opponent moved quickly as she locked in an camel clutch

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Re: Angel vs Devil/Arianna Graham vs Jezebel Lucifer

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"Hmph, We'll see, in the end, Devil have no chance against a Angel" Arianna said with a smile as she also stay in character as she give a headbutt before sweep her legs, cause the Devil to fall before she would push her into a Camel Clutch, cause the Teasing Angel to smile as she continues the submission hold, of course, while she doesn't expect a easy win, she would be using this to tired Jezebel down "Like I said, a weak devil like you have no chance against me"

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Re: Angel vs Devil/Arianna Graham vs Jezebel Lucifer

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''Arghhhhh you angels only exist because us Devils let you exist. Arghhhh if we wanted to we could crush you at any time''screamed Jezebel as she tried to pry apart the hands that were beneath her chin. As she had to escape this hold quickly before Arianna would go for the next hold or worse keep mocking her as the fans where clearly on the side of the angel with the way they were chanting.

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