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Yasha Adachi vs Marie Leveque

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 11:55 pm
by 321Shazam
Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first making her LAW debut. Make way for YASHA!!!!!!!"


Yasha would play a flute as her theme. Yasha would play the flute as she walked down to the ring. Once she was near the riing apron she'd jump on a trampoline and flip into the ring and would continue to play the flute until the song was finished. Yasha would then give the flute to a ring side handler. Yasha would look around a feel the energy of the LAW crowd. Yasha would run the ropes as she waited for her opponent and then she'd go to her corner to do some stretches to make sure she was limber for her match. Yasha wasn't sure what challenge awaited her but she welcomed it. This was a new chapter in her career.