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Serray vs Heather - Return to Hardcore

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 9:52 pm
by TiefBlau
Hardcore Match
Win by Pin, Submission, or KO - Falls Count Anywhere

It felt like it's been a long time since Heather had a hardcore match, feeling quite the excitement of the whole--anticipation of getting back into such a thing..and the girl she was facing certainly seemed like an interesting one! She pushed a wide grin on her face, stretching herself out in t he back before finally her music began to play. Heather was gonna do her full entrance for this one to show a lovely return to form!

The lights turned a dark blue, smoke and green laser lights spilling all over the entrance area. She crawls out onto the stage, dressed in her usual attire, her face and right arm glowing with a bright purple from the bodypaint that she had applied earlier. She made her way down to about halfway down the ramp--before standing up fully, raising her hands in the air, pyro shooting out from the entrance. She took a deep breath in and out, nodding her head a couple times before finally climbing into the ring.

She moved to the corner, getting up on the middle rope, pyro shooting down from t he ceiling to the ring. She was basking in the lovely sensation of the crowd cheering wildly for her, a deep breath coming in and out of her mouth. She went to the center of the ring, the lights turning back to normal, revealing the body paint to be transparent in normal light. She just--eagerly watched the ramp for her opponent!

Re: Serray vs Heather - Return to Hardcore

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:49 pm
by Epicsnivy
Serray Feliz

Serray was really excited for this match. She was gonna take on a hardcore veteran who was definitely a name she heard off before coming to the League of Anime Wrestling, Heather Sunderland. She was one of the more popular Middleweights, so Serray getting this match must have meant a big approval from LAW staff. The amount of blood she was gonna get from Heather should feel amazing. This will be her chance to truly make a statement to all the other LAW wrestlers who have a hardcore history.

Serray headed to Guerilla Position and waited for her music to play. It was time to destroy and emasculate Heather.

"And making her way to the ring, standing at 5 feet 4 inches tall, and weighing in at 141 pounds, The Bloody Jewel, SERRAY FELIZ!" The ring announcer yelled as Serray made her way down the ramp, skipping as fans looked on at the joyful girl in confusion and boos. Serray was such a confusing girl to read, her childish demeanor clashed hard with her violent behavior. She slid under the bottom rope into the ring and headed to her corner, doing a cute pose while doing so.

And thus Serray got a first look at her purple Haired opponent, the excitement of dyeing Heather's Purple Hair Blood Red excited her to no end. It was time for the massacre to begin

"Hello, your hair gonna be blood red by the end and it's just gonna be adorable." Serray gave her odd threat to Heather, ready for the match to begin.

Re: Serray vs Heather - Return to Hardcore

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 9:22 pm
by TiefBlau
Heather hums to herself just a little as Serray made her entrance shortly afterwards, stretching herself out a little more. She watched as she made her entrance--a sight that honestly made Heather think she was more of a goofy, lewd wrestler than a heavy hardcore one. It definitely wasn't what Heather was expecting, that's for sure.

She took a deep breath in and out, crossing her arms as Serray finally got into the ring..and then she got that threat she let out. It was one that nearly made Heather speechless, her mouth hanging open for a few seconds before she finally snickered, opening her mouth for a response.

"Hah--well that's what I get judging just from looks, yeah? That's quite the opening line! Just don't think I'm gonna be all t hat easy! It may have been a super long time since I was last..messing around in the hardcore divisions..but it's not something you forget, you know? I'm gonna put you through hell tonight!"

Heather pushed a confident grin on her face, pushing her chest out just a little. This was..exciting to say the least. This girl was scary, and that was almost refreshing for Heather. She got her arms up in the ready, just waiting for that bell to ring--and as soon as it did, Heather kicked right off. She attempted to just slam her knee upwards into Serray's gut as quickly as she could!

Re: Serray vs Heather - Return to Hardcore

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2022 5:47 pm
by Epicsnivy
Serray could lay in her corner, licking her Chops at the amount of violence she was about to inflict on Heather. This will certainly be a massive statement victory for Serray if she can beat Heather. An old but fun toy to tear the filling out of. Needless to say, Serray was ready to get this match started. She got her hands out in a fighting position.

The bell rang, and before Serray could even react, Heather slammed a knee into Serray's exposed gut. "GAH!" Serray yelped, as she fell to one knee, holding her stomach. "You'll pay for that, stupid jerk." Serray said, perceiving what Heather did as unfair.

Re: Serray vs Heather - Return to Hardcore

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 8:50 pm
by TiefBlau
"Stupid jerk, huh? I don't think I will actually! I'll show you exactly why I'm one of the best in this kind of thing!"Heather nod her head a couple times, reaching to grip at the girl's head as she did. She tried to get her into a nice firm front facelock, setting her up for a hard hitting opening move to drive in her advantage.

She went to make use of the fact that she was down on one knee, kicking her leg back before thrusting it inwards, using the momentum of her movements to try and just--drive her head into the mat hard with a Snap DDT!

Re: Serray vs Heather - Return to Hardcore

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 2:00 pm
by Epicsnivy
What was this dumb purple jerk doing, attacking Serray before she was even ready to fight. Now her stomach was full of the owies as she tried to recover. It made her feel like she was having a stomach ache. And then she felt nets being wrapped around her neck. Oh dear, she's gonna hit Serray more.

Heather then plunged Serray into the mat face first with a DDT, causing Serray's legs to go straight up, before crashing back down, as Serray laid on her stomach holding her head. Serray is going to brutalized this purple Haired chick playing unfair with her. She will turn that purple hair blood red.

Re: Serray vs Heather - Return to Hardcore

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 12:30 am
by TiefBlau
The match was definitely going quite well in her way right from the start, something that made her smirk a little with the advantage she had over her. She drove her head nice and hard into the mat with that DDT, taking a deep breath in and out as she lie on her back for a second or two. She impact rocked her just slightly, but she knew she got to her much more.

She moved around her immediately to keep up what she was doing, sliding to seat herself behind her head. "Gonna have to work a little harder if you're still trying to paint my hair red with my blood" She taunted her a little, going back with what the girl said right at the opening of the match. She reached for Serray's head, attempting to pull it upwards and between her thighs, wanting to lock her into a tight headscissor hold from behind!

Re: Serray vs Heather - Return to Hardcore

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 1:36 pm
by Epicsnivy
Serray only held her head in pain. It felt as though bells were ringing throughout her head. It was Heather pulling a violent assault on her. "Ughhh!" The bluenette with twintails moaned. It was never fun to be on the receiving end of pain, it was much funner to deal It.

Then Serray felt her head being lifted. Serray's eyes were closed, her eyeliner starting to drip. Having her hair pulled on caused a sting in her head. "What are you doing?" Serray said clueless of what her veteran opponent was about to do. She would ind out soon enough, as Heather used her thighs to hug Serray's neck in a Leg Scissor.

She automatically felt the flow of breath slow down, being cut off due to the thick thighs. "HACK!" Serray started to cough, her face started to turn blue and grimacing. In a fight for survival, Serray put her hands under Heather's feet, and attempted to push them off her neck.

Re: Serray vs Heather - Return to Hardcore

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2022 9:15 pm
by TiefBlau
Heather bit her lip hard, pressing her hands on the mat to lift her hips up a little more. She was working to put as much pressure on her hold as possible, bending Serray's head forward as she did so to make sure she was feeling every little bit of it. She couldn't help but grin slightly at the reactions that she was getting, feeling the girl pressing and pushing up at her feet.

"Ahh what, you talk all big and scary, but when you get trapped like this, all that talk isn't even around anymore, huh?" She pushed a grin on her face, rolling her body left and right, trying to jerk her head all over the place to 'confuse' the sensations she was having as much as possible. She didn't want to give her any semblance of a break, all the way up until her pushes caused her to release her.

She rolled back to get some distance, a huff coming from her mouth as she kept that grin on her face, pushing herself up onto her feet as quick as she could.

Re: Serray vs Heather - Return to Hardcore

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 12:46 pm
by Epicsnivy
Serray didn't want the match to start like this. Her head was being crushed between the fabric of Heather's jeans, breath was becoming a resource ever increasingly rare. Her face was about to become as blue as her hair did. It was suffocating

Luckily, her pushing helped her out, and forced Heather off her her. Serray laid on the mat, gasping for air, her face starting to return to a normal color. She tried to slowly force herself back up to her feet, staring at Heather in the process.

Barely staying on her feet, Serray told Heather to "Come at me, you big jerk." hoping the taunt will bring Heather over to her, and she can exact some revenge on the Purple Haired Girl.