Trisha Andrews vs. Christina Perez - Fierce Competition

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Trisha Andrews vs. Christina Perez - Fierce Competition

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Trisha Andrews had quite a momentum in LAW so far. Despite a couple of losses, she could see that her trajectory was going upwards here in terms of prestige and positioning within the roster. If she could get more wins, she was sure that she would be able to challenge for the gold somewhere down the line. She had big dreams, and she wasn't content being considered 'just decent' where she could aim to be one of the best the company had to offer.

For tonight's match, she would be facing someone named Christina Perez. She didn't know much about her, but she had seen some of her matches sometime ago, and she could see this newcomer had something in her that could bring her far. Still, Trisha wasn't planning to lose tonight. In fact, she was determined to bring a stop to this Christina's momentum just so that she could gain more prestige to herself by winning this match. Whoever this Christina was, Trisha wasn't going to let herself be beaten.

So, as her music was played, Trisha made her entrance, flexing her arms and posing for the crowd as she walked down the ramp. She received quite a pop despite the audience being mostly Japanese. She strutted down the ramp, heading over to the ring where she would be facing this Christina. Once she reached the apron, she posed once again, showing off her well-built figure before she climbed up the apron, slipping between the ropes to enter the ring.
Trisha Andrews
Getting the crowd roused and cheering, Trisha climbed up one of the turnbuckles, raising her arms. Then, she would do some stretching and warming up, preparing herself for her upcoming clash with her opponent tonight. The cameramen didn't miss this opportunity as they focused their cameras on her body. After she was done with stretches, she would head over to one of the corners, waiting for her opponent to make her entrance. Her eyes were glued on the entrance so that she could watch her opponent making her appearance.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Christina Perez - Fierce Competition

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Christina was in the locker room as she texted her brothers, which she does before a match. It was hard to believe that Christina was in L.A.W. Now she was facing an opponent who felt like she was in trouble. One of her brothers texted her good luck and that they were rooting for her, which was all the Dark-haired woman cared about as she texted them back with.

"I know I got this! Stop worrying!" She smiled as she sent the text before looking at the mirror. She adjusted her attire which consisted of a Black Leotard, White Knee Pads, and shiny Black boots. She heavily sighed and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down. For Christina, all she had to do was keep winning. Keep building herself up and maybe one day get a chance for a title.
"Ok...Time to get fucking serious...Let's do this!" She went out of the locker room to proceed to the backstage where her entrance would be playing in a couple of minutes. This was the first time that Christina had custom entrance music to be played, which consisted of a Trap Beat.
Although Christina is mainly shown to be serious, she can't help but feel like wanting to breakdance but decided against it as she didn't want to embarrass herself to the camera.

As she walked, she had a calm expression on her face and had eyes on her strong opponent. Although Christina's face didn't show it, she was intimidated by Trisha. She got to the ring with poise and got a closer look at her opponent for tonight. She decided to be the one to approach her. "Pleasure to meet you, Trisha..." she went and politely held out her hand to see if she shook it or not.
Last edited by Weonna on Tue Jul 09, 2024 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Christina Perez - Fierce Competition

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Trisha watched her opponent making her entrance, and now that she had gotten a good look on her, she could see what an attractive woman this Christina was. Of course, this being a match, she would not hesitate to throw her down and ensure that she would not get up in order for her to win. Trisha waited for Christina to join her in the ring, and the other woman decided to shake hands with her. Seeing no problem with that, Trisha accepted the handshake, nodding her head while maintaining a neutral expression on her face.

"The pleasure is mine, Christina..." Trisha replied as she shook hands with Christina. Soon, the referee would tell both Trisha and Christina to get ready, and Trisha would get to the center of the ring to meet up with her opponent. After ensuring that both wrestlers didn't bring contrabands with them in the ring, the referee then called for the bell, starting the match between the two of them. To start off the match, Trisha would offer her hands to her opponent, wanting to start the match with a contest of strength between the two of them.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Christina Perez - Fierce Competition

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Christina politely shook her opponent's hand. She saw no sign of ill-manner towards the paler woman, so Christina wasn't going to trash talk Trisha. However, that didn't stop Christina from feeling even more intimidated as her grip was relatively strong... firm... then her, as Christina went to her corner and gulped a bit.

"Alright, stay calm..." she would talk to herself, slapping her face to keep her calm composure. After the ref checked both women to confirm no weapons were found on them, the ref started the match, and thus, the bell rang.

"Ahhh fuck...really?" She saw her opponent go to the center of the ring, ready to start and offer a Test of Strength. In the back of her mind, she can feel her brother yell, 'Don't be a bitch! Get her!' She wasn't entirely confident that she would be able to win it, but since Trisha so far seemed like a respectable opponent, Christina offered her to fist bump.

"Hey, how about you gimme some? Huh?" She wanted to show Trisha a sign of respect before challenging her to a Strength Test.

'Ahhhh Fuck no! Why did I do this!' Christina began to panic in her mind as she was losing the Strength department as Trisha could overpower the paler woman Leaving Christina to be open for her next attack.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Christina Perez - Fierce Competition

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Trisha could see that Christina was holding out her fist for a fist bump, and she saw no reason to refuse it. Bumping her fist against Christina's, Trisha would then lock up with her in the test of strength.

As the two of them were locked up, Trisha could feel that she was able to overwhelm her opponent with her strength. Grinning, she would muster her strength some more to twist both Christina's arms as she pushed her back, looking to make her feel uncomfortable. She was looking to overpower her before going for something more devastating after this.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Christina Perez - Fierce Competition

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Christina was struggling against Trisha as the paler wrestler was getting pushed back.


Christina would scream, trying to match the strength of her opponent, but her effort appeared futile as Trisha twisted her arms, causing Christina to groan uncomfortably. The Paler woman was now on one knee and her back being arched from Trisha's overwhelming strength.

"Grrrrr!!! Fuck No No No!!" She gritted her teeth and shook her head frantically. She was vulnerable for whatever Trisha had in store for her, and she knew it.
Last edited by Weonna on Sun Jan 02, 2022 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Christina Perez - Fierce Competition

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Using her strength, Trisha managed to push Christina down onto her knee, and now she knew that in terms of physical strength, she was the superior one in this ring. Taking note of this, as evidenced by her smile, Trisha would keep her opponent under pressure for a few more seconds before she decided to break the lock up, releasing Christina's hands before she went to seize her opponent's head, looking to put her into a side headlock.

Once she got her opponent's head trapped in the side headlock, Trisha would begin yanking and wrenching at her head, looking to weaken Christina early in this match. As she held Christina's head under her arm, the African-American wrestler would also press the side of her breast against her opponent's face as she would continue wrenching her head in the simple yet effective hold.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Christina Perez - Fierce Competition

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Christina regretted her decision to challenge Trisha in a test of strength. Now that both women knew who was physically superior it put a smile to Trisha's face and a look of concern for Christina. The Paler woman was now on her knees and Trisha kept the pressure on until the African-American woman decided to break the hold and trap Christina in a side headlock.

"Aaaaacckk!" Christina can feel her head being yanked causing her to groan while blushing as she felt her opponent's breast being pressed to the side of her face.

"Grrr!" Christina had to do something to get Trisha's arm off of her neck and attempted to sweep her stronger opponent to the canvas.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Christina Perez - Fierce Competition

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Holding Christina in the side headlock, Trisha was considering what to do next. She was wrenching at her opponent's head to weaken her, but before she could come up with something, Christina suddenly maneuvered herself to sweep her legs off the mat, and before she knew it, Trisha was brought down onto the canvas.


Knowing that she somehow found herself in a rather precarious position, Trisha would bring her arms up to protect her face in case if Christina was targeting her while mounting on her body. At the same time, she would try to buck Christina off of her, looking to remove her from the top of her before she could try something else.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Christina Perez - Fierce Competition

Unread post by Weonna »

The sweeping maneuver worked as Christina got what she wanted. The Grappler felt more comfortable when the match was on the ground as Christina expertly mounted her. Initially, she tried to grab her opponent's arm and see if she could lock in a quick cross armbreaker, but her opponent had her face covered, and it was going to be difficult for her to catch that arm. So Christina decided to soften Trisha up with ground and pound elbows before going for the Cross arm breaker. However, the strength of her opponent bucking pushes the dark-haired woman back, giving enough space for the African-American lady to move out.

'Damn, she is hard to control! I gotta keep her down!' Christina didn't feel comfortable if Trisha got back on her feet as the Grappler would attempt to tackle her back down to the canvas before Trisha could get back up.

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