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Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Hentai Submission Match
Win via Orgasm Submission

This would be a new one for Hakune. She understood the idea of both a hentai and a submission match, but combining the two methods was difficult to grasp. A hentai match was a simple matter of clashing passions with one's opponent using their body, competitively using both martial and sexual prowess to force them to give into their mounting passion. A submission match was a clash of wills, fighters pushes each other until one's will gave out and revealed who's fortitude was stronger. But both at the same time was... hard to fully grasp. The idea of forcing an opponent to submit to pleasure was an interesting one at the very least. Though probably the oddest thing was Hakune's willingness to engage in such a battle. Most thought her to be a prudish person due to her strong morals, but... that was only half the story.

As a former cosplayer, Hakune was experienced with a wearing a slew of racy outfits, engaging in yuri kissing scenes and poses for some of her racier photos, and even a bit of bondage for her Patreon photos before coming to LAW. Sexual combat was just another form of combat, and another way to clash spirits, souls, and passions, and she'd grab it by the horns with gutso and spirit, just as any other samurai would. "Yosh! Dekimasu!" She pumped a fist to the sky, her soul set ablaze by passion now.


As her them kicked on, the Samurai walked out in a haze of mist. Just as the instruments of her theme started to move to its guitar riffs a silver line cut through the fog. And from that fog, Hakune appeared in her usual fashion. Though unlike her outfit was very different than her typical samurai garb. A simple and elegant one piece swimsuit, something that showed off her body a little bit more. With (fake) sword in hand, she did one more quick flourish with the blade before sheathing it.

As she moved to the ring quickly, noting a few more whistles and calls than the usual cheers. It was... probably best to be a little quicker to the action in that case, and she hopped right into the ring in quick fashion. And once inside she moved to the center and bowed to the audience as she always did before moving to her corner and waiting for her opponent.
Last edited by dlamp on Mon May 16, 2022 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Awakening One's Passion (Hakune vs. Amaya)

Unread post by Violet »

The dressing room felt... tighter and hotter. Glued to the mirror, frail, with a phone that fidgeted in one hand, containing the information of the match she's about to have, Amaya's nervous. Sticky sweat lined her nape and brushed by the wind. She has heard of the stipulation for quite some time now but she hadn't grasped it yet. A hentai match! "Nghh... I'm not so sure about this" The prospect was daunting. She both felt cold and hot at the same time. Her attire barely covered anything. All, one tug away from indecency. "Why couldn't I wear my usual outfit?... for protection?" She sighed as she checked the effectiveness of the strings of her bikini to hold themselves together. She then fell and sat on the stool right behind her. The frosty metal touch upon her skin jerked her mind. Slaps stung both cheeks before she got up. "You can do this Amaya!"
Amaya Keiko
Amaya's music then blared to life, heralding the cute bluenette that skipped her way to the ramp stage. She hid her shame with a bright smile! Hand outstretched, waving to the fans that adored her as one folded right beside her bust! She wore a scanty bikini that didn't leave much to the imagination. Her bikini was thin and barely restrained the fullness of her breasts, held together by what looked like flimsy strings! Her barely-there bottom was not much different, leaving most of her plump backside bare and exposed as her hips swayed at each step she took!

She then hopped onto the apron and weaved herself into the ring! Much of the cheers, hollers, and whistles blurred as if she entered another world. The only important things were her and her similarly scantily-dressed would-be rival! Not that it changed much of her nervousness around this match!

"L..L-let's make this a good one, yeah?"
Last edited by Violet on Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Awakening One's Passion (Hakune vs. Amaya)

Unread post by dlamp »

Soon after Hakune's entrance her opponent's music came to life, and from the staged came out a young girl. She was probably around Hakune's age, and her first thing the Samurai noted about her was her cute face and sexy body. She moved down the ramp with confidence, but the expression was forced. Years of cosplay and events taught Hakune how to pull off a natural smile, and this girl was moving with only enough surface confidence to fool the uninitiated. And as the girl entered the ring and Hakune got a full look at her nervous expression Hakune couldn't help but feel a little bad. She wasn't a stranger to showing off her body, this girl clear was, and she was holding it together about as well as her outfit was.

Still, she seemed to be a good sport, trying to wish Hakune good luck. "Hai!" Hakune said, nodding. "Don't worry Keiko-san, we're just clashing our passions with each other." Best to try and break the tension a little. She couldn't exactly be a warrior of justice if she didn't try to bolster her shy opponent's spirits. "As an honorable warrior of bushido, I'm more than prepared to take in all your attacks, as I'm sure you're prepared for mine!"

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Re: Awakening One's Passion (Hakune vs. Amaya)

Unread post by Violet »

Despite how strong Amaya tried to portray, worry coursed through her body! Her posture seemed shaken, her form shrunk with shame as her arm folded and pressed in front of her bust! She looked not much unlike a skittish kitten trying to bark! Everything that touched her exposed skin seemed cold, turnbuckles and gusts of wind.

But Hakune's way with words pierced her uneasy shield! Her arms went down and her thighs spread apart to widen her posture as she gets hyped! "Let's go!" The bluenette shouted, almost cracking her voice, bringing a slight red in her cheeks! "I'll show you what I got so don't hold back!" She whipped her index finger and declared as the bell finally rang through the arena to kick off the match!

The rookie then wasted no time and got into a stance, settling in the middle of the ring, eagerly waiting for her rival with a smile!

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Re: Awakening One's Passion (Hakune vs. Amaya)

Unread post by dlamp »

For all Amaya's nervousness, she got into the fight easily enough. A bit of forced courage and spirit was all it took to get her head in the game, and Hakune had every intention to meet her there! "Hai!" She pumped a fist to the air, getting a small pop from the crowd. With Amaya's spirits bolstered and her confidence slowly coming out the match could begin proper, just in time as the bell rang.

"Kakugo!" Hakune took her stand, legs apart and arms up in knife-like fashion. Her own fighting style of hit-and-run tactics didn't really play to a more sensual style of combat, but she could wear Amaya down. "Yaaah!" And she started things off with a fast chop aimed at Amaya's chest. It'd be best to get her opponent in the mindset of proper wrestling before moving to the more sensual portions of the match.

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