Win via Orgasm Submission
This would be a new one for Hakune. She understood the idea of both a hentai and a submission match, but combining the two methods was difficult to grasp. A hentai match was a simple matter of clashing passions with one's opponent using their body, competitively using both martial and sexual prowess to force them to give into their mounting passion. A submission match was a clash of wills, fighters pushes each other until one's will gave out and revealed who's fortitude was stronger. But both at the same time was... hard to fully grasp. The idea of forcing an opponent to submit to pleasure was an interesting one at the very least. Though probably the oddest thing was Hakune's willingness to engage in such a battle. Most thought her to be a prudish person due to her strong morals, but... that was only half the story.
As a former cosplayer, Hakune was experienced with a wearing a slew of racy outfits, engaging in yuri kissing scenes and poses for some of her racier photos, and even a bit of bondage for her Patreon photos before coming to LAW. Sexual combat was just another form of combat, and another way to clash spirits, souls, and passions, and she'd grab it by the horns with gutso and spirit, just as any other samurai would. "Yosh! Dekimasu!" She pumped a fist to the sky, her soul set ablaze by passion now.

As her them kicked on, the Samurai walked out in a haze of mist. Just as the instruments of her theme started to move to its guitar riffs a silver line cut through the fog. And from that fog, Hakune appeared in her usual fashion. Though unlike her outfit was very different than her typical samurai garb. A simple and elegant one piece swimsuit, something that showed off her body a little bit more. With (fake) sword in hand, she did one more quick flourish with the blade before sheathing it.
As she moved to the ring quickly, noting a few more whistles and calls than the usual cheers. It was... probably best to be a little quicker to the action in that case, and she hopped right into the ring in quick fashion. And once inside she moved to the center and bowed to the audience as she always did before moving to her corner and waiting for her opponent.