Until One Surrenders! (Noelle vs Hakune)

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Until One Surrenders! (Noelle vs Hakune)

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Match Type: I Quit
Victory Conditions: Until one Opponent says "I Quit"
Special: Hentai is allowed and Encouraged

Noelle was feeling pretty great about herself, a victory at the beach in the last match she found herself in which she won by submission, going the step further and forcing another girl to scream in agony and scream out the most humiliating way to lose was a step down her alley. Although...there was a little asterisk on the side note of this match, the match was allowed to go on the dirty side...and not the bend rules sort of dirty that Noelle had flourished in.

No the girls were allowed to use the ultimate method of humiliation, forcing each other to orgasm on route to victory. As such, Noelle had a light shade of red on her face as she prepared for the match. Nothing was going to change, she was ready to do whatever she wanted to in order to hear those sweet words from her opponent's mouth.

It was time to show why Silence was Golden as she made her way towards the entrance, opening her parasol and draping it over her shoulder as she began to skip her way out to the crowd, who was more amped than usual knowing what to expect from the risque rules. A smug grin flashed over Noelle's face, swaying her hips as she stood on the stage with a hand on her hip, twirling the parasol in her grip as she began to skip her way down to the ring. Her exposed legs caught many eyes on the lightweight, strutting down to the ring and up the stairs before climbing up onto the corner turnbuckle, looking out to the crowd for one final twirl of her parasol before casting it aside, letting it float down to ring side as she jumped into the ring!

Her full attention turned back to the entrance way, waiting for the unfortunate girl paired up against her!

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Re: Until One Surrenders! (Noelle vs Hakune)

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An "I Quit" Match, one of the truest test of wills. A submission match was one thing, a simple matter of your will proving stronger than the other. An "I Quit" Match was a different matter. Not only testing wills, but pride as well. To push your opponent until they were screaming the specific phrase that would make the pain stop, to shatter their pride for safety. For a samurai, such shame was no less than death, and Hakune was eerily quiet at the revelation of it.

And even more so in this match.

"... ... ..." She let out an exhale, sitting down in the seiza position her master taught her as she focused. You can do this... She thought to herself. Her opponent was yet another villain of mysterious origin, a silent killer akin to an assassin of sorts. The kind of opponent that would be tough to crack in normal circumstances. But... in this match, not only would they be using martial techniques, but sexual techniques were legal as well. It'd be an honest battle utilizing everything she and her opponent were willing to use in order to break the other's pride. And so Hakune steeled herself mind and soul for the intense battle to come. She wasn't doing her usually exercises or general bouncing around, she simply sat in the center of her locker room in mediation, taking on more breath before finally leaving the room.


As her theme kicked on the the Japanese instruments played there was a white haze of mist. But unlike usual Hakune didn't cut through the fog. No, as the guitar riff started to play she calming walked out of the haze and down the ramp, the crowd whistling and cheering as she walked by. She still waved, still smiled at the audience as she walked down, but it was clear she was in a much more reserved mindset. She had to preserve her energy this time.

And as she climbed into the the ring she gave a quick bow to the crowd, and then looked over to her opponent with a fierce expression. She was... small. About as small as Hakune, but the playful look in her eye was more unsettling to the Samurai than anything else. She exhaled on last time, steeling her gaze before speaking. "Don't expect an easy match, Osborne-san." She announced. "I'll be giving my all to win this duel, so steel your mind and spirit well before we clash!" As confidently as she spoke these words, they were more for herself than her opponent.

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Re: Until One Surrenders! (Noelle vs Hakune)

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Standing with her hands on her hips, Noelle stood in the center of the ring as all eyes were on her and her revealing attire that showed off her legs. It was only her opponent's arrival did everyone, including Noelle, to turn their attention towards the entrance to view the spectacle beginning to unfold. Even the usually stoic Noelle couldn't hold in her interest, her eyebrow raising at the fog rose up and covered the ramp and once the guitar riff sudden cut through the arena she even recoiled back.

She whistled in awe at the entrance of her opponent, still standing in the middle of the ring as she watched the Japanese inspired wrestler make her way into the ring. But the closer the kimono garbed got, Noelle's eyes narrowed and saw that her opponent had features that weren't in line with typical Japanese people as the immediate connection of a foreigner pretending to be Japanese shot in Noelle's mind as her lips skewed trying to hold in her smug laughter.

She tried to keep a straight face but when Hakune opened a dialogue with a peculiar choice in words, Noelle struggled even harder to hold in her laughter, snickering behind her sealed lips. Who uses words like duel and clash? The girl was adorable trying to put up this tough girl act as Noelle raised a hand up, brought it right to Hakune's forehead and began to pat it, teasing and mocking Hakune with the arrogant display!

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Re: Until One Surrenders! (Noelle vs Hakune)

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"Hmmm..." Hakune eyes glanced over her opponent, observing and examining her. Her outfit was... rather showy. Not that Hakune's was any less revealing or flashy, but it was clear that Noelle was working a more sexual angle. Whether that was due to the specific match at hand or their natural attire she couldn't say, but the look alone had the Samurai blushing a little. What she did notice, however, was the girl's almost immediate snickers at both her attire and her announcement. She was clearly mocking her!

Hakune puffed out her chest in response, pursing her lips and forcing a hardened expression in front of her rival. Even if Noelle didn't speak it, the smug look on her face and her cocky expression made it clear how little her opponent thought of Hakune. That arrogance would be shattered once the match began, Hakune was sure of it.

"Ah-" Though the confidence displayed on her face, soon turned to a short gasp and pout once her opponent patted her head. "O-Osborne-san," She took a step back, red blush showing on her face. It was clearly a mocking gesture, a ploy to rile the Samurai, but most of the villains she had faced were content to shout and declare their victory, or demean Hakune in some way. This girl, cocky as she was, had a different air about it. And it had Hakune off balance.

"Ahem!" She cleared her throat, collecting herself. "You're wordless taunts won't work on me, Osborne-san!" She declared. "You may pride yourself on your silent arrogance and ruthless tactics, but tonight you shall experience a humbling lost by my hands!" She took her stance, arms out in knife-like fashion.

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Re: Until One Surrenders! (Noelle vs Hakune)

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Noelle's lips settled into the trademark smirk of hers as she furrowed her palm into Hakune's forehead, despite the two of them were around even height Noelle was finding a way to assert herself over the Samurai before the match had even begun! Her reactions were quite priceless, even couldn't admit that she found Hakune cute with all of the taunting. It almost made her feel bad for what she was going to do to her.


Another speech from the girl caused Noelle to pull her hand back. But rather than engage with a speech to speech warfare, Noelle simply flashed a grin right into Hakune's face even as she got into what she assumed was her fighting stance. Choosing to fight when she wanted to and not right within the grasp of Hakune, Noelle took a few skips backwards and even more liberties against her opponent to create neutral ground between the two.

She raised her hand with her palm facing upwards, merely motioning her index and middle finger at Hakune to beckon the girl forward as the bell rang! Starting off with more energy than she had shown before hand, Noelle bounced off to the side as she sprung around the ring circling Hakune as she skirted around the edge of the ring. Her steps were light and wide to cover ground as she eyed her opponent's defenses. Choosing to start testing, Noelle stepped forward, with her hands up and ready to reach as she sprung forward attempting a collar and elbow tie up to start the physicality!

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Re: Until One Surrenders! (Noelle vs Hakune)

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It seemed her opponent was truly the type to use words rather than action for dialogue. Even after her teasing Noelle only retorted Hakune's speech by moving back and motioning for her to strike at the start of the match off proper. And Hakune had to admit, it was an odd sight. Given what she heard about Noelle, she expected something more... sly. But she was at least being a little fair to start out!

As Noelle skipped about the ring, Hakune's eyes followed. Her teasing aside, this was still a villain worth being wary of. Playful and mocking opponents like her always had a trick up their sleeve, a cruel edge to the teasing. And even as she paced about the ring she was likely looking for an opening. And then, Noelle moved for the lock-up. Hakune obliged her, grabbing onto her neck and shoulder, pulling her in.


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Re: Until One Surrenders! (Noelle vs Hakune)

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The two girls shoved into each other, Noelle sinking low to dig her feet into the mat while her opponent did the same with much more gusto. Noelle kept her breathing even as she pressed against Hakune’s body. The girl was stronger than her appearance would imply, perhaps her spirit was adding to her efforts. Her muscles bulged in her legs, holding back Hakune but having little success in forcing an advantage over her opponent.

Gritting her teeth, her lips curled upwards as she took a step back. Rather than waste energy in a head to head battle just to see who would outlast the other, Noelle willing chose to give up the contest, planting her weight on her back foot to slow her retreat while attempting to pull Hakune forward and off balance as she pressed in. Looking to spring her trap, Noelle would quickly yank downwards on Hakune’s arm and head to try and slam Hakune down on her front!

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Re: Until One Surrenders! (Noelle vs Hakune)

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She was doing it. So far the struggle was moving in Hakune's favor. As she forced her strength and spirit through Noelle started to give way and back up. It seemed silent planning and calculations couldn't beat out spirited determination. And with the momentum on Hakune's side she didn't stop pushing, continuing to drive Noelle back. She just had to get her opponent to submit more ground and then she'd try something more hard-hitting.

And Noel did back down. A lot.

More than just a lot, she outright gave up the struggle, and the sudden lack of tension had the Samurai staggering forward in confusion. "Whoa-!" Hakune tumbled, the balance lost wasn't just Noelle's lack of trying, she was guiding Hakune's momentum, pulling right to the ground as she tripped forward. "Waaa-!"

And the landing was anything but smooth. Hakune slammed the to mat hard, head-first. The crowd wince, and Hakune's head pounded as she collided with the ground, the world around her turning into a throbbing, blinking mess.
Last edited by dlamp on Tue Jan 18, 2022 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Until One Surrenders! (Noelle vs Hakune)

Unread post by TheManVan »

Noelle had plenty of experience fighting straight laced girls, it was further and farther between these kind of opponents. But seeing how Hakune acted, Noelle saw a wondrous opportunity in front of her, and there was no chance in hell that she was going to squander it. Taking advantage of Hakune falling prey to her ruse, Noelle whipped her down face first onto the mat and Noelle couldn't help but smirk at the predicament.

Her hands still low and her body still hunched over, Noelle didn't straighten up just yet. She planted her hand onto the back of Hakune's head, pressing her opponent's face into the mat before roughly ruffling her white hair. Not only had Hakune have to suffer falling prey to her ruse but now Noelle was adding a bit more salt to the insult with the added face grind to the mat.

It didn't last long as she hopped away from Hakune, looking to prevent her opponent from getting retribution by skirting out of Hakune's reach, skipping around the ring with her eyes narrowed and smirking at Hakune!

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Re: Until One Surrenders! (Noelle vs Hakune)

Unread post by dlamp »

"Mmm- Phhhmg..." Even as Hakune's body slammed into the mat Noelle wasn't done toying with the Samurai yet. Her face was shoved even further into the mat, forcing a pained groan from Hakune was Noelle tousled her hair further. "G-Gh..." Hakune's body jolted, her face turning red from the humiliating teasing. She whipped herself up into a standing position in a quick flourish, her eyes narrowed and glaring back at Noelle as she playfully bounced just out of the Samurai's reach.

"Kono..." Her voice was on the edge of a growl, fists clenched in reflex before she brought them up to her face in knife-like fashion. Another villain trying to make a fool of her. "Haaaah!" She charged forward, arm reeled back for a sharp chop aimed at Noelle's chest for revenge.

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