[Submission Match] Sintharia Ashmore (D) vs Eirika Karlson - Crunching of bones

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[Submission Match] Sintharia Ashmore (D) vs Eirika Karlson - Crunching of bones

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Match type: submission
Victory conditions: victory can be achieved only by submission or disqualification

To be honest, I was confident that your sister would get her debut before you did,” Victoria said.
"There is nothing surprising in this opinion," replied Sintharia, "my beloved older sister is always in the spotlight, while I prefer to remain in the shadows."
"I wonder why?" the manager asked sarcastically, adjusting her glasses.

The brown-haired woman finished her warm-up and turned to Victoria. There was not a single hint in her eyes that she took this innocent joke easily. She slowly began to approach Victoria. And when she stopped a meter from her, a shiver ran down the manager's back. Sintharia looked into her eyes and she had the impression that she was seeing right through her. No, not only that. What is this strange feeling? Was it... fear?

Because the most painful strike is the one you don't expect,” Sintharia said in a murderously calm voice.

Victoria had an incredible desire to jump up and run away. But the American woman relieved her of this need. Without saying anything more, Sintharia left the locker room. She walked calmly down the long corridor. In spite of everything, this evening was really unusual. Lunara was always the one who walked in front, all the time. And Sintharia had nothing against it. But today, for the first time in a long time, she had the opportunity to get ahead of her sister. And such an opportunity should not be missed. She stopped in front of the curtains. The young woman ran her tongue over her lips, her eyes narrowed.

The web is woven,” she said.
Entrance Music
Her music began and Sintharia came out from behind the curtains under unhurried and smooth notes. But literally in an instant, the tempo of the music changed and at the same time the Komodo Dragon majestically spread her arms to the sides and slowly raised them up. And while she didn't get a storm of applause, she certainly intrigued the audience. This made the corners of her lips slightly lift up.

She slowly started down the ramp. And with each new step the rumble in the hall increased. In her appearance, a certain aristocracy was clearly read. A beautiful and neat face with two symmetrical moles under the eyes. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the spotlight. And her outfit perfectly emphasized both her appearance and her mystery.

Sintharia climbed the metal steps and grabbed the top rope. Pushing herself off the edge of the ring, she elegantly rolled over the top rope, landing first on her right foot and then on her left. The Komodo Dragon stepped into the center of the ring and looked around the audience. There was a coldness in her eyes, but at the same time there was something hypnotizingly attractive. The brown-haired woman put her right hand on her waist and extended her left hand forward, as if beckoning the audience to her.

When her music ended, she immediately went to her corner, not paying any attention to the referee. She turned to face the center of the ring and folded her arms under her chest. There was practically no emotion on her face, just a strange slight smile. And this clearly added some note of mystery to her image. Many simply did not know what to expect from her. But soon they will find out. Sintharia was here for one thing only. But she was not going to lay all the cards on the table. She will get what she needed anyway. The only question was, can she keep her inner impulses and not let the mask that hid her true nature fall?

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Re: [Submission Match] Sintharia Ashmore (D) vs Eirika Karlson - Crunching of bones

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Eirika laced up her boots in her empty locker room. Once again, it was her favorite time of the day, it was time for her next wrestling match in LAW, and for the second time, she will get to be the debut opponent for someone who just joined. This filled Eirika with so much glee, she wondered what her opponent was like, hopefully she'll be fun to wrestle against. The match will be a Submission Match though, and while Eirika wasn't exactly the most well, 5op tier in Submissions, she definitely knew how to tap someone out. Her famous Restoration Lock had already gotten her one win in LAW, against the Princess Idol and member of that foul Cyber Legacy group that she needs to get back at, Anastasia Akira. Tonight, she was taking on someone who was also a sibling to someone else, so she knew how that felt. She was ready to prove that Eirika could be just as good in submissions as someone like a Mary Clairson (who's she beaten before)
Restoration Lock
The LAW staff member peeked through the door to let Eirika know her opponent was already heading to the ring, and she should be heading out as well. "No Problem. I'll be there any moment." Eirika said as the Staff member gave her a thumbs up before leaving. Doing some Last Minute Adjustments to her boots, gloves, and top, Eirika was ready and with a smile that would make anyone blush, she walked down the hallway, waving to any passerby that came by her. And then she got behind the carpet-like curtain. Jumping in place, before heading through

"And her opponent, standing at 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighing in at 125 pounds, THE RESTORATION LADY, EIRIKA KARLSON!" The ring announcer yelled as Eirika came out waving to the crowd to a loud ovation. The crowd showered the Bluenette with love as she ran down to the ring, slapping hands with as many fans as she could, before sliding into the ring, heading to her corner and doing a pose on the second rope before stretching, and then she saw Sintharia for the first time.

Sintharia was pretty, her body more defined then Eirika's, but that emotionless look on her face creeper her out. Hopefully she was zoning out. Eirika will give her the signature Eirika introduction by heading to the center of the ring and holding out her hand for a handshake. "Hello Sintharia, My names Eirika and I happy to welcome you to LAW. Let's have a great match." Eirika said with a gleaming smile on her face.

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Re: [Submission Match] Sintharia Ashmore (D) vs Eirika Karlson - Crunching of bones

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The American woman turned her head to the side when another music started. Sintharia raised her left eyebrow slightly when she noticed that her opponent received a very warm reaction from the audience. Many even reached out to her in the hope that she would give them five. It was very unusual. Sintharia knew that this blue-haired girl didn't have a lot of matches behind her back. And the fact that the audience took her side so quickly was very entertaining.

Sintharia was completely neutral when Eirika got into the ring. She didn't want to show all the cards. She hadn't made a final decision yet, but she was considering an option in which she wouldn't show her true self in this match. Maybe today she'd better try to restrain her impulses. Although the American woman was ready to admit that if she tasted blood, it would most likely be difficult for her to stop.

She pushed off from her corner and headed to the center of the ring so that the referee could announce the start of the match. And her rival did the same. The look of cold eyes ran over the blue-haired girl from head to toe. They had a very similar build, although Sintharia still thought that her own body was a little more athletic. But the most important thing she noticed is that this girl is literally positive. She didn't even need to use her analytical skills to see it.

And this was fully confirmed when Eirika greeted her. Sintharia looked at the outstretched hand, and then her gaze rose higher, straight into the eyes of the blue-haired girl. There was a slight smile on Sinhtaria's face. And few people would be able to find something strange in this. But with every second, looking into her eyes, a person would realize more and more that something was wrong. Why was there a smile on her face, but at the same time there seemed to be a deadly cold around? And why, looking into her eyes, does it seem that she sees right through you?

"Sintharia Ashmore," the brown-haired woman said in a calm and smooth voice, extending her hand forward, "I'm sure you'll give me a great match, won't you?”

What was going to happen? She didn't say anything wrong. But why then did even the audience have the feeling that she would just attack Eirika now? The brown-haired girl took her rival's palm and shook it, accepting the handshake. And nothing else. She just took two steps back to take a fighting stance.

Did anyone have any suggestions about this? Perhaps this would be the most important question. And that's exactly what the Komodo Dragon wanted. Mind games are a much more dangerous weapon than any submission hold or hard throw. And she knew better than anyone that when the opponent does not know what to expect from you, you have already gained an advantage. The American woman raised her half-bent palms to the level of her chin and got ready. Now it remains only to wait for the bell to ring.

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Re: [Submission Match] Sintharia Ashmore (D) vs Eirika Karlson - Crunching of bones

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Eirika accepted her opponent's handshake, she seemed nice enough, though something was a bit off. Oh well, she was probably just serious and focused on the Submission Match about to take place in this very ring. Even the audience was thrown off by this. Was there something Eirika didn't know? Nah, she just needs to focus on giving her opponent a good time and then tapping her out with the Restoration Lock!

"Thanks! I won't go easy!" Eirika said as she bowed, showing respect to her opponent Sintharia before heading to her corner and using the ropes to stretch out her legs and arms, waiting for the bell to ring.


The bell rang and Eirika headed to the center of the ring, and put her arms in a grappling stance, as she looked to engage Sintharia in a Collar and Elbow Tie Up, hoping to engage her in a grappling war. Still with a smile on her face, Eirika was ready to wrestle.

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Re: [Submission Match] Sintharia Ashmore (D) vs Eirika Karlson - Crunching of bones

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"I have no doubt," Sintharia said in response to her rival's words.

They both took up fighting stances and after a few moments striped shirt waved her hand. The bell rang, which marked the start of the match. The audience began to shout and applaud, wanting to see the show. It couldn't be said that this was a very rare type of match, but still, it couldn't be seen every day. Many had high expectations, it was easy to notice. But so far, no one knew that submission holds are the main specialization of Sintharia. She knew every bone in the human body. And she knew ways to break them all.

The American woman took the first step forward, she was not one of those who rushes into the attack without a plan. And she was wondering what her rival would decide to do. To her surprise, the blue-haired girl also did not run forward like a train. Instead, she held out her hands, inviting Sintharia to close up with her.

An interesting decision. This kind of thing is mainly resorted to by those who have very good grappling skills. And now this blue-haired girl managed to intrigue Sintharia. She always liked to test other people's skills in areas in which she was, if not the best, then very impressive. Therefore...

"Well, let's see," the brown-haired woman thought.

She lifted her arms higher and took another step forward. At the same time, she threw her hands forward, intending to grab the back of her opponent's head and her elbow. And as soon as they connected, the Komodo Dragon was going to strain her arms and legs. She was definitely not an overly muscular woman, she had stronger sides than pure strength. However, she knew the level of her strength perfectly well, so she controlled both her movements and her opponent's movements.

Sintharia acted smoothly and even to some extent unhurriedly. Many during the Collar and Elbow try to simply push the opponent back. But Sintharia methodically tried to direct the force in another direction, too. She tried to put pressure on her opponent from top to bottom. And at the same time, the American woman tried not to focus on this, she did not want to scare off Eirika. The frightened victim starts doing stupid things, and this was definitely not what Sintharia needed. She wanted to give the blue-haired girl the feeling that she had everything under control.
Last edited by skip-stop on Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Submission Match] Sintharia Ashmore (D) vs Eirika Karlson - Crunching of bones

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Eirika engaged Sintharia in a Collar and Elbow Tie Up, the two women ended up in a struggle, trying to gain an advantage over the other. Eirika enjoyed this, it was nice having an opponent who seemed just as into it as she did. She could definitely feel Sintharia was a bit stronger, and if it went longer, Sintharia could have an advantage. So Eirika made a quick change of plans.

She would let Sintharia push her towards the ropes, and then let go and attempt to put Sintharia in a Side Headlock, hopefully getting the advantage in the match. Despite what some people think, Eirika wasn't stupid, and knew how to navigate around a ring and a tough opponent.

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Re: [Submission Match] Sintharia Ashmore (D) vs Eirika Karlson - Crunching of bones

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The American woman was in no hurry. After she grabbed Eirika, she continued to calmly and methodically increase the pressure. She didn't want things to get out of hand. Many preferred a more straightforward approach, she knew that. And maybe if she had put enough effort into it, she would have quickly forced the blue-haired girl to retreat to the ropes. But it wasn't the Komodo Dragon style.

Instead, she exerted pressure in two directions at once. She didn't have a goal to press Eirika to the ropes, she just wanted to catch the right moment. Sintharia was determined to feel weakness in the hands of her rival and then to move on to more active actions. But contrary to her expectations, things did not go as she had planned.

Despite the fact that she had the advantage, as well as despite the fact that she constantly kept her hands tense, her opponent somehow broke their lock and shifted to the side. And after a moment, the brown-haired woman was forced to bend forward, while her head was wrapped by Eirika's hands.

"Interesting..." the Komodo Dragon thought.

Perhaps her opponent really wasn't that simple, since the fact that she could grab the American woman so easily was very unusual. However, this did not change much for Sintharia. Panic and such things were tools of manipulation for her, not something that could cloud her mind. And she was determined to continue to act methodically, but this time putting speed into her movements. She didn't need time to think.

Sintharia clenched her right fist and wrapped her left palm around it. She moved her right arm to the left side, and then sharply directed her right elbow to the right, accelerating the movement with the pressure of her left hand. Instead of starting to waste time loosening the grip of the blue-haired girl, Sintharia was going to send a right elbow strike into her opponent's bare stomach. And if she had managed to relax Eirika's hands this way, then she would not have hesitated. Turning on her toes and straightening up to her full height, Sintrania would have tried to send a left hook straight into her opponent's jaw.

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Re: [Submission Match] Sintharia Ashmore (D) vs Eirika Karlson - Crunching of bones

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Eirika managed to wrap Sintharia into a Side Headlock, forcing the Brunette's head close to her chest. Grappling wasn't her specialty, and that can make many people question why she took on a Submission Match. But Eirika didn't back down from any challenge, even if she's at a severe disadvantage, she always believes that she will win in the end. And maybe a match more focused around grappling then striking will help the Bluenette's career in the long run.

"Gotcha now" Eirika said as she tightened on the Side Headlock, her best opportunity to win the match was to wear down her opponent 's head and neck area, that way her Restoration Lock can be extremely effective. A basic strategy, but one that has worked well.

If only Eirika knew that she shouldn't have spoken that soon, as she recieved an elbow to her bare stomach. "GAH!" Eirika screeched, the force of the Elbow was enough that it made her let go of the headlock, the area that Sintharia striked had a small red spot. And straight after that, Eirika got sent a left hook straight to her jaw, one that if it was a bit harder, might have cracked it. Eirika went a few steps back, holding her jaw.

"Oh, you wanna fight miss Sintharia. I warn you, I can hit just as hard as you." Eirika said, though some of it sounded a bit muffled due to the jaw pain.

It wouldn't take long for Eirika to retaliate to the strikes, launching a Thrust Kick straight back at Sintharia's jaw. Eirika was ready to play Sintharia's game.

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Re: [Submission Match] Sintharia Ashmore (D) vs Eirika Karlson - Crunching of bones

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Considering the fact that Sintharia was mainly a master of submission holds, being in one of them at the beginning of the match was not the most pleasant circumstance. However, you can find a way out of any situation. During a fight, it is always necessary to keep emotions under control. And it is equally important to be able to make quick decisions. Possessing both of these qualities, the Komodo Dragon made a quick and effective decision.

Her elbow slammed into her opponent's stomach and at the same moment she felt Eirika's grip loosen. The American woman took advantage of this fact in order to straighten up to her full height, thereby completely breaking the hold. A moment later, her left fist was aimed at the blue-haired girl's jaw. Sintharia felt in all its glory as her knuckles crashed into her opponent.

The force of this punch was enough to make Eirika a few steps back. Sintharia's rival grabbed her jaw and it was easy to guess that she clearly did not like this pain. The American woman was about to continue the offensive, but at that moment she heard the words of her rival. Oh, it seems the blue-haired girl really didn't like this punch. Sintharia clearly heard the notes of anger in Eirika's voice.

"That's right, keep talking," Sintharia thought.

It was her first match. But she took some time to watch the matches of other members of their team. And the fact that many opponents found time for long phrases during the match was a bit strange for the Komodo Dragon. However, it was good to her. The more they talk, the more they lose concentration. Victory does not always depend only on the strength of the body. Sometimes you can lose a match before it even starts. It's all about emotions that prevent the brain from giving rational orders.

And the biggest proof of this was what Eirika did right after she finished speaking. Kicks are great weapon. Among the team that Victoria has assembled, there is a woman named Charlotte, and even Sintharia was ready to admit that this woman had almost reached the pinnacle of skill in using kicks. But kicks have two big drawbacks. The trajectory of the kick is often predictable. Any kick is much slower than any punch. In order to negate these drawbacks, kicks should be used only at the right moment so that the enemy cannot take advantage of the drawbacks of this powerful attack.

But Eirika's kick was straight as a rail. As soon as the blue-haired girl raised her knee, Sintharia realized exactly what kind of attack it would be, her reaction was more than enough for that. And her speed was more than enough to take a diagonal step forward and to the left, dodging her opponent's kick. Perhaps her rival succumbed to emotions. Or she was sure that Sintharia would stand still and watch this direct kick. But anyway, if she wanted to catch the Komodo Dragon by surprise, then she should have come up with something less obvious.

The American woman was going to take advantage of the fact that her opponent would need time to land her leg after the kick in order to stabilize her stance. Once at the side of Eirika, Sintharia did not plan to stop. She was determined to take another step forward, being behind her rival. Throwing her hands to the blue-haired girl's head, she was about to grab her rival's chin. Gravity is a great thing. And the Komodo Dragon wanted to use it. She was going to jump up and then pull Eirika's upper body back. Gravity would do the rest. Sintharia intended to spread her legs apart and land in a sitting position, at the same time driving her opponent's head and upper back into the mat with a sitout rear mat slam!

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Re: [Submission Match] Sintharia Ashmore (D) vs Eirika Karlson - Crunching of bones

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Eirika wasn't thinking straight, wanting to get back at Sintharia for the punch she threw. Eirika was known for her strikes. Coming out at such a speed that it was hard to predict. So she was shocked when Sintharia managed to get out of the way. Eirika was wildly off balance, and Eirika was wide open for an attack, as she was slammed right on the back of her head.

"AGH!" Eirika yelped as she held the back of her head in pain, flailing around in pain. The Slam was painful, and she needed to lay down on her back and hope Sintharia will give her enough time to recover.
Last edited by Epicsnivy on Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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