Yukari Akiyama vs Saya "Batto-Saya" Sakai (D)

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Yukari Akiyama vs Saya "Batto-Saya" Sakai (D)

Unread post by Lederface »

Fight type: last woman standing
win condition: opponent fails to get up in a 10 seconds count.
Yukari still remembers with some annoyance her fight against Aliyah, knowing that that time because of her everything went worse and Fenrir ended up much more screwed, but now that another opportunity to fight was presented, she would be willing not to lose, not only for not being considered a Jobber, but she herself wanted to know that she was worthy of being a fighter and not just a simple data girl, so when it was her time to introduce herself, this time she wouldn't decide to use an entrance music, since some weeks ago the song started to be a bit weird and it didn't fit with Yukari's way of being, but she wouldn't stop giving a smile to everything, running to the ring, to see Fenrir, who even with the patch seemed to want to give her advice, telling Fenrir with a smile
if you need it, I have the weapons to break this girl's face......

Yukari would only be a bit nervous, since she didn't think it was necessary, but anyway, she would just make a clear sign with her hands: No.

and after that rare conversation, Yukari would wait in her newest outfit, waiting for her opponent to make her presence known.

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Re: Yukari Akiyama vs Saya "Batto-Saya" Sakai (D)

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Saya was pretty excited about her upcoming match. It couldn’t be any other way since she was finally going to make her first appearance in a big league like LAW. For a long time the cute but whimsical girl had wanted to leave her imprint in the wrestling world in some way and it was finally her chance. In order to start her career in a rush she had to destroy that night’s rival. It looked like Saya’s manager had done her work in finding a suitable oponent. For her debut Saya would be facing a woman who had been in a losing streak for some time. And she was a cutie too. Saya loved the potential behind destroying a babyface in order to leave an impression. Without leaving her trusty bat behind the woman made her way backstage.

“Hoooooooow’s everyone??? Are you ready for some BAT TIME???” Saya inintiated her walk towards the ring, prancing down the ramp as she made some pirouettes with her bat. It atracted the people’s attention as now everyone was wondering about that energetic debutant and her obvious weapon, but was it only for show? She couldn’t be thinking of using it… could she?

After her walk towards the ring, during which Saya gave some high fives and winks to some lucky fans, the debutant made it inside the arena, ceremoniously leaving her bat outside of it leaning against one of the corners. While she made her final pose Saya couldn’t help but notice how the referee was looking at the weapon in a vigilant way. “Good”, thought the debutant before walking to the center of the ring to look at her rival for the first time. “So, I hope you don’t mind going back home a liiiiittle roughed up!” Saya’s tone was cheerful but the threat behind her words was sincere.

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Re: Yukari Akiyama vs Saya "Batto-Saya" Sakai (D)

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Yukari waited with much excitement for her opponent to arrive, knowing then that it could be a difficult fight, but at the moment that her opponent would arrive, she would see why the name "Batto-Saya", looking then at her opponent, carrying a baseball bat, looking then at Fenrir, who seemed a little upset, remembering then her bad experiences with bats, once that girl was in the ring, Yukari would make a Japanese salute, showing respect for Saya.
It's a pleasure Saya Sakai, aka "Batto-Saya", I hope I can fight tonight with courage and bravery, and even if I get hurt, I won't be defeated tonight!

so then she would start jumping up and down, indicating to the referee that she was ready and prepared for action.

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Re: Yukari Akiyama vs Saya "Batto-Saya" Sakai (D)

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"Aren't you all sweet and noble?" Saya couldn’t help but grin in a sardonic way when her rival started talking with words like “courage” or “bravery”, and using those courtesy manners. Now all that Saya wanted to know about that one was confirmed in the woman’s mind: that rival was one of those goody-two-shoes cuties. That was perfect, Saya thought as she smiled to herself. Dominating that kind of wrestler and looking cool while doing it would certainly give her a reputation.

After Yukari’s sugary introduction the bell rang to signal to everyone that the match was starting. Saya did want to begin her debut in a positive tone. She was so eager to get her career going that she was getting overexcited about the thought of beating her rival. That was why she wouldn’t even wait for a slow start or let her rival make the first move. She wanted to make a statement from the very first instant and show her strength, so she feigned an invitation for a test of strength so when Yukari was close enough Saya could throw an elbow at her rival’s stomach!

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Re: Yukari Akiyama vs Saya "Batto-Saya" Sakai (D)

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Yukari would see that her opponent at the start between a nice way to see, although she doubted her true intentions, Yukari seeing that it was a challenge of strength to start the fight, Yukari would approach very excited to start it, but then.
a strong blow would hit her in her stomach, noticing that it was a deception that movement, taking a few steps back and panting a little, knowing this was not the best way to start a fight.

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Re: Yukari Akiyama vs Saya "Batto-Saya" Sakai (D)

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Saya smiled in satisfaction seeing how her elbow made a direct impact on her rival’s stomach. Of course it was so soon in the match for that to actually mean anything, but now Yukari knew that she had to be careful around someone like Saya. And she was being, since the first thing she did was breaking some distance in order to recover from the hit.

“Awwww what’s going on?”, Saya said while smiling sardonically and gesturing in overly dramatic way so the crowd would definitely understand what she was saying even without hearing it. “Where is all that excitement you had before? Okay, this time we can go for it for real, I promise.” As she said that she advanced once more, inviting for a test of strength again, this time for a real one. If accepted Saya would start pushing with all her strength in order to get Yukari against a corner, but of course she didn’t know what was going on inside the cute woman’s mind right now.

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Re: Yukari Akiyama vs Saya "Batto-Saya" Sakai (D)

Unread post by Lederface »

Yukari with that hit had already had a clear idea that her opponent is capable of that kind of techniques, something that annoyed her a lot, since she wanted to see well the strength of that girl, and when she seemed this time to want to do a real test of strength, yukari would accept without thinking, placing her arms, at the moment that her arms are fixed she would tell her
now you will see the power of a Fan!!!.

And so, she would push with all her strength, ready to take Saya further back, hoping that her initial attack would be successful, or her body would be somewhat sore from exerting too much effort in a short amount of time

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Re: Yukari Akiyama vs Saya "Batto-Saya" Sakai (D)

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Saya got her little fun with that preemptive strike, but what interest could the match have if she didn’t allow her rival for a little fighting back? That was exactly what she was doing when inviting Yukari for a test of strength, and the woman seemed so excited about it now that she could show what she was done for.

It turned out Yukari had some strength in her, even to match Saya’s. At first the test of strength was at a stalemate. Yukari was going all out and it showed when she actually started making Saya take some steps back! Luckily for her the bat-woman was one to think quick and before that could take her against a corner she thought of a solution: using Yukari’s newly gained momentum against her. Letting her rival push a little more Saya then let herself go towards the floor, going on her back and using that motion to launch her rival with a monkey flip!

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Re: Yukari Akiyama vs Saya "Batto-Saya" Sakai (D)

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Yukari was making a lot of effort, she knew she had to show her skills, and the more she pushed, the more she felt her strength running through her body, when they reached the corner, Saya moved down, for a moment leaving Yukari surprised, and when her brain turned on, she would realize at the end what Saya had plotted, but it would be too late to do anything, because in a few moments, she ended up flying across the canvas, being something that everyone was surprised, even her!

When she fell to the canvas in a strong blow, she would touch her back, her opponent seemed to know well what she was doing, but that instead of discouraging her, had motivated her more, but for now, it was time to get up, turning her back to Saya, being that a unique opportunity that Yukari had left Saya without knowing it.

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Re: Yukari Akiyama vs Saya "Batto-Saya" Sakai (D)

Unread post by UnusuallyTallJawa »

Anyone having a good look at their rival’s actions up to that point would have been capable of gathering lots of information about Yukari, like the fact she looked a little gullible and even inexperienced when pitted against certain strategies. Of course that wasn’t Saya’s style. Batto-Saya had a knack for trusting her fighting instincts and take the chances as they came. She wouldn’t spend much time trying to learn her rival’s patterns because she didn’t believe that was a good option to get the win.

In fact, the moment Saya monkey flipped Yukari and then the small woman got up while facing backwards Saya knew she was in for a treat. How could that woman be so careless? Well, it was going to work in Saya’s favor so no reason to overthink it. Having a freebie like that gave Saya an idea: to go less conventional, something unexpected. Batto-Saya wasn’t one to throw her rivals often, but Yukari was her size and completely open, so she would get on her back, got one of her arms grabbing Yukari’s leg and go for a belly to back suplex!

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