Fighting against all odds! [Baroness Vs Delta H.]

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Fighting against all odds! [Baroness Vs Delta H.]

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The Baroness Vs Delta Harper
First to 3 Knockouts
Victory Conditions: Knockout Only, No Disqualifications

It was another action packed night and a full stadium for the LAW. A solid card throughout with many favourites of the federation making an appearance and wrestling tonight. However... the main event was coming up, and once more it was a dreaded match up when the card was announced... with an infamous Middleweight being booked to take on another potential victim. The crowd were already jeering, having heard about the ridiculous stipulation, no doubt with the Baroness pulling the strings to make sure things went her way. A no DQ, no doubt to prevent what happened to Hakune from repeating tonight when the Baroness had a victory reversed when she refused to release Hakune after her tapping.

That was not the worst of the potential troubles however for this Middleweight match...
"Fantasy" began to play upon the PA systems at high volume, sending the crowd into an uproar. They all knew it was the Theme music of the Baroness, and ever since We Are Law, the Baroness had become a much hated heel amongst the roster after what she did to Clara Gaster during the PPV and Akari Hakune not long after. The lights of the entrance ramp began to dim in exchange for more focused blue tinted spotlights that moved within the darkness. Soon enough, four maids began to appear and walk into set places... wearing rather revealing uniforms, lining up opposite each other in a dual line formation. They each took position opposite one and other, spreading down over various sections of ramp before standing to attention... Once the Maids were in place, the Baroness herself began to walk elegantly into view through a large plume of rising smoke, clad in her shoulder pads and a large cloak that covered her entire form. Her expression was as uncaring as ever, paying no attention to the constant roars and near riots of the fans she continued to piss off by her mere presence alone.

Slowly, taking her sweet time, the Baroness began to make her way down the ramp. Each time she passed by a set of Maids, they took an item of clothing from her, first removing her shoulder pads in a smooth well rehearsed manner, moving in behind her, before the next set began to slip her large cloak from her shoulders... revealing her two piece bikini outfit below before they too followed behind. As ever the Baroness was a Marvel of a woman to behold, her body splendidly defined and sculpted. Her skin glistened in the low light, having noticeably been slightly oiled before the match to enhance her look all the more.

The Maids took point when they approached the ring, no doubt all well rehearsed, walking ahead of the Baroness, before shifting up to the ring to pull on the ropes, allowing the Baroness to elegantly and easily slip into the squared circle. A sly smile crept upon her smooth lips once she entered the ring, gazing upon the raging crowd as they continued to loudly jeer and protest at the appearance of the rising heel in the LAW.

Ever so slowly, the Baroness backed into a corner, as the Maids began to retreat out of the ring from various corners before standing to attention. With a No DQ stipulation... there was no doubt a danger of the Maids also getting involved in the match. It did not bode well for Delta, and the crowd were already trying to show support for the underdog, knowing what Stephanie was capable of when she wanted something.

The Baroness walked around the ring a little, and turned to look upon the Entrance ramp. She was eager to face her opponent tonight... Delta Harper had been within her sights for some time now, and thanks to some manipulation backstage, Baroness had a perfect match up so she could play with her new potential victim. With a near psychotic and eager expression, the Baroness eagerly awaited for her opponent... and soon enough those near defeating jeers turned to massive cheering when Baroness' theme entrance music finally died down to make way for the new music of tonights hopeful and crowd champion!

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Re: Fighting against all odds! [Baroness Vs Delta H.]

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Backstage, Delta watched the Baroness's entrance with interest, finding the woman's marching entrance with spotlights and maid's all very dramatic and rather entertaining. Not a lot of fun through, and the fan reaction wasn't exactly stellar. Delta didn't know a huge amount about the woman - the bright eyed American slammer simply showing up where the promoters told her to go, but there was some pretty evident history between the audience and the Baroness.

Clad in her sky-blue two piece wrestling gear, gloves and boots, Delta tossed her pink hair in anticipation, not worrying overmuch on the status of her foe. She was out here to wrestle and nobody was going to put a damper on her party. She bounced on the balls of her feet, eagerly awaiting the call.
Delta Harper
Her music, Black Eyed Peas - Pump It, came thumping from the speakers and the bubbly American went bounding out into the light, unperturbed. Dramatic entrance or not, it was clear from the fan reaction that they were backing Delta tonight as she moved left and right down the ramp, high-fiving fans, pausing for selfies and shamelessly striking coquettish poses for the onlookers as she went.

Eventually she made it to the ring, mounting the stairs in the corner and pausing there, pumping her fist in the air with a high pitched whoop of excitement before ducking between the ropes and doing an energetic lap of the ring. She lapped up the attention, beaming a grin and actually getting herself a touch out of breath after racing around that much.

At last she took up her position on the canvas opposite the Baroness, looking Stephanie in the eye with an impish grin.

"That's some parade you've got going, missy," Delta tittered, inclining her head towards the Maids standing to attention outside the ring. "Hope you're not one of those girls who's all style and no substance." Winking at her rather grim-faced opponent, Delta gestured for the crowds to cheer even more before settling into her wrestling stance, ready to begin the match as soon as the bell rang.

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Re: Fighting against all odds! [Baroness Vs Delta H.]

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The Baroness licked her lips when she gazed upon Delta during her entrance. There was somewhat of a frightening look to her otherwise beautiful eyes, containing a longing look as she drank in all of Delta's appearance, taking note of her form and her enthralling features. It made her giggle to herself to see the high spirits of her opponent, high fiving the nearby fans that cheered her on. It was always a delight to see how animated her prey is. They all seemed to begin so confident until they began to realise what they were up against. Stephanie wondered just how long those high spirits of Delta would last...

Stephanie wondered if she would remain defiant to the end, or crumble like most.

Soon enough Delta was in the ring, managing to brush past the Maids as if they were nothing, taking no mind to their potential threat. She began to move around the ring, taking in all the energy that pulsated from the cheering crowd. Delta was their champion tonight... She was the next wrestler who dared to take on the Baroness despite her antics and her reputation that was known within and beyond LAW. Soon enough Delta began to speak her mind when the two finally came face to face. The Baroness smiled in a dark manner, admiring Delta's body, taking an interest in her exposed midriff even when Delta spoke to her. She was never one to hide her desires.
"I suppose we will find out soon enough will we not?" The Baroness responded to Delta's accusation, her alluring French accent and sultry voice almost like music to the ears.

The Baroness made a small notion with her hand, one that the Maids caught sight of as they began to fan out upon the outside of the ring, one taking each side. The crowd began to jeer, no doubt letting Delta know that something was up. There was no question the French Tyrant would utilise her Maids in some manner or another if given the chance. With a No DQ stipulation, no one was expecting a fair fight from the Baroness. No doubt she had snaked such conditions using her wealth and reputation... for too long she had got away with stacking the odds to her favour. The worst part of it all was that she was a fantastic wrestler who did not truly need to rely on such antics... she just did them anyway because it was her despicable nature.

"I have had my eye on you for a little while now. This manner of match can be quite a long haul. I hope you do not disappoint me."
The Baroness whispered, slowly stepping closer to Delta, her bikini clad body revealing near all of her glamorous form as she once more licked her lips. Soon enough, with both competitors within the ring and ready... the bell began to echo out, signalling the start of the multiple falls match. The Baroness flashed a dark smile, before she moved in, looking to try and tie Delta up with a grapple and test her strength!

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Re: Fighting against all odds! [Baroness Vs Delta H.]

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Delta cocked an eyebrow at the Baroness's response to her question, noting with some surprise shamelessness with which the bikini-clad beauty was ogling her body. Undeterred, the pinkette only offered a winning smile in response to the Frenchwoman's seductive tones. She had to admit, the woman was a looker, devilishly alluring to be sure with her body on full display for both the fans and for her opponents.

At a motion from the Baroness's hand, Delta noticed movement out of the corner of her eye and glanced around to see the quartet of maids taking up positions around the ring, getting a torrent jeers from the crowd who clearly anticipated foul play!

"Oh, don't tell me your little friends are going to be bothering me in this match?" Delta mocked, an edge of pity in her voice as she took a step forward, hands on hips. "That would be just disgraceful, wouldn't it? What's the matter sweet thing, don't think you can handle me on your own?"

Goading the Baroness, Delta actually hoped to prickle the other woman's pride enough to avoid any intervention from the group - she had no idea if they really were there just for show or not, but it seemed better to play it safe.

The next words from the Baroness, however, were a little more unsettling as the woman revealed she'd been watching Delta for sometime. Evidently she'd been waiting to get into the ring with her for reasons that so far remained unclear. Delta tried to present a fearless exterior in the face of the unwelcome revelation.

"We'll I'm just all flattered, aren't I?" she crooned. "Don't you worry, I'll be lasting long enough in this match for the both of us. Now if you're done parading your little sideshow act around, let's get this thing underway, huh?!" She punctuated her defiant words by pumping a fist in the air, extracting fresh cheers from the audience who were backing the bubbly middleweight for sure now.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Fighting against all odds! [Baroness Vs Delta H.]

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Delta certainly had the crowd. The Baroness was no fool to what the watching audience could do for those they chanted. Having faced against Clara GASTER, she recalled well how the crowd managed to spurn her on when it seemed like defeat was inevitable. It was not a mistake she would make twice, and as such she would not underestimate the resolve of a wrestler when the crowd had their back. That said... she wasn't going to stop herself from having fun. She longed to slide her tongue over the exposed midriff of her opponent today... preferably whilst she was also squeezing the near life out of her.

Such a notion could wait. The Baroness liked her foes to be virtually defeated before she would indulge in her own whims. The Baroness listened, keeping her twisted and devious smile spread across her soft lips as Delta began to belittle her over the presence of the Maids. In truth, the Baroness did not need them at all... the French Tyrant was good enough to be a Main Eventer level wrestler without the use of underhanded tactics... but where was the fun in such a notion?! Still, Delta had a charm about her... and the Baroness decided she would hold off on using her Maids... at least for a little bit.

"I thought you would never ask." Stephanie spoke, her tone dripping with a seductive allure in her French accent. It was a shame the Baroness was so warped and twisted; she was certainly a marvel to behold. Her exposed form was well tuned from years of training, putting world class models to shame. The Baroness had a beauty that could command, naturally having the world at her finger tips combined with her wealth. Yet she chose to become a wrestler... to let her darkest fantasies become a reality. Delta was the one she now had her eyes on... her only regret was not making this match a Prisoner of War match so that she could take her home and continue her dark dance.

The woman before her was a woman of equal beauty. Her facial features were more than pleasing, her body to die for and perfectly formed. The only downside was that she was clad in so much clothing... but the Maids could deal with that issue in time. Licking her lips, the Baroness wasted no time approaching Delta once the bell ringed and signalled the beginning of the match. It was time to test what Delta was capable of, as Stephanie moved in swiftly, trying to tie her up with a grapple attempt to test her strength and agility.

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Re: Fighting against all odds! [Baroness Vs Delta H.]

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Delta grinned brightly as the crowd made their appreciation for her defiance clear, as she didn't allow herself to be intimidated by the Baroness and her minions. Some might have called it impetuous, but the fans were loving it and that was all the ditzy pinkette needed to drive her forward. She could see Stephanie shamelessly ogling her curvy frame, but that was par for the course in the LAW arena, and Delta remained unperturbed - if anything she was a little flattered by the obvious attention.

But still, there was a match to be won here. With the ring of the bell she advanced towards her opponent, only to find the Baroness matching the move. Both wrestlers met in a firm grapple as Delta did not back down.

"Whatcha got, pretty thing?" Delta quipped through gritted teeth, before trying to pump her legs and drive the Baroness backwards, trying to force her opponent right back into the corner if she could gain the upper hand in this opening test.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Fighting against all odds! [Baroness Vs Delta H.]

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The crowd began to cheer loudly when Delta began to press forwards against the Baroness. Her feet slid against the mat, with the crowd beginning to cheer Delta, seeing her overpower the Baroness during the firm grapple. The chanting already began for their heroine, as Baroness' beautiful features soured somewhat, realising Delta had all the leverage right now. Before long, Delta managed to shove Baroness right into the corner, no doubt a power play of sorts to showboat to the crowd. Naturally they lapped it all up, anyone who made a fool of the Baroness was an instant hero to their eyes, and Delta was doing a fine job cementing their love for her right now.

The referee naturally could do little despite the rope break potential. This was a No DQ match after all, meaning anything could go. As such, the Baroness frowned upon Delta.
"I don't want to spoil the surprise just yet beautiful. The night is still young... and I have plans for you." The Baroness whispered in her alluring French accent. Shifting her legs up against the turnbuckle, the Baroness began to push against it, looking to shift the leverage within their grapple. Her intent was to increase her efforts, as her arms tensed and seemed to bulge slightly. She looked to kick off the corner, looking to reverse the momentum against Delta, before hoping to push her back.... push her all the way within their grapple to the opposite corner. If successful, she would press up close against Delta... oppressing close, no doubt looking to get into her mind, and feel her form against her own.

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Re: Fighting against all odds! [Baroness Vs Delta H.]

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Things started off well for Delta as the pink-haired powerhouse shoved hard, gaining leverage and force-marching the Baroness backwards. The roars of the crowd drove her on and she felt flushed with success even at this early stage as she pushed her beauteous opponent all the way to the turnbuckle and pinning her in place!

However, once they were there, the Baroness didn't seem overly concerned with her predicament, speaking in seductive tones that send a shiver up Delta's spine. She eased her pressure for an instant, briefly distracted, and in that moment her foe pushed back! Before she knew what was happening the Baroness succeeded in reversing the momentum, and the reactions of the crowd to shove Delta right the way across the ring until her back thudded into the opposite turnbuckle. She let out a high-pitched squeak of dismay from the impact, only for the other wrestler to press right up against her, their chests driving together as she forced Delta tight into the corner.

Delta felt her cheeks redden as the Baroness's supple frame pressed deliberately into hers as the two women grappled. Trying to ignore the sensation, she pushed with her arms hard, trying to ease their bodies apart.

"Not bad, lady," Delta conceded. "But you're gonna have to do a lot more than that to get me down!" And with that she would try to push the Baroness backwards far enough that she could suddenly twist aside, breaking the grip and hopefully leaving her opponent to lurch forward straight into the turnbuckle!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Fighting against all odds! [Baroness Vs Delta H.]

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The Baroness had no issue remaining where she was, pressing against Delta's form, slowly crushing her against the turnbuckle. She near shivered in delight, getting a good feel for Delta's alluring body and the firmness of her well-tuned form. With a no DQ stipulation hanging over the stipulation, she did not need to concern herself with the referee, knowing that rope breaks were no longer an issue. It had always been her main damage in a match, knowing the ropes meant freedom for many of her favourite holds. More than once it had cost her a match, due to her refusal to release her opponents... tonight she did not have to worry about that.

The watching audience began to let their thoughts be known, jeering Baroness after cheering for Delta only seconds ago. Seeing their heroine overpowered was a sour thing to witness, and their volume only seemed to increase when it became clear the Baroness was already beginning to become rather perverse, purposely driving her chest against Delta's before her bare stomach meshed against that of the peoples champion for tonight. Her skin was soft, something that caused the Baroness to bite her lower lip as she began to edge closer to Delta, her lips nearing her own. It seemed her prey had no intentions however of being detained. Much to Baroness' dismay, there was more fight in this one than she anticipated. With her back against the turnbuckle, she began to press once more, battling her way out of a tight spot!

The crowd naturally rallied once more, as the Baroness' expression soured, losing the leverage. She tried to shove her back, beginning to pour her strength into a push... she was not done with Delta and she wanted more of this! However... the heroine of the fans almost seemed to pre-empt Baroness' notions, and quickly used her own strength and momentum against her. With a deft twist, Delta managed to side step the pushing Baroness, causing her to stagger forwards and impact against the turnbuckle chest first. Her head naturally rebounded and hit the top, making the Baroness gasp out loud, before she favoured her face. She staggered backwards, left wide open for another attack!

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Re: Fighting against all odds! [Baroness Vs Delta H.]

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She could see the desperation on the woman's face, the Baroness wanted to stay up close and personal, grinding their bodies together and pinning Delta to the corner. This early in the match, the pink-haired powerhouse had plenty of strength left in the tank and she was able to lever her opponent back to arms length, just enough space to enact her plan.

It worked like a charm. She twisted sideways, breaking the grappled and leaving her pushing foe to fire forward, crashing straight into the turnbuckle. She pivoted in time to see the Baroness's head thump off the padded turnbuckle, sending the beautiful woman reeling backwards, utterly vulnerable - something Delta wasn't about to waste.

"Oh, sorry honey, did that sting?" Delta quipped as she moved up behind the Baroness. "Well it's only getting worse from here! With the cheer of the crowd behind her, she grabbed her foe from behind in a tight waistlock, pressing her plush, curvy frame up against the Baroness from behind. Then, with a grunt of effort, Delta attempted to heave her opponent head over heels backward in a thunderous German suplex!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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