Asuka Hisashi vs. Rosie Soto

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Asuka Hisashi vs. Rosie Soto

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Asuka Hisashi
Rosie Soto

Regular match: Winner decided via pinfall, submission, K.O, or disqualification.
Asuka was back in the LAW locker rooms again, proving to be quite a popular fighter as far as the lightweight division went. She finished lacing up her knee-high boots, and tucked them in under her knee pads before standing up straight and taking the pink facepaint from her locker. The teenager drifted over to the mirror and peered over as she had done several times already, carefully painting on the four pink triangles that had become something of an icon for the Japanese streamer.

The lightweight was getting quite good at applying the facepaint, and had it all done far faster than before, and very nicely at that. She checked both cheeks as she always did, and turned about to go and place the little bottle back into her locker. With how often she was being put back in the ring, it was a bit of a surprise that she wasn't feeling tired or aching at all.

As soon as she closed the door on her locker, a knock at the changing room door got her attention. She smiled to herself and drifted out of the locker room and up to the top of the ramp right on cue, her music accompanying her entrance as she excitedly bounced down the ring to a huge roar from the crowd, smiling and waving in both directions before sliding in under the bottom rope.

She wore the same outfit as her last few fights, with the pink and blue bikini top tied up behind her neck and upper back, pink and blue tight-fitting short-shorts, blue knee & elbow pads emblazoned with her pink evil-bunny emblem, and blue knee-high boots below those. She threw one finger up for the audience, a wide smile on her face, before looking up at the ramp to watch for Rosie Soto, her opponent tonight.
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Re: Asuka Hisashi vs. Rosie Soto

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Rosie's pre-match rituals weren't quite as detailed as that of her opponent's. The young woman simply opted to slip into her standard gear: a red leotard with white accents, before making her way through the backstage area to prepare to make an entrance of her own. She wasn't one for pleasantries or formalities, but Soto was more than capable of keeping up appearances and using her typically cute looks and demeanor to her advantage. After seeing Asuka throw up a finger and look to the ramp, Rosie's theme music played and she entered the arena.

Soto would smile and wave to the audience as her music played. Her form fitting outfit and cheery expression would net her applause and cheers that rivaled that of her opponent's, tonight. The lightweight would make her way down to the ring before rolling under the bottom rope and pushing herself up to her feet to meet her foe. Rosie would casually approach Asuka, still smiling warmly. She'd extend a hand to her opponent, tonight.

"Pleased to meet you, Miss Hisashi! You probably know my name from reading tonight's card, but I'm Rosie. Rosie S-"

If Asuka had gone along with her handshake and exchanged pleasantries with Rosie, the barefoot wrestler would seize the opportunity to interrupt herself mid-sentence and attempt to pull the famous streamer in close before aiming a kick between her thighs for a low blow before the bell had even rung!
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Re: Asuka Hisashi vs. Rosie Soto

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Asuka returned Rosie's cute smile, finding the girl to be quite cute to look at. She was a few inches shorter than her opponent but the difference wasn't too significant and was unlikely to create any sort of advantage for her opponent in the match. The crowd were getting a little excited over the idea of these two girls fighting, with Rosie's skintight leotard and Asuka's very revealing bikini and short-shorts.

The Japanese celebrity stepped forwards and took Rosie's hand for the shake, standing with her feet together and pointed inwards slightly in a pretty adorable pose. She didn't at all see Rosie's cheating low-blow coming, and suddenly taking a knee to the crotch caused her to squeal out in pain and immediately drop to her knees with both hands holding the impact site, her feet slamming repeatedly into the canvas. The referee wasted no time at all in reprimanding and yelling at Rosie, warning her that the match will be called off if he catches her doing anything like that again. The referee stood far taller than either wrestler, making it quite intimidating.
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Re: Asuka Hisashi vs. Rosie Soto

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Despite the prior mood established by both women's form-fitting clothing, things took a turn when Rosie hit her opponent for the night with a low blow! The audience booed as Asuka writhed on the mat. Rosie looked down at her and smiled. She had elected to pursue her foe to press her advantage. The petite girl tried to push past the referee. But a stern warning and threats to call off the match seemed to be enough to change her mind. Despite her relenting, Soto didn't make eye contact with the ref. She merely stuck her down out at Asuka in an attempt to drive home the type of match and opponent the Japanese streamer was in for tonight. After that antic, she'd finally address the official that seemed to keen on keeping her away from Hisashi.

"Look, you should be more concerned about her! Ask her if she can still compete!"

Rosie said in defiance. Although it puzzled members of the audience at first to see Rosie express some iota of concern for her opponent's well-being, the red clad lightweight was quick to clarify. "What?! If she can't compete, I can't get my win, tonight! Chop-chop, Asuka! Let's go!"" She mocked as the referee turned her attention to her opponent to ask if she was still good to go.
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Re: Asuka Hisashi vs. Rosie Soto

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Asuka had hoped the referee would simply disqualify Rosie and let her go home early tonight, but to her surprise and frustration he just let her off with a stern warning, and practically bullied Soto back into the corner by aggressively shuffling into her, before coming back to check on Asuka.

She sighed and nodded when asked if she could still fight, getting up quickly to her feet and moving to the corner opposite Rosie. She at least didn't have to worry about hurting this girl too badly, hell she wanted nothing more than to hear her screaming and desperately apologising.

The bell rang, and Asuka waited for Rosie to come out of the corner before dashing right towards her and attempting to return the favour, aiming a hard, fast kick at her lower stomach!
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Re: Asuka Hisashi vs. Rosie Soto

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As things finally began to wind down, Asuka found her way to her corner and Rosie took her place in her own. The red clad lightweight took solace in the fact that her premeditated strike could earn her an early lead. When the bell sounded, Rosie hit a casual stride to exit her corner. She had no clue that Asuka would be keen on taking the initiative to start things off.

When she noticed her foe run towards her, she assumed a defensive stance. Hisashi started things off by clearing a large portion of the ring quickly before delivering a well placed kick to Soto's core!

"Hngh!" Rosie groaned as she doubled over and the blow connected. She'd place hands on Asuka's foot in an attempt to salvage her situation. After taking a deep breath to try to return wind to her lungs, she'd let out a battle cry before leaping upwards and returning the favor by attempting an Enziguri Kick to the side of Asuka's head!
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Re: Asuka Hisashi vs. Rosie Soto

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Asuka let out a gasp as Rosie's hands caught her foot before it could escape, though the blow had landed nicely and seemingly winded the girl in red. She hopped in place on one foot, and tried to pull the other back in without falling over. A moment later though, Rosie stood back up straight and jumped up to try and kick her in the side of the head! Unfortunately for the heel, Asuka just barely managed to bend forwards and get herself under it, though with her leg still trapped in Rosie's hands she ended up being twisted over and falling face-down onto the canvas. Not a particularly fun place to be when your opponent is set on hurting you as much as possible, and so Asuka tried to kick her trapped foot backwards at Rosie's body, trying to get her to let go!
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Re: Asuka Hisashi vs. Rosie Soto

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Asuka exhibited enough speed and technical ability to duck and avoid being kicked in the head! Though her quick thinking did save her from the impact, the quick motion and lack of vertical base sent her falling forwards the ring floor! Rosie's maneuver sent her falling to the ground as well, but not as harshly as her opponent did. Rosie tried to seize this opportunity to attempt another move while her foe was down. She attempted to pull on Asuka's foot to bring her closer, but the Japanese streamer would retaliate by kicking backwards, sending the red clad lightweight a decent distance away.

"Grrrr" Rosie groaned and frowned in frustration as Asuka's kick found it's mark in her core. She'd attempt to push herself up to her feet and stretch a bit before re-engaging her opponent for their next exchange.
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Re: Asuka Hisashi vs. Rosie Soto

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Asuka couldn't help but sigh with relief once Rosie let go of her foot. If the girl had managed to lock in a nasty submission hold this early it'd really mess with Asuka's chances of winning. She crawled quickly forwards a few feet before climbing up onto one, then both feet, her momentum still carrying her forwards a short distance further while she spun to face Rosie, regaining her balance once she had her eyes on the girl.

With both lightweights back up on their feet and facing eachother, Asuka went in to go right back on the offense again, sprinting straight forwards towards Rosie and jumping up to try and splash her into the corner. She didn't weigh much at all, but with the extra speed from her sprint it'd put quite a bit of impact behind the move, especially with the corner right behind Rosie.
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Re: Asuka Hisashi vs. Rosie Soto

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As Rosie took to her feet, she'd find that Asuka was already sprinting towards her. The twin=tail wrestler hadn't anticipated that the brunette would take to the offensive again so quickly. She lunged forwards to react but ultimately couldn't stop her foe's splash from connecting! Rosie would let out a small yelp as she was met with the full force of her opponent's running body splash! The force of the move carried her towards the corner.

Impacting the corner of the ring left Rosie stunned for a short time. She'd attempt to forcefuly push Asuka away and exit the corner, protesting the speedy woman's successful offense just now, saying "I should have kicked you harder!" in reference to her cheap shot at the beginning of the match.
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