Prudance hall vs Lunar Cresent

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Prudance hall vs Lunar Cresent

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Prudance hall vs Lunar Cresent
Hentai match
First to be forced to an orgasm loses

Prudance was not in the best of moods as her time in LAW was an complete failure as she had bin in 3 matches , and lost in all of them. Now in her defense two of those 3 matches were hentai matches , and the prude despised having to compete in those.However that sadly was the most popular match type in the company. So if she were to make an splash she would likely be forced into more of them until she became popular enough to not need the gimmicky match to get attention for herself. Which was the reason she was sadly once again chancing into her orange and black stripped bikini as she was once again booked for an hentai match

After she fixed her hair the bluenette would put on an bathrobe as she made her way to the gorilla position as she hoped that her opponent tonight was just as awful or worse at this match type as she was. As she knew that the only way she be able to win was if that ended up happening as she arrived at her destination with about minute to spare. Which suited her perfectly as the less time she had to be surrounded by those perverts who worked backstage the better as she ran out the room the moment Jump up Superstar by Pauline began to play . As she would drop the bathrobe just before she walked through the curtains as she stepped onto the entrance ramp. With the cheery song playing the crowd began to sing along as she waved at the few people who were carrying Prudence signs as she walked towards the ring.

Halfway their she would hear the announcer say ''Now entering from Banbury, England.Weighing in at 109ibs , Its Prudance Hall'' as the blue haired teen would slide into the ring under the bottom rope. Before getting to her feet as she awaited the arrival of her opponent , and hopefully the first wrestler to lose at her hand.

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Re: Prudance hall vs Lunar Cresent

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Lunar would have been in the locker room wearing a headphone as it seem that she is listening to a music. Lunar would have been humming until she felt a tap on the shoulder telling her to get ready to enter the ring

Lunar in response to this would have sigh since her match is going to be hentai again, and while she does primary want to fight in hentai, her previous match with that stubborn bull may change something a little bit in her. Well no matter on how she felt about the matter she need to hold back a little once more since she rather not actually hurt her opponent badly when it is a hentai match.

Lunar would have quickly open up her jacket and take off her glasses as her music would have started to flare up. Lunar would have enter the scene as she would wave toward her fan and blow a kiss toward them to excite them further. She would have notice her fans grew larger when she first started, which make her slightly happy.

"Now entering from Japan, weighing at a 118ibs, Lunar Crescent!!!" The girl would have enter the ring as she go into her corner as she would have look toward her opponent as she let out a wink to see her opponent reaction

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Re: Prudance hall vs Lunar Cresent

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''Oh no not again''thought Prudence as she would get the message loud and clear from how the fans were reacting that Lunar was an hentai favorite among them. Which meant that she likely won an lot of matches as the prude only got this response when she was put up against those who would destroy her as she hoped that just maybe the other wrestler was injured or something.

Since then she could work that bodypart over , and after weakening Lunar could get to work on getting her all hot and bothered as she tried to not look to nervous as she gave an slight smile as she waved at her opponent.

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Re: Prudance hall vs Lunar Cresent

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Lunar would have look surprise that her opponent wave back at her, she admittedly thought that her opponent gonna frown disapprovingly but she guess wrong. Lunar would have wave back as she would have walk over toward her opponent with a bright smile on her face as she would have lean in toward her opponent ear “no need to be afraid I will take good care of you, so relax a little” lunar said in a teasing tone as she would have back off toward her corner as she watch her opponent carefully to see how she will react to it, after all the best way to find out more about a person is to get them flustered

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Re: Prudance hall vs Lunar Cresent

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''Their is plenty of reason for me to be afraid as your going to humiliate me''thought Prudance as she knew it was unlikely that she would win tonight. As she slowly moved closer as she replied ''I think I got plenty of reason to be afraid. As it obvious that you aren't an rookie at this kind of match , and likely even enjoy being put on display like this''as she would raise her arms so she could protect herself as she hoped Lunar was not as good an wrestler like she was.

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Re: Prudance hall vs Lunar Cresent

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Lunar would have keep smiling toward herself as she listen toward her opponent word as she hum toward herself since she could be either facing a rookie or someone not comfortable with sexfight "don't worry, i won't bite you to much, i can be gentle with you if you comply" lunar said with a sweet smile as she would have come closer and closer before lunar would have suddenly send a kick toward prudance stomach to try to start of their battle "or not"

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Re: Prudance hall vs Lunar Cresent

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''Yeah I rather wish you just lay down , and let me win to be honest''replied Prudance as she circled around her opponent as she had to block an kick aimed for her stomach. As she attempted to grab onto her opponent's foot , and try to make the other wrestler fall as she hoped to trap Lunar in an submission hold to weaken her so she have an easier time.

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Re: Prudance hall vs Lunar Cresent

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"No can do, that will be boring" lunar replied as she would have send a kick straight toward her opponent stomach which her opponent block. Lunar would have instantly retract her let back quickly to avoid it being taking advantage of by her opponent

Lunar would have let out a giggle "let have some fun first, shall we?" She said with a smile on her face as she would have raise her hand up to offer a test of strength toward her opponent, look at Prudance expectingly

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Re: Prudance hall vs Lunar Cresent

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Prudance was not surprised to hear her opponent's answer as they never would make it easy for her.Then again it how the bluenette wanted it if she was honest as the moment that the other wrestlers just let her win be the day she quit. As she did not need to be given any favors as she would approach Lunar as she raised her hands as she replied ''hmmmm you be on your knees soon enough as I don't plan on losing this little test ''

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Re: Prudance hall vs Lunar Cresent

Unread post by Terini »

Lunar would have let out a small smile as it seem her opponent is getting into the match it seem. When their hand connected to start the test of strength, lunar would have pull Prudance toward her to send a knee toward her stomach and if it is successful lunar would have jump up to wrap her leg around prudance neck to try to trap her in a headscizor hold as lunar wanted to try to use this submission hold in a real match due to passing curiosity

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