Haley vs Hina(debut) hentai fight

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Haley vs Hina(debut) hentai fight

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

hentai one fall
win by forcing your opponent to orgasm

Haley would sigh as she wonder why shes still in this league and felt abit angry that her she hasn't gotten alot of fights. checking her self in the mirror she had gotten completely fine with hentai matches now and secretly liked them. wearing her blue camo sportbra and yellow shorts she winced abit feeling her bra abit tight on her breasts. "Ngh..did they grow again?" she sighed and would cup her breasts unsure if they grew or not or the bra just shrank. "well what ever sooner or later there wont be a bra" Haley laughed and thought about who her opponent was as she was told she as new. she wondered if this was her debut or something as she would leave the locker room and enter the arena.

her music blaring out she would step out in her bar feet and wave to the crowd smiling as she play to what they like and jiggled her breast for them and then did a twirl. she would enjoy this as she enter the ring and and climb a turnbuckle and wave more to the crowd. she would jump back on the mat and head to her corner looking at the entrance waiting for her opponent Hina to show up. "Well however she is i hope we can have a good match." she smiled.
Last edited by Dragonofdarkness on Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Haley vs Hina(debut) hentai fight

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Hina was nervous for her first match, she wasn't all to concerned that it was a hentai match for debut as a LAW wrestler. She was wearing her usual outfit of her maroon colored knit top and her purple panties. Although nervous, she was determined to show a good performance to announce herself in the biggest league in the world.

As she entered, she waved back to the crowd that come gathered to cheer up on. She would enter the ring and go face to face with her opponent. Then Hina thought to herself "She doesn't look too bad, I've got this fight in the bag".

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Re: Haley vs Hina(debut) hentai fight

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Haley looked at hina and thought she looked cute. Smiling she walked over to the girl and extended her hand to her. "hello names haley nice to meet you " she smiled offering a handshake. "lets have a good match?" Haley smiled more and she couldn't help but let her eyes wonder the girls body to her crotch and then her breasts. they looked snugged in the girls sweater. "my are you not wearing a bra? hehe you must be a dirty girl" Haley said teasing Hina.

If hina shakes Haleys hand, she would step up abit and press her chest into HIna's "Like i said lets have a good match" Haley said smiling and lets go of Hina's hand and head back to her corner.

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Re: Haley vs Hina(debut) hentai fight

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Hina looked blankly at Haley's extended hand before looking at Haley's face. Hina responded with a smirk to Haley's question "Yeah I'm not wearing a bra, so what. You got a problem with that or something?" Hina replied back rudely. Hina walked away from Haley and back into her corner. "You're in for one hell of a beating you slut" Hina taunted.

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Re: Haley vs Hina(debut) hentai fight

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haley huffed as she looked at Hina who was confident and would head to the corner and think its best to just beat the girl or try to at least the size advantage was clearly more with Hina than her. "good thing i still train my strength. shes in for alot of slams" Haley said as she would think of a startagy to beat this girl

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Re: Haley vs Hina(debut) hentai fight

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When both girls were in their respective corners, the referee rang the bell. With the sound of the bell, Hina walked forwards confidently raising her arms up and taking a defensive stance. She wasn't going to let Haley's small frame spring any surprises.

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Re: Haley vs Hina(debut) hentai fight

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Haley would walk over to Hina and offer a test of strength if hina was stupid she would accept and haley will surprise her with her superior strength despite her short statue. "come on bitch lets see how strong you are" Haley said as she would get close to hina.

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Re: Haley vs Hina(debut) hentai fight

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Hina was reluctant to accept Haley's offer. Hina approached the shorter Haley and pretended to accept Haley's offer. Hina was planning on using her significant reach advantage to wear down Haley before going in for the finish. Hina was very methodical about her strategy. "I accept your challenge" Hina lied as she raised her arms to take Haley on.

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Re: Haley vs Hina(debut) hentai fight

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Haley would hear hina accept her challenge. as the two would reach for each other hands Haley tried to interwine her fingers with hina. she didn't know that the girl was lying about accepting her challenge as he would smile up at Hina thinking she wasn't that bad and thought on how she can beat her.

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Re: Haley vs Hina(debut) hentai fight

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HIna smirked as she saw Haley fall for her bluff. When Haley came into Hina's striking range, Hina struck out at Haley primarily aiming for the face. Hina was certainly very confident that her plan would work against the smaller Haley.

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