Dana Ashford vs. Charli Rei - Ashes of Damnation

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Dana Ashford vs. Charli Rei - Ashes of Damnation

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Dana Ashford wasn't exactly a young woman, considering that she would reach her fifties this year. But she wasn't going to stop, considering that she needed to prove herself to be one among the best in the business. Tonight, she would be having a match against someone named Charli Rei, and she was looking forward to see what she had to offer.
Dana Ashford
Clad in her signature leotard, Dana made her entrance as her music was played. Despite her reputation, she received quite a pop from the crowd, with a few boos and jeers in between. Dana displayed her signature smile as she would then reach the ring, and she would climb up the apron to enter. Standing tall in the middle of the ring, she would then wait for her opponent to arrive.

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Charli Rei - Ashes of Damnation

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Charli would paced back and forth, rubbing her knuckles together, grinning wickedly as she starts to walk out of her locker room, The Queen was about to fight some old hag name Dana Ashford, she was mentally prepare for this match tonight and losing was not an option. Dressing in her sports bra and yoga pants she would make her way to the entrance ramp.
Charli's entrance music plays, she would then walk out, looking around the arena as the crowd would boo with some cheers echoing at her, rolling into the ring, staring at Dana.

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Charli Rei - Ashes of Damnation

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Dana watched her opponent making her entrance, appraising her as she made her way to the ring. Soon, Charli entered the ring, and the two of them were looking at each other. Folding her arms under her breasts, Dana continued observing Charli as she waited for the match to begin.

"Well, well... look what we have here..." Dana spoke. "Are you sure you're ready to face me? I hope you don't have too much hope on yourself, since I'm pretty strong." Dana couldn't help but feel a little boastful. After all, due to her colorful and storied career, she believed that she had the right to be that boastful. Of course, he signature motherly smile remained on her face. After all, that was the thing that she had going, being named the Smiling Demon.

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Charli Rei - Ashes of Damnation

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Charli would start to scoff as she stares at Dana, she wasn't much of the talking type this time around as she then walks straight up towards the lady, looking into her eyes before simply putting a grin on her face before the ref backed her up into a corner.

Charli wanted to kick the absolute stuff out of Dana but she decided to wait for the bell to ring, she wanted to wait patiently. As the bell ring, Charli would attempt to rush at Dana, attempting to drop down to her back, dropkicking Dana in the shin, wanting to get the lady to her knees.

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Charli Rei - Ashes of Damnation

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Dana looked at Charli who preferred to not respond to her words, and she was fine with that. She would ready herself for the match, and soon, the bell was sounded, signifying the start of the match. She was about to get into a stance when Charli suddenly rushed over to her, leaping up to deliver a dropkick aimed to her shin!


Charli was successful in making Dana to drop down on her knees, but she wasn't one to be stunned for long. Grunting, the veteran would try to pick herself up, ignoring the throbbing sensation on her shin that was struck by the dropkick earlier. She knew that Charli might not be able to follow it up immediately due to her landing on her back after hitting her with the dropkick earlier.

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Charli Rei - Ashes of Damnation

Unread post by TheGirlWithTreasure »

Charli laid on her back for a few seconds thinking of her next attack, she than thought about how she was going to win the match honestly so she decided, hit Dana hard and fast.

Charli started to get up to her feet, looking at Dani, smiling to see that she put the women in a situation where she was on her knees, the Queen would attempt to start to run off the ropes, winding her arm up attempting to clothesline the lady around the neck.

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Charli Rei - Ashes of Damnation

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Thanks to the dropkick to her leg earlier, Dana couldn't get up fast enough, and Charli took this opportunity to get up and go towards the ropes, rebounding from them. Then, she made her way towards Dana with her arm extended out for a clothesline. Fortunately for Dana, she saw the attack coming, and when Charli was getting closer, Dana would duck, avoiding the clothesline before stepping away from her opponent, moving towards the ropes.

From there, she would rebound from the ropes and return back to where Charli was. She would do what Charli was trying to do before as she would attempt to hit her with a clothesline of her own, targeting the back of Charli's head.

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