Is this a joke? Natascha Najek vs Sophia Wolfe

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Is this a joke? Natascha Najek vs Sophia Wolfe

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Match Type: Standard Rules

The Russian music started to play and the heavyweight would step out of the backstage area of the Law Arena. She was wearing her typical two piece fighting outfit and would slowly walk towards the centre of the platform. Over her shoulder she got a huge Russian flag. As soon as she stopped moving she would lift the flag up from her shoulders and hold them up high into the air and wave them around for a few seconds. The last time the Russian stepped out into the open in front of the law crowd was when she was taking part in the power show… now she could show how destructive her power could be in a match. She would crush whoever would be stupid enough to step into the ring against her tonight.
When she though she waved her flag around enough she would lower it again and started to march down to the ring. With heavy and long steps she would walk down the ramp towards the ring and smile the whole time. When she was getting closer she would start to walk circles around the ring, holding the flag up with only one hand now and the other stretched out to the side, giving the first row a great show of her impressive bicep. She would flex it as much as she could to show off. When she was done she would stop right in front of the announcer desk and fold her flag to put it down. When she was done with that she would turn around and walk to the ring sliding into it on her belly and jumping back up after an explosive push up. Natasha would roar out loudly showing she was ready! She just needed her victim now!

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Re: Is this a joke? Natascha Najek vs Sophia Wolfe

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The crowd rose to their feet when Sophia Wolfe's music hit the PA system at high volume, cheering for the experienced wrestler who was making an impact on LAW since moving from Full Metal Wrestling. So far into Sophia's entrance music, a smoke began to fill the entrance ramp, concealing any view of anything. Soon enough however, it began to clear away.
Once it cleared, Sophia Wolfe was present in the centre of the top of the entrance ramp, kneeling down. She remained on her knees for a moment as the crowd began to roar out their support, her eyes closed and her pose in a meditating like position, finding calm despite the noise. Sophia was clad in her Gi outfit with the top loose and draped behind her from around her waist. She wore a slight variation from her famous attire, wearing a sports bra like top with a red and black design that left her entire midriff bare, revealing her well tuned body and alluring figure. She was barefoot, with wrist straps around her forearms.

Slowly she stood up, making a disciplined motion from her training before making a few air strikes with her fists and with vicious looking kicks. Fireworks began to pop as she did so, making for quite the display which only got the crowd going more. Soon enough she began to walk towards the ring, adjusting her wrist straps on the way. Though popular amongst the fans she did not give them much attention save for a few curt nods here and there. She ignored outstretched arms desperate for a tag, not being one to play up to the crowd or her fans. It simply wasn't in her nature. Instead she always let her work in the ring do the talking, and that was where she impressed the most.

Sophia entered the ring, climbing through the ropes as the crowd continued to chant her name, keeping an eye on her Russian opponent for tonight. Sophia approached the nearby corner, kneeling down and seemingly meditating as she waited for the match to start...

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Re: Is this a joke? Natascha Najek vs Sophia Wolfe

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Natasha would watch her opponent enter the arena and her eyes would go wide… such a big entrance. Finally she would get her hands on one of the top dogs around here to crush them! Finally she could show that she belong on the top. She would start to walk up and down the ring waiting for her opponent to enter…
But when Sophia entered the ring the big woman would feel how her jaw dropped.. “you must be…” would she whisper to herself as she looked over to that tiny girl across the ring. She needed a few seconds before she could act again.
As soon as the bell rung she would walk out of the corner and stomp with heavy and long steps across the ring. She would not go into a fighting stance at all ,instead she would slowly move her arm forwards like she was about to extend her hand for a handshake.
Only for her to suddenly grab the shoulder of Sophia with one hand. “GIVE up and go home!” would Natasha say with a heavy Russian accent. She looked the girl dead into the eyes. “I am not interested in beating up another jobber!” would she say while starting to squeeze the shoulder of Sophia with one hand.

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Re: Is this a joke? Natascha Najek vs Sophia Wolfe

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Sophia had adopted a policy of sorts, always giving her opponent the benefit of the doubt as it where. When she watched Natascha approach with an extended arm, it seemed all but clear she had no ill intention towards Sophia. With a stern expression, she approached Najek, extending her own arm, content with the friendly gesture before things would get underway. It was somewhat traditional between two wrestlers that had mutual respect for each other, and Sophia was more than happy to comply and share the gesture. However, it seemed Natascha was not so friendly after all. Wincing, Sophia felt the Russian woman's hand shift before it could greet her own, grasping with power against her shoulder. Her grip tightened, squeezing hard against the bone, causing great discomfort as Sophia grasped at Natascha's wrist instinctively to try and remove her grip. The Russian was strong... and soon enough Sophia was trying to find release with both hands.

The crowd began to boo loudly at the display, sending jeers towards the Russian as she threatened Sophia. Sophia's beautiful features remained stoic despite the pained expression, as she glared up at the taller and broader wrestler after she spoke her piece.
"I have to wonder... Has anyone ever just given up just because you've asked... ugh... them to?" Sophia questioned, her accent a unique combination of German and English. She bit on her lower lip, but soon twisted her body towards the Russian in such a way that she was able to bend her arm. With a deft movement, Sophia was able to slip under one of Natascha's arms, keeping her own grip upon her wrist. With a burst of strength, and using her own body as a means of leverage, Sophia was able to impress the watching fans, as she performed a Karate flip against Natascha. The crowd gasped as she was thrown over Sophia's shoulder, almost in a star like shape before being slammed down hard onto her shoulders and the back of her neck against the centre of the ring.

Sophia backed away, taking a fighting stance as the crowd began to chant for her. Her expression remained stoic and series, as she began to circle her larger opponent, her eyes keeping track of her movements. Given the Russian's bigger size and strength, Sophia knew she was going to have to rely on hit and run tactics, as any big hit would be undesirable to say the least.
"I'm guessing not.." Sophia responded to her own question in a dry jest.

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Re: Is this a joke? Natascha Najek vs Sophia Wolfe

Unread post by xalex »

The Russian couldn’t tell what happened.. it all happened so fast the only thing she really realized was that she suddenly saw the small girl ducking. In the next moment she already was upside down and falling through the air in a high speed. Then the ring was shaking and a loud bam was to be heard. The Russian fighter would crash hard into the mat and all her momentum came to a sudden stop. It wasn´t too painful for her, she could shake a fall like that off like nothing. But this hurt her pride more then her body.
Slowly natasha would roll over onto the side and get back up to her feet, her eyes would meanwhile shoot daggers at her opponent. She would pay for this for sure. When natasha was standing again she would walk right up to her smaller foe and when she was close enough, she reached forwards to grab her. Both of her hands would go for Sophia this time and this time both hands would go for sophia´s throat. She would just choke that bitch out! When natasha was getting her hands around her throat she would begin to squeeze with all her might. She would look down into the face of her opponent and stare angrily at her.

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Re: Is this a joke? Natascha Najek vs Sophia Wolfe

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Sophia gasped out as Natascha was able to storm towards her, reaching out and grabbing for her slender neck with both powerful hands! The crowd began to boo loudly at Natascha's antics, as the ref moved in, warning the larger Russian woman that what she was doing was an illegal move! The ref slowly began to count at her, whilst Sophia winced, reaching up at Natascha's wrists as the woman tried to strangle her. The larger Russian stared with dark intent at Sophia, seemingly caring not that she was strangling the life out of Sophia Wolfe.

The smaller German beauty gasped for air, shifting herself on her bare feet before she grasped at both of the Russian's powerful muscular arms. Biting on her lower lip, Sophia struck with both hands against the insides of Natascha's elbows, looking to loosen her grasp upon her neck. It was then she retook both arms with her own, leaping upwards, before falling back with momentum, using it to bring Natascha with her! Placing one of her feet against the Russian's bare stomach, she used her position and momentum to toss Natascha over her head with a flip.

Much to the delight of the crowd, she sailed overhead, before crashing down on the centre of the mat with another heavy impact. The crowd began to cheer loudly as Sophia kick flipped up to her feet after completing the throw. She kept the attack going, running backwards before hitting the ropes. The momentum launch Sophia forwards at good speed, as she hopped over Natascha who lay in the centre of the mat, before leaping up against the opposite ropes. Grasping onto them, Sophia soon used the momentum to launch herself back, performing a springboard moonsault to attempt to splash onto Natascha whilst she was down!

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Re: Is this a joke? Natascha Najek vs Sophia Wolfe

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Natasha was sure she got a good grip on her foe right now and she would end it right here. She would let go in the last moment before the referee could count her out only to reapply it in the next moment, or at least it was her plan. But Sohpia changed that plan and suddenly shoved the arms of Natsha outwards breaking the choke hold. The Russian was shocked at first about how easy the small woman made this seem only for Sophia to take advantage of her shock by pulling her forwards and into a huge flip!
The Russian heavyweight was send flying over her opponent and spun around mid-air before she came back down onto the mat and the whole ring would shake like crazy. She would crash onto her back and would groan out loudly for a moment, staying down more stunned from shock then pain. When she was getting ready to get back up she would see how Sophia was right above her in the air and doing a big backflip before crashing onto her and squeezing the life out of her. Natasha would huff as the air was pressed out of her.
“fuck.. you” would she hiss between her breathes
Last edited by xalex on Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Is this a joke? Natascha Najek vs Sophia Wolfe

Unread post by thesteedman »

The crowd naturally popped when Sophia's moonsault hit with all the momentum. Natascha was struck hard as Sophia's bare stomach clashed down against her own with heavy impact. Knowing the strength of Natascha, Sophia did not stay down upon her for long, springing up to her feet.
"Watch your tongue Fräulein!" Sophia spat back, not too pleased with Natascha's use of language. Whilst Natascha was down, Sophia began to send a few kicks down against her, looking to weaken her up more. Sophia was not one to stomp, and as such her low kicks seemed stiff and deadly, clashing against Natascha loud enough for the watching crowd to hear.

Sophia would grasp Natascha by the head, picking her up towards her feet when she was satisfied she had struck her enough whilst she was down. It was then Sophia looked to pick up where she left off, shifting herself under the arm of Natascha, before she attempted to judo flip her once more, looking to throw her down onto the ground with an over the shoulder throw!
Last edited by thesteedman on Sat Apr 24, 2021 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Is this a joke? Natascha Najek vs Sophia Wolfe

Unread post by xalex »

Natasha would try to rise back up to her feet as soon as she could. She would press one hand into the mat and would try to sit up only to get a swift and brutal kick into her side throwing her back down again. She would just land on her back and groan out angrily. She turned her head to see her opponent pulling her leg backwards again, ready to kick again. The Russian woman would flex her whole body, trying to tension every bit up prepearing herself for the impact. And then the kicks were coming in, hitting her all over her body hard and fast. She would groan each time a little bit when she was hit but not giving her opponent the satisfaction of screaming.
This onslaught would go on for a while before the head of the Russian was grabbed and she was pulled back up to her feet slowly. She would follow her opponent up to her feet and when she was standing again Sohphia would waste little time and flip the big woman over herself and throw her down really hard again. After spinning forwards, natasha would hit mat back first making the whole ring shake for a moment. The ring floor would bend downwards when the frame of the heavyweight came down.
The crowd would start to cheer and chant the name of Sophia loudly. Meanwhile natasha would roll onto her front and push her hands into the mat to get back up. “is this already all you got?” would she hiss at the smaller girl with an angry look.

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Re: Is this a joke? Natascha Najek vs Sophia Wolfe

Unread post by thesteedman »

Sophia Wolfe looked upon Natascha as she rose to her feet, even after enduring quite the assault. It was to be expected of a wrestler of Natascha's build and of her origins. The Russian woman was literally a tank, all muscle and broadness. Sophia could strike hard, and there was no doubt that she was hurting her... but it was going to take a lot more to keep her down and out. The flips had done some damage indeed, but Sophia knew she couldn't keep doing such things, especially not as often as she had. Natashcha would catch on soon enough to her tactics, and nothing good would come from being predictable.

"I've not really started yet, but I can go easier on you if you want?" Sophia retorted back to Natascha's fierce words.
Sophia dropped her guard for a moment, wearing an impassive if not arrogant expression upon her angelic features as she paced around a bit. It was part of the mind games to show Sophia did not have any fear of the Russian, merely watching her when she tried to write off her entire attack with a single line. Casually retaking her fighting stance, Sophia began to close the distance once more, shuffling closer on her feet, listening as the crowd began to chant her name. The German woman looked for any openings, not all too keen to get close knowing what strength Natascha possessed when she tried to crush her wind pipe moments ago.

After relying on throws for the opening moments of the match, Sophia looked to mix things up and keep Natascha guessing. She hopped forwards, raising her knee before she span and went for a low sweep towards Natascha's legs with her other leg, looking to try and catch the back of her knees! Her intent was to try and trip her... looking to keep her constantly grounded, hoping to eventually tire her out from all the knock down attempts!

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