Tiki Lowell vs Valentina Diaz: Duel of the Dragons

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Tiki Lowell vs Valentina Diaz: Duel of the Dragons

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Tiki had been around for a long time. Far longer than anyone would guess from just looking at her. But for all her experience and usual poise, today she felt giddy as when she was a little girl in Manchester watching wrestling on TV. That was thanks to her opponent, Valentina Diaz, a powerful wrestler formerly known as the Lady Dragon. She was one of the youngest members of the Cyber Dragon wrestling family, a group Tiki adored watching growing up due to her fondness of both wrestling and dragons.

Tiki let herself be excited. She still had her passion for wrestling, of course. But it had been years since she had been put back in the shoes of her child self, and Tiki wanted to enjoy it. If nothing else, her serene entrance music would serve to calm her down as her name was called.
"Standing at 6 feet tall and 160 lbs., 'The Oracle'... TIKI LOWELL!

If she was being honest, Tiki didn't care much for her moniker. She got it from the young wrestlers and rookies she would give advice to after matches. She was proud of the recognition, but the word 'Oracle' never really sat right with her. That didn't matter though. What mattered was the match. Tiki calmly strolled to the ring, smiling and waving at the crowd before settling in her corner.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Valentina Diaz: Duel of the Dragons

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Valentina finished doing her warming up and stretching in the entrance area while she waited for her opponent to enter the ring. As always Valentina was excited to get in the ring and do battle against another wrestler. She knew next to nothing about this Tiki girl but she didn't really cared much. Valentina liked to live in the moment and she didn't bothered much researching her opponents. Valentina was using her usual black and red attire, with matching short boots.


"And her opponent, standing 5'8" and 150 lbs.... Valentinaaaaa Díaaaaaaaz!"

Once the announcer introduced her, Valentina started walking into the arena, ignoring the fans, some of which booed her while others cheered. Valentina stuck her tongue at the fans that were booing her and then she climbed up the ring and slid inside, walking to her corner and climbing it to strike a pose for the fans. Then she jumped down from the corner and turned around to face her opponent for the night.
Last edited by Kitten on Thu Apr 15, 2021 3:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Valentina Diaz: Duel of the Dragons

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Tiki knew she had to get in a conversation with Valentina before the match started, so she did. "Hello, it's great to meet you. I'm really excited for this match. I loved watching your grandfather as a child. As a girl who loved wrestling and dragons, the Cyber Dragon family immediately became some of my favorites. And when I heard there was a Lady Dragon, that only got me more excited. My apologies if what I'm about to say digs up bad memories, but, might I asked what happened? I know your father unfortunately had an untimely death, and then everything seemed to collapse and you discarded the Lady Dragon name. I saw it as quite the shame when I heard, but I'm sure you had your reasons."

Tiki knew she could very well be moving into a touchy area with Valentina, but she was a curious women and couldn't resist asking. She hoped she was polite enough to not anger Valentina, even if they were about to fight, Tiki didn't want to create bad blood if she could help it.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Valentina Diaz: Duel of the Dragons

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Valentina blinked a bit surprised as her opponent started to talk...and talk and talk. Valentina was used to the taunts and trash talking of matches, but this girl sounded more like a fangirl than her rival. And to make matters worse Tiki went straight into a rather sensitive topic for Valentina. The sexy Latina frowned, getting more and more angry the more Tiki kept talking. Until she finally snapped.

"That's none of our frigging business!" Valentina yelled at Tiki. She wasn't sure if Tiki was really innocently asking about her past or it was a crafty ploy to get her off her game. Anyway, Valentina didn't care. She was furious now. Tiki had made her remember some things she much preferred not to. No matter what Tiki's intention had been Valentina most certainly felt bad blood between them, and as soon as the bell rang she charged towards Tiki, stretching her right arm aiming to slam it into Tiki's chest, hoping to take her down to the mats with a vicious clothesline.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Valentina Diaz: Duel of the Dragons

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"Sorry, then." Tiki said in response to Valentina's outburst. "Well that's disappointing, though, it shouldn't be too surprising." Tiki muttered to herself. Pissing Valentina off was the not what she wanted. Though not because Tiki now had a very angry opponent on her hands, but because she hoped to be able to bond the granddaughter of a childhood idol.

But that didn't matter anymore, it was time to fight. Valentina's anger led her to open aggressively with a clothesline aimed at Tiki's chest. Tiki wasn't left with much time to react, so she attempted to block. Crossing her arms in front of herself and bracing for impact. Valentina was a hard hitter and the attack certainly stung Tiki's arm, but she successfully blocked the clothesline.

Now that she had blocked the Valentina's attack, Tiki would attempt to counter with a one legged takedown. If it worked, Tiki would then mount Valentina and start trying to ground and pound her.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Valentina Diaz: Duel of the Dragons

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Valentina charged onto Tiki, trying to take the taller girl down with a surprised clothesline, but Tiki wasn't that surprised and ended up blocking it. Instead of going down as Valentina had wanted, Tiki remained on her feet and then pounced on the sexy Latina, grabbing her legs and bringing Valentina down with a hard take down.

Valentina groaned as she hit the mats, a bit surprised by Tiki's tactics and the surprise would become shock when Tiki mounted her and start pounding at her like some sort of MMA fighter. Valentina raised her arms to cover her face. She was a wrestler and didn't had much experience with this sort of attacks, but she knew she couldn't let Tiki stay on top of her and continue punching her, so she pushed her hips up and tried to twist her body, hoping to unmount Tiki and stop her assault.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Valentina Diaz: Duel of the Dragons

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Tiki had successfully managed to take down Valentina and start her attack. As Tiki started throwing punches, Valentina committed to protecting her head, so Tiki began targeting her stomach and sides. Tiki would get a few hits it, but Valentina was soon threatening to buck her off. And she certainly had the strength to do it.

As she beginning to lose balance, Tiki knew she would have to give up the mount and try something else if she wanted to keep control over Valentina. So, with one leg already on either side of Valentina's body from the mount, Tiki would intentionally fall off to the side onto her back. Then she would try to extend her legs around Valentina's raised stomach for a bodyscissor.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Valentina Diaz: Duel of the Dragons

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Valentina managed to unmount Tiki by bucking and pushing. She then tried to get away from the bigger girl, needing to regroup, but Tiki didn't let her go far. Wrapping both legs around Valentina's toned abs, Tiki kept the sexy Latina trapped and in close distance. "UGHHH!" Valentina growled, starting to feel the power of Tiki's legs as she began squeezing.

Valentina moved her hands to Tiki's thighs and started pushing them down, trying to get them off her waist and towards her hips where they could not compress her body that easily. Valentina was already angry and now she was getting even more so, frustrated that Tiki kept attacking her and she couldn't yet get some revenge on her. She raised a fist and slammed it hard on Tiki's thighs, trying to make her let go.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Valentina Diaz: Duel of the Dragons

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As Tiki managed to squeeze her legs around Valentina's waist, she could see her growing more and more frustrated. Especially when she couldn't push out of the hold. Eventually she just got mad and slammed her fist down onto to Tiki's thigh. The one hit alone didn't force Tiki to let go, but Valentina hit hard, and Tiki didn't want to take repeated shots like that. So Tiki released the scissor, but still made sure to fire a kick into Valentina's side as a parting gift.

Then Tiki stood up and looked for another opening, but couldn't find one she liked as Valentina recovered quickly. So Tiki was content to create some space and take a defensive stance, looking to see if she could counter more over aggression on her opponent's part.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Valentina Diaz: Duel of the Dragons

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Valentina's punch wasn't enough to break the scissors but it did convince Tiki to give up on the move. Valentina breathed relieved when Tiki's powerful legs stopped squeezing and untangled themselves from around the Latina's sexy waist. The reprieve was short lived as Tiki almost immediately landed a kick on Valentina's still hurting sides, making the sexy Latina groan in pain again.

Valentina rolled on the mats, favoring her side and then got on her fours, furiously staring at Tiki for a bit before she pushed herself up to her feet. The lovely mean Latina was fuming and wanted to get revenge on Tiki right now. She moved in a straight line directly for Tiki, ready to tangle but instead of that she would try to surprise Tiki with a sudden roundhouse kick to the back of her head. "HYAAA!"
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