Duality of a Maiden: Jeanne Le Pen vs. Kim Walker

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Duality of a Maiden: Jeanne Le Pen vs. Kim Walker

Unread post by godjacob »

Kim Walker, casual attire
It was a typical day in the LAW arena, well as typical as the relative newcomer Kim had been familiar with as it seemed the snuggie specialist was in a more modest & casual attire. She was not scheduled for a match, which for most would be a relief. Get to enjoy a break from the wear and tear of in-ring action and just enjoy the scene for a bit. Really most would look forward to a break but in spite of having an enviable position Kim was far from being happy about the situation.

Kim was one who wanted to get as much exposure as possible, she wanted to feel the roar of the crowd and build up her name with exciting match after exciting match. She just loved the thrill she felt when she got in the ring.

So the fact she was struck backstage with nothing had been not the easiest pill to swallow.

Still her parents offered advice on these periods of down time, and suggested she could use it to get more familiar with the LAW facility or even get better known with the local wrestlers. A friend can't hurt in this business.

Though how was Kim to find one? So far it seemed there was not many people backstage and really Kim was a touch shy to approach anyone.

However, as she walked she noticed something. What seemed like a sound further down the darker end of the hall, a curious sound that Kim had first mistaken for some piping in the wind but seemed almost like a light struggle; as if something was stuck on something else. Kim's nerves were outweighed by her curiosity as se moved down to see just what was making that noise.

Whatever it was, Kim made sure to approach with caution. Just to be safe.

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Re: Duality of a Maiden: Jeanne Le Pen vs. Kim Walker

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A LAW career with no official match-ups. How silly did that sound? Such things would change for good ol’ Jeanne Le Pen, who was eager to unwrap her skills before a crowd. She was a petite girl with hair like emeralds. A clear, demure complexion, dressed in blue button-up overalls, a yellow shirt underneath and brown shoes - noted for the large circular glasses she wore. She talked scarcely to anyone; her purpose baffled many, but sightings were rare on account of one… critical thing. Today marked another opportunity, as Jeanne’s world slowly awakened from a dream state. Left and right, she surveyed through dark and white lines. Her barrings swam as warm eyelids opened and closed. Where was she? Coupled with an aching skull, she pondered before peering down at the concrete floor. Her circular glasses lay belly-up; one lens was chipped, the other broken.

“Merde.” She cursed, her voice carrying throughout the dimly lit hall, its overhead lights cloaked in bandages, covering the openings and arching left towards the piping. It coiled around the body several times, spaced a few inches apart and forming a layered web of rigid vines. Nothing slipped through, not the eyes of those who peered down, not even almighty light. A sound like scratching sandpaper echoed as Jeanne’s fingers scraped against the concrete, trying to reach the glasses. The piping groaned as Jeanne writhed in the entrapment, her ankles knit together, blood rushing to her head.

Then, footsteps. A simple clack, the sound ushered like waves within the silent cairn.

Finally, some help. “Ah… Hello? Anyone out there? I uh… Need a little help.”
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Re: Duality of a Maiden: Jeanne Le Pen vs. Kim Walker

Unread post by godjacob »

Kim Walker was speechless.

This was not a usual state of being for the young woman, all her life she often found something to say regardless of the situation, and given she tended to wear an animal snuggie to the ring with her for matches she usually was the one who ended up confusing her opponent and Kim honestly felt she was prepared to expect anything by this point in her brief wrestling career.

However, a young woman who seemed tied up in mummy wrap in the dark hallway of L.A.W.'s backstage area, had not been something anyone could've ben prepared for. Kim blinked clearly dumbfounded as she struggled to find anything to say, especially considering the woman asked help of her now and Kim had no idea really how to respond to it. What should she say? Her parents taught her to always offer a helping hand, but not to talk to strangers in weird places as the two seemed to contradict each other here.

Yet, Kim's kind heart won over her worry & confusion, as she began to try and help unwrap the girl though she had been ever curious of this unusual situation.

"U-uh, I hope this isn't rude but uh, how did..." Kim asked, clearly curious as to how this woman ended up in such a position to begin with.

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Re: Duality of a Maiden: Jeanne Le Pen vs. Kim Walker

Unread post by Monsy »

Tangled and distressed, the helpless damsel continued to flail her arms, challenging her bandage shackles and vying for attention. She had enough leeway to make half-motions, though she felt dizzier by the second with all the blood racing towards her brain.

“Heeeeyyyy, yeah. I know you’re out there. Seeing might be hard, but I, uhh still got my ears, you know?”

Her voice’s echo soothed worrying thoughts, overpowering the looming footsteps for a second. They sounded meek like a rock skipping across water, ushering closer with every second. Alas, she didn’t know what to make out of it. Danger? Friend? Foe? In the wrestling business, the answer was never clear.

Finally, she heard their breath. The blurs became solid, blocking out shadow as the wrapping began to writhe. Then a voice. Finally, something sweet to set her worries to bed.

“I...I don’t know. Once upon a time, I fell asleep in my dressing room, ready to gear up for a match, then-AAH!!”

Once a few bandages came unravelled, the whole thing suspending Jeanne snapped. Her upper-back bared the brunt, smacking the concrete and sprawling out across the floor like unfurled yarn. She lay belly-up, staring at the ceiling, blinking while recuperating the breath that shot from her lungs.

“Ugghhh…Then, I wound up here…”
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
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— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
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— Winter Songbird #8040FF
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Re: Duality of a Maiden: Jeanne Le Pen vs. Kim Walker

Unread post by godjacob »

Kim worked to untie this mystery woman as she began to explain her story, and one thing Kim picked up on quickly was that this girl seemed to be a bit of a curious character.

"A-a match? You were asleep and then just woke up to..."

However, the bandages seemed to break as she worked to unbind them and she fell on her upper back as Kim quickly dashed over to Jeanne with clear concern printed on her face.

"A-a-are you okay!?" Kim asked with some concern, working over her confusion and worry over the gothic set up as she wanted to check that she was okay. She worked to try and make sure she was seated up as she tore away at any remaining ligaments of these odd bandages while she tended to the mystery girl.

Naturally Kim's kind heart shined through, even with the nerves of this situation and all.

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Re: Duality of a Maiden: Jeanne Le Pen vs. Kim Walker

Unread post by Monsy »

Sprawled onto the concrete floors, her world span a million miles per minute. Then her stomach knotted when Kim helped her sit-up like her entire head started to quiver and this chunky feeling cusped her throat.

A hand cupped her mouth, another across her forehead, lurching into her own lap. "Hooh, oui, yes. I'm alright."

She scooted on her butt to turn around. Then she fished for her circular glasses, following the glass chips until the metal frame touched her finger. "Ah, there you are..."

They sat crooked on her face; the top half of the left lens was missing, the other had missing chips strewn across the ground. "Merde..." She muttered, adjusting her hair before looking up.

"Ah, there you are. What's your name, friend? And before I forget - Merci, thank you."
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— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
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— Winter Songbird #8040FF
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Re: Duality of a Maiden: Jeanne Le Pen vs. Kim Walker

Unread post by godjacob »

Naturally the more she got to see of this girl, the more confused she became by her quirks. While she was thankful that this girl seemed uninjured, she did seem to have this odd air about her that Kim could not explain.

Feeling sympathy for her glasses, Kim tried to find and pass a missing lenses to her as well as offer to straighten them out should she accept it.

"Oh uh it's no problem, you looked like you were in trouble so I-I am happy to help."

Kim's friendly nature shinned through, though when asked of her introduction she seemed a touch nervous being a new face and all but she figured this was a chance to possibly get to know someone here so she took it.

"Oh uh my name is Kim, Kim Walker. Nice to meet you uh..." Kim said, before she paused as she realized the other girl had not introduced herself.

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Re: Duality of a Maiden: Jeanne Le Pen vs. Kim Walker

Unread post by Monsy »

She ran her hand through the emerald locks, shaking out any loose knots and clearing her vision. It was frizzy like a mane, ran down her back and spilled onto the floor. Then she dusted off loose pebbles on her wrestling attire from the tightly-fit top, the bottoms, knee pads, and boots, all bearing the colours of green with white trim.

Mm, her head ached.
"Ughh." Oh! They brought remnants. She accepted them into her open palm and their aid in straightening her specks. Weren't they just the best? It's like a heart of gold.

"Kim Walker, huh. Oh! Yeah, yeah."

She scrambled onto her feet, a hand going under her bust and dipping her head briefly for introductions.

"Jeanne. Jeanne Le Pen. I'm pretty new around here. Say, are you a wrestler by any chance?"
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
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Re: Duality of a Maiden: Jeanne Le Pen vs. Kim Walker

Unread post by godjacob »

Kim walked as this girl, now one she had known as Jeanne, dusted herself off as he quickly energy shifted from being concerning to almost kinda cute as Kim worked her way to her feet. Once she finished introductions she asked about her status to which Kim nodded with a natural earnest energy.

"Oh I am. New to the scene in all honesty, so I guess we are in the same boat." Kim said somewhat sheepishly given she was talking to a new face all things considered.

Kim tried to work up the nerve to speak with a more confident cadence and even tried to smile Jeanne's way.

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Re: Duality of a Maiden: Jeanne Le Pen vs. Kim Walker

Unread post by Monsy »

Their kittenish attitude was noted. Humble, quiet, and perhaps a little shaken, maybe? She wasn’t the most astute, but this was obvious. Still, she made an effort to perk up a small smile, relax her shoulders and maintain some eye-contact. Then, she nodded.


She looked onward, squinting down the corridor. Her lips were pursed at the frizzled sight, multiplied by the disunified lenses hampering her view. Though, she tried taking a few steps forward, swiping the air with her hands. But it was no use. Was she even looking in the right direction? So, she peered over-shoulder, trying to find the standing blur that was her newfound friend.

“This might be too much to ask, but could you help me get back to my dressing room? I am a little lost with these glasses. They’re a little scratched, I’d say.”
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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