Kim Walker, casual attire

Kim was one who wanted to get as much exposure as possible, she wanted to feel the roar of the crowd and build up her name with exciting match after exciting match. She just loved the thrill she felt when she got in the ring.
So the fact she was struck backstage with nothing had been not the easiest pill to swallow.
Still her parents offered advice on these periods of down time, and suggested she could use it to get more familiar with the LAW facility or even get better known with the local wrestlers. A friend can't hurt in this business.
Though how was Kim to find one? So far it seemed there was not many people backstage and really Kim was a touch shy to approach anyone.
However, as she walked she noticed something. What seemed like a sound further down the darker end of the hall, a curious sound that Kim had first mistaken for some piping in the wind but seemed almost like a light struggle; as if something was stuck on something else. Kim's nerves were outweighed by her curiosity as se moved down to see just what was making that noise.
Whatever it was, Kim made sure to approach with caution. Just to be safe.