Bellatrix vs Irene. The wicked magician vs the atleth

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Bellatrix vs Irene. The wicked magician vs the atleth

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continued from this thread

Normal match
Bellatrix Booth vs Irene Romanov
Win by submission , pinfall or count out

Bella had just walked out of the locker room as she had just poured itching powder on her opponent's clothes to cause the odds to be in her favor. Still she had to hurry now to reach the backstage arena as she got their just in time.Since she had a minute before the match would begin the American would check if her attire was perfect. Tricks was dressed in a pair of purple boots with a yellow line near her knee , yellow wrestling shorts , a purple Tank top and a pair of purple gloves that reached her elbows.

After that she got the signal as she walked onto the entrance ramp as ''tricks up my sleeve by MLP EG'' started to play. Waving at the fans she quickly made her way to the ring as the announcer would say ''now entering from Los Angeles , California.Weighing in at 120ibs ,It's Bellatrix Booth'' as she had just reached the steel steps. After getting into the ring Bellatrix would take the microphone out of the announcer's hand as she said ''sorry but you forgot to say the following.Please welcome the great and magnificent Tricks the all powerful as my opponent will soon learn first hand'' in an arrogant tone.


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Re: Bellatrix vs Irene. The wicked magician vs the atleth

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Bella’s arrogant little speech was rudely interrupted by Irena’s classical music playing from the speakers. “And now,” boomed the announcer, “introducing her opponent, making her debut tonight, ladies and gentleman, weighing in at 120 pounds, please give a warm welcome to Irena Romanov!

Irena gracefully entered the arena on a pair of rollerblades, holding her boots in one hand. She was wearing a sheer, tight, white and pink one-piece leotard with shiny sequins, along with a frilly, short, white skirt, and ultra-sheer, nude-colored tights. She blew a kiss to the crowd and waved, before doing a cute little jump into a single axle. Rolling down the ramp, she jumped, grabbed the top rope, and launched herself over the top rope, executing a 360 degree spin, and landing in the ring!
Pink and White Variant
Irena had wanted to pull off a really cool surprise entrance for her LAW debut, hoping to win the crowd over right from the get-go, and from the deafening sound of the cheering and applauding fans, it looked and sounded like the former Olympic-level figure skater had already won the crowd over. She had clearly already impressed J.R., one of the ringside color commentators.

My God, Jerry, have you ever seen an entrance like that?” said J.R. to his partner Jerry, “it looks like the fans are eating this up. I know I am. What an entrance!

Irena smirked at the self-proclaimed “great and magnificent Tricks,” as she turned to Bella and said “your opponent today is an Olympic caliber athlete, so I’m afraid that all your tricks won’t be enough to save your sorry ass tonight.” With that boast, Irena began to remove her rollerblades and put on her boots, not realizing that Bella had poured itching powder into the boots earlier. Quite by accident, Irena’s stunt with the rollerblades meant that she was putting on her boots far later than Bella would have anticipated, which meant that it would still take some time before the itching powder would take full effect.

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Re: Bellatrix vs Irene. The wicked magician vs the atleth

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Bellatrix would watch as her opponent walked onto the ramp as she had the feeling she seen this girl before.Sadly she could not remember where , and just figured she meet Irena at one of her magic shows she did before Summer reached out with the offer to join her at LAW. Still it did suck when the other wrestler's entrance was more impressive then her own as she knew she should have gone with fireworks and smokescreens , but when she asked if she could use them the people in charge told her no.

Then when she saw that the other wrestler would remove her Rollerblade while boasting about her self for her boots made her a bit nervous. ''Fuck what if those are different boots then the ones I put itching powder into''thought Bellatrix as she had planned for this to be an easy win after she stacked the odds in her favor earlier in the locker room. Taking a deep breath as she hoped to keep Irene talking for now she looked at the Olympic athlete as she replied ''if you're an athlete of Olympic caliber Irene I just got one thing to ask you.Why are you here then as you are either lying or you sucked so much that they kicked you out of the team.Then again with how you look I guess that your used to being rejected as we can't all be as talented and good looking as the great and powerful Tricks'' in an confident tone.

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Re: Bellatrix vs Irene. The wicked magician vs the atleth

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Irena flushed a deep shade of crimson when she heard Bella taunt her about why she was kicked out of the Olympics. As if Bella didn’t know. As if the whole goddamn world hadn’t been watching when she smashed her skate into that other girl’s kneecap. Seething with rage, Irena screamed, “You want to know why I got kicked out of the Olympics, bitch?! Let me show you!

Irena picked up one of her skates and ran at Bella with murder in her eyes, but was stopped by the ref.

Hey! No weapons! This is supposed to be a clean, fair fight. I’ll be watching you!” the ref admonished Irena.

Irena gave the ref an incredulous look. “You’re watching me? It's not me you have to worry about. You better watch Miss Tricks over there. Cheating is her MO, not mine,” Irena retorted.

I’ll be watching both of you,” said the ref, although she clearly didn’t believe Irena, and was eyeing Irena skeptically.

Now, as I was saying, I want a clean, fair fight. No weapons, and clean wrestling. No eye gouging or hair-pulling. No attacks to the tits, no low blows. We clear?” said the ref, although she was clearly directing her comments mostly at Irena.

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Re: Bellatrix vs Irene. The wicked magician vs the atleth

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Bellatrix would just smirk as she saw the anger in the other wrestler's eyes as she walked towards her with one of her skates after yelling that she would show her. ''I think I can see why you got kicked out irene was it.You got some anger issues it seems'' replied the American while she was standing behind the referee as she stopped the disgraced Olympian athlete.

''Sorry but you know nothing about me Irene.Still if your so worried that I would cheat why not have the referee search me for weapons as unlike when I am on stage as a magician I got nothing up my sleeves in the ring''replied the blue haired teen as she thought to herself ''because I already made sure the odds are in my favor''.

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Re: Bellatrix vs Irene. The wicked magician vs the atleth

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Yeah, ref, check her!” yelled a skeptical Irena at the ref.

Don’t tell me how to do my job,” said the annoyed ref to Irena, but nevertheless began to carefully check Bellatrix for weapons, as she would move her hands over Bella’s legs, over her thigh-high boots and along her bare thighs, over her arms and abs and breasts, trying to check for any odd bulges that might indicate weapons.

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Re: Bellatrix vs Irene. The wicked magician vs the atleth

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Bellatrix would just smirk as she already caused tension between the referee and her opponent as this could only work to her advantage. Still she would allow the ref's hands to move over her body as she knew that she had no weapons on her body as she would wait until the referee was done before looking at Irena as she said ''see told you I got nothing on me''.

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Re: Bellatrix vs Irene. The wicked magician vs the atleth

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Satisfied that Bella was indeed not hiding any weapons on her person, the ref began checking Irena for weapons. As the ref moved her hands over Irena's sheer top, near her breasts and ribs, it tickled Irena, and she began to giggle softly. When the ref moved down to Irena's hose-clad legs, the pantyhose seemed to intensify the tickling sensations, and Irena giggled some more, saying "Sta-ha-p that! That tickles!"

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Re: Bellatrix vs Irene. The wicked magician vs the atleth

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Bellatrix would just watch as the referee would now check Irena for weapons as she did wish it could have bin her when the referee's hands were moving around her opponent's body. Still she did learn of an weakness that the other wrestler had since it seems the former athlete could not handle being tickled , and that her attire seemed to intensify the experience for irene.

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Re: Bellatrix vs Irene. The wicked magician vs the atleth

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Finally satisfied, the ref finished checking Irena for weapons, and rang the bell to begin the match.

Letting out a deep breath to collect herself, Irena would motion for a classic tie-up with Bella, figuring that this would be a good starting point for showcasing her wrestling skills.

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