"Another stupid ass loser idol posing as a wrestler, what gives?" Ryori muttered to herself in her locker room, mimicking kicking and punching motions into the air with a almighty speed that she is known for. Through her first two matches, the LAW officials have given her rather easy opponents to face with Haruka and Gold Liger, both of whom were rather quickly taken out by the Tsun Tsun. There was hope in the air that Ryori would get more palatable and harder competition, but instead she got another idol, who has yet to claim a win in her career, and has regularly participated in that disgraceful Hentai match. It seemed like LAW officials refused to give Ryori serious opponents or even a title shot despite her amazing 2-0-0 record. There is only one way to prove things to the dumbass officials, absolutely mangle and make sure this idol never wants to step within 10 miles of a wrestling ring ever again.
A couple of minutes of striking at the air later, Ryori got the call that her match was about to begin, and she was the first wrestler to come out. It was time to make another idol cry like the bitches they are, Ryori thought to herself. She headed to a position she knew for a while, the Gorilla position. And with her music about to hit, she was ready to hear the boos of the fans who would never understand and are too dumb to understand why she acts the way she does. Then the music hit, and the fearsome force known as Ryori Bleck came out to the stage, as the crowd gave her an ovation ... of boos that is. She destroyed the dumb bitches they worshipped and cheered for, with another one about to be added to that list.
"The following match is set for one fall, making her way to the ring, weighing 105 pounds, The Tsun Tsun, RYORI BLECK!" The Ring announcer yelled into his mic,, having the honor of announcer Ryori's name. Ryori headed towards the ring, the place she felt is her home, walked up the steel steps, and headed under the middle rope and into the ring and headed to her corner.
"Alright, bring out the dumbass who's ready to be destroyed and have her career ended' Ryori said.