May vs Victoria Windsor: The Metal Doll meets the Magnificent Malvern Milf

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May vs Victoria Windsor: The Metal Doll meets the Magnificent Malvern Milf

Unread post by Blackpaw1000 »

MATCH RULES: a standard ‘Hentai’ style match with both women in their bikinis
Victoria’s attire
It came that time again for Victoria to step into a ring and once again, she was going to be wearing that pretty black bikini of hers, not that Vicki minded of course, adjusting it all slightly as she waited for her entrance music to come, chuckling as she stared down at her plush body and curvaceous body. She had never been in a full-on hentai match like this before but she had to admit, she was looking forward to it!

Soon enough, it was go time for the lovely old English-lass as her entrance theme began to play through the event-halls speaker system. Vicki started walking down the ramp with that same old, sexy sway in her hips, smiling sweetly at the crowd and waving to them, even blowing a few kisses as she posed just a little on the steps before entering the ring through the middle rope, blowing more kisses and waving just that little bit more as she stood in the middle of the ring, waiting for her opponent to make her way in.
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Re: May vs Victoria Windsor: The Metal Doll meets the Magnificent Malvern Milf

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May would ready for her next match as she wear her bikini, a white and black one with green outline, of course, May doesn't really care as she stretch a bit, she would heard her opponent's theme play as she saw the blond woman walk out and toward the ring before slide in, May would smirk as her theme would play too

She would wave at her fans as she make her way down the ramp and toward the ring, eventually, she arrived at her destination before she would hop on and slide into the ring as she stand back up, stretch a bit as she had her poker face on, ready for the match to start as she goes to her own corner and stand there

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Re: May vs Victoria Windsor: The Metal Doll meets the Magnificent Malvern Milf

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Victoria was taken back a little at just how tall her opponent was, it wasn't a ridiculous height advantage or anything but it sure was noticeable to the older lady as she stood there, smiling at her opponent, walking up to young May as soon as she made her way into the ring, holding out an arm to offer the tall girl a handshake, giggling slightly. "My my hun, you are quite the tall fellow aren't you? Well, anyway, it's nice to finally meet you at last, may the best woman win!" Vicki chuckled as the pair shook hands before returning to her own corner for the bell to ring, doing a few last minute stretches of her own in the meantime.

Soon enough, that bell would ring as Victoria made her way out of the corner with a confident smirk, not afraid of the taller lady, her eyes scanning up and down the young lass's body, her outfit was quite the eye-candy but it wasn't worth getting distracted by in a match like this! After a bit of circling and sizing up, Victoria would soon go on the offensive, grabbing a hold of May's shoulders for a brief test of strength to start off the match, grunting slightly and bending forwards, trying her best to push the younger lady back, wanting to show that despite the height disadvantage, she could still push a big giantess like May back, hoping to squish her into those ropes!
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Re: May vs Victoria Windsor: The Metal Doll meets the Magnificent Malvern Milf

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While May does seems a little tall, she isn't that tall, only tall than Victoria a bit, she would simply nod her head at Vicki's declaration as she stand there, they would goes into a contest of strength before slowly, she would attempt to use her height advantage to slowly push Victoria into a corner as she would grow. Both side push against each other, and of course, eventually once side is slowly pushing the other side into a corner

May of course, would attempt to plant her feet and remain on her ground and try to tire Vicky out as she attempt to remain still while also push Vicky back, without tired herself out first of course

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Re: May vs Victoria Windsor: The Metal Doll meets the Magnificent Malvern Milf

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It would quickly become apparent that the two big girls were quite evenly matched when push came to shove, as they locked up together, if one gained an inch then the other would get it right back, it was a real stalemate and Victoria knew that well, not wanting to wear herself out. She began to grit her teeth just a little bit, holding her position for just a short while longer before unexpectedly starting to weaken her pushing, letting the taller lady push her back just a couple of steps, trying her best to hide the fact she was letting May push her back.

"Hrfff... a-awfully strong, aren't you Missy?" Victoria whispered to her before looking back to see how far she was from the corner. Sensing that she had come close enough, Vicki would execute her plan! The bodacious brunette smirked slightly before shoving firmly at the dark-haired Doll's shoulders to push her back slightly, suddenly grabbing onto one of her forearms and pushing a palm against her back, whipping her firmly into the corner, watching the taller girl crash into those turnbuckle. After she had done this, Victoria took no time, in following up on this, rushing towards May in a determined way before suddenly jumping up at the last moment, hoping to crash land into the poor lass and crush her with a horrid splash. What she lacked in speed she more then made up for in weight, meaning that if she hit a move like this, it could be devastating, but equally painful to herself if she missed!
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Re: May vs Victoria Windsor: The Metal Doll meets the Magnificent Malvern Milf

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May would simply smile at her as she slowly push Victoria back, she would smile "Oh? Is that so? Or are you perhaps little weak?" She ask with a teasing smirk before she would continue to push before she would felt her arm before grabbed and pushed, being whipped into a corner causing May to grunt in pain before she would felt the other woman splash her, causing her to fall to her knees in pain she hold her chest as she pants

of course, she would pants and attempt to pull herself back up, and before she would sweep her legs, try to trip the other woman so that she would fall to her back, if worked, she would crawl and attempt to seated herself on Victory's belly and try to get into a comfortable position to start as she have a confident smile on her face

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Re: May vs Victoria Windsor: The Metal Doll meets the Magnificent Malvern Milf

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Victoria grumbled a little from being dropped so suddenly onto her back, the older, heavier lady crashing down with a loud grunt of distress before suddenly having May crawl on top of her, making herself comfortable by taking a seat on her belly, all that pudge making for a nice cushion of course as the English lass just glared right up at her. Suddenly, both of her hands would shoot up, palms suddenly resting on those perky breasts of hers before her fingers closed to give them a good squishing, kneading softly at the pair like a happy Feline, smirking and chuckling as she done so, unable to resist more and more squishes as the seconds went by.

"Oh I'm far from weak dear... but you'll find that out soon enough... Never underestimate an old girl like me!" She soon replied, continuing her cupping and massaging of those bikini-covered breasts before suddenly throwing a few punches their way, uncurling her fists last second to simply slap at them from side to side and from underneath, making the pair move all over the place as a result, enjoying every second of it.
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Re: May vs Victoria Windsor: The Metal Doll meets the Magnificent Malvern Milf

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May would crawl on top of Victoria before she took a seat on her belly, but before she could start her 'attack' on her crotch and chest, she would be grabbed by the chest, cause her to bite her lips as she proceed to do the same to Victoria, as May would play with her squishy chest too while look down at her

She would heard her reply as she made a tsked sound "Well, then it's time for the young girl to grew stronger than the old girl" She taunt as she continues to play with Victoria's chest before she felt her chest being punched as it move all over the place before she hold her chest in pain as she growl and use one hand to slap Victoria's chest too

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Re: May vs Victoria Windsor: The Metal Doll meets the Magnificent Malvern Milf

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She couldn't help but huff in delight as May went for her delightfully busty chest, her own much softer, plump breasts where truly ripe for a good squishing like that and a simple swatting slap like the one she was given wasn't much of a bother to the old girl, letting her massive udders jiggle around before suddenly spreading her legs just a little before suddenly pushing May back, causing the younger lady to become off-balance, suddenly falling back and catching her with those immense, juicy thighs of hers.

Using her legs, she would soon squeeze down on the poor girl's midsection in a tight pair of bodyscissors, wrapping her arms around her opponent's waist and hugging her tightly, laughing loudly as she got a good look at the other girl's rear. "My my May... that's quite the nice rump you have there sweetheart... why don't we show it off just a little bit more!" Vicki teased before suddenly leaning in to grab at May's bikini bottoms with her teeth, trying her best to pull them down with a teasing chuckle.
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Re: May vs Victoria Windsor: The Metal Doll meets the Magnificent Malvern Milf

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May would made a surprise Yelp noise as she felt herself being forced off balance before pull into a bodyscissor, as she felt something grab her bottoms and try to pull them down, she would growl before kick her legs as she would attempt to free herself from the bodyscissor as she growl in anger as she wiggle around and try to free herself from the hold

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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