Smother Match: Prism Girl vs. Brittney Wilkinson

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Smother Match: Prism Girl vs. Brittney Wilkinson

Unread post by 321Shazam »

Anzu was preparing backstage for her next match. She wasn't still in her winning drought, but tonight she was certain would be the time she'd taste her first win. Anzu would put on her magician's outfit backstage and smiled in the mirror as she told herself. "This is going to be it. The first of many victories. You can do this." Anzu said hyping herself up before the announcer would introduce her.


"The following contest is a Smother Match!! The only way to win is by effectively knocking your opponent out with a smother hold. In this match there will be no disqualifications. Now introducing first ANZU the PRISM GIRL!!!!!!!" The LAW crowd would but not as loudly as a superstar with a lot of wins on her belt. Anzu looked to remedy that tonight. Anzu didn't care who her opponent was, she was going to knock them out. She just hoped her opponent was as nice as some of the other women she's wrestled.

Anzu would enter the ring after some posing with the crowd. Then Anzu would roll under the bottom rope to enter the ring. Anzu would wave at the crowd before going to her corner to wait for her opponent to make her entrance.

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Re: Smother Match: Prism Girl vs. Brittney Wilkinson

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Brittney watched on backstage as the announcer spoke, a grin formed across her face. A smother match? She thought. Well, the teacher certainly had the goods to perform in this match. It also helped that Brittney knew her arch rival Madison was away doing a promotional tour so couldnt interfere.

As her music Hot For Teacher rumbled over the PA Brittney emerged to a loud roar from the crowd. She was dressed in her usual slutty teacher outfit, something that seemed to play to the crowd. As she walked, her large chest bounced, her chunky thighs and ass jiggled and in her hand was a clipboard. The announcer spoke as she walked to the ring. "AND HER OPPONENT, THE TEACHER MISS BRITTNEY WILKINSOOOOOOOON"

Brittney steppes through the ropes and eyed up Anzu, pulling her specs down. As always the teacher wiggled out of her outfit to reveal a tiny bikini, red for tonight so nothing was left to the imagination.

"I hope you are ready for today's lesson my student. I plan on suffocating you with every part of my body and leaving you a much better wrestler"

It sounded like a threat but also nice in a way. Brittney approved of her rival who looked lovely, and busty. This was going to be fun. The teacher waited for the bell to start the match
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Re: Smother Match: Prism Girl vs. Brittney Wilkinson

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Anzu was both intimidated and turned on as she got a good look at her sexy opponent. Anzu was stunned by her opponent's beauty and ability to pull off the sexy teacher look to perfection. Anzu would blush as she heard Brittney's "lesson plan" for her in this match and Anzu would respond by saying. "What happens if the student becomes the teacher?" Anzu said in teasing fashion as she winked at Brittney before thinking about how into their gimmicks both wrestlers were. Then the bell would ring to start the match and Anzu had to focus. She was the smaller of the two so she had to rely on her speed for an advantage, but Anzu also wanted to have some fun. Anzu would raise one of her hands up to signal for a test of strength but when Brittney got close her hands would grab a hold of her opponent's huge breasts and give them a playful squeeze.

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Re: Smother Match: Prism Girl vs. Brittney Wilkinson

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Anzu was cute, no doubt about that. Brittney smiled as she tried to intimidate her but the teacher was having none of it. She had faced much scarier and bigger rivals before. A part of Brittney suspected that Anzu wanted to get smothered, well the teacher could oblige that. As the bell rang, Brittney walked out to meet the smaller girl.

She linked hands and pushed just to start off the struggled. If Anzu didn't counter then the teacher would stretch the pairs arms out and draw her in closer. In the process bringing Anzu uncomfortably close to the teachers GG cups which strained against the material of her bikini.

However Anzu made a grab for Brittney's assets, which drew a gasp from the slutty teacher. "Is that how it is?" She smirked and simply resumed her planned smother, grabbing around Anzu to bear hug the girl into her cleavage.
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Re: Smother Match: Prism Girl vs. Brittney Wilkinson

Unread post by 321Shazam »

Brittney didn't seem to like Anzu's playful gesture, and Prism Girl would pay for it by being pulled into a Bearhug. Anzu's arms and legs would flail in the air as Brittney would smother Anzu in the Bearhug with those gigantic tits of her's. Anzu's protests would be muffled by Brittney's beasts while the LAW crowd would cheer loudly as Prism Girl was once again being made to look like she was once again out matched. Anzu would try to focus up and throw some punches o Brittney hoping they had enough effect to loosen the teacher's grip on her.

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