High Flying Fury! Alizeh Midori vs Sanae Saitou (D)

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High Flying Fury! Alizeh Midori vs Sanae Saitou (D)

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Match Condition: Best two out of three falls match: Victor determined when they achieve two wins out of a total of three falls

Alizeh smiled readily as she stretched ner arms backstage. It was time for another match for her and not a moment too soon! She had been itching for a new opponet lately and tonight she was getting one. On top of that it was a new girl making her debut! ‘Wow its crazy it’s like I’ve come full circle.’ The green haired girl thought to herself clenching her fist as she remembered her own debut. “I’ll be sure to give her an awesome debut. Even if its gonna end as a loss for her.” She said with a soft smirk on her face as she was definitely planning on winning.

Looking in the mirror she nodded to herself seeing her reflection, her at this point, classic orange and green outfit. ‘I should look into maybe changing things up a bit.’ She thought to herself before shrugging. “Whatever I still look awesome.” She said with a smile as she walked towards the gurellia position.
Hearing her music began playing she smiled excitedly as she heard the roar of the crowd already beginning to get pumped up. Jumping out to the top of the ramp she posed as the crowd roared for the rising star face. Smiling at the crowd she began running down the ramp she began highfiving fans on her way down. Upon nearing the ring she leaped up onto the ring apron before turning and posing once more for the crowd. Jumping up she rolled over the top rope and into a standing position with her arm up for the crowd. Walking backwards to her corner Alizeh bounced heel to heel, literally unable to hold still as she waited for her opponet.
Last edited by Bare on Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: High Flying Fury! Alizeh Midori vs Sanae Saitou (D)

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Sanae could hardly believe it! Finally, her first match! Coming out of the Young Lioness program, she was excited to finally get her career in LAW underway. Even if she only saw it as a stepping stone to her idol career, finding the idea of getting attention on her from wrestling a more reliable pursuit than gambling with the talent agencies, she was still eager to take such a monumental step in her path to fame. She was about to prove herself to a whole new crowd and make her impact, putting her name out there!

Even as she stood backstage, she was hopping up and down in place, unable to contain her excitement. This got her some odd looks from the arena staff. "...Calm down," one said.

"Oh, sorry, sorry-!" Sanae said. "I'm just so excited!"

For Sanae, it had been a long time coming. She had been rising up in the Young Lioness program, from her training with her comrades to being in dark matches before shows, and even now that she had graduated it seemed as though the bookers hadn't found much use for her. For a while, she was mainly getting sent to apartments to for videos or photoshoots of her wrestling some random nobodies. She didn't mind it - she didn't even question why they insisted on them wearing lingerie or bikinis - but what Sanae really wanted was to perform before a crowd of surely adoring fans. But after an agonizing wait, that time had finally come!

As her music began, Sanae didn't even wait for the announcer to finish reading out her name before she was already skipping down the entrance ramp, pumping her fists in the air to try and rile up the crowd. "Ha! Ha-HA!" she cheered as she punched and kicked at the air, occasionally slapping some high-fives along the way. When she neared the ring, Sanae took off running, lunging to push off the apron with her palms and perform a flip over the top rope to make a spectacular entrance before she struck a pose in the middle of the ring.
"Hiiiii everybody!" Sanae cheered, accepting the microphone from the announcer to speak her piece. "I'm so happy to be here today, in front of you all, and finally in the main roster! I'm gonna give this one my all, okay? I wanna win it for all of you, so don't forget to cheer! I wanna hear my name out there!"

"That's...quite enough, Miss Saitou," the announcer said.

"Oh, sorry!" Passing the microphone back, Sanae headed to her corner to take her place, leaning forward with her hands on her hips to stretch herself out. She met eyes with Alizeh, a smile crossing her face as she anticipated her first brush with her opponent!
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Re: High Flying Fury! Alizeh Midori vs Sanae Saitou (D)

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Alizeh smiled eagerly as she bounced from heel to heel upon hearing her opponet entrance music begin playing, although was somewhat surprised as the girl she’d be facing came out singing her own entrance. That was rarher unusual but Alizeh liked the energy snd enthusiasm Sanae was showing right from the start, in a way it reminded Alizeh of herself to some extent. Plus the green haired girl would be lying if she said the song wasn’t catchy as she began bopping her shoulders a bit lightly dancing in place as she vibed to the song.

Eventually it, and Alizeh’s little bit if dancing ended as Sanae entered the ring and... began monologing. ‘Hehe poor girl has a lot to learn.’ She thought to herself with a sweat drop as she walked forward to get a better look at Sanae. As she did Alizeh found that the younger girl reminded Alizeh a kot of herself, they were both rather exuberant and excitable, passionate, agile, and well... the green hair didn’t help the comparison at least in Alizeh’s eyes. In fact if their skin tones weren’t so radically different tbe two could probably pass as sisters. In other words Alizeh liked Sanae so far and showed it by holding her hand up.

“Hey there! Here’s to a great debut match! Just dont expect me to go easy on ya newbie.” Alizeh said cheerfully but with a determined edge and smile towards the end as she looked the younger girl in the eye while waiting to see if she’d take the outstretched hand. If she did Alizeh would lean forward and whisper. “I really liked the song by the way.”, the older greenette was always one to give credit where it was due and that included a song she could vibe to such as Sanae’s entrance.

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Re: High Flying Fury! Alizeh Midori vs Sanae Saitou (D)

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As she finished her little speech, Sanae looked over to see Alizeh doing a little dance in place to the music, and that made her gasp, her hands briefly going to her mouth. She couldn't believe it! She had performed that song herself, hoping it would convince the idol group producers she knew how to sing, and it looked like even her opponent was getting into it! A few voices in the crowd had begun cheering for her at her request, too, something that made Sanae's heart flutter with excitement. She was honored to know that her first time in the ring as a member of the main roster was going this well, and she couldn't ask for a better debut!

Alizeh, too, would show herself to be a good sport as she extended a hand to Sanae. With a big grin on her face, the girl took it and shook, but a moment later she would take it a step further as she pulled Alizeh into a tight hug. "Yes!! Thank you thank you thank you! Ah, I'm sorry, I'm just so excited..." Taking a breath and centering herself, Sanae took a step back. She got into a stance, facing Alizeh, but the grin didn't go far from her face, even as she raised her fists.

"Let's have a good match, alright? I'm gonna give it my all! Don't worry!"
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Re: High Flying Fury! Alizeh Midori vs Sanae Saitou (D)

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Alizeh smiled as sbe shook hands with her opponet, the fellow greenette’s excitement being palpable as she did so especially after she complimeted her. “Oof!” She gasped out as the younger girl hugged her making Alizeh smile as she happily returned it. “Hahaha no worries I was too in my debut!” Alizeh said to reassure the girl as they pulled away.

Smirking as she saw Sanae take a stance with her fists out Alizeh returner the gesture by spreading her legs and putting her own fists up. “You’re speaking my language kid lets five it our best and show these people a match these people won’t forget!” She said exuberantly while the crowd cheered wildly at the display of sportsmanship and fired up energy between the two as they faced off.

‘No matter what I gotta be sure to show this girl what being Law is about.’ Alizeh thought to herself, feeling a kind of responsibility to give this girl the best, most competitive showing possible to get her career off to a good start.... without losing herself of course. Smiling competitively the bell rang starting the match as Alizeh charged forward to lock up with Sanae and start the first fall off!

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Re: High Flying Fury! Alizeh Midori vs Sanae Saitou (D)

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Things were off to a good start so far, as Alizeh returned Sanae's rather enthusiastic display with a cheer of her own as she got into a stance. The grin on Sanae's face could hardly get any wider as she awaited the beginning of the match with her heart pounding in her chest. She was excited to finally debut, and if Alizeh's conduct thus far was any indication, it was going to be a match to remember! And with the stipulation of it being two out of three falls, she had even more of an opportunity to show off what she was capable of and introduce all of her favorite moves. One way or another, she would make sure the people in the audience would remember her.


With the ring of the bell, the match was on, and Sanae moved in on Alizeh, nodding to her as she accepted her offer of a lockup. She latched onto her at the collar and elbow, her brow furrowing in focus as she leaned in closer to put more pressure on her foe. However, as much as she appreciated Alizeh's showmanship, Sanae felt a lockup wasn't the best showcase of her capabilities. There was so much more she was capable of, and she wanted everyone to know about it! As soon as she could, she would shove back on Alizeh to try and steer her away to set up a more eye-catching attack, as she hopped into the air and swung a spinning kick at her! "Haaah!~"
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Re: High Flying Fury! Alizeh Midori vs Sanae Saitou (D)

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Alizeh smiled at Sanae as she and the debuting girl locked hands in the middle of the ring locking up with a collar elbow tie up. Pushing against the younger girl Alizeh smiled to herself, using the basic starting point as a means of measuring the girl up a bit, seeing what kind of fighter she was. ‘Hehe stronger than she looks.’ She thought to jerself with a smirk feeling the smaller girl push against her to try and push her back. But Alizeh was no push over herself and was able to stnad her ground.

‘Impatient though.’ She thought to herself as she was pushed back by Sanae. The only issue was that the moment Alizeh was forced to take steps back she was already preparing herself for whatever Sanae might try. That’s why as the girl came in with a rather impressive spinning high kick, however Alizeh found it no problem to duck under the reach of the attack nefore swiverling up behind Sanae. As the girl would land Alizeh would smile as she dashed forward trying to lock her arms around Sanae’s waist. “Hehe nice. But a bit obvious.” Alizeh would say in a tutorly way if she was successful in the grab and if uninterupted would throw herself back to try and land a classic german suplex on the smaller girl!

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Re: High Flying Fury! Alizeh Midori vs Sanae Saitou (D)

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Sanae, despite her small frame, could indeed pack a lot of power into her moves. She was seeing this as much, being able to stand up against her opponent's push! Even if Alizeh was heavier than she was, Sanae was proud to know she could go toe to toe with her. Surely it meant that she had the makings of a true fighter, a fact that caused a smile to spread wider across her face as her heart pounded in her chest. Sure, Alizeh wasn't going back much from where she was standing, but at least Sanae had a chance!

She might have, anyway, if she didn't let her cocky attitude and air for showmanship get the better of her. Sanae decided she needed more flair in her moveset, and she suddenly broke the hold to hop up and perform a spinning kick to Alizeh! In terms of athleticism and coordination, it looked fantastic - but in terms of efficacy in a physical contest, perhaps less so. Alizeh was able to duck under the kick, and as Sanae came back around to face her, her tone abruptly changed, her eyes widening as she saw her leg had passed overhead. "H-Hey, that wasn't supposed to-" she began - only for the middleweight to close the distance in that moment of confusion, throwing her arms around Sanae's waist and hoisting her off her feet!

"Ahh-!? Hey, WHOAH-!" she exclaimed, only to be suddenly thrown over Alizeh's head and shoulders to make impact with the mat below. With a thud, her body settled, her legs kicked back over her head and her skirt hanging upside down. She'd elected to wear blue bike shorts under it, fortunately, but that wasn't exactly the first thing on her mind when she was still reeling from the impact! She sunk to the mat with a groan as Alizeh released her, her arms and legs lying out at her sides as her head spun in a daze.
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Re: High Flying Fury! Alizeh Midori vs Sanae Saitou (D)

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As Alizeh managed to land the suplex against Sanae Alizeh promptly released the girl as opposed to continuing with more suplexes or going for a pin off the bat. After all this was the girl’s debut and Alizeh didn’t want to make the girl look weak to the crowd by potnetially getting a early win or wasting her off the bat with a onslaught of attacks right out of the gate

That’s why the older greenette decided to take the oppurtunity to practice her showmanship a bit. “Come on everyone help me pump Sanae up! She called out to the crowd while clapping her hands above her head. Parading around the ring Alizeh would clap her hands gesturing for the crowd to do the same and by the time she made one full rotation around the ring she had the majority of the arena clapping along with her for Sanae to get back up with some members of the crowd even shouting words of encouragement to the rookie

Feeling like she accomplished her goal and had given Sanae a fair amount of time to recuperate. After all this WAS still a match, Alizeh was just giving Sanae a chance to do well and prep while also hyping the crowd to make this match memorable. In any case it was time for Alizeh to go back on the offense regardless of if the girl was ready or not. Planting her feet from a position across the ring in front of the girl Alizeh would smirk before dashing forward intending to throw her knee forward for a shining wizard to the girl as she would be trying to stand or sit up.

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Re: High Flying Fury! Alizeh Midori vs Sanae Saitou (D)

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Sanae had landed with her limbs splayed around her, groaning groggily as she stared up at the ceiling through a haze. This overall wasn't how she had expected or planned for things to go, and she didn't find it favorable. However, what she heard next from Alizeh was something she found quite surprising, as the middleweight began to circle around the ring, calling on the support of the fans in her opponent's favor! Sanae heard the praise and cheers that were coming her way, and it made something flutter in her heart. She straightened herself up from the mat and gasped, her hands going to her mouth as she rose to a seated position on the canvas. Could it be? They really believed in her!? Even when they hardly knew her?

Sanae was thankful that the fans had her in their thoughts, but she was even more thankful that Alizeh would be a good enough sport to cheer her on even when she could have easily ended the match. Tears of joy were coming to her eyes. She couldn't have asked for anything better in a debut. "Thank you!! Thank you, all of you...I promise, I'll make you proud!"

That last part was something Sanae was intending to honor. Encouraged to fight back by the cheers, she started to push herself back up. But Alizeh wasn't going easy on her, and as Sanae was rising she saw her come charging in closer! At once, Sanae froze. Time seemed to slow down as the adrenaline rush took hold of her.

She knew she had pledged to do her best, and she knew that her fans were counting on her. Right now, she couldn't let them down! She wouldn't let herself be taken back down so easily - and as soon as Alizeh came back into range, Sanae reached out, looking to catch her and push herself back up before throwing Alizeh over her shoulders and kicking off the mat to land a German suplex of her own!
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