Yuki Kazikura vs. Jack the Ripper [D]

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Yuki Kazikura vs. Jack the Ripper [D]

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout
To say this was a big match for Yuki was perhaps an understatement. Not that it was anything particularly special to the onlookers - it was far from the top of the card, and she was facing off against an unknown opponent. To many, this would be a match like any other. But to Yuki, it was everything.

There were a number of factors at play for her. It would be her first match since she graduated from high school. And, more to the point, it was also her first match since her humiliating and crushing defeat against Rose Gold at We Are LAW, the very event where Yuki stood on the greatest stage of her life, and where she more than ever before was counting on a victory to prove herself worthy of the main event picture. What had been promised to be a moment of triumph for her had turned to one of shame, as she had been beaten down and held at her most vulnerable in front of everyone. Even remembering it now made a blush come to Yuki's cheeks. She had needed to take time off of wrestling for a good few weeks after that - not only for her legs to stop being sore, but also before she could build herself back up from a most ignoble defeat, and to feel ready getting in the ring again.

But now, that time had come. Yuki had a chance ahead of her. If she could win this match, she would put herself back on the map. It would be the redemption she needed to prove she was still worthy of the success she had had in climbing through the ranks up to this point. She just needed to grab that chance.

"Coming first to the ring, from Yokohama, Japan! At 5'4 and weighing 118 lbs., everyone PLEASE give a welcome to the returning YUKI KAZIKURA!"
With the bright lights shining behind her, Yuki appeared on the entrance ramp, tapping her fists together with her feet spread in a firm and ready stance as she prepared for the match. Hearing her name, a few fans cheered and waved, eager to see her return to the ring, and to know that she wouldn't let her last defeat stand in her way. Now, as she walked down the ramp to roll into the ring, Yuki could just hope she wouldn't disappoint.
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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Jack the Ripper [D]

Unread post by Void-Effect »

To Jack, this is her most important match ever, this was her first match, she had hope to win the match to prove herself strong enough to defeat her opponent, so she been training non stop, from morning to night until she felt confident enough and ready to fight, she promise herself that she'll become strong, and now, the time have come to fight her first match. She hop few time to hype herself up and raise her adrenaline

"And for Yuki's opponent, debut of Jack the Ripper! From England, London, she is 5'5' tall and weight 117.26 Lbs, everyone please welcome Jack the Ripper!"
[youtube] [/youtube]
She run out of the entrance as the lights shine on her, run toward the ring before slide into the ring, she hop few time before crack her knuckles, as the crowd wave at the rookie, she wave back, before turn around to face her opponent "Alrighty then, let's do this" She said to herself softly, before nod and try to calm herself down

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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Jack the Ripper [D]

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Yuki narrowed her eyes, watching from her side of the ring as her opponent made her way in. In contrast to the white-haired girl's more excitable demeanor, Yuki remained calm and still, taking in a deep breath and cracking her knuckles. But inside, her heart was soaring. She was determined to win to prove that she was still capable of attaining the greatness and the potential that her fans had faith in her to rise to. Even though she didn't know who her opponent was or what she would be capable of, Yuki had to give it her all; everyone was counting on her to.

She didn't know that Jack was feeling the same. But if both were so dedicated to the match ahead of them, it was sure to be a pitched battle!

Coming in closer to the center of the ring, Yuki lowered herself into a stance as she eyed her foe. "Whoever you are...I hope we can have a good match. Because I'm not going to hold back, even because you're new. I owe it to myself to do the best I can."
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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Jack the Ripper [D]

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She glare at her opponent while analyze her, looking for any physical or mental advantage but found none, She is confident she got this, she just need to focus and look for any opening in her opponent and use it in her advantage. She nod to her self and whisper to herself "I got this, I got this..." Repeatedly.

As Yuki is walking closer to the center of the ring, she did the same and walk to the center too, she lower herself into her stance too as she replied "My name is Jack, and don't think I'm gonna be a easy pick, I'll give you everything I got and more. " She wait for Yuki to make the first move she stand there
Last edited by Void-Effect on Wed May 20, 2020 1:46 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Jack the Ripper [D]

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Though she may have been a lightweight, Yuki was toward the higher end of the curve, with a height and weight comparable to some of the smaller middleweights. However, she still had a slim, lean build, and she had to admit that Jack seemed more physically built than she did. Not just that, the white-haired girl was close in stature to herself, and the odds looked equally matched heading into this bout. Still, Yuki would have to give it her all, just as she would in any other circumstance. She tightened her hand into a fist at her side, bracing herself and standing ready to strike. Even if she felt like she had a good chance, she still had to be ready for anything, and she gazed at Jack with the eyes of a hawk, not taking her attention off her for a moment.

Hearing Jack's words, Yuki nodded to her. "Then...we'll just have to see who comes on top." As noncommittal as her statement was, Yuki's heart was pounding in her chest. Her own self-respect was on the line; even if her fans didn't lose any hope in her if she lost, Yuki might not be as charitable with herself. She had to give this her best effort.


The bell chimed, and the match was on. Yuki was quick to snap into action, taking a step forward to lunge toward Jack as she drew her hand back in the process. She attempted to whip herself around off the momentum, aiming a chop to her opponent's chest!
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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Jack the Ripper [D]

Unread post by Void-Effect »

As the chops come down unexpected, Jack didn't had any chance to try to dodge or side step as it hit her square in the chest "Ugh!" She held her chest in pain as she stumbling back a little "Damn! My turn." angered at Yuki's score the first hit and herself for not seeing this coming, she decide to charge at her before turn 180 degree and give her a back kick at her stomach before follow up with two chop at her chest.

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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Jack the Ripper [D]

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Yuki's agility and quick reflexes would score her a strong opening to the match, as she spun herself around with the flat of her hand outstretched to land against her opponent's chest. As Yuki caught herself to face Jack once again, the girl shook her hand out before getting into a stance, her eyes narrowing in a focused stare as she locked her attention onto her foe. Yuki knew she couldn't take her attention off of Jack, lest she pay the price for it. And Yuki wasn't going to risk paying any prices.

However, Jack recovered as swiftly as Yuki had struck, and she was quick on the draw when it came to retaliation. Yuki tried to raise a guard as Jack charged back at her, but it was too late. Jack's foot planted into her gut, and she doubled forward, coughing and clutching her stomach as she backed away. She gasped for breath, her eyes wide and her legs shaky under her. And Jack, of course, didn't let up.

As soon as Yuki looked up, Jack was back at her, where she sent a chop across her chest, causing the yellow-clad lightweight's back to arc backwards as her head snapped to the side, her hair whipping behind it. And soon after, another joined her, landing on the same place! Each blow sent her back more and more, forcing her to the edge of the ring. Already sore from the first hit, the second chop caused Yuki to squeal in pain as her legs gave out from under her, causing her to fall back toward the ropes. She reached out to grab for them, planting a hand against the bottom rope to try to keep herself on her feet, as she watched her opponent for what she might do next.
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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Jack the Ripper [D]

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Jack look at her and smile, she want to finish this up as quick and clean as possible, so she decide to take some risk "TAKE THIS!" She know that if she miss the attack she would bring herself to disadvantage, but she doesn't have time to think as She charges towards Yuki, jumps and brings her body parallel to the ground, Try to driving her shoulder into the Yuki midsection, and try to force her to hit the corner again.

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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Jack the Ripper [D]

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Yuki's teeth were locked in a tense grimace as she looked up, still feeling the soreness in her body from the strikes she had taken. She had to brace herself against the ropes to stay afoot, keeping her legs spread to try and balance her weight, as she took in a few breaths to calm her nerves. She saw Jack was charging back at her, and she knew she only had a few short seconds to act. So she had to make it count!

She watched as the white-haired girl leaped at her, her shoulder raised to slam into her. However, Yuki had to be ready to counter, and she swung her knee up at the last minute, looking to drive it into Jack's jaw to strike back at her!
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Re: Yuki Kazikura vs. Jack the Ripper [D]

Unread post by Void-Effect »

The things she think of when she saw Yuki swung her knee at her face is 1. "I screwed up" 2."Oh no" 3. "This is going to hurt" and the moment that the Knee hit her jaws, she groan in pain as the bone connect, she fell the mat, holding her jaws in pain, before try to get up quickly, but sadly due to the hit, she was dazed and walk back few step as she get up, clearly a bit dazed and confused from the hit.

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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