Yuki Onna vs. Itsuka Konomi - The Snow and the Knight

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Yuki Onna vs. Itsuka Konomi - The Snow and the Knight

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Yuki Onna had been building herself up here in LAW, with her winning some of her matches while losing some. Of course, she aimed to improve her standing in the promotion, and she would do so by winning the match that she was slated to be in for tonight. Donning her signature white-and-blue leotard, Yuki took her time adjusting her hairband and the flower decoration on top of her hair. Once she deemed her appearance satisfactory, she nodded to herself in front of the mirror before she waited for her cue to make her entrance.

And soon, her music was played, and the cerulean-haired fighter made her way out to the ramp, receiving a pop from the crowd. She would stand at the ramp before bowing to them slightly before she strode down the ramp, heading over to the ring. The Snowmaker had received quite a strong following, and many thought that she had potential to become even greater. All she needed was to rack up more wins under her belt before she could proceed to the higher stage where she could fight for the gold.
After reaching the ring, Yuki climbed up the apron and slipped under the ropes, getting inside. Once she was on her feet, she got the crowd to rally for her by walking about in the ring for a bit before she went to the corner, waiting for her opponent to show up. From what she had heard, it would be someone new to this promotion, and this would be her first match in LAW. Well, whoever she might be, Yuki would make sure to defeat her all the same and walk out of the ring as a victor.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Itsuka Konomi - The Snow and the Knight

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Itsuka finished tying her hair up into a ponytail. Next, she checked her "armor." It was her self-made, armored knight cosplay. It consisted of a silver top that looked like a breastplate mixed with a crop top, exposing her stomach. The bottom part of her attire was made up of a plated red skirt that came down to about mid-thigh. She also wore armored accessories to complement the costume. As far as actual armor goes, this would be incredibly impractical, as it would leave plenty of vulnerabilities and lots of extra weight. However, the entire costume was made out of fabric and cloth, so no extra cumbersome weight was added. Itsuka saw this as just another flash necessity to add to her ring persona. Without it, she just wasn't... herself.
Itsuka Konomi
Speaking of the ring, it was finally time to go out there. This was her debuting match here at LAW. She had participated in a few matches prior to coming here, but they were all cosplay matches. They were nowhere near as serious as this one would be. She needed to focus and take this match seriously. The fact that she was put up against a ring veteran in her very first match wasn't making it easy for her to stay calm.

Relax, Itsuka Konomi. You can do this. You are the Shining Knight of the Ring. No one can stand up to you, veteran or not!

Pepped up, she stepped out from behind the curtain as her music started playing. She kept her posture in a proud position, as if she were a high and mighty knight walking down to the ring, which she was. Slipping into the ring, she took a gander at her opponent. The blue-haired woman across from her looked just as confident, if not more than Itsuka. Clearly, this display was not phasing her. Still, Itsuka did her best to not waiver. She couldn't show weakness. She couldn't show fear.

Taking a moment to call out to her soon-to-be enemy, she pointed at the girl and ushered a taunt: "Don't think for a second that you scare me! For I am Itsuka Konomi, The Shining Knight of the Ring! I am as skilled as I am gallant, and with my skills, I shall bring you down!"

Oh man, it had been a while since she last said that line!

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Itsuka Konomi - The Snow and the Knight

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Yuki watched as her opponent showed up. Her wrestling outfit somehow reminded her of an armor, though it somehow looked rather unpractical to be an actual armor. Being someone who designed her own outfit, she could tell it right away that her opponent's outfit was made of fabric and cloth. Well, at the very least, the outfit looked good even though it somehow felt like a cosplay rather than a wrestling outfit.

Waiting for her opponent to get into the ring, Yuki continued watching as she studied her opponent. She wasn't sure what her opponent was capable of, though she knew she would be able to learn about it once the match began. And then, the other woman began addressing her, taunting her about defeating her in the ring. Yuki blinked a little before she composed herself, knowing that she needed to reply to her properly.

"Then you should be ready to be disappointed, because I'm not planning to lose here tonight..." Yuki said calmly and coolly, carrying herself with dignity and poise fitting for someone like her. She placed her hands on her hips, directing her crimson eyes at the other woman while replying to her. She would wait for the referee to come over so that the match could begin.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Itsuka Konomi - The Snow and the Knight

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Itsuka was feeling pretty proud of herself after that witty intro, but was immediately retorted against when her foe threw it back into her face. The redhead didn't like getting talked back to, and was planning to make another verbal blast, when the ref came and checked on both fighters. Itsuka did her best just to let it go, which was tough to do against her frozen-cold opponent, but Itsuka decided to be the bigger person here (in her mind, anyway).

Itsuka knew that all the gabbing in the world wouldn't change the fact that she was the less experienced wrestler in the ring tonight. She didn't want to admit it, but that was the truth. She was going to need some strategy here.

Once the checks were done, the referee called for the bell, and the match began.


The Knight would make her way to the center of the ring and put her arms up, ready to engage in a grapple with the blue-haired woman.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Itsuka Konomi - The Snow and the Knight

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Yuki allowed herself to be checked by the referee as she waited for the match to begin. Soon, the referee started the match, calling for the bell. She would take a stance, bringing up both of her arms in preparation to engage with Itsuka. Her crimson eyes would focus on her opponent as she would then step forth, engaging with her opponent in a grapple in the middle of the ring.

One of her hands would go to Itsuka's shoulder while her other arm would wrap around the back of Itsuka's head as she pushed against her. Their bodies would be mashing against each other as Yuki tried to exert her strength in her attempt to come up at the top in their grapple. Their heads would also be touching while the two of them were grappling with each other.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Itsuka Konomi - The Snow and the Knight

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Itsuka met her foe in the center of the ring for a lock-up. She mirrored Yuki's movements as she locked herself in the exchange. Pushing, pulling twisting, Itsuka was doing what she could to see how malleable her opponent would be.

Was she stronger or weaker than the redhead? Was she going to try and pull a cheap shot? Itsuka was trying so hard to be one step ahead of her opponent, that she failed to pay attention to what was happening right now. It was a rookie mistake, no less, and Yuki would probably notice a slight let-up in Itsuka's side of the grapple.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Itsuka Konomi - The Snow and the Knight

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Yuki would push against Itsuka, feeling that her opponent was focusing her strength in their lock up. Yuki decided to use her opponent's strength against her as she would then slip to the side, letting go of Itsuka's body before slipping behind her. She was hoping that her fluid movement would catch her opponent off-guard as she would attempt to slip her arms under her opponent's armpits, looking to trap her into a full nelson.


Yuki spoke out softly as she would clasp both her hands behind Itsuka's neck as she would begin applying pressure into the full nelson. In this position, Yuki ended up pressing her own breasts against her opponent's back, and she would wrench as hard as she could at her opponent's shoulders, looking to weaken her with the hold.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Itsuka Konomi - The Snow and the Knight

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Itsuka fell for the feint, hook, line, and sinker. As Yuki lessened the hold in order to slip to the side, the redhead pushed forward. In doing so, she lost her balance, and for a moment was defenseless. In was an unfamiliar feeling for the rookie in the ring, as her ability to defend herself was one of her strong points.

Nevertheless, before she could feasibly react, the blue-haired woman had her locked in a full nelson, and was beginning to apply the pressure.


She felt a tightness around her arms and upper back as she was grasped in the hold. The bigger woman's bust pressed up against Itsuka's backside, but served less as a cushion and more as an aid to make the hold more painful. Beginning to panic a bit, Itsuka desperately began looking around for a way to escape. Should Yuki decide not to do anything else in the next ten seconds or so, the Knight would decide to try an jump onto her butt, attempting to slip through the Snow Woman's grasp!

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Itsuka Konomi - The Snow and the Knight

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Yuki got Itsuka locked in the full nelson, wrenching at her shoulders. She would apply pressure into the hold, wanting to keep her opponent under control. But she sensed that Itsuka was trying to escape, so she had to be done with the hold, but instead of letting her opponent go right away, the cerulean-haired fighter decided to fall forward, looking to have Itsuka land onto the mat, chest first, which she was certain would deal quite a significant damage on her.

If the move was successful, Yuki would release Itsuka from the full nelson, letting out a sigh as she would pull herself away from her opponent, getting into a seated position so that she could see how her opponent was faring after taking the hit from the drop. At the same time, she would think of what to do next in order to maintain her momentum early in this match.

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Re: Yuki Onna vs. Itsuka Konomi - The Snow and the Knight

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As Itsuka got ready to attempt a slip-out, Yuki made other plans for her. Just as the redhead was about to execute her plan, the blue-haired woman threw her forward. With her arms still locked in a full nelson, Itsuka had nothing to break her fall. As a result, the Knight was face-planted, or rather, chest-planted, into the canvas.


As Yuki finally leg go of Itsuka's arms, they shot to her chest area, covering it up. She writhed around in pain, rolling around and kicking her feet against the canvas. As she panted and heaved, all she could do right now was blink back the blurriness and try to regain her bearings as quickly as she could.

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