Oboro Scarlett vs Ava Johnson, Playing nice

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Oboro Scarlett vs Ava Johnson, Playing nice

Unread post by xalex »

Match Type: Standard
Oboro Scarlett
Ava Johnson

The love was starting to play. The whole arena would dive down into a more pink light and the crowed would go quite looking up the ramp.
Meanwhile backstage ava was breathing heavily and fast. She was not so sure if it was a good idea to go out there. Her last few matches have really been a mixed bag… first she faced off against this monster Mel… she still had some of the bruises from that match and maybe some nightmares… She wouldn´t forget that match anytime soon. But the match following that was actually quite nice, against Haley a rather fun and sporty match…
Right now Ava had no idea what would happen next. She would feel how her knees were shaking under her. There was no way back now, even though she knew nothing about her opponent, her music was already playing meaning that she had to go out there and fight. Ava would breathe in and out a few times more controlled hoping to clam herself down.
The small girl would jump out into the front with a played happy smile on her face. She would stand there and wave the crowed happy and would then start to make her way over to the ring. While she was walking over there she was giving her fans some high fives and hugs trying to get some contact. When she reached the ring the small lightweight would slide into the ring on her belly, jumping up to her feet in the next moment. She would slowly spin around and wave the fans once again, walking along the ring ropes. Damn the longer she was waiting the more her knees were shaking.

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Re: Oboro Scarlett vs Ava Johnson, Playing nice

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Tonight, Oboro would be having her first singles match, and she aimed to emerge victorious at the end of it. Preparing herself, she would wait for her cue to make her entrance. Clad in her red-and-black outfit, she waited at the locker room before she was told that it was her time to make her appearance. Scoffing at the fact that she had to be told that, she would make her way out to the gorilla position to the ramp, Looming Desire started playing from the loudspeakers as she strutted down the ramp.
Oboro Scarlett
Soon, she reached the ring, and she climbed up the apron to enter the ring. She took one good look at her opponent for tonight, Ava Johnson, and she let out an unimpressed snort. "Hmph... so they decided to make her face a jobber for my first singles match?" Oboro grumbled to herself as she put her hand on her waist. Then, she shrugged. "No matter. I'm not against a free win, after all..." She smirked at Ava, making sure to make her know that she was someone dangerous to be dealt with in the ring.

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Re: Oboro Scarlett vs Ava Johnson, Playing nice

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Ava would look at her opponent a little bit shocked. She would put her hands onto her hips and would blow up her checks for a moment. “I am no jobber… I just had a unlucky start into law!” would Ava declare. She would stare at her opponent. “I just had a unlucky start into law!” would ava declare
soon walking up to her corner. Now that sealed it she was about to enter into that match in a fun and playful way. But now she was about to take the win!
As soon as the ringbell would ring Ava would come towards the center of the ring. She would start to circle her opponent, keeping herself moving not slowing down. As soon as ava saw the chance she was shooting forwards right at her opponent, shooting at her opponent. She would try to slip behind the bigger woman and get her arms around her waist for a waistlock.

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Re: Oboro Scarlett vs Ava Johnson, Playing nice

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Oboro sneered at her opponent when she denied being a jobber. "Heh, unlucky, you say? Sure, keep telling yourself that."

After that, Oboro would wait for the match to begin. She knew that this match would be an easy one, and when the match finally started, she stepped forth and readied herself for the clash between herself and her opponent. Standing at the middle of the ring, Oboro would take a stance, preparing herself to fight.

But then, Ava suddenly rushed over to her, slipping to her back before she wrapped her arms around her waist. It caught her by surprise as Ava's arms were wrapped around her midsection from behind. But she would not lose her cool as she smirked a little before she attempted to dissuade her opponent from carrying out whatever she had in her mind with an elbow smash to her head.

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Re: Oboro Scarlett vs Ava Johnson, Playing nice

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Ava was about to think about a way to follow this up. She would grind her teeth for a moment before suddenly a shadow was shooting towards her. She would rip her eyes open in shock but she couldn´t react fast enough. The elbow would nail her right into the forehead and make her head snap backwards hardly. The Canadian woman would stumble away from her foe, holding her head for a moment. She would soon find herself about one and a half meters away from Oboro. Ava would shake her head trying to get it straight again.

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Re: Oboro Scarlett vs Ava Johnson, Playing nice

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Successfully hitting Ava's head with her elbow, Oboro smirked as she felt her opponent stumbling away from her. She would then take this opportunity to turn around and extend out her arm, planning to deliver a running clothesline right across her upper chest. She wanted to knock her down first before she could carry out whatever plan that she had on her opponent after this. At the same time, Oboro had a devious smirk on her face, indicating that whatever plan that she had was certainly an insidious one.

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Re: Oboro Scarlett vs Ava Johnson, Playing nice

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Ava was still a little bit dizzy from the elbow so when her opponent was running towards her She wouldn´t get enough time to react. She would just stare in shock, when her opponent was about to smash her arm into her chest. The small girl was thrown backwards a few feet. She would land on her back and lay down groaning in pain unable to move. The small girl would grab her chest with both of her hands and hold it thigh trying to recover.

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Re: Oboro Scarlett vs Ava Johnson, Playing nice

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Knocking Ava down with a running clothesline, Oboro looked back at her opponent, smirking cruelly before closing in, standing over her downed form. "Heh... what's the matter? Losing your breath now? Here, let me help you up..." Of course, she had no intention of helping her opponent to get up as she would pull her back onto her feet, grabbing her by her head before dragging her to the closest corner.

Once she reached the corner, she would then try to smash Ava head first into the turnbuckle, cackling all the while. The crowd started booing the scarlet-haired woman, but she cared little about their jeers and disapproval as she planned to continue her cruelty on her opponent.

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Re: Oboro Scarlett vs Ava Johnson, Playing nice

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Ava was looking up to her opponent when she was standing right above her and looking down. The woman would shake her head for a moment before she would feel two strong hands grabbing her head and squeezing it a bit. She would put her hands up right away grabbing the wrists of her opponent trying to peel away these hands from her head. But the arms of Oboro were too strong and ava was pulled back to her feet. In the next moment she was dragged over to the next corner and smashed head first into it without any mercy. The small girls head would bounce back up and she would slowly drop down to her knees falling forwards and leaning against the turnbuckles.  

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Re: Oboro Scarlett vs Ava Johnson, Playing nice

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Smashing Ava's head into the turnbuckle, Oboro made made her intention crystal clear as she chuckled evilly. Seeing Ava leaning against the turnbuckle, she decided to keep up with her momentum as she would grab onto her opponent's body, looking to shift her position so that she would be facing her. Then, she would pull her up, making sure to drape her arms over the top ropes, preventing her from falling down.

"Let's see how good these things are at taking hits..." Oboro said, sneering as she would begin hitting Ava right in her chest with knife edge chops. She would particularly target Ava's tits repeatedly, looking to see them bounce with each hit. She was certain that her chops would leave some marks on that area, and she was so eager to experiment.

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