Are you Flexible?-Camie Young vs Kana Kasma

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Are you Flexible?-Camie Young vs Kana Kasma

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Camie hums waiting for her music to start. She was fighting a smaller girl named Kana. She had only been able to find out that she was a very small girl and she would usually only beat girls bigger than her. She smiled a bit

"She could be some fun to play with" She wasn't as concerned with her and more whom she was associated with, and that was the house of heels. It would be difficult for anyone to hear about the LAW and not hear about the group. She hadn't bothered to see if they'd help Kana in any matches, really she didn't care. She put her hat on as her music began to play
She would walk out as her music played, a smug grin painted onto her face, as some fans would boo her. Once she was in the ring, she would skip her pose, snatching the microphone out of the announcer's hands as she started cutting a promo on her opponent

"So tonight I was expecting a bit of a challenge, someone to give me a reason to show up tonight-" She hopped up, sitting on the top rope "So you can imagine my disappointment when I was told my competition would be just a scrawny little toothpick of human being, also known as Kana Kasma. So, Kana dear, I'll give you a choice, you can stay in the back, and wait for the referee to call off the match save yourself from being embarrassed-" She paused to let the crowd finish booing her offer

"-or you can come down here and give me a reason as to why you think I should even bother acknowledging you at all" She moves the mic down waiting to see she would decide to take her offer
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Re: Are you Flexible?-Camie Young vs Kana Kasma

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Kana would be waiting backstage, she was told that she was facing a woman named Camie Young. Kana had looked her up and she couldn't lie that she was a bit intimidated by not only her skill but her beautiful looks as well. She would stretch as she watched and heard her opponent's entrance and her little speech that was insulting to Kana.

Kana would be told that it was her turn to enter as Camie offered her a chance to stay backstage and forfeit the match, but Kana couldn't pass up this opportunity. The opportunity to wrestle with such a beautiful woman.

Kana would put on a confident face and walk down the ramp, wearing her pink and blue retro work out gear. The crowd seemed to appreciate the look as she got whistles and cheers from them with every step she took.

Kana would make it to the ring and look at her opponent. Even better looking in person. The leather bodysuit really stuck out to Kana as she blushed. Kana would make it to the ring where she would get in and approach Camie.

Kana would grab the microphone to begin her own speech but the mic would give a loud and painful feedback. Kana would fix it after a few tries before bring the mic up to her face. "I am here to show you that I am worth your time... And show you why you should acknowledge me... Why everyone should acknowledge me... I may be smaller... But that doesn't mean I won't try! And when I'm done with you, everyone will know to respect me and will not want to end up like you!" Kana would say in her best confident voice. She would bring the mic down as the crowd cheered her confidence. Inside, kana was extremely nervous but she knew the crowd would love this confident act.

Kana would go to the center of the ring after her speech and wait for Camie to join her, getting into an athletic position to get ready for a lock up.

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Re: Are you Flexible?-Camie Young vs Kana Kasma

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Camie watched as the smaller girl walked down the ramp, her smug still on her face despite the obvious annoyance of her getting the crowd on her side, but at least she was alone for now, she hated having to deal with a group.

She was tempted to smack some sense into Kana for taking the mic out of her hands, but the sudden feedback made her give a small laugh and allow her to give a little speech. It only seemed to bore her rather than make her seem intimidating

She would hope down from the turnbuckle as the referee rang the bell, walking towards the smaller girl. She glanced over her outfit "So...80s tracksuit huh? Well, fitting I guess." She walked forward and leaned close to Kana's face, obviously aware of how the girl seemed to have a bit of a crush on her "You gotta be real Flexible if you wanna try to step to me~"

She hoped this tease would distract Kana, as she would then attempt to grab her into a standing headlock, followed by flipping her into a side headlock on the ground, apply pressure along with pushing Kana's face into her side boob
Last edited by SweetHeart on Tue Dec 24, 2019 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Are you Flexible?-Camie Young vs Kana Kasma

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Kana wait for Camie as the bell rang. She would watch as Camie hop off the turnbuckle and approach her. She would blush slightly as her outfit was commented on before her blush would deepen a bit as Camie got face to face with her. Kana's eyes would go wide as she was told that she would need to be flexible for this match and luckily she thought she was.

Kana would stand there with her mouth open and her eyes wide, She was a bit stuck and shocked and embarrassed as her cheeks turned beet red from the teasing comment. It had distracted her and taken her out of the athletic stance she once was in and now was the prefect opening for Camie who grabbed Kana into a standing headlock.

Kana would gasp as she was trapped and flipped into a grounded side headlock. Camie applied pressure pushing Kana's face into her side boob. "So... Soft..." Kana would think to herself as she laid there getting choked and slightly smothered in the side headlock. Kana would snap out of her trance after a few seconds trying to escape but it wasn't very useful. She was stuck right now.

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Re: Are you Flexible?-Camie Young vs Kana Kasma

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Camie kept the hold noticing where her breast was along with Kana's comment, letting out a little snicker, before trastioning a bit more in the hold to make it a bit more tight. She would then slowly stand up, keeping a hold of the head lock.

She would then release the hold only to then toss Kana into the ropes and attempt to hit and armdrag on the smaller girl, and if this was successful she would then lock in a stranded arm strech, putting a knee onto Kana's face to taunt the smaller girl

She would smugly grin at the crowd who were appalled by the girls dominance of the smaller opponent, promoting her to playfully stick out her tongue
Last edited by SweetHeart on Wed Dec 25, 2019 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Are you Flexible?-Camie Young vs Kana Kasma

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Kana would blush as her attraction seemed to be obvious to her opponent who snickered and tightened the hold before standing up. Kana would be dragged up in the headlock forced to stand. She would gasp as it was released as air came rushing back into her lungs but her relief was not long lasting as she was sent running towards the ropes only to come running back towards Camie to be taken down in an arm drag.

Kana would hit the ground hard and what came next would make her yelp as her arm was stretched brutally. Camie's knee would press into her face showing how helpless she was while she whined and whimpered and squealed with her arm being pulled and stretched. 'Ow! Please let go!" Kana would beg but it was up to camie where she would go from here.

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Re: Are you Flexible?-Camie Young vs Kana Kasma

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Camie only grinned at Kana's pleads of mercy, locking her arm tightly before grabbing ahold of her wrist, sitting down and placing on foot on the side of her face and the other on the side of her stomach, stretching her arm more. She was only doing this to mostly damage her body before choosing how to finish her off

She kept the hold on her arm, stretching it while pushing on her body, pull like she wanted to rip it off of her. The crowd of course only booed louder which Camie responded with by pulling on Kana more to get her to beg louder

She would then stand up keeping a hold on her arm and dragging her to the corner, wrapping her arm around the second rope and pulling on it, holding it until the referree would tell her to stop, making her back away and turn away from Kana, raising her arms up to taunt the crowd more

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Re: Are you Flexible?-Camie Young vs Kana Kasma

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Kana would continue begging for release but it didn't mean anything to Camie it seemed. It only seemed to motivate her to pull harder. Kana would cringe as she felt Camie's foot press against her face while the other pressed into the side of her stomach. It felt as though her arm was going to be ripped out of it's socket.

Kana would hear the crowd booing and would at least be relieved that this wasn't being motivated by the crowd but the louder they seemed to boo, the harder Camie seemed to pull leading to Kana squealing and kicking her legs as if having a tantrum.

Kana would sigh in relief as Camie stood up releasing the hold but the relief didn't last long. "What are you doing? No! No! Why!" Kana would shout as she was dragged to the corner where Camie used to rope to continue torturing her arm. Kana would hear the ref telling Camie to stop and it seemed to take a bit of convincing or more so threat of disqualification to get Camie to back off.

When Kana's arm was dropped, she would immediately retract it, pulling it in to nurse it while Camie taunted the crowd. Kana would look over to Camie, watching her walk away and taunting the crowd by raising her arms.

Kana was upset. She would stand up and let out a battle cry as she would try to get the jump on Camie. Only problem was that her battle cry was more of a warning cry as Kana was slow moving and still nursing her arm so it was up in the air if Kana would be able to strike Camie or if this attack would backfire leading to more domination towards Kana.

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Re: Are you Flexible?-Camie Young vs Kana Kasma

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Kanas yell would obviously grab Camies attention, the blonde girl turning around quickly and kicking her in the stomach " close" She grins grabbing her and putting her between her legs, pausing to look around at the crowd and give Kana's butt a spank, before attempting to wrap her arms around Kana's waist and lifting her up into the air, slamming her back down onto the mat with quick powerbomb, which was a bit of a new move from her, but Camie obviously just wanted to show off on the weaker girl

She smiles looking down at Kana saying "Y'know the important part of a sneak attack is to be sneaky" She grins before flipping the girl over onto her stomach,attempting to sit on her back and lock her into a camel clutch

If she was able to lock this in she would taunt the girl more by grabbing her nose and pulling it up to make look like a pigs nose, all the while wrenching back on the hold. The crowd would boo her and try to motivate Kana to escape the hold, but it wasn't likely seeing as how Camie had hardly even started to have fun

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Re: Are you Flexible?-Camie Young vs Kana Kasma

Unread post by shanecawf »

Kana's plan had backfired bad. her attempted sneak attack ended up getting her a hard kick in the stomach causing her to double over, giving Camie an obvious set up for what was next. Kana's head would be wedged between Camie's strong thighs. Kana would once again find herself ogling about how soft yet firm Camie's thighs were as they squeezed her neck and head. Her cheeks being squished and her face being contorted humorously.

Kana would than feel a hard swat spank against her butt that would cause her to yelp as a red handprint grew over her rear. Kana would grunt as Camie wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her up into the air before preforming a powerbomb. The air would get knocked out of Kana as she slammed against the canvass resulting in her wheezing and coughing and writhing in pain.

Kana would look up into Camie's eyes as she told her the secret to a secret attack and would look at the grin on the girls face. Kana couldn't help but still be attracted to the girl who had been playing with her like a cat would a mouse. The comparison would only be strengthened when Camie flipped Kana over onto her stomach to lock in a camel clutch.

Kana would feel her back straining as she was yanked back and the pain and humiliation would only worsen as she felt Camie's fingers grabbing her nose and pulling it back to make her look like a pig nose. Kana would kick her feet and thrash but it was weak as she was still recovering from all the previous moves Camie had preformed on her.

Kana would hear the crowd's boos and them cheering her on to break out of it which honestly only made it worse as this made Kana feel as though she was letting down those who rooted for her. She would continue to struggle but it would be no use, looking adorable as a makeshift practice dummy for Camie.

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