The Lady Cometh: Jem Holland Vs. Ivy [D]

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The Lady Cometh: Jem Holland Vs. Ivy [D]

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A chilling chorus rang throughout the arena, the fans murmuring to themselves as they wondered what was happening. As the beat dropped, a bright light cut through the dark and a hooded Ivy revealed herself on the stage and the source of the light emanating from a lantern.
The crowd were in awe at the sight, Ivy slowly walking down the ramp as her gaze never left Jem who stood in the center of the ring. Her left eye as white that shone from the lantern and her incredibly well-toned abs. Ivy reached ringside, staring intently into the rings before climbing the steps while the arm that held the lantern went lax by her side. Stepping inside the ring, Ivy walked around Jem before standing in front of the blonde, the Painted Lady's back facing the stage before holding the lantern close to her face and and blowing the light out.

The music stopped and the arena lights turned back on. Ivy was now fully visible to the crowd, seeing wearing a black hooded cloak over her head before she pulled the hood back. The crowd clapped for the impressive entrance as well as the woman's physique as she stood 5'10. Ivy would walk to a corner and placed the lantern down to be picked up by a ringside assistant who also grabbed her cloak.

Soon Ivy would take her place in front of Jem, towering over the blonde woman and carrying a cold expression across her half-painted face.
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Re: The Lady Cometh: Jem Holland Vs. Ivy [D]

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Ivy's slow, chilling entrance ushered in a vibe and presence that spoke to the woman's cryptic, edgy appearance and body language. Fans reacted reacted with a mixture of intrigue and awe as the hood came off and the lighting returned. Ivy seemed like an entirely different force with her sights set on her opponent vs when she had something to say. Her eyes never left Jem's. And Jem never backed down. She remained standing in the center of the ring. The blonde beauty looked up with Ivy without hesitation, seemingly not put off or threatened by the difference in stature. The two were like night and day in terms of the nature of their image and gimmick in the and outside the ring. And while many were already steadfast followers of Jem, Ivy was winning over a certain demographic that was drawn in by her mystique. A mystique that, while Jem respected, she wasn't above calling it out.

"You look like you came to wrestle at 9 and make it to a rave by 10 with the hope of losing your virginity by 11." Jem said with a raised eyebrow, much to the delight of some of the audience. Holland hadn't forgotten Ivy's words from her promo - the towering painted lady's crusade against the so-called "lawless and perverted". The famed streamer girl simply took it all with a hefty grain of salt. And now that she's jumped at the chance to be Ivy's debut opponent, every man and woman in the arena was about to find out just how seriously that crusade ought to be taken.
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Re: The Lady Cometh: Jem Holland Vs. Ivy [D]

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Ivy said nothing in response to Jem's jest. Once the bell rang however, the crowd quickly realized how serious Ivy was in regards to her threat as she suddenly started to attack Jem with a series of strikes to the face. She would push Jem against the ropes and whip the blonde to the other side with the intent on delivering a back body drop to her smaller opponent.
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Re: The Lady Cometh: Jem Holland Vs. Ivy [D]

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Ivy played no games. She opened up the match by approaching Jem to take the fight to her, lashing out with several strikes aimed at the gamer girl's face. Jem would put her guard up, aiming to catch the blows with her palms. Despite catching the majority of them, the speed and force of Ivy's blows forced the blonde beauty back with each one!

"Yeah, you must be real fun at parties! Talk of the town, this chick, here! WHA!" Jem complained loudly after getting clipped on the jaw by one of Ivy's fists. She poked fun at the fact that her foe wasn't much of a talker. Jem began to wonder if she was genuinely annoying her opponent. But before any real thought could be processed, the tanned middleweight gal grabbed hold of her, taking advantage of the fact that Jem's back was to the ropes and she had nowhere to retreat to, Ivy seized her person and flung her across the ring! Jem's cheek was already reddened from receiving Ivy's blows! She hollered as she was thrown across the ring!

After rebounding, Jem would notice Ivy bend over to set up for a Back Body Drop! She'd attempt to save herself from being thrown overhead by bringing her leg up to kick her foe and prevent the move from connecting!

"Yeah! How'd ya like them apples!" Holland would spread her arms out and boast, seemingly under the pretense that the one kick alone was more than enough to stop Ivy in her tracks!
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Re: The Lady Cometh: Jem Holland Vs. Ivy [D]

Unread post by Faeron »

Ivy took the initiative as she started throwing hands against the smaller streamer. The fact that Jem was still throwing barbs meant that Ivy needed to do more to shut the streamer up. Ivy intended to do just that with a back body drop. However Jem countered with a kick to the face right as Ivy ducked down. The crowd cheered at the successful counter, Ivy favoring her nose briefly before swinging her arm hard to decapitate Jem with a lariat.
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Re: The Lady Cometh: Jem Holland Vs. Ivy [D]

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With a roar from the crowd and Ivy rubbing her nose, Jem could feel the momentum gathering behind her in this match! As her loyal fan base cheered, she stood up straight to go for a strike of her own! But Ivy did the same! Jem had tried to transition and duck under the harsh Lariat, but she was half a second too late, and suffered the misfortune of leaning into Ivy's Lariat strike instead!

Jem would take the strike full-on! She was driven down to the canvas with great force! The thud from her impact would echo out as she fell onto her back and laid there listlessly on the mats! The fans cheers would quickly transition to boos for Ivy as the painted lady's Cryptic Crusade against Jem and all wrestlers like her began to pick up some steam!
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Re: The Lady Cometh: Jem Holland Vs. Ivy [D]

Unread post by Faeron »

Jem was brought down with force and the crowd booed Ivy as she started to gain momentum, Her eyes scanned across the audience and sneered before returning her gaze to the downed Jem. Grabbing a handful of blonde hair to force the streamer onto her feet then lifting her into the air before slamming the side of Jem's body against her knees before tossing the smaller wrestler unceremoniously to the side.
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Re: The Lady Cometh: Jem Holland Vs. Ivy [D]

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Having had her bell rung by Ivy's Lariat, Jem was in no position to fight back. The boos kept coming as Ivy cast her judgemental stare on the audience before finally bending down to pull Jem up by the hair. Complaints from the referee officiating didn't stop the aggressive middleweight from kneeing Jem hard in her side before tossing her away! Jem would let out a pained groan as the knee strike connected. She'd roll onto her side towards the ropes and slide under the bottom rope to the outside to get a brief reprieve from Ivy's callous, wordless wrath.

Outside the ring, Jem would post up by the barricade. She'd place a hand on the railing and bend over, seemingly trying to catch her breath and recoup.

"Lucky shot, prude!" Holland would yell to Ivy from outside the ring.
Last edited by winner3 on Tue Nov 03, 2020 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Lady Cometh: Jem Holland Vs. Ivy [D]

Unread post by Faeron »

"If you have time to talk, then you have time to come back into this ring and wrestle me!" Ivy barked back, finally speaking for the first time in this match. She walked towards the ropes, but the referee stepped in between her to push her back, advising to the half-painted wrestler to give Jem some space. Ivy conceded and went back to staring daggers at her blonde opponent.
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Re: The Lady Cometh: Jem Holland Vs. Ivy [D]

Unread post by winner3 »

Jem's strategic retreat seemed to have riled Ivy up. Jem smiled and looked up at the tanned, angered middleweight. She'd hold her arms out to the side and swing her chest to and fro, taunting Ivy from a distance.

"IF yOu HaVE tIMe to TAlK thEn YoU HaVe TIMe to gET in HEre and WREstle me " Jem chided, mocking Ivy's words, seemingly completely unperturbed by the stare. Jem would then cautiously approach the ring, she'd eye Ivy, and attempt to roll under the bottom rope and into the ring once she judged that her judgemental foe was a fair distance away.
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