A Masked Debut! Lady Cruzada vs Kate "Coyote" Conners

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A Masked Debut! Lady Cruzada vs Kate "Coyote" Conners

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Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, DQ, Count Out, Knock Out

Angelina was feeling good about this. The big leagues! There was a spring in her step as she paced around the backstage, until she stopped before the mirror. Hm. Yes. Top condition. She'd heard that her first opponent was a masked wrestler too, and a heel to boot. The pressure was on, but on the other hand, this was precisely the kind of foe that would let her shine in the ring with a righteous debut! "A match made in Heaven," she said to pep herself up.

She took the moments before the entrance to double-check the details of her angelic outfit. She checked her lipstick, pulled the glove to sit tight around her fingers, adjusted the leotard at the spot where it rounded her butt. It wasn't that Angelina was a vain woman. No - the costume was Important. She had become famous in Mexico as a gracious, stylish luchadora, and it was this free-spirited appearance that allowed her to throw her inhibitions to the wind. She took the last and most important accessory - the mask - and, as she put it on, there was nothing but confidence in her smile. Lady Cruzada had arrived at LAW.

Her cue arrived promptly, and so she made her way to the main stage. Soon, her intense entrance song started playing, and Lady Cruzada appeared for her debut on the ramp, striking a pose with her hand on her hip. She walked down the ramp with a practiced charm, letting her winged cape flutter behind her while blowing a kiss or two to the audience. In no time she slipped between the ropes, completing her entrance by flinging her cape outside the ring and standing in the spotlight. "Evildoers, beware! An Iron Angel watches over this ring!"

She then walked to her corner, crossing her arms while she awaited tonight's opponent.

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Re: A Masked Debut! Lady Cruzada vs Kate "Coyote" Conners

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An angel, eh? Of all the things that Kate had seen in and out of the ring, never had she seen someone dolled up quite the same way that her opponent tonight was, dressed in a tight white outfit, that showed off plenty of her generous curves, exposing half of this woman's thick rear end! But other than her foe's shapely figure, Kate was drawn as well to her mask, an iron plate that covered the upper half of her opponent's face, giving her a somewhat intimidating look, despite how showy and exposing the rest of her outfit was!

Not like it mattered to the coyote. Kate was on a roll here in LAW so far, two singles matches deep and two wins in, getting ready to add a third to the list! Despite how fit her foe might look, how attractive might be, the mischievous masked woman wouldn't pay any mind to any thought of her foe winning, a smirk on her face as she turned to make her way down the ramp!
Stepping out onto the entrance ramp, Kate would be quick to flash the crowd a smirk as they began a set of jeers, the coyote having quickly made her feelings for them known in her first two matches, not afraid to cheat and trash her foe. And as she made her way to the ring, this wouldn't change at all, as she would slip under the ropes and stand up, walking closer as she inspected Lady Cruzada, looking her up and down with a smirk on her face before finally voicing her thoughts.

"So... Is this a fetish thing, or are you just a LARPer? Or like... both?"

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Re: A Masked Debut! Lady Cruzada vs Kate "Coyote" Conners

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Lady Cruzada waited upright in her corner. The eyes behind her mask followed her opponent's movements, closely watching her entrance. Their styles were different, no doubt, but beneath the costume she could tell that Kate was very much a physical match for her. But, more than just that, the crowd's reaction told everything she needed to know - this was a heel, as rough and rowdy as her animal outfit suggested. The perfect foe for a divine punishment!

As Kate entered the ring and walked up, she also strolled forward to meet her face-to-face. She stood just a couple of steps away, letting her opponent look her up and down, all while she held herself in a proud, 'look as much as you want' stance.

Lady seemed unaffected by the Coyote's barbed words. "Hmph! Says the woman in the dog suit," she replied with a haughty smile. "It's neither, sweetie. It's a statement. Good is always stronger than evil, and twice as attractive too!" She took a step forward to get into Kate's face. "I know, this is hard to understand for a chica ruda like you, but I'm a patient teacher... you'll see the light after I flatten you on the mat!" Her expression showed an edge with this last remark, as she wondered how Kate would react to her taunt. Either way, she'd achieved her main goal - the crowd was now pumped up with the staredown, eager to see if this newcomer would be able to punish the reviled veteran!

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Re: A Masked Debut! Lady Cruzada vs Kate "Coyote" Conners

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"Hoo hoo! Funny cunt, ain't ya?" The aussie said with a slight chuckle, though the sneer on Kate's face told a different story, showing just how annoyed that the mockery had made her. Though, she was not about to let her opponent have the last word, the coyote taking a step towards her once more to close the distance between herself and the heavenly woman, bringing up a hand to cockily tap her knuckles against Cruzada's mask, no doubt in an effort to piss off the woman.

"Well, tell ya what chrome dome! As soon as I'm finished making you cry in the middle of this ring, I'll give ya a chance to apologize." The coyote said, before stepping backwards from Lady Cruzada, getting out of reach before she had a chance to retaliate!

Heading back to her corner, the coyote would make sure to sway her hips and cause her tail to swing in full view of Lady Cruzada, very nearly shaking her ass at the girl in an attempt to taunt her, before getting back to her corner! From there, Kate would turn around and lean against the post, giving the masked woman a cheeky wave, looking to really annoy her opponent as the match got ready to start!

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Re: A Masked Debut! Lady Cruzada vs Kate "Coyote" Conners

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Letting her masked opponent step up, Lady Cruzada wondered what in the world she wanted with this proximity. Another taunt? Maybe an attack before the bell? She wouldn't dare, would she? But what came instead was, in a sense, just as bad as a low blow. Kate was only able to tap twice before Lady Cruzada recoiled a step back, her smile turning into a frown. She was visibly displeased but still calm - at least that's how she looked from the outside. Angelina's eyes were hidden behind the visor, but if Kate could see them, she would find that they were staring daggers at her, and that they had a very sharp message. Don't. Touch. The Mask.

She moved to swap Kate's hand, but the Coyote had already backed away. "A chance to apologize? Hmph. I need no mercy from the likes of you." Fuming, she walked backwards into her own corner without taking her eyes off her opponent. All the hip swaying and waving were obviously aimed at mocking her, but honestly, Kate didn't even have to bother with more taunts. Lady was already raring to go at that heathen who had knocked on her mask so disrespectfully.

Ding ding! The bell rang to start the match, and quickly Lady Cruzada dashed forward. Looking to put Kate in her place right in the first few seconds, the angel opened the fight with a high-profile move - a swift roundhouse kick aimed at the side of her head!

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Re: A Masked Debut! Lady Cruzada vs Kate "Coyote" Conners

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Tapping her knuckles on Cruzada's mask a few times before darting backwards, Kate could see that the action had clearly pissed off the blonde woman, her face quickly forming into a frown as she moved to shoo Kate away, the coyote already retreating! Still, Cruzada wouldn't let her walk away without throwing one more verbal jab her way, causing Kate to snicker a bit as she slowly walked back to her corner, nodding to the referee that she was all ready to begin the match whenever.

And soon enough, the bell would ring, kicking the blonde woman into action, Lady Cruzada quite eager to make the first move, which was shown as she charged at the coyote immediately! Her leg swung up in a wicked arc, aiming to slam her boot right into the mouthy luchadora's temple, shocking Kate with her speed as she landed a huge roundhouse!

What the fu- AGH!" Kate howled, head snapping to the side and sending the coyote stumbling backwards, taking the first blow of the match!

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Re: A Masked Debut! Lady Cruzada vs Kate "Coyote" Conners

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Subtlety played a very minor role in Cruzada's moves - she liked seeing herself as a pure luchadora and fought with the eye-catching style to match. Opening a match with such a big attack might be seen by some as a reckless gamble, but to her it was a no-brainer. Look at how that ruffian reels back from the heavy blow!

But the roundhouse kick was just the beginning of Lady Cruzada's offense. Taking advantage of Kate's stumble, the angel rushed forward again as soon as her foot touched the ground, lunging for a grab at her opponent's arm. "What's the matter? The match's already started!" Even with this taunt, her tone was stern rather than playful - a tone to make Kate regret acting cocky.

Moving swiftly, she wanted to keep Kate under pressure with an Irish whip towards the ropes; if successful, she would try and clock the Coyote with a clothesline as she came back.

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Re: A Masked Debut! Lady Cruzada vs Kate "Coyote" Conners

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Kate's ears rang and her vision swam as she stepped backwards, trying to create some space between her and the iron masked woman, Cruzada having shot to an early lead after connecting with her early attack! And the blonde woman wasn't ready to let that lead get away from her either, as within seconds, she would close the distance made between her and Kate, grabbing ahold of the coyote's arm and spinning around, whipping the luchadora at the ropes, sending her bouncing off of them!

Kate could barely keep her feet under her as she collided with the ropes, turning and bouncing back towards Lady Cruzada at a quick pace! However, while Kate was moving at an uncontrollable speed, she could see Cruzada's arm outstretched, right before she slammed into it!

"GAH!" The masked girl let out a shout as she was hit with the clothesline, being quickly knocked off her feet by the blow, hitting the mat back-first, leveled and left vulnerable after the blow!

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