Coffee Mixed with Cream: Melanie Reeves vs Sylvie Leblanc

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Coffee Mixed with Cream: Melanie Reeves vs Sylvie Leblanc

Unread post by Anime_dreamfighter »

Smother match (First to be smothered unconscious loses).

Special rule: hentai moves to weaken the opponent are allowed.

Although no mean grappler, Sylvie had already discovered she was more disposed to the erotic end of the wrestling spectrum and was thrilled to learn she'd been drawn against tall American hentai specialist Melanie Reeves for her second LAW match. The silver-haired French wrestler had heard the rumor of Reeves 'special skill' being the ability to withstand multiple orgasms in a match without faltering. Maybe tonight she'd put that skill to the test, although the match would be decided in favor of the first woman to lock her opponent in a decisive smother hold rather than forcing her into any number of orgasm submissions.

Technically, Sylvie had won her iron woman debut match with Diana Accera and that had boosted her confidence as a result. Although neither woman passed out in the end, the Italian woman tapped out after the long, sexy grinding struggle had taken its toll on their bodies, and especially their boobs. Adding Melanie to her tally tonight would announce the ambitious Frenchwoman's arrival in the upper echelons of LAW middleweights, for sure!

As she headed out towards the arena, Sylvie wore her trademark jet black wrestling bikini and boots which highlighted her silvery hair and ivory complexion. Her heavy breasts bounced comfortably inside the taut cups as she made her run up to the stage, hips swaying provocatively: there was nothing like a little calculated sexiness to get the crowd on your side from the start.

Vaulting over the top rope Sylvie acknowledged her fans and did some final stretches while waiting for her opponent.

Last edited by Anime_dreamfighter on Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coffee Mixed with Cream: Melanie Reeves vs Sylvie Leblanc

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Melanie Reeves was in the locker room, preparing herself for her match for tonight. This would be her second single match in LAW, and she sought to win this in order to bring legitimacy to herself as a sexfighter. While she wouldn't mind if she lost in the end, winning was preferable to her, and she wanted to win. Also, considering that hentai moves were allowed in this match, it was something that Melanie was looking forward to.

Clad in her skimpy pink bikini, Melanie would make her way out to the ramp once she received her cue. Strutting down the ramp in a sultry manner, she drew the attentions of everyone watching with her voluptuous body, and she seemed delighted by the attentions given to her. Win or lose, this would certainly be a match to remember for tonight.
Melanie Reeves
Arriving at the ring, Melanie would climb up the apron, entering the ring where she could take a look at her opponent before her. A delicious-looking babe, Melanie couldn't wait to tangle with her. While the winner might be decided by knocking out an opponent via smother, hentai moves were allowed, and she would make sure to make use of every erotic moves in her repertoire.

"Good evening..." Melanie said to the beauty before her, smiling seductively. "I hope you'll be giving me a good time here, babe. Make sure to not disappoint me, okay?" She would walk closer to Sylvie, looking to ascertain her opponent before the match could begin.

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Re: Coffee Mixed with Cream: Melanie Reeves vs Sylvie Leblanc

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Sylvie's clear blue eyes had been devouring Melanie as she came down the ramp: almost as if she couldn't get enough of the tall, voluptuous American in the skimpy pink bikini. "Good evening!" she replied, returning her opponent's smile evenly as they sized each other up at close range. "Oh for sure, I won't disappoint you tonight. Win or lose, let's give these folks a match to remember!"

And after the referee made the customary inspection, Sylvie turned around and went back to her corner, pulling on the ropes until the bell rang. Pacing to her left, the silver-haired French wrestler began circling her opponent, arms raised; keen to see if the dark beauty would match her in a test of strength, or try something different to start the proceedings.
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Re: Coffee Mixed with Cream: Melanie Reeves vs Sylvie Leblanc

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Reassured that this match would be a fun one, Melanie headed to her corner, waiting for the match to begin. Soon, the bell rang, and Melanie stepped away from her corner, preparing herself to clash with Sylvie, who seemed to be offering her a contest of strength. Seeing no problem with it, Melanie would bring both her arms up, looking prepared to lock up with the sexy babe before her.

"Alright, here we go," Melanie said as she would close in to lock up with Sylvie, hands clasping with each other as she would start pushing, exerting her strength in order to show who was stronger in terms of physical strength. Melanie might be somewhat average in terms of wrestling abilities, but she was considered fit enough to be a valid competitor in wrestling matches.

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Re: Coffee Mixed with Cream: Melanie Reeves vs Sylvie Leblanc

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"Ready, huh?" Sylvie grinned broadly as Melanie accepted her challenge and they faced off in the center, fingers sliding together and interlocking tightly.

The Frenchwoman's lithe shoulder muscles rippled and her biceps flexed as both women took the strain and began to push against each other, locked hands soon raised to point skywards. Sliding her left leg further back to improve her leverage, Sylvie pressed in hard, grunting in satisfaction feeling her breast brush lightly against Melanie's, wondering absently if her opponent's nipples were getting as hard as her own felt already.
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Re: Coffee Mixed with Cream: Melanie Reeves vs Sylvie Leblanc

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Both beauties would start pushing each other in their contest of strength, their locked hands raised upwards. Melanie could feel her chest brushing against Sylvie's, and she couldn't help but feel her own hardening nipples poking into her opponent's. Smiling seductively, Melanie would try to twist her opponent around, hoping to gain leverage over her so that she could try pushing her down onto the mat.

If successful, Melanie planned to straddle her opponent, sitting on her midsection. It would be quite a sight as Melanie would rub her panty-clad butt all over Sylvie's midriff.

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Re: Coffee Mixed with Cream: Melanie Reeves vs Sylvie Leblanc

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Flexing her muscles again, Sylvie felt her biceps start to burn as they continued to push hard against each other, the strain on their arms increasing. The women's erect nipples kept brushing and Melanie was staring deep into her eyes smiling as they tried to twist each other round.

The coffee-skinned woman had the height advantage and Sylvie began to moan lightly as Melanie took advantage of her greater reach to bend her back: gradually at first then - as her leverage increased - pushing her the final few feet down on the mat with a decisive flourish.

"Ouuufff - merde!" The Frenchwoman exclaimed as she landed on her back and found her opponent quickly straddling her, with that big wide butt crushing the wind out of her midriff.
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Re: Coffee Mixed with Cream: Melanie Reeves vs Sylvie Leblanc

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Melanie managed to take Sylvie down, and with that, she then put herself on her opponent's midsection, her plump bikini-clad butt putting some weight on the beautiful woman's midriff. Licking her lips lustfully, she would lean down and say, "You are mine, Sylvie..." Then, she would bring both her hands onto Sylvie's breasts, looking to play with both bountiful mounds, squeezing and kneading them to her heart's content.

"Mmm~ your breasts are so nice to touch..." Melanie purred, giving both fleshy orbs tentative squeeze while she was playing with them. She could barely wait to have her way with the beauty soon, and she would savor every second of it.

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Re: Coffee Mixed with Cream: Melanie Reeves vs Sylvie Leblanc

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"Huuuuunnnnn.... not yours... just yet Melanie..." Sylvie groaned lustfully, feeling an instant erotic thrill as the woman on top began squeezing and kneading her breasts as if she owned them already.

The French wrestler retaliated quickly, reaching up to latch on to the darker-skinned woman's hefty orbs; lavishing the same attention on them that her own straining boobs were receiving. At the same time, Sylvie placed her feet flat on the mat and started raising her hips experimentally; testing the weight of the other woman pressing down on her as she prepared to buck mightily in the hope of unseating her.
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Re: Coffee Mixed with Cream: Melanie Reeves vs Sylvie Leblanc

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Melanie thought that she could maintain her superiority for long as she continued playing with those tits, but then, Sylvie decided to grab onto hers, giving them the same attention that Melanie had been giving her before. And then, Melanie could feel that she could no longer able to maintain her position on top of the Frenchwoman as she was then bucked off of her.

Unseated from her opponent's body, Melanie would get herself onto her butt, trying to figure out to get her hands on the beautiful body of Sylvie again. Just groping her earlier wasn't enough,and she wanted more.

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