A bandit vs a solider/merc (AI bandit vs Eve johnson (debut)

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A bandit vs a solider/merc (AI bandit vs Eve johnson (debut)

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

Match type normal
win by pinfall submission or ko

Eve would breath abit slowly as this was her debut and she was very nervous she didn't know much about her foe or anyone else in this league for that matter. Pacing back and forth she wonder how well she would do against this Ai person. "i hope shes not a real bandit." Eve said to her self before getting told she had to head to a ring soon. Heading to the ring she would get her cue to start as her music started playing. The crowd looked confused at first as the music was very new to them as Eve would enter the arena and wave at the crowd with her Fake gun by her side. She would give a pose and then walked down to the ring.

She would clap hands with the crowd and would enter the ring as she looked at the entrance . she would then take off her extra bags and give them to the ref as well as her gun. she waited for her opponent still very nervous.
Last edited by Dragonofdarkness on Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A bandit vs a solider/merc (AI bandit vs Eve johnson (debut)

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Ai's opponent is going to be some new girl, not like it matters. Ai was determind to win. After her opponent enter Ai's music plays and she enters the stage. The crowd didn't know what to think of Ai, she only had one other match. Some people booed some cheered but it didn't bother Ai. She didn't care what the crowd thought of her.

Ai made her way to the ring and stared at her opponent. Another shorty, her last opponent didn't break 5 ft either. At least she was cute. Ai smiled and looked around at the crowd, "What's up with this? They keep putting me up against the tiniest girls! I know Im pretty short, but come on I can stomp on this little soldier girl." The booes towards Ai get louder as she insults her opponent.

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Re: A bandit vs a solider/merc (AI bandit vs Eve johnson (debut)

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Eve looked at Ai as she was stretching a little and tilt her head. " oh you don't like short girls? well sweetie let me tell you short girls rule this world were short cute and all bad ass!!" Eve said giggling as she bounced on her feet ready to face off thsi Ai teh short girl hater. " When ever you want to start lets go shorty hater!!" Eve said as the bell rang and Eve would wonder how to attack this girl.

Getting an idea she would rush at Eve using her speed. Once close enough if Ai was close enough to the rope Eve would jump to the ropes bouncing off them and would then send a spinning kick at AI.

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Re: A bandit vs a solider/merc (AI bandit vs Eve johnson (debut)

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Ai looks as Eve with a not very amused look as Eve teases her. “Short girls rule the world? Maybe if this was a small world, but the real world isn’t small after all.”

The bell rings for the fight to begin. Ai rushes towards Eve for her first attack. Her opponent would bounce off the ropes for some kind of spin kick move. Ai would have her wits about her to back away and dodge the attack. Ai seems surprised at her opponent’s explosiveness. “Wo! Easy there little girl.”

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Re: A bandit vs a solider/merc (AI bandit vs Eve johnson (debut)

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"oh yeah you know what they say its a small world is it not?" Eve said ot Ai as the bell rang and the girl would rush out nad miss her kick by a long shot. " dang.. easy?' ha only a tall girl would take it easy!!" Eve said as she rushed at Ai again but this time she would try a palm thrust into AI's stomach.

IF that worked she would grab the girl's head and pull her down ot her level befor seeing some knee shots into her head. "LIke! I! SAID! WE RULE!" Eve said which each knee shot. she know this was her debut so she had to try and win this.

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Re: A bandit vs a solider/merc (AI bandit vs Eve johnson (debut)

Unread post by PrincessBlair »

Eve palm strike worked and Ai got hit in the stomach. “Oof…”Eve knee shot also connected and Ai falls to the ground and lies on her back. “Damn… you annoying…” Ai groans just laying on the ground. Ai waits to see if her opponent gets near her. She would try to grab Ai’s leg and trip to the ground. If successful, Ai would try to get on top of Eve. “Let’s see how much you rule now.”

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Re: A bandit vs a solider/merc (AI bandit vs Eve johnson (debut)

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Eve looked at AI closely as she would get closer going for AI's legs. as she would try to kick the girl leg to weaken her. however AI would grabbed her leg and trip her. "Ah!" Eve yelped and would look up at AI who called her annoying. "Im not annoying im cute you bandit!" Eve said as she would squirm under the girl as she was on top of her. " Get off me you're fat and heavy!!" Eve said groaning.

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Re: A bandit vs a solider/merc (AI bandit vs Eve johnson (debut)

Unread post by PrincessBlair »

Ai smiles as she was now sitting on top of the little girl. “Fat and heavy?” Ai smirks, “Now that’s not true? Did you mother ever tell you not to lie? You are just weak and puny.” Ai grabs Eve’s head and slams the back of her head against the mat before leaping off of her. Once Ai is standing she would wait to see if Eve will try to get up. If so, Ai will try to stomp on her to keep her down on the ground.

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Re: A bandit vs a solider/merc (AI bandit vs Eve johnson (debut)

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Eve growled at AI as the girl told her not to lie and called her puny and weak. "shut it i'm not puny or weak!" Eve Said as she would get her head slammed into the mat. Groaning after that her first instict was to get up but Eve thought that Ai was going ot stomp her down so instead she would try and roll away and get back onto her feet quickly holding her head. "brat..." Eve sadi looking at Ai.

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Re: A bandit vs a solider/merc (AI bandit vs Eve johnson (debut)

Unread post by PrincessBlair »

Ai's stomp missed as Eve rolls away and gets up. Ai stares Eve down as she gets into a fighting stance. "Come at me little bitch!" Ai taunts Eve, trying to get her to charge. If Eve does charge, Ai will try to kick Eve in the gut before she gets too close.

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