Match rules: best two out of three pin fall only. All types of moves are allowed. Winner gets to do what ever she pleases with Loser and loser must obey.

She would make her way down to the ring slowly, waving and blowing kisses, interacting with the fans the way she always did. When she made it to the ring, she would step through the middle rope and the top rope slowly letting the crowd get a good look at her body. Once through, she would stand in the middle striking several poses as cameras flashed and people cheered. She was really putting on a show tonight.
Once Kana was done with her "Photo shoot" She would go to her corner and begin stretching. She didn't know who her opponent was as it was their debut. Half of her expected it to be the usual large heavyweight newbie heel. Thats who she was usually put up against. She made them look good by being the attractive jobber. Maybe that would all change tonight but she never knew. Her mind would race as she thought about who her opponent could be for the night as she continued stretching, watching the entrance to see who would enter.