Swan's Hentai Open Challenge! (For Dokki)

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Swan's Hentai Open Challenge! (For Dokki)

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Making her way through the backstage area, Black Swan was all smiles as she walked, greeting each and every backstage worker she passed with a smile and a warm greeting, while heading to the ring entrance. To anyone else, it would seem that Black Swan was her usual upbeat self, but the luchadora was actually quite excited today, something that she attributed entirely to what was about to go down in the ring, which she herself was anticipating quite a bit!

Swan was headed out to the ring for a very specific reason, and as she was given a microphone and the go ahead to make her entrance from the backstage official, she would soon step through the curtain, heading off to do just what she came for!
"Helloooooooooo Japan!" Swan cried as she came out on top of the ramp, smiling at the crowd as they cheered upon seeing the bubbly luchadora appear before them, making her way to the ring. The fans were quite excited to see the luchadora as they knew something was up, Swan having no official match scheduled but still being out here in the ring, ready for action. And as Swan slipped into the ring, she quickly would raise the mic to her lips, beginning to explain!

"Well, as you all know, the hentai division is heating up quite a bit, in preparation for the title arriving. And honestly, I've been feeling a bit left out, as I've been busy trying to get a certain middleweight champ to face me." Swan said, referring to her multiple attempts to goad Tina into a title match with her, a whole story in an of itself.

"So now, I want to get into the swing of things a bit more, in terms of hentai at least. Which is why I'm here now! I'm sure you all remember how my last open challenge went?" She asked, to a cheer in response, the fans remembering her no DQ match with Mika, and how things had gotten... a bit sensual during it.

"Well, I hope you're ready for another one! Because I'm challenging ANYONE in the back to come out here, and face me in a hentai match! If you think you're enough woman to satisfy me, that is."

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