Anna Ivers vs Sandy White: To the Very Core

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Anna Ivers vs Sandy White: To the Very Core

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Pin to win! Victory awarded by pin fall or disqualification/count out

Tonight was business as usual for Sandy White. Management booked her in a match and she'd see to it that she'd win it and stomp out any weakness in the wrestling league that she'd come across. Sandy wasn't above doing whatever it took to end another woman's career. But Giantess wasn't expecting to need to, tonight.

No, tonight's opponent was Anna Ivers. Sandy didn't know much about Anna, but she had heard that the woman had tried her hand at the Heavyweight Championship Tourney, and while Anna didn't win it, she was moderately successful.

"She better not be the same caliber of fraud as last girl was." White said to herself as she left the backstage area and headed for the arena. Sandy was referencing her previous opponent. Another South African woman by the name of Nandi, who proclaimed herself to be a Queen. Nandi, whose same Queenship was dismantled and vanquished by the hands of Sandy White.

Sandy stepped into the arena a few seconds into her theme song. With her reputation from previous wrestling promotions, as well as her recent win still fresh on the crowd's mind, fans booed the blue clad Giantess as she stood tall with her arms crossed and a smug smile on her face.
Sandy White
The Englishwoman would march towards the ring. Having paid no mind to the peanut gallery in attendance, she'd approach the ring and roll under the bottom rope before popping up to her feet. Sandy would lean against the ropes and roll her shoulders. With her bottom seated on the middle rope and her long arms draped over the top ropes, she'd assume a dismissive demeanor while the contest was announced. She was just now learning that the contest would be won by pin only.

"That's fine, whatever. Just bring me someone worth my time." She'd shout in a gruff voice towards the announcer. The production crew would scramble in preparation to introduce Anna and Sandy would look towards the entrance ramp in anticipation of the South African's arrival.
Last edited by winner3 on Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Anna Ivers vs Sandy White: To the Very Core

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Anna would be lying to say that recent events weren't a hinderance to her. The Heavyweight tournament didnt pan out like she had thought and her attempt to get into boxing had been...less then well. Mai Valentine would pay for that day she swore but tonight was business as usual, it was odd that it was a match with no submissions allowed but considering Anna next to never used them to win a match it was hardly something she was going to lose sleep over. And she had to focus, this...Sandy White, wasnt a nice individual and if she lost focus on her thinking about vengeance she would be beaten down again, which was not something she wanted. Mentally slapping herself to be ready she made her appearance at the ramp.

Cracking her fists on her way down she smiled at the positive reception she got, with the bar boxing event being at a LAW related bar but not a watched event meant that most fans didnt see it or at least if they did it didnt diminish her skills in there eyes. Still Anna had to get over the fight for now and take care of Sandy, what happened was just a bad night for her, this night would be better. Anna assured herself of that as she entered the ring looking over at the more wrestling oriented Sandy who would be her opponent for the day.

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Re: Anna Ivers vs Sandy White: To the Very Core

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Sandy raised her head and an eyebrow upon seeing Anna. Ivers seemed as about impressive in person as she did on paper. By this point, most standouts at LAW had something of a resume. And Sandy had every intention of using this match with Anna tonight to add to her own. She didn't much care for the warm reception from the crowd.

The towering heavyweight would wait for her scheduled opponent to enter the ring. Upon her opponent's arrival, Sandy would casually walk up to her. The sounds of her bare feet hitting the canvas echoed as she pit her own malicious aura against Anna's competitive one. White would place her hands on her hips and stand almost nose to nose with Anna before saying with a condescending smile and tone: "You look good, Anna. Gonna take my time working you tonight since, you know, you can't tap."
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Re: Anna Ivers vs Sandy White: To the Very Core

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There didnt seem to be a bit of decency in this person at all, she eked malicious intent with every fiber of her being and her first words cemented that making it clear submissions being out of the way meant that she wouldnt be able to call it quits when she pleased. While true Anna had no intention of being In such a position, in fact it seemed that Sandy was unaware that the situation could in fact happen to her if she was careless, a situation Anna would be all too happy to exploit if she was pissed off.

So with that in mind Anna just kept her eyes locked on Sandy as she tried and failed to intimidate. "And why would I need to do that? You don't look like someone who could make me?" Anna said staring at the more traditionally dressed wrestler as she spoke. Her hands on her hips as well with an aura of confidence.

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Re: Anna Ivers vs Sandy White: To the Very Core

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Sandy smiled upon hearing Anna's reply. She was used to looking down on her opponents both literally and figuratively, but Anna's resolve caught her attention. The Giantess eyed her slightly shorter foe up and down before answering back.

"Oh, I don't? Well, maybe you'll change your mind about that after the bell rings. I'm real eager to see how long that whole 'tough girl' attitude of yours lasts. The heavyweight heel was well aware of the rules. It was circumstances like this that she made her mark exploiting against many other women in the past. White knew how to make a victim out of most any woman that she squared off against. And tonight, she aimed to add Anna to the many notches in her belt.

The barefoot brawler began backing up towards her corner in anticipation of the bell. She'd ready herself to come at Ivers with a full head of steam to start things off with a running Lariat the moment the contest started. While she waited, Sandy would think aloud to her opponent. Not as another means of intimidation, but out of eagerness and anticipation of the chance to erode Anna's will and break her both physically and mentally.

"I think I'll take you home after I work you over. I know it's not a POW match or anything, but it's not like this scrawny ref can stop me." She'd say with a raised eyebrow.
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Re: Anna Ivers vs Sandy White: To the Very Core

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Anna remain unfazed, Sandy was just a women with a lot of hot air and big talk. Anna had seen that, and she could beat it. "Well it certainly isn't changing before that bell rings." Anna said confidently letting the rules be stated between them as Anna prepared herself, pinfall only worked just fine in her favor considering she didnt have much skill in submission abilities so this match played to her strengths just fine. Get started and knock the women out. Simple. "By all means do so POW or not, just dont be too upset if I feel inclined to do the same."

Once the bell rang Anna got off to start things as Sandy seemed poised to charge her out the gates. Still that was hardly a tactic she was afraid of and instead of letting it connect or blocking Anna tried to duck under it and get behind her before moving in to throw a punch at Sandy's back.

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Re: Anna Ivers vs Sandy White: To the Very Core

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Sandy burst out of the corner with strength and momentum. Her stomps shook the rings of the ropes as she closed in on Anna to try and floor her with a clubbing blow. Ivers' response only got the heavyweight amazon more psyched up. For Sandy White, there were few things as thrilling as taking a confident woman like Anna, who was in over her head, down a few pegs.

But Anna wasn't a novice. The tanner woman quickly made that apparent when she reacted with haste and ducked under the Lariat! Sandy stopped her momentum and quickly pivoted. But the time it took her to catch herself left her wide open to a quick jab from the South African heavyweight! Anna's fist found it's way into Sandy's upper ab/lower chest area! The brunette brawler grunted after taking the blow. Anna's fist connected cleanly, but Sandy stood firm!

The blue clad woman immediately fired back by with a one-two punch combination! If Anna wanted to throw hands, Sandy was more than willing! She'd throw a quick left hook towards Ivers' exposed abs in the hopes that it would stun her! Regardless of whether or not Sandy's first fist hit, she'd follow up by swinging her right arm upwards to try and nail Anna with an Uppercut to pay her back two-fold!
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Re: Anna Ivers vs Sandy White: To the Very Core

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Anna had Sandy at first, catching Sandy with a little punch, a body blow that tested Sandy's abs but didnt stun her. Instead the cocky fighter was already on the move again and trying to knock her for another loop with a shot to the body that Anna brought her hands down to try and protect herself from. Though Sandy's next hit still found its mark with an uppercut that connect with her chin and sent her spiraling backwards.

Anna kept firm though, she recovered quickly and her arms were still up watching her ready for what she might dare try next. If Sandy was serious about taking her home she couldnt play things casually, she needed to be smart and keep on protecting her from anything that would put her at a disadvantage.

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Re: Anna Ivers vs Sandy White: To the Very Core

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The uppercut struck true, knocking Anna upside the chin and giving her a painful reminder that she wasn't the only one who could throw threatening strikes in her weight division. Sandy was arrogant, but she packed a punch, and wits to boot when she could cared to give the effort. The blue-clad brunette rushed in after hitting her mark. Rather than trouble herself with getting past the South African babe's guard once more, she charged in with a shoulder tackle, attempting to wrap an arm around Ivers' back to try and get ahold of her and push her backwards towards a corner of the ring!

"C'mere tough girl!" Sandy taunted as she came in hot! If her shoulder tackle worked and she was able to drive her foe into the corner, White wouldn't hesitate to go to work and follow up by lifting her back leg and backing up slightly to try and nail Anna with repeated Shoulder Thrusts to her core in the corner! Sandy would go for a good number of them, only letting up when the referee inevitably interjected with threats of a disqualification!
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Re: Anna Ivers vs Sandy White: To the Very Core

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Anna was still on her feet despite the situation and was suddenly forced her toward the corner after hitting her with the uppercut. Rushing her and forcing her into the corner Anna felt her back hit the corner just as sandy's shoulder struck her body. "Guugh.." Anna's arms grabbed the ropes before she felt Sandy pushing back and hitting her again and again with shoulder tackles to try and wear Anna down, working her down more and more while she had the chance.

Once the ref finally got involved and forced her off Anna coughed and started to straighten up looking at Sandy with a look of annoyance at the girl acting like she was tough shit before the fight had really gotten started. Anna wasnt about to let it get that far, she still had plenty to offer and would make Sandy pay for that.

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