X's on a Full-Moon: E'isa vs Eleanor Moonlight

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X's on a Full-Moon: E'isa vs Eleanor Moonlight

Unread post by XXVV »

It was a Friday morning and E'isa after consistently showcasing who she was in Law would be hanging out at a smoothie spot in the area of the upcoming show. Feeling amazing, drinking a mango smoothie and taking in her amazing start in law, she'd feel proud of the work she was doing currently to establish herself. Making a name for herself match by match, having a rookie year that was nothing to scoff at. She was taking it all in until she'd get a text, her phone going off but wanting to enjoy her morning, she would choose to ignore it. But after it rang multiple times, annoyed at them disrupting her peace, she'd get angry and nearly throw the phone through the window of the shop. Stopping herself last second and keeping her cool, not wanting to pay for a possible broken window. She was usually very chill, but nothing frustrated her more than random texts on what she felt was her time to refresh and recover after weekly training and her last match.

Upon reading the text however, she'd realize it wasn't some random spam texter but her agent. Checking the messages, grinning as she'd been informed by her agent she had a match tonight, wanting to relax but another chance to build on her momentum was something she couldn't pass up. Finishing her smoothie, paying, and leaving a tip before going on her morning jog a lot on her mind as she'd be thinking of her next opponent.

"Eleanor Moonlight huhh? Hope you're ready for me.."

The day passed quickly as after E'isa spent it running errands and resting. She'd get to the arena before the match to prep and scout her opponent. Sending a text to her girls that she wouldn't be able to go out tonight as she was booked for a match. Telling them she'd be free to celebrate her win the following night, confident, maybe even overly confident, feeling untouchable due to her current streak. Making her way into the arena, feeling like she had done it a thousand times over, though it was still early in her career. Coming in to see familiar faces, she'd pace to the locker room, heading to the back to do her usual prep. Stretching and working up a mini sweat to get her blood flowing before she'd sat her legs crossed on the floor to scout her current opponent. Taking note of her build, strong, well-toned, amazing physique, she looked to be in amazing condition. A dangerous woman with a dangerous set of moves. She had the tools to put away most with the right situation and timing. E'isa took note before seeing something that had begun to be a trend.

"She's a middleweight.. hmmm interesting.."

Wanting to get frustrated but realized it was just another chance to showcase herself as the one to watch regardless of weight class. A grin came along her face again as she sat up, changed, and looked in the mirror before slamming her locker and heading out. Hitting some jumping jacks on the ramp before her theme would sound off, popping out from the back to a roar from the crowd, boos and cheers yet nothing out of the ordinary.
Standing at the top ramp to take it all in before heading down.
Swaying her hips side to side, showing off all her features before hitting the bottom ramp and jumping onto the ring apron. Hitting the split, her way of showing respect to her favorites who she felt paved the way for women like her. Her assets bounced on the drop before she'd slide under the bottom rope. Popping up before making her way to the corner turnbuckle, climbing up before putting up her "X". Her core fans would do it back paying respects before she'd get down and lean on the turnbuckle, waiting for her opponent for the night to appear before meeting them in the middle.

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Re: X's on a Full-Moon: E'isa vs Eleanor Moonlight

Unread post by TrixVii011 »

The break between her debut and her second fight was already starting to be rather long for Eleanor Moonlight, although it was necessary to both rest in order to recover from any affectation to her body and train what she had found deficient in her debut, the rookie's appetite needed to be satiated with a match no matter what. While training in her gym's ring her manager interrupted with the news that he had encountered a proposal that required a chat since Eleanor's impulsiveness might cloud her judgment in the face of the very strong cons that the offer brought.

-This weekend, E'isa, a heavyweight?...I don't see the problem- replied in a genuinely puzzled tone.

Her manager tried to explain the difficulty she would encounter due to this weight difference and above all, that this was not a fight like those disproportionate pairings occurring in amateur promotions or wrestling schools, facing a professional heavyweight in the current conditions just didn't seem like a good idea. He was very emphatic in stressing the urgency of refusing this offer.

-I think it would be a good way to show what I can do, she has a lot more to lose than I do- said the rookie, asking to sign the contract as soon as possible.

The day had arrived, Eleanor waited performing her ritual of listening to music before the match, she didn't have as many nerves as in her debut but these were still there, the preparation had been brief and the research of her opponent exhausting however, she was confident.
Behind the curtains she waited to come out, as her song Driver by Pendulum started she waited a few seconds to run down the ramp greeting the fans that crossed her path, this was a statement of intent, despite having lost in her debut she was back with more energy and willpower than before. The reception from the audience was better than the last time, it was possible to hear screams chanting her name and seeing how some attendees in the front row showed signs with their support.

-”...and her opponent, standing at a height of five, one inch and weighing in at one hundred and twenty five pounds, from Manchester, England...ELEANOR MOONLIGHT!!!!”

To close his entrance with a golden touch, with an agile leap she jumped over the third rope landing at the same time that the white fireworks rumbled outside the ring announcing her arrival to the fight. Once the music was cut she looked at her opponent.

-All my opponents are going to look this intimidating?- thought as she extended her hand to E'isa seeking her greeting.

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Re: X's on a Full-Moon: E'isa vs Eleanor Moonlight

Unread post by XXVV »

E'isa would lean in the corner fresh off a quick stretch and hear a fresh new theme hit the arena. Her opponent had indeed arrived and seemed ready to take her on along with whatever came with it. E'isa jumped up and down to the entrance music in anticipation as the fans in the first row would eye her bouncing up and down. Eleanor would run down the ramp greeting fans as she made her way to the ring. Her reception was better than her last appearance. Hearing some people chanting her name as some in the front row expressed their support of the new up-and-comer. E'isa taking note of how much the fans liked Eleanor, looking on to see her amazing display of agility clearing the third rope with a leap. White fireworks went off as Moonlight made her way into the ring in a way few could, looking at E'isa upon landing. E-Mac getting out of the corner and stepping into the middle to meet Eleanor face-to-face. A look of amazement on the face of the Latina as this woman was very special. Thinking to herself how fun this match could be.

"She cleared that with ease.. another world-class athlete huh? this will be fun.. but I got it.."

Confident in herself as Eleanor would do something most she battled since arriving hadn't, extending her hand to greet E-Mac. Almost caught off guard but after seeing the display she had put on before even going blow for blow, she'd feel inclined to accept it. Reaching out her arm to meet the greeting with a strong response, showcasing her strength in the handshake. But instead of letting go, E'isa would continue to showcase what she had to offer Eleanor before the match. Not letting go of the grip, taking a moment to pull her in closer so her face was nearly in the upper chest of the Latina. Leaning down to whisper some words before the match started.

"you look very promising.. I wish you luck.. though luck won't save you from me.."

Releasing her grip, she'd walk away smiling, head to her corner awaiting the bell to start the match.

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