Act 1 Scene 1 - Marina’s Debut Against Laura Grayson!

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Act 1 Scene 1 - Marina’s Debut Against Laura Grayson!

Unread post by sillygoose »

Marina vs Laura

Accepted Submission Match

Submission does not need to be accepted. Hentai/Eroticism is allowed.


Black shoes clopped awkwardly down the hallway as Marina made her way out to her first ever match in LAW. Her opponent was supposably the mother of all heels…and she was supposed to fight her in an accepted submission match? What’s the worst that could happen! She would be in trouble if she was going to lose, which she obviously will not!

Now coming out of the tunnel, Marina stepped out before the crowd and paused. Tons of rowdy guys and girls, cheering for the new girl? Now that was a welcome change from the indie scene where she was lucky to even get a cough. She looked down at her elaborate outfit. A blouse with a long pink skirt and tights. She had a slightly skimpier one but what kind of first impression would that be? Instead she wore the tight, golden bikini under this outfit. Juuuust in case she wanted to show off!
Was Marina overdressed? Yeah. Was she killing it? Hell yeah! If she would win this match, this gimmick would be cemented as hers. Showing up in impractical gear and still kicking ass? Just thinking about it made her heart pound. Finally, the tall girl picked up the pace and skipped towards the ring, hopping under the ropes and standing in the center. She waved to the crowd, blowing kisses and cheering! She couldn’t help herself, this scene was just so exciting.

Marina, after working the crowd for a little bit, climbed the turnbuckle and took a seat oh it with her legs crossed. She smiled cockily and looked out towards the opposing entrance, waiting to see her opponent for the first time. Her heart practically throbbed, the anticipation killing her.

“Come on ouuuuuut~!”

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Re: Act 1 Scene 1 - Marina’s Debut Against Laura Grayson!

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Laura patiently yet excitedly waited backstage, watching a monitor as her opponent made her entrance. Laura couldn't help but find the girl cute, even if she was far over dressed, there were things that Laura could do to fix that. Laura didn't mind stripping her opponents.

Once Marina was finished making her entrance, it was now Laura's turn. She also seemed to be a bit over dressed, at least more than usual, however this was just a gimmick. She usually would have stripped before her entrance however, she wanted to surprise her opponent.

Laura's music started, and she made her way out of the curtains, stopping at the top of the ramp.

She sported a long sleeved brown sweater along with an extremely short skirt. She would strike a few poses, getting cheers from much of the crowd while others booed due to her reputation.

She would make her way down the ramp, keeping her eyes on Marina the entire time. She would climb up onto the apron and step over the top rope, showing off her height. She would stop with one leg on either side of the ropes and give her rear a few teasing shakes before stepping all the way over.

Laura would go right to the center of the ring where she would rip her skirt off and lift up her top, exposing the small, black micro bikini she planned on wrestling in.
Laura would than approach the corner that Marina was in, not being shy at all. "Welcome to LAW you cute little thing... Even sitting on the top of that post, We're almost the same height..." She teased as she reached out to ruffle Marina's hair. After doing so, her hand would trail down to Marina's face, softly caressing her cheek, her thumb would gently trace over the piercing she had on the side of her mouth. "Interesting... This is going to be fun." She said with a voice dripping with sensuality.

She would turn around and walk to the center of the ring again, putting a lot of sway into her hips. She would than turn around and do the finger motion for Marina to join her in the center where the ref would explain the rules.

Laura of course didn't listen. She knew this was an accepted submission match, and that was all she needed to know. She planned on making this girl beg and plead, and even in that case, she still may not accept. Laura loved nothing more than breaking down her opponents, especially ones that come out so modestly dressed.

The bell would ring and Laura stood there before offering a lock up. The size difference was put on a pedestal as they stood in front of one another. Laura was nearly half a foot taller than Marina and out weighed her by 100 lbs. It was like a david and goliath match.

Laura stood there with a toothy grin stretched across her lips as she waited for Marina to accept the lock up, however if she did, Laura would be quick to go full force and hopefully push Marina back first into one of the corners where she could start their "real fun".

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Re: Act 1 Scene 1 - Marina’s Debut Against Laura Grayson!

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Oh! She looks…kinda modest? Like a school teacher, or rather a porn star trying and failing to play a school teacher. Marina stared at her as she entered with a faint smile on her face. She was trying to think of what video game character she reminded her of when her opponent started getting naked in the center of the ring! She had accepted the erotic stipulation but didn’t expect it to be this on the nose.

The other thing the witch noticed about her opponent now that she is closer is that she is huge. In fact, everything about her was huge! She cocked her head to the side as she approached her, beginning the conversation.

“Thanks for the…welcome? For the mother of heels you don’t seem very heel-y.” Marina responded, her face going from confusion to disgust as the woman messed with her hair and caressed her face. While she wasn’t actually grossed out by her, she was shocked by how aggressive she is being and decided to play it up for the audience and develop her persona.

Marina sighed and hopped off the post, being beckoned by Laura to get ready for the match. She stood in front of her with her arms crossed, looking up at her with a disinterested expression on her face. The ref explained the little rules they had and soon enough the bell rang. Is she seriously trying to…start a lock up? Marina cocked her head in confusion once more at her smiling opponent before raising an arm and stepping forward.

“You’re like twice my size…why would I agree to grapple you?!”

She said as she launched her fist forward in an overhand punch directed straight for Laura’s tits. Even though it was a dirty move, Marina assumed it was her safest bet. This beast of a woman before her could totally womanhandle her with little problems so she just had to keep her distance, right?!

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Re: Act 1 Scene 1 - Marina’s Debut Against Laura Grayson!

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Laura Stood there, waiting for the lock up that never came. She watched as Marina cocked her head in confusion before she stepped forward with a raised arm as if she was going to accept the lock up.

Laura would hear Marina's words and her observation that Laura was in fact twice her size. The question Marina asked made Laura giggle only for that giggle to turn into a yelp as the smaller girl send a hard punch right into Laura's large and round breasts.

The fist sank in and while Laura had quite a lot of padding there due to the sheer size, that didn't mean that the punch didn't sting. Laura winced and grimaced as one hand went to cover her breast, massaging it to tend to the pain she felt before she would reach forward to grab Marina by the shoulders, attempting to lift her leg to send a hard knee strike right to Marina's stomach.

If successful, Laura wouldn't stop at one. She would go for 4 more knee strikes to the stomach in order to wind her opponent before she would attempt to lift Marina up into a tight bearhug. The size difference was once again made quite obvious as she held Marina tightly in her arms, squeezing her waist hard. Her large breasts mushroomed against Marina's covered chest.

"Think you can pull a dirty move like that on the mother of all heels? Now I am going to show you all the dirty moves in the book!" She taunted as she tensed the bearhug harder and harder before running towards the corner to squash Marina between her rotund body and the corner post.

If the plan went well, Laura would drape Marina's arms over the top ropes before bending forward and ramming her shoulder into Marina's already sore stomach, over and over again.

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Re: Act 1 Scene 1 - Marina’s Debut Against Laura Grayson!

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Marina couldn’t help but laugh. Her opponent couldn’t even respond to an announced punch like that in time? This was going to be easier than expected! She glanced towards the crowd, grinning like a madwoman before…


Everything came toppling down. Laura dug her knee deep into the witch’s stomach, forcing a rough stream of saliva from her kips. Marina was left keeled over and clutching her stomach with her tongue out and was powerless to the next four strikes to the same spot. Every impact drained her, taking the energy she previously had and scattering it across the ring. Marina was left barely standing, looking up at Laura with tears in her eyes.

“Y-you’re a…bitch…”

She managed to squeeze out just before getting snatched up and forced into a bearhug. The woman’s much larger tits folded across her flat chest and Marina’s face almost immediately went bright red. Everything grew blurry and next thing she knew she was propped up against the ropes, getting pounded in the stomach again! She tried her hardest to move, to run out and escape, but she couldn’t move a muscle. Her knees were buckled, her arms were slack, she was left helplessly staring as Laura tenderized her soft abs against the ropes.

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Re: Act 1 Scene 1 - Marina’s Debut Against Laura Grayson!

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Laura landed a total of ten brutal shoulder strikes into Marina's soft abs, over and over again as the crowd even started to count. After the ten strikes, Laura would stand up and straighten Marina up as well. She would Marina's chin in one hand while the other sent a hard slap across her cheek. "Watch your mouth!" She ordered, responding to being called a bitch earlier.

"You wanna see a bitch... I will show you a bitch..." Laura would say as she would grab Marina by the arm and Irish whip her across the ring into the opposite corner. Laura was quick to follow behind her, hoping that Marina would turn around and hit the opposite corner back first only to get a huge and brutal corner splash with Laura's body crushing her between the corner.

With the height difference, Laura's breasts would crash right into her face. She would stay pressed hard against Marina's body for much longer than necessary, taking the time to teasingly smother her for a while before pulling away.

"Back to the other corner!" Laura commanded as she once again Irish whipped Marina to the opposite corner, once again following behind her, this time, turning around and ramming her large round butt into Marina's stomach, making her fold over her back. Laura would tease the smaller girl by wiggling her hips against her and pressing back further into the corner, crushing Marina between the corner post and her ass.

"Ooooh baby you are in for a lonnnng night!" Laura teased as she continued to grind her ass against Marina's stomach in a teasing manner, waiting to see how she would respond.

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Re: Act 1 Scene 1 - Marina’s Debut Against Laura Grayson!

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What a debut. First she is turned into a punching bag now she is being commanded around the ring like a dog and the crowd can’t seem to get enough of it. If Marina could curl up into a ball and block everyone out she would’ve, but instead she was grabbed by the arm and whipped into the corner. With a surprised gasp her back hits the turn buckle and she looks up, seeing Laura charging her and going tits first into her with a body splash. Marina barely squeaked before being slammed backwards and engulfed in titty.


She let out a muffled, exhausted, and confused moan straight into Laura’s boobs from her new fleshy prison. Never in her years had she been utterly squashed like this, and the bell had just rung! She felt finished, exhausted, spent up, everything and Laura was just toying with her. Like a ragdoll her arm was grabbed again and she was whipped into the opposite corner, now holding onto the turnbuckle for dear life.


Laura crushed the little witch again, this time hip checking her in the stomach. Marina leaned over Laura’s shoulder in exhaustion. When she began to grind on her she would moan softly in Laura’s ear, her face growing red once again.

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Re: Act 1 Scene 1 - Marina’s Debut Against Laura Grayson!

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Laura would continue to grind her hips against Marina. She would hear the soft moans in her ear and couldn't help but let out a soft giggle as she continued to grind into her like a forced wrestling lap dance. "Oohhhh... Enjoying ourselves now hmmm?..." Laura whispered as she ground harder into Marina.

Laura would gently bring her hand up and grip Marina by the hair. She would crane her neck so that they would be face to face. Laura noticed just how red Marina's face was due to the blushing. She would giggle and nuzzle her nose into Marina's for an eskimo kiss in an almost maternal way. "You thought you had a chance... With that cute little punch from earlier... I must admit I like your style... Trying to catch me off guard... That is a very heelish tactic..." Laura whispered to Marina.

"For that, I will give you a little reward..." She said before she pressed her lips against Marina's for a soft and gentle kiss. Laura started out with just a lip to lip kiss, pressing her thick, hot and slightly wet lips against Marina's before the kiss began to get a bit more intense. Laura would eventually invade Marina's mouth with her tongue, softly probing around, tasting every inch of the girl's mouth. Her tongue was wrestling with Marina's at this point, clearly dominating just as she was in the ring.

Laura would keep kissing Marina, wanting her to let her guard down and become docile in her grasp. She would keep the kiss going for as long as she needed to while grinding her hips against the smaller wrestler. Once Marina was sedated enough, Laura would separate the kiss, a thin line of saliva bridged between their lips before breaking.

"This... Is how a real heel works her magic..." Laura said, her voice dripping with sensuality as she flicked her tongue over Marina's lips again before wrapping an arm around Marina's head, pressing the front of her neck and chin against her shoulder before dropping down onto her butt to preform a brutal stunner, crashing Marina's jaw against her shoulder before letting her fall backwards.

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Re: Act 1 Scene 1 - Marina’s Debut Against Laura Grayson!

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Marina could hardly breathe, not only from the blunt force trauma but also because Laura quite literally took her breath away. She practically gave her a lap dance in the middle of the ring and no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t even manage to struggle. Marina’s through her head back and let out a soft moan but was quickly grabbed by the hair and forced to look at her dominator. Her legs pathetically flailed about, trying to find the mat under her and stand up but to no avail.

“O-oh, so common sense is heel beh-!”

She tried to give a snarky response but was cut off and trapped in a kiss with her opponent. As the kiss grew more and more extreme, her tongue being pinned and her mouth invaded, Marina once again went slack. She was too shocked to speak, her weakened brain struggling to determine if this woman is a friend or a foe. Her eyes crossed and she blankly stared ahead, seemingly zoning out. Her body went slack once more and she stopped resisting, only letting out muffled and soft moans into Laura’s mouth.

Marina had no answer to the incoming stunner. She opened her mouth beforehand greedily, believing that Laura was going to kiss her again but was instead slammed face first into her shoulder. Ears ringing, mouth agape, the girl sprung backward and landed flat on her back with her head propped up against the bottom of the turnbuckle. She stared ahead blankly with a shocked expression stuck on her face, letting out occasional surprised gasps in her delirious state. If Laura looked closely she would be able to notice a slight bulge at the hem of her dress. Was Marina enjoying this or was she just too far gone already?

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Re: Act 1 Scene 1 - Marina’s Debut Against Laura Grayson!

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Laura would sit there after the brutal stunner was landed, sighing in satisfaction as she loved the feeling and sound of her opponent crashing against the mat. She looked behind her and saw the state Marina was in and couldn't help but giggle. She would Shrug before standing up and turning to get a better look at her opponent.

She stood there with her hands on her hips as she looked at her opponent's face. It was priceless. The way her eyes stared blankly forward as if she were in a different world yet there was still severe shock in her eyes. The cute little gasps she let out in her delirious state made Laura chuckle as she stood there, still studying her opponent.

She wouldn't notice the bulge at this point yet, just taking in her opponent's adorable face. She would walk over to her and crouch beside her, gently cupping her face in both hands. "Those are some adorable sounds you are making..." She would let out a few mocking gasps herself to taunt her opponent. "You sound so silly... Did I take your breath away already?" She teased, running one of her thumbs over Marina's lips.

"C'mon Marina. We're just getting started here. No time to just sit there and gasp all night. Let's give these well paying onlookers a show! A specticle! A squash match they will never forget!" Laura promised excitedly as she would grab Marina under the armpits before lifting her up and onto her hands and knees. Once she was on her hands and knees, Laura would grip Marina by the hair and make her walk to the center of the ring on all fours. Every few steps, Laura would send a taunting spank to Marina's covered bottom to motivate her to keep moving.

Once in the center of the ring, Laura would stand there and wave to the crowd, standing proud. She would stand in front of Marina and grab her head before slotting it between her thick thighs, trapping her in a tight standing head scissors. She would then begin to squeeze brutally with her thighs, going all the way up on her tip toes as she added more and more pressure by the second, squeezing nice and slow till her own thighs burned slightly from the strain she was putting on them. She would then slowly loosen the scissors, almost to the point where she wasn't squeezing at all and just keeping Marina's head between them before suddenly she began squeezing again.

Her thighs squeezing Marina's face and head like a machine. She would reach down and take some of Marina's clothing into her hand, studying the material. "This is a really cute outfit I must say. I don't think I have wrestled someone this dressed in a long time!" Laura would tease as she reached down for the long dress that Marina was wearing. She would reach all the way down before getting to the bottom of it and pulling it upwards to expose Marina's ass to the crowd. She would begin spanking Marina roughly and endlessly, even stopping to dig her nails into the soft supple flesh in some rough claws before would would bring her hand up to her mouth and lick the base of her palm, getting it nice and wet before slamming it down onto Marina's right cheek before repeating the process for the left.

She would then suddenly drop down to her knees, slamming Marina face first into the ring floor. She would then quickly roll Marina over onto her back and mount the smaller girl for a pin, knowing all too well that this was an accepted submissions match only. She would slap the mat 3 times before cheering for herself, teasing the girl as she did her own cute little celebration. "Look at that! A pin in an accepted submissions match! How humiliating!" Laura would taunt as she got some laughs from the crowd while others were confused.

Laura would then run to the ropes, bouncing off of them to rebound right back to Marina, only to hit the smaller girl with a brutal and heavy leg drop across the chest and neck to wake the girl up. "We're not done yet! Far from it!" Laura teased as she slapped the girl's face a few times, waiting to see how she responds to determine what her next move would be.

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