Shani Mwangi vs Stéphanie Renaud

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Shani Mwangi vs Stéphanie Renaud

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Shani Mwangi vs Stéphanie Renaud
Normal match
Win by pinfall , submission or count out

Shani hoped that tonight match would go better then how her debut ended.As while she did alright she had bin unable to defeat her opponent , and make it to the heavyweight tournament it.Still tonight things would go better as she decided to wear the same wrestling attire she wore last time that consisted of a white bikini as she wore different colored rings around her arms and neck as well. She knew that the male fans would enjoy what she was wearing as she just hoped her breasts would not slip out of her bikini top as she walked out the door.

As she walked down to the ring she would hear the fans cheer loudly as the announcer said ''and her opponent from Voi,Kenia.Standing in at 170ibs , It's Shani Mwangi'' while she continued her way down. Sliding under the bottom rope she would soon after make it back to her feet as she would dance around for a bit or so it seemed to the audience. As Shani was in fact doing some capoeira move as she would stop after a few seconds to await the arrival of her opponent.

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Re: Shani Mwangi vs Stéphanie Renaud

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Stéphanie was already waiting for Shani in the ring, she couldn't help but shake her head as the woman danced around within the ring. Had she forgotten that this was a wrestling match today and not a dancing competition? It was of no matter, Stéphanie could forgive her as she was a quite a marvel to behold. Seeing her in little more then a bikini, for Stéphanie it was the ideal opponant. She loved the feel of flesh against her own, especially against her deadly thighs when she would wrap them around an opponant. Shani looked like a delicious prey for her, and the french woman could not help but smile slyly in delight.

Like Shani, Stéphanie the Baroness was also clad in a bikini, having already shed away her entrance cloak and hood. Though technically the two were from different weight classes, it was still a viable match up. Shani only just qualified as heavyweight and Stéphanie was only just shy of being in the same class. There was little between the two in height and weight. As such, it looked a fair match... though if Stéphanie had her way it would be anything but fair.

She admired the body of her opponant for a little while, smiling in a dark manner before she heard the bell ring. She offered a hand to Shani... looking to decieve her with a handshake.
"<Good luck.>" She spoke in french, but with a pleasant tone to try and put her opponant at ease. If she accepted the handshake however, The Baroness looked to take advantage of the naivety and pull Shani into a quick bearhug, before throwing her with a suplex... something no doubt the crowd would not apprieciate.

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Re: Shani Mwangi vs Stéphanie Renaud

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Shani was waiting with anticipation for her opponent to arrive as she could not wait to see what she looked like.Then she would hear music starting to play , and out walked her opponent as the Kenyan woman would have to admit that she was hot . As the bikini that Stéphanie wore seemed to have bin glued onto her opponent's body , and from what she could tell she and the other wrestler seem to have a similar height and weight.

Now this was only more good news as that meant her opponent would not have a height advantage over her or a weight advantage. Plus what was even better was the fact that one she was face to face with her opponent she would be offered her hand.A hand she would accept right away as she would trust her opponent as she did not seem to think something could be behind this. So with no clue what Stéphanie had in mind would reply ''thanks wish you the argggg'' when she got pulled in closer for a bearhug , and before she could try to fight out would be thrown onto the canvas with an suplex.

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Re: Shani Mwangi vs Stéphanie Renaud

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The crowd immediately began jeer loudly at the Baroness over the poor display of sportsmanship, seeing her disrespect Shani with such a low tactic. Baroness did not care, if anything she was helping Shani learn not to be so naive. She giggled to herself, having enjoyed the feel of Shani's body against her own when she embraced her close, but she knew it was far too early to start with submission holds, hence why she converted it into a suplex. If she wore Shani down a little, then she could have her fun.

As the bell began to ring, she realised the match was officially underway. With a sly smile, The Baroness pressed her advantage, chasing Shani down before she could stand up, seeing the move had shocked her more than hurt. She slipped behind her opponent as she stood, once more getting her arms around her body... partly to get a good feel for her exposed and well defined form, mostly to set up for another move. With her arms around Shani's waist, the Baroness once more squeezed, looking to force some air from Shani.

However once more she converted the hold into a move as desired, lifting Shani up off her feet with a powerful squeeze, before arching backwards with momentum to land a vicious yet decently executed german suplex upon her. The canvas shook as Shani's shoulders hit the mat, with the Baroness keeping her arms around her with a tight waistlock. She began to navigate Shani, forcing her to stand up as she kept her hug on her... it became clear the Baroness was looking to hit another German Suplex on Shani, and she had only precious seconds to try and escape or counter less she be slammed a second time.

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Re: Shani Mwangi vs Stéphanie Renaud

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Shani learned a tough lesson in that moment as while she fully agreed with the fans that what the other wrestler did was poor sportmanship it was not against the rules. As the Kenyan should come to expect these things , and would do so in the future as she was looking up at the lights as she attempted to roll onto her belly.From their she would attempt to get to her to her feet as the Baroness was unlikely to give her any chance to recover as she pressed her advantage.

The black skinned woman would feel the other wrestler lift her up as she wrapped her arms around her waist as she got send flying with another suplex.This time an German one as she would groan as the result of the impact as her shoulders and neck took the brunt of the impact.Still with the other wrestler's arms still around her waist she could not attempt to roll onto her belly as he would try to pry her hands apart as she was being lifted to her feet for what would likely be the third suplex she would have to endure if she does not break free.

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Re: Shani Mwangi vs Stéphanie Renaud

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With Shani unable to break free in time, she fell victim to a 2nd German Suplex, feeling the brunt of the impact once more against her neck and shoulders. The crowd continued to share their dismay of the situation, jeering and booing with a passion, but it did not deter Baroness, her focus was on tearing her opponent apart. With her arms still around Shani, she once more began to lift her upwards, as if threatening to perform a third German Suplex, which would no doubt be as devastating as the previous ones...

However, when the Baroness lifted Shani off her feet, she simply kept her hoisted upwards, changing the pace and applying a reverse bearhug instead. Her arms began to constrict around Shani's bare midriff, with her arms noticably trembling with the growing pressure as she began to squeeze the Kenyan. What was more, it was quite a display of strength from the slender French woman, who did not look as powerful as she appeared. She laughed out, bearhugging and lifting Shani as if she was a trophy, trying to squeeze the fight from her body as the crowd continued to jeer her.

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Re: Shani Mwangi vs Stéphanie Renaud

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The third suplex would make the brown skinned woman make contact with the canvas. What was worse was that the third suplex was the second German she had taken in an row as her neck and shoulders were sore at the moment.That however was taking things lightly as in fact Shani's neck was killing her as she barely heard the crowd continue to boo the Baroness for her nasty tactics so far. So it was no surprise when she could offer up no resistance as she was pulled to her feet once again , but at least this time it would not be for a suplex so be thankful for the little things in life right.

Well that thought only lasted for a few seconds as what was followed made her almost want to be suplex again as she got trapped in an reverse bearhug. The feeling of her opponent's arms around her midriff felt more painful then anything she had felt before as she attempted to pry those hands apart while she was being paraded around like some trophy as the crowd would respond to this fact by booing even louder as it was clear nobody was on her opponent's side.

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Re: Shani Mwangi vs Stéphanie Renaud

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Despite being a Middleweight class wrestler, and having the build of a supermodel, Stéphanie was alarmingly strong, freakishly so. She hoisted the Kenyan in her arms a little higher, folding her arms around her lower stomach a little tighter then before to increase the pressure of the bearhug. She felt Shani trying to pry her arms free, but Stéphanie had all the leverage on her side, squeezing Shani's bare stomach in short but intense bursts, slowly driving precious air from her lungs, looking to sap the energy from her opponent and continue to build an advantage.

She could not help but bite her lower lip in delight. Feeling the mostly bare form of Shani pressing against her own scantily clad body, already having her in a squeeze. Feeling Shani's abs slowly press inwards under the growing pressure of her embrace was quite an intoxicating feeling for the woman who was obsessed with crushing her foes. Though she preferred to use her legs, using her arms now felt a little like foreplay of sorts. The match was still young however, and she knew it would take time to break down Shani.

Ignoring the pleas and jeers of the crowd to release Shani, the Baroness simply did the opposite, she continued to crush Shani within her arms, squeezing the fight from her stunning form a near inch at a time. Whilst Shani struggled to break free of the reverse bearhug, the Baroness saw no reason to release her, enjoying crushing half the life from her.

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Re: Shani Mwangi vs Stéphanie Renaud

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Shani knew she had to find an way to escape or else she would lose any chance she had to win this match.Still it was not like the Kenyan did not have any chance to escape as she tried to pry those hands apart so she could escape the bearhug in an attempt to turn this match around.However the feeling of her own body rubbing against the other wrestler did feel good , and made her count her blessing that this was not an hentai match or else she would have bin in an lot more trouble.

However it seems that trying to pry her opponent's hands apart was foolish as she would instead go for something that could end up working.However it would likely also inflict more pain to herself then she had felt while trapped in the bearhug.As the Kenyan would move her head backwards , and then slam it forward as she hoped to hit the Baroness in the forehead with her own as she hoped that the middleweight would feel the most pain between the both of them.

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Re: Shani Mwangi vs Stéphanie Renaud

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The Baroness continued to squeeze Shani in her reverse bearhug, enjoying the feel of her well toned stomach against her arms, feeling those powerful abs slowly concave under the growing pressure as she continued to squeeze half the life out of her. Feeling her body writhe against her own, all the skin contact with the two wrestling in only bikini like attires, got the Baroness excited, especially listening to the grunts and low moans of Shani as she was slowly squeezed. She could have done this all day if given the chance, and certainly would have. But it was not to be... at least not for now.

The Baroness was taken off guard when Shani managed to throw her head back, clashing the back of her head against the forehead of the wrestler nicknamed Miss Squeeze. The Baroness grimaced, stumbling back as her arms finally loosened, allowing for Shani to break free of the grueling bearhug. Given Stéphanie's style of wrestling, Shani knew her body would be the target of the sadistic wrestler, no doubt looking to wear her back down for more grueling and excruciating embraces. For now however, Shani was free, but the Baroness had recovered from the headbutt and was looking to advance upon her for another grapple.

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