Peggy McIntyre vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Peggy McIntyre vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Match Type: Standard

Peggy was backstage and feeling confident about this one. Lauren had previously trashed Sakura and if Lauren could do it Peggy knew she could do it too! The Irish wrestler was walking through the arena hallways feeling good clad in her green one piece swimsuit as she made her way towards the ring. She was going to smash and slam Sakura senseless, planning on taking the fight to the Japanese singer turned wrestler. All she had to do was come out hot and not let up!

Her music began to play as she made her way towards the ring striking a couple flexes as she confidently strut her way down the ramp. She walked up the ring steps then climbed through the ropes into the ring, doing a quick lap holding her arms out before settling into her corner, waiting for Sakura to arrive. She was going to do her best to make sure that this match was a fast, clean victory for herself.


Backstage Benny was waiting for Sakura in the hallway. He was wearing a black suit with a white dress shirt and red tie as he stood by. He was eager to see Sakura before her match and go over what he thought could help her win as right now the odds had ever so slightly favored Peggy according to the pre-match breakdown/predictions.

As soon as he saw her Benny approached with a smile on his face and waved. "Hey Sakura! I know you got this, but just remember that Peggy hits hard, moves better than her looks suggest, and can pile on offense fast. The key is to beat her intensity out of the gate and I know she's got 35lbs or something on ya but if you can toss her around or even better slam her around that will crack through her toughness and really open the door for a win." Benny said giving Sakura the rundown on Peggy's scouting report. "You can do it, go out there and show that crowd just what you can do!" Benny added giving her a pat on the back as he himself looked quite confident in Sakura's chances. "I can hang out back here if ya like or I can come to the ring, your call."

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Re: Peggy McIntyre vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Sakura took a deep breath in preparation as she finished getting ready in her locker room while Peggy did her entrance. The two had never met personally but the Irish woman ran around with Lauren who Sakura had plenty of experience with. So needless to say Sakura knew that she wasn't necessarily in for a good time tonight, but she knew she could win this and she would!

Getting up and exiting the dressing room Sakura would be greeted with the sight of Benny who had put together a report for her in regards to Peggy. "Oh thank you Benny that'll all be very good to know." Sakura said appreciatively with a smile and nod as the two walked to the entrance curtain in preparation for her own entrance.

"Hm for now I think it'd be better if you hung back. Peggy seems the type that may use your presence against me." Sakura said with a nod before sighing one last time as her entrance music began to play, prompting the idol to come out from the curtain and stand before the fans!
Coming out and smiling at the fans Sakura naturally got a big ovation, especially since she was actually coming off a win for the first time in a while, and she was determined to keep it that way. Wearing her red and pink two piece ring gear Sakura had become famous for as of late the difference between her and her opponent's reception would get even more noticeable as Sakura entered the ring and got onto the corner, posing for the fans before hoping down and face her opponent, the fans already starting to chant Sakura's name before the bout even began!

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Re: Peggy McIntyre vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Peggy watched Sakura come out to all the fanfare and stood keeping her eyes on the woman with her hands on her hips, pacing about in her corner. She shook her head and stepped out to the center of the ring giving a quick bicep flex. "You should know Lauren and I ain't just some pushovers to be taken lightly. We're wrestlers n' we're good. After i slam ya silly all over this ring the crowd will know it too." Peggy said sounding determined to come out and make a good showing.

The bell rang and Peggy held her hands out looking to kick things off with a contest of strength against Sakura! "Come on lass, show me what ya got! Lemme show ya some real old school classic wrasslin' strength!"

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Re: Peggy McIntyre vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Stepping into the ring and staring her opponent down the idol didn't bother trying to approach, already having an idea what the woman would be like. Sure enough she opened with trash talk that Sakura didn't sell one bit. "I know that and I don't doubt it... But I'm going to win this Peggy." Sakura said with a determined glint in her eyes as she raised her hands and, as the bell ring she'd ignore the woman's words as she moved in, locking up with Peggy and pushing against the woman in the test of strength!

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Re: Peggy McIntyre vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Peggy and Sakura grappled and Peggy grunted, groaned and trembled as her body strained with the Irish woman giving it her all! She pushed Sakura back a couple steps slowly then shook her head in total shock as she was the one being forced back step by step! "What?! WHAT?! NO!" Peggy screamed as she kept moving back slowly. The crowd roared as Peggys belly, backside and legs all shook with the strain. She let out a war cry of a scream trying to push back giving it her all to try to halt Sakura's progress!

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Re: Peggy McIntyre vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Sakura was admittedly a bit nervous about engaging in this test of strength with Peggy out the gate. It hadn't exactly gone well for her against Lauren, however she had gotten stronger since then, she knew it, and she needed to trust that if she was to win. Sure enough Sakura was making progress against Peggy, pushing her back step by step with the woman starting to freak out as a result! "Haghhhh take this!" Sakura yelled, giving another momentous push forward in a bid to try and bowl Peggy over all together and knock her down to the mat!

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Re: Peggy McIntyre vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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Peggy was totally in shock as the smaller Sakura was the one overpowering her and she stumbled falling down to the mat on her back! "ARGH! Get offa me!" She shouted as she frantically kicked her legs punching at Sakura's face before trying to shove her away! Peggy was surprised and to onlookers that shock at being overpowered in the opening test of strength already made her appear... desperate?

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Re: Peggy McIntyre vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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She did it! Sakura really did it, she managed to overpower Peggy completely in the test of strength and win! Managing to push Peggy back and down, only for the Irish woman to start fighting back fiercely, practically doing anything to separate the two. Backing up with no injury to herself Sakrua would smile softly seeing this, her confidence surging in response as she darted back in towards her opponent, lifting her leg up to drive a thrust kick right into the woman's face!

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Re: Peggy McIntyre vs. Sakura Hagiwara

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This match was starting off terribly. Peggy was on her back, her pride crushed. Her confidence was also destroyed. She shook her head rising as Sakura backed off and more because she felt like it than any of the fighting back Peggy was doing.

The embarrassed Peggy was getting back up when her face was rocked by the kick! Peggy's head snapped back and she groaned, weakly raising her right leg high twice letting it flop to the mat as she lay there utterly humiliated and laid out again. Her hands covered her face where a dark black eye was quickly forming as she lay there.

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