Yuki Kazikura [D] vs. Maria di Valentina

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Yuki Kazikura [D] vs. Maria di Valentina

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Match Type: Normal Match
Rules: Victory by submission, pinfall, or knockout
This was it, Yuki thought to herself as she stood behind the stage. Her first real match at LAW was about to begin. She had been in a few spars, sure, but nothing like this, when she was about to go up in the big leagues for the first time. She had been training years for this moment, with a passion that had taken her through the independent circuit, and she was always dreaming of her next big break, wanting to prove herself against stronger and stronger opponents, and maybe to even become a champion herself one day. Thinking back on it, it was almost a dream. When she had first signed up for wrestling classes at the local gym, after amassing and watching as many tapes as she could find, her family had thought it was just a passing obsession. But now, it was her life, and she was about to achieve it on new levels.

Standing at the esteemed LAW arena itself, it was hard for Yuki not to get excited. She'd never wrestled in front of a crowd this big before, at such an establishment. Briefly, she worried about how she would look if she messed things up now, in front of everyone, but she quickly put that thought aside. Whatever the outcome, she would be undertaking a new milestone tonight, and nothing could take that from her. Taking a few deep breaths and clenching her fists at her sides, she prepared herself for what was to come, calming down her racing heartbeat. She looked up, taking a moment to tighten her gloves and straighten out her outfit so that everything was in order.

"This match will be scheduled for one fall!" came the announcement. "And coming first to the ring, from Yokohama, Japan...making her DEBUT in the LAW arena...YUKI KAZIKURA!"
Entrance Music
Appearance (right)
As her music kicked into gear and dazzling lights made their way around the stands, Yuki stepped out onto the entrance ramp, lifting her head up to the spotlight that shone down on her. With a calm and measured pace, her hands at her sides, she made her way down to the ring. But every step she made with great purpose, knowing what goal it was being made towards and what lay ahead for her. She listened to the cheers that came from all around her, and wondered how many of those came from the fans that had seen her before, in the minor joshi leagues she had wrestled before coming to LAW. As she came to the ring, she climbed up to the top rope and mounted one foot on the turnbuckle, looking out to the crowd around her. She raised one fist in a gesture of dedication to her goals, promising to fight her hardest, before she hopped from the corner post to make a landing on her feet. There, she stood, brushing her long hair back over her shoulders as she stood in a ready stance for when her opponent would make herself known.
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Re: Yuki Kazikura [D] vs. Maria di Valentina

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Maria huffed as she stood backstage, listening to her opponent's entrance music and the roar of the crowd. It was inconceivable that the company would force her to face off with a rookie. Granted, Maria was a rookie as well, but she was of a different class. A finer breed. Still, the goth girl knew it was still an opportunity to prove she was superior... and of course, she can never turn down the invitation to inflict pain on another person.

Mere moments later, Maria's music, ""Survival on the Street of Insincerity" began to play. Maria smirked, it was time to take her place on the stage.

"And her opponent, making her way to the ring. From Florence, Italy. This is Maria di Valentina!" The announcer introduced.

Maria made her way to the ring, sneering at the jeers of the crowd. The goth noble didn't care about the thoughts of insignificant inferiors. Using the stairs, she climbed up on the apron and elegantly stepped between the ropes. She stood diagonally across from her foe, sizing her up. The Italian girl huffed. The girl didn't look like much. Not to mention she acted like some excited brat. In any case, Maria was going to cure her optimism soon enough.

"So...you're my opponent huh?" Maria snobbishly stated, looked at the Japanese girl with contempt.

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Re: Yuki Kazikura [D] vs. Maria di Valentina

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When put next to Yuki's enthusiasm and gratitude to be here in the LAW ring, Maria's attitude seemed almost night and day - she was cold and aloof, and the words she spoke to Yuki were dripping with a smug sense of superiority. From seeing the way she strode into the ring, as though everyone around her wasn't even worthy of her time, it was enough to put Yuki on guard, and she flinched somewhat, biting her lip. Just her luck that she'd be dealing with someone like this to introduce her to LAW, she thought. Nevertheless, she told herself, she could look at it on the bright side. If this girl thought that she could talk down to Yuki, and posit herself as the superior - then it was Yuki's turn to prove to her that she still had it.

Making a fist, the girl took on a stance, her face adopting a mask of confidence. She wanted to make Maria know that she wasn't going to be afraid of her, even if she tried to intimidate her into backing down. "Yeah," she said, "I am. And I'm here to make a point. Because I may be new in this ring, but I'm not going to let that stop me. I'm going to give it my all, and you'll see just what I'm capable of!"
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Re: Yuki Kazikura [D] vs. Maria di Valentina

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Maria chuckled, putting the backside of her left on her chin and straightening a palm as she began to laugh haughtily. "Oh how adorable! You plan on using some sort of false bravado to make up for your clear lack of skill and strength," the Italian aristocrat mocked. Oh yes, this was going to be fun, showing this naive girl how the world truly worked.

And how it worked. The world was only meant for the elite like herself, holding superiority to peasants like Yuki. She then lowered his hand, still keeping her smug smirk as she eyed her foe up and down, picking which body part to wear down and eventually break.

Maria's concentration was broken by the sound of the bell ringing, which officially began the match. Still smirking, she moved around Yuki, like a cat circling a mouse, before moving in to try and lock up with the Japanese girl.
Last edited by overlordofkings on Sun Oct 13, 2019 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yuki Kazikura [D] vs. Maria di Valentina

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"False-!?" Sure enough, Maria's taunts were getting on Yuki's nerves. To think that she was just putting on airs; the girl thought it made a mockery of everything she stood for. She had her time in smaller leagues to prepare herself for this; even if she was still young and had a ways to go to build her experience, she liked to think that she knew enough to know what she was doing, what worked and what doesn't, and that she could be tough. She wouldn't have gotten all the way to LAW if it was just nothing!

No, though - she stopped herself, taking in a breath. She couldn't lose her cool, not even for this. If she let herself get rattled, it would only leave her open. She'd be weak - and then she would just prove Maria's point. Yuki couldn't do that. She closed her eyes a moment to take in a breath, focusing herself. She would have to do what was right. As the bell rang, Yuki knew the match was on, and that it was time for her to take action.

She lowered herself into a stance, keeping her eyes on Maria as the Italian circled around her. Yuki knew that she had to be on her toes, and taking her eyes off of Maria for a moment could be disastrous. But she was ready for her - when Maria came in, rather than go for a lockup, Yuki threw a forearm at her to try and catch her off-guard!
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Re: Yuki Kazikura [D] vs. Maria di Valentina

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Maria smirked as she lunged towards Yuki. Taking her apart was going to be a truly pleasant experience. Perhaps she'd maul the rookie's leg or mutilate the Japanese girl's arm. Oh the possibilities...

However, Maria's fantasies were abruptly interrupted when Yuki -quite rudely too mind you- blasted her forearm into Maria's face! "ARGH!" She cried, as she recoiled from the blow, stumbling a few feet back. Holding her cheek, Maria glanced back at Yuki and growled.

"H... How dare you!" Maria exclaimed, glaring a hole through the Japanese wrestler. So that was the way she wanted to play it? Fine. Maria might prefer submissions, but that didn't mean she couldn't brawl. "You wish to fight like a brute? Very well, I'll oblige!" And with that, the aristocratic girl clenched her right fist and stepped in to strike, attempting to hit her Japanese foe with a right hook.

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Re: Yuki Kazikura [D] vs. Maria di Valentina

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So far, so good - Yuki was putting her well-honed striking skills to good use, as her forearm shot out and caught Maria in the face. It was almost too perfect, enough so that Yuki betrayed a slight smirk for a moment, before reminding herself that getting too complacent in her success would only come back to bite her if it distracted her from her true goal. She had to focus all her attention on doing her best. That was all that mattered.

Rankled as she was, it looked as though Maria was going to turn Yuki's tactics against her, going for another blow. But she made one mistake. Yuki wasn't, as she might have thought, a brawler - her strikes were to be used with great precision and only when they were needed, saved up for when their effect would best be felt, rather than just letting fists fly willy-nilly. She intended to demonstrate that to Maria, as she made no motions save for raising an arm at the last minute to block her incoming punch. After all, Maria had given her plenty of warning, and now she was ready for it. Only then, wordlessly, did Yuki counterattack, striking out to slam a knee into Maria's gut.
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Re: Yuki Kazikura [D] vs. Maria di Valentina

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Maria had blood in her eyes. She wasn't normally one to lose her composure so quickly. In fact, she usually prided herself in keeping calm, like a proper lady.

But this... upstart! Instead of engaging like how a civilized person, decided to take a cheap shot at her! Now it will be Yuki who would be on the receiving end. At least, that's what Maria thought before her Japanese foe raised an arm at the last second. "Wha-UGH!" Maria gasped as she felt a sharp knee in her stomach!

The gothic aristocrat gave a few coughs and clutched her stomach as she tried to take a few steps back, attempting to get some distance from Yuki. She needed to regroup and gather her thoughts before trying to regain the offensive.

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Re: Yuki Kazikura [D] vs. Maria di Valentina

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Now it was Yuki's turn to stand smugly as she witnessed the turn in her favor, as her knee kicked out and struck Maria in the gut with enough force to draw her back. Seeing the Italian's lip curl in a look of frustration, Yuki couldn't help but soak it up, standing satisfied with a smile on her face. While Maria gave her a chance to take a breather, still reeling from the pain, Yuki knew that she couldn't take too long. After all, the match had only begun, and anything could happen.

She quickly resumed a stance, holding her fists out before her as she stared Maria down with narrowed eyes. It seemed the aristocrat was trying to retreat, to get back long enough to regain her strength and come up with a new plan. But Yuki wasn't about to give her a break. Pushing her advance, Yuki put her head down before charging after Maria, intent on hitting her with a clothesline!
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Re: Yuki Kazikura [D] vs. Maria di Valentina

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Maria continued to retreat, getting her breathe back after Yuki’s painful knee. The aristocrat widened her eyes when she saw her Japanese rival charge at her, arm stretched out to clothsline Maria into next week!

Acting on instinct, Maria would then attempt to hit the ground on her right side. If this was successful, the Italian would then attempt to use her feet to scissor Yuki’s ankles, causing the Japanese girl to trip in a drop toehold!

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